Private Servers on Discord - A How-To


The Book of Love
May 16, 2017
Hi there!

What a way for me to make my First Official Thread.

I've been doing a tooon of roleplaying over Discord, but I ran into a problem pretty quickly; Discord's anonymity goes out the window when people share a server, and making a server for every different roleplay clogs the hell out of my server list. So I've learned how to create a server where everyone is invisible to everyone else! I've taught this to four other people on here so far, so I thought I would just save some time in the future and make a guide.


Step one!
Make a server. Easy! You know how to do that if you've been on Discord long enough to care about this tutorial.

Step two!
Right click on the server icon you just made, and navigate to Server Settings -> Roles.

Step three!
Go to the @everyone permission, as pictured here, and hose it. Set it to be able to do literally nothing in the entire server. This will render any newcomers to the server 100% blind to the comings and goings of the server.

Step four!
Create new roles. Append a color, and do nothing else to the permissions of the roles. You can either make a bunch of prefabs and change their names when people come in, or you can just make them whenever you invite a new person to the server.

Step five!
Right click anywhere on the left sidebar, where your #general and all that is listed, as shown here, Select "create category". Whenever you do, there will be a dialog box where you can select "private" category. Do so, and you will be prompted to assign roles. I recommend naming the category the same as the intended role, and then go ahead and assign the role to that category. Now, the channels in that category are visible only to you as the admin, and the player selected.

From here, just create a bunch of channels under that category! Each channel is slaved to the permissions of the category, meaning you don't have to worry about juggling permissions anymore.

Step six!
On your main server overview, you can remove the landing message. Not necessary, you can make a channel just for landings and make sure no one can see it. This will alert you when someone comes in. Still, I removed it on mine, as seen here.

Step seven!
The final step. Invite people! Whenever you do, and they accept, you just go to your members section, as shown here. You just click on the little arrow next to any given member's entry (outlined in lovely salmon in that image), and you can apply your chosen role for them. After that, they'll be bound to only their category! Easy as can be.

Once you're done with that step, the server is complete. The server, its members, and all the channels will be visible to you, but your members will be none the wiser to everyone else in the server. Perfect for privacy!

Grim!Vision: Bewoop!
Member!Vision: Twowoop!

Note: My Discord isn't fucky, re:the lack of images/names, etc. I removed all identifying information by painting over it in Discord colors.
Second Note: Don't hesitate to post in below or ask for any clarifications or anything. I'd love to know that people are getting any kind of use out of this thing.

Shout out to Olea for her assistance in building this tutorial and inspiring me to do it in the first place.
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