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Fx Male Looking for some new partners! ⚘


"私を助けてください, 私を死なせないで."
Apr 24, 2019
Promised Neverland
Hello, I'm Meo!

"Step into a scene,
and let it drip from your fingertips" - MJ Bush.

I see you stumbled across my thread! Welcome!

Meorise is my name, feel free to call me what you'd like, some call me just Meo.
I'm 28.
I have a boyfriend, and a fur baby.
10+ years of Roleplaying experience.
I'm semi - ghosty - leavy friendly...

My reply speed depends on how interested I am in the RP, if I don't like something I will let you know! I can normally apply once or twice in a week between my jobs!
I like a variety of face claim styles, such as anime based characters, realistic, etc. ! Let me know what you like!

What I'm asking for!

I am looking for friendly RP partners that are open to new ideas and perhaps being long term, threads or PMs are fine, and I normally like to stick to those two options!
I hope we can create intense trauma, romance, fantasy, and horror filled plots chalk full of creative twists and comedy!
Right now I'd prefer to play female, and hetero pairings! Though my ideas aren't limited to the options below, I want to hear yours!
I'd like us to have a friendship outside of our RP, I feel it helps with the creative juices! But I'm understanding if not!
My RP's can include anything, and if you're at all unsure, just ask as I'll always be open to answer any questions you have! Also, in your reply, tell me in detail what you'd like, no one sentence responses!

On to the good stuff!

I really love trauma, romance, hardships, some to lots of fluff, fantasy, smut, comedy and modern!
- Right now, I'm definitely story driven, I want a story with details and realism, something to keep my mind busy on my idle days when I'm able to write.
- Emotions, passion, chaos, and anything horror scenarios are usually what I like to include in my Roleplays more than anything else, that feeling of being special, the works and what makes it ours.
- If there's anything at all that you'd like to include, or that you dislike, even something you're craving or can't live without, please, please, pleeeease tell me!

- This is OUR story, and one that we'll cherish!

Pairings I'm looking for are below, with the role I'd like to play underlined and bold, kinks not far behind them! Amount of stars next to the pairings equal how much I'm craving them!

Ghost Hunters************
x YC
Twisted obsession's, horror house related****
Psycho cute guy Murderer/Insecure girl ******
Inexperienced Female Killer/Psycho/Sociopath male **********
Serial Killer (YC) convincing MC to join him. (Legion from Dead by Daylight inspired)******
MC is new in this haunted town, YC has been here since birth (Silent Hill inspired)*******
Anything horror*****
Anything to do with a Zombie Apocalypse!****

- I like romantic, slow burn, and horror stuff that I can work and write with! So anything to do with that, send it my way! I'd be happy to play something with you!

I don't fancy older men
Bathroom antics
Strictly Smut Driven, I like story.
I'm not a huge fan of harems or multiple partners.

Feel free to click on my F-List below to know some of my kinks, if they're not in my dislikes, and you're unsure, ASK!
- F-list

⚘ If you actually made it this far and are actually interested and see this, make your message to me titled after your favorite food! Make sure it's detailed please!

I'll be honest, I'm pretty open minded and a bit here and there with what I'm interested in right now, so feel free to throw ideas at me.

Thanks for your Time!

Last edited:
Long time, no bump? New pairing and info, read carefully for what I'd like, and like from you! Thank you!
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