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RWBY - Loving Support (StarMech - Encryptment)


Jun 5, 2016
Santiago, Chile
Amongst the forest of Vale, a figure rushed through; A flash of yellow kept of crossing through the woods until eventually stopping at open field. Yang Xiao Long stood there, tapping her foot as she awaited the incoming arrivals. Her team, Team RWBY, had taken a simple extra-curricular assignment of helping clear the area of a surprising gathering of Grimm that had been sighted amongst the area; Thinking that it was a rather easy spawn that the students could perfectly be able to handle.

And while their strength was not a big deal at first, the number of them exceeded what had been anticipated. As such, the teachers at Beacon Academy had managed to contact with the four girls and informed them that they'd be sending a fellow student; A "Support Huntsman", as they were denominated; Tasked with add extra strength to a team of huntsmen or huntresses rather than belonging to a single team.

There was just a single inconvenience. Team RWBY had previously separated to cover more ground when the horde of Grimm made its appearance and, as such, were too busy to really re-group, rising the risk. Yang being the closest to the rendezvous point put herself in charge of meeting this person. However, she was unaware that it'd be someone that she knew quite well...
Like the lockers which could send themselves to their hunters respectively, pods were made for the support huntsman to get into the field of battle much easier. As the metal box crashed down to the ground, the metal itself warped and shrank itself to the size of a short sword in the young man's hand. The young man had a dark blackish grey head of hair, bright green eyes, and wearing a set of leather armor on. He opened his eyes once the sword completed its transformation. For it was his sembalnce, his unique skill to transform metal objects at will into different shapes.

He was knowing of who he would be going into the field for support, and was happy to finally meet back up with a couple of familiar faces that he would be soon to catch up with. He moved the spot and met up with Yang, looking her over as he ran up to her. "Support Huntsman Hunter Ashton reporting for duty, Huntswoman Yang Xiao Long."
Yang's eyes widened at the person before her. "Wait...No way!" Her body freezing for just a second before a energized smile manifested upon her face. She rushed to the young man in front of him.

"Hunter!" She exclaimed happily, "Dude, it's been ages! When did you get into Beacon!?"

While her focus still reminded in her mission and reuniting with the rest of her team, it was hard not to be overjoyed at the sight of Hunter. After all, he had been childhood friends with her and her sister Ruby back on Patch. The three were quite close, growing together not too far away from eachother, but then having to split when the two girls had to leave to start their studies as huntresses.

"Damn, it's so nice to see you. Although I should save the hugs and handshakes for later, huh? If you're the one they said they'd send then we better move. Ruby and the others must be already dealing with more Grimm..
Hunter smirked at Yang's excited expression, "Yeah, it has been quite a while, I've gotten into Beacon a couple months back when I was sent a letter to join the support group." Hunter had received a letter like he said, only months after the two girls went into training, in which Hunter was instituted to stay at Beacon Academy in a separate building to be trained for the Support Hunters. And he was happy to finally find a familiar face among Beacon. "Its nice to see you as well, and yeah, later would be best. Where is your sister though? Is she with you?"

He could see the Grimm starting to close in more closer to the two as the sound from the impact of the capsule was quite loud. "Well now, seems like we've got some company."
A pack of Beowulf Grimm soon made their presence known, growling and snarling at the two. Yang assumed a combat position, loading her two gauntlet shotguns ready to strike. "Well, she is here but if you wanna see her I guess we'll have to tear through these guys first." Yang said rather confidently.

The monsters leaped at them. Yang quickly dashing towards them and delivering punch after punch, then kicking at an incoming Grimm's head before it could swipe her. With a well aimed shotgun shot, one of the Beowolves fell to the ground with a hole on its face, before disappearing moments later into smoke.

"We can take them! Right?" Yang exclaimed excitedly as she glanced at how Hunter was doing. Curious to see how much he had improved in combat.
“Sounds good to me then.” Hunter said, readying his sword, before the Grimm had a chance. He jumped into the air, plunging his sword into one Grimm to the next. The next came jumping at him, as he used his sembalnce to transform his sword into a bat, swatting the next Grimm strait into the air.

“I think I’m able to hold my own, better than when we were kids, that’s for sure.” He joked, enjoying the chance to fight along side her again.
They fought the pack of Grimm, slicing and punching their way through as more of them fell and disappeared. Still with the Beowolves on their heels, Hunter and Yang went further into the woods. As they did the sound of combat was caught on their ears; Someone was also there fighting the beasts...

After crossing some bushed they arrived just in time to see a black-haired beauty aim straight at one of the creatures and firing away before it fell down in death. The girl wore black and white clothes as well as a bow on top of her head. While Hunter himself didn't know this person, Yang certainly did.

"Blake!" She exclaimed happy to see her.

"Huh?" The girl turned around, "Oh, hey Yang. You doing alright? Their numbers rose up rather quickly." She appeared to look quite calm regardless of the situation. Then noticed the young man next to her, "Hm, and who's that...?"

"Oh, him? He's Hunter; A old good friend of mine and our huntsman support. I'm surprised he was even around!" Yang explained in her usual peppy attitude, patting Hunter on the back as she introduced him to her. "Hunter, this is Blake. Blake this is Hunter."

"Hey." Blake said with a quick wave of her hand and a smile, "thanks for coming to aid us up. We could use as many helping hands as we need. We can't leave so many Grimm roaming around where they can reach the city."
As Hunter and Yang made their way through the forest to her teammate, it was easy to tell that she was a friend and not foe due to the list Hunter had received before the mission. He didn't remember names that well but faces were easy for him. As he watched the other woman turn the Grimm to pulp, he was glad he wasn't on the wrong side of that sword, as well as glad to have another sword wielder around. "Its nice to meet you Blake. And of course, happy to help, they are becoming a rather beastly hazzard as of late." Hunter smiled as he got close to the two, looking over the both of them in the brief moment of rest, finally taking the chance to see what his childhood friend had grown up into, as well as her friend, both were equally beautiful, no questions asked.

"Blake, might you know where the others could be at right now?" Hunter asked, wanting to make sure that he could fulfill his role and make sure no one became injured or worse while on the mission.
"Ruby and Weiss aren't too far ahead. If we move on now we may catch up to them." Explained the black-haired girl.

Hunter now had the chance to see Yang and Blake more clearly, as they continued forward. Sure his mind was still focused on the mission, but his eyes kept diverting to the figure of her childhood friend. Sure, Yang was already quite beautiful the last time she saw her, but now? Her slightly bouncing bust was hard to ignore. Her firm yet round rear and nice hips, she was a bombshell! Blake was no slouch either; So elegant and curvy. Any boy would feel his body warm up at their sight.

Soon enough the sounds of combat would snap everyone back to the task at hand, "That gotta be them!" Exclaimed Yang, just a few feet further.

They arrived just at the time of some more Grimm's demise. A powerful slice of a scythe combined with Beovolves trapped in ice, then shattering. Two girls stood victorious; Of raven black hair and silvery white. Ruby and Weiss lowered their weapons, the latter giving a sigh of relief. "Not bad, if I say so myself."

"We were awesome!" Said the much peppier Ruby, still unaware of the ones that just arrived.
Heading through the forest along with the two girls, Hunter headed through the forest along with the both of them, getting an eyeful of the two of them. As they made their way to the noise in question to see the other two handling themselves just fine, Hunter chuckled to himself. ‘It seems like they’re able to handle themselves just fine. I guess the academy was overreacting a bit when they sent me.’ Hunter thought to himself as he and the two got closer.

“Hey Ruby!” Hunter shouted as he waved to his other childhood friend, trying to get her attention. “Nice job!”
In that moment of rest in between battles, the two girls glanced to see the rest of their team assembling alongside a new face. While Weiss simply rose an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly to see him due to her position, Ruby appeared to be in complete awe. Eyes shining like stars.

"Oh my gosh!! HUNTER!!" A dry gasp, and suddenly the red-clad young woman leaped across the air before enveloping Hunter into a tight glomp that brought both of them to the ground.

Weiss just looked in disbelief as Yang chuckled to herself, Ruby happily hugging his longtime friend as she exclaimed. "Hunter I can't believe you're here it's been so long!!"
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