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A Series of Innocent Miscommunications, Pokemon (Achillea + Batman4560)


Jul 4, 2018
Clenching her sweaty palms into fists, Lea gritted her teeth as she stared across the forest battlefield at her brute of an opponent. He had crossed her; one could make fun of Lea in any way but no one was going to make fun of her Pokemon. So what if it was a little cherry? It wasn’t a huge Whalelord or powerful Charzard, but it was hers, and the red-headed girl was going to prove that it’s spirit was just as powerful as the brutes ugly looking Todoile.

They had met only a few moments ago, crossing paths as Lea wandered through the forest on the way to the next town. She had thought about ignoring him and continuing on her way, but Cherubi wanted the chance to prove itself in a battle. Lea couldn’t deny her Pokemon that, she had to let her Cherubi (nicknamed Arlo) try and win this battle with it’s own spirit.

As she waited for the first move to be played by either side, Lea felt a chill run up her spine as a breeze ran around her through the forest. She felt rather silly that she did not check the weather that day before setting out down the road. It was forecasted to be cold, but she only wore a pair of black cotton active shorts and a blue long-sleeved t-shirt. Yet the fury of this battle would warm her for now. As she stared across the field at her opponent, she put her hair up into her staple side bun, leaving only a few stray hairs to blow in the wind.

“NOW ARLO, USE MAGIC LEAF!” She shouted, throwing out her hand as if she threw the leaves herself.

All around the cherry pokemon, glowing lights began to rise from the forest floor, leaves called upon by the Pokemon’s power rising to attack its opponent.

“CHHHHEEERRRRRRUUUUU!” The small pokemon screeched, sending the leaves flying towards the enemy.

It was just in that moment that the absent-minded girl realized if she lost this battle, she had no money to give as a reward. But in her heart, she knew Arlo would come through for her… she hoped.
Arron stood with a hand on his hip, half gloved fingers stroked at the three pokeballs on his side while he looked across at his smokin hot opponent who clearly couldn't take a joke.... Just like her pokemon seemed to be a joke. Totodile, nicknamed Shane sat on Arron's shoulder and the man looked at his drunk partner. "Look, she thinks I'd send you out to deal with a cherry. Sweetie! We like our cherries roasted! Bruce- Rip rip em apart!" He shouted and tossed a pokeball on his belt into the grassy field. A bright light exploded from the ball as the pokeball shot back to Arron's hand. When the light cleared a Growlithe snarled and howled with rage.

His blue eyes narrowed in on the woman and his hand pulled the strap of his pack over his shoulder and the red and black jacket that rested on his body to keep him warm. "Oh look... Magic leaf. Bruce, go ahead and counter with flame wheel!" Growlithe looked like he was about to chase his tail before a flame shot off his body in a circle burning away the magic leaf. "Alright lets wrap this up. I'm hungry and want some sushi. Melt it with Heat Wave!"

Growlithe braced himself while drawing a deep breath of air, the fur on his body stood on end and started glowing for just a moment before he released a gout of fire from his mouth that exploded in a cone like shape. Without looking Arron turned his back on the woman and ran a hand through his short black hair while Shane jumped off his shoulder and started to stumble around.

Arron's hand went to his forehead so that his index, middle and ring fingers were pressed to his forehead at an angle. He turned back around and called out. "If you give up now and let me take you out, we can laugh about this and maybe even be friends, otherwise I'll have to actually eat that pokemon! Or at least feed it to my team!"
The brutish boy opposite her must not have been paying attention. Lea stood there shaking at the knees as a concerned look overtook her face. That one Heat Wave was enough to faint her poor poor Arlo who floated to the ground with a distressed look all over it. The red-haired girl thought she would cry, her hands shaking as she ran up and caught her Pokemon. Stroking its poor little head before grabbing its pokeball from her tiny waist and returning it for safe transport to the nearest pokemon center.

Lea looked up at the boy, a pouty look on her face as her tongue pushed out her cheek in annoyance. What a meany-butt, how could he be so brutal in a casual Pokemon battle like this. Or maybe it was Lea who was just a dumb dumb, perhaps she was in over her head in thinking that Arlo could stand up to Pokemon as fierce as that.

Standing up straight, the small girl held her first up, the expression of anger and annoyance half lingering as she realized inside that it was mostly her fault this happened.

“You…. You big meany! You’ve already won!” She shook her fist. Not sure what else to do in an instance like this. She wasn’t a very angry person in situations like this, Lea just knew she had to stick up for herself sometimes.

Reaching in her small pockets which were hardly deep enough to carry much in her short workout shorts, she remembered yet again she did not have any money on her.

“Well…. Yea… you win… errrr is this a bad time to say I don’t have any money?” She “hehe’ed” nervously and gave a frightened smile.
Arron watched the woman run up to the downed Arlo and his eyes followed the bounce of her body with a gleeful grin. -Well isn't she full of spring?- He thought to himself while she held her fist up to him and put the pokemon in its ball. Arron sighed and pointed back at her. "Hey! Put that tiny fist down before you hurt yourself or something." Quickly his hand grasped the pokebal and aimed it at Bruce. "Come on back buddy, that was a fast battle."

By the time he had called back Bruce Arron noticed that the woman didn't seem to have any money and he rolled his big blue eyes. "Hmmm well if you don't have any money that's a serious problem. I don't battle for free ya know?" He muttered while Totodile waddled around behind him. "Shane! Sober up, I might need you in a bit!" Shane spit water up into the air and let it land on his face to wake himself up and flopped onto his rear while mocking Arron acting as if it were him.

"I'm afraid I'll have to go to the police about this. The laws are, you need to give something if you lose a battle that isn't a gym battle. Even then it's common to give some money up. But...." Arron looked the girl up and down slowly. "Maybe we can come to some sort of agreement. It's awfully lonely on the road with just some pokemon and I am going for my third badge... I could use some support. Looks like you have just the right amount." He muttered, staring straight at her chest.

"Okay, tell ya what. You're gonna come with me to the next town, and we are gonna get you a cheerleader outfit. Then you're gonna come cheer me on and jeer the Gym Leader to distract them and help get me my third badge. But until then.." Arron's hand reached out and eagerly fondled at Lea's breasts for a few moments, his face flushing a light red while he copped a feel with his fingers and palm. "Perfect, wow you're really soft. Yeah this will be great, lets go.... Say you got a name?"
Lea was still crouched on the ground near where Arlo was felled as the big brute approached her. She was very angry, and paid little attention to what Arron had to say as she pondered how fast she needed to get Arlo to a Pokemon center. She vaguely heard him talk about support, she wasn’t sure what she would be supporting or why he felt like she had allot of it. Perhaps she knew she supported allot of Pokemon charities and that’s why he was just going to employ her for a bit to cheer him on. Lea did cheerleading at her Pokemon school when she was younger so that would be perfect.

Her anger was starting to wash away as he approached her, clueless as to his tone or the look in his eyes, she just sat there in her long sleeve shirt and shorts thinking about her days as a young cheerleader when her and her Cinccino “Vesta” would lead the parade in their small home town.

But after her daydreaming lasted for a long while she felt a hand come over her breast and squeeze. Lea however being a very docile and forgiving person thought little of it as his hand squeeze her tit and rubbed it around. It felt sort of good in her mind so it couldn’t be too bad, boobs were kind of cool and soft. Her mind made excuses as her eyes closed shut tight.

But as he continued to rub, a warm feeling came across her and she noticed her nipples were beginning to harden and she had a tingly feeling in her nether regions.

While she did not make him remove his hand, she did place hers on his in a “please don’t manner” after a long moment of him groping her.

“It’s Lea, and I could just tell you what cup size I am if you just asked, its B by the way, but you didn’t have to find it out yourself.” Her cheeks turned a bit flush as she looked away and submitted to the fact he was not going to stop touching her.

“But like, I used to have a cute cheer leading outfit back home, it was a pretty white and blue dress that had long sleeves and went shoulders to knees in a long flow, it was quite beautiful ya know!” Talking about clothes made her feel less embarrassed, her smile bright and eyes full of excitement talking about cheerleading. All the while Arron’s hand was on her tit without challenge.
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