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Question Common Style Preference?

Apr 18, 2019
The Netherlands
Hey hey friends~

I joined this website yesterday, I think I enjoy it so far, though I have yet to gain full access and experience the whole place.
One thing I am unsure of, that I could not find in any of the threads I looked through:

What is the common style preference like? What kind of writing should I adept?
I understand that forum roleplay tends to be somewhat slower, and thus more detailed than most 'live' roleplay.
But what sort of text make up do you use? In short: How does one make a good Roleplay post on the forums?

Besides that, where does one take a roleplay to? Say you hit off well in a few messages, and decide on a nice roleplay to do. Where does one take that commonly?
Do you, make a thread for it? Play via PM? Or do most people take to discord?

These are just a few of the questions I have, I imagine more will come up later.

Thanks in advance~ Love y'all~
Writing depends on you and your partner, people have different writing styles and preferences so that'll be something I imagine you'll find out as you talk/work things out with your partner. Where the RP goes also depends on your partner. Some prefer PMs, some prefer IMs and the like and some threads.

If its in threads, where depends on what you're RPing.
General Original Roleplays - Original ideas you and your partner form that don't really delve into anything taboo and the like.
Taboo Original Roleplays - Original Ideas with taboo concepts, like incest and things like that.
Fan-Based Roleplays - Any idea that uses characters/settings from animes/books/TV shows/Movies/Video games etc
Semi-Private Roleplays - This is for people who like to remain sort of invisible. Posts made in here don't show up when searched.
Alright~ Thank you.

What exactly would be considered a "Taboo" though? General Sadism & Masochism is unconventional, but does that count as a taboo?
I understand themes like Rape and Lolicon/Pedophilia would be a taboo, especially if they combine.

I'm not looking to argue, just to get a bit more of a clear understanding of this place ^^
Don't worry about it, I don't mind the questions. ^^

Sadism/Masochism / BDSM-esque things would fall more under taboo than original, yes.
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