Fx Any Orwellian Dystopia/Slice-of-Life


Naughty Spoop
Mar 30, 2019
So, I've been playing quite a lot "Papers, Please!" and "Beholder" lately and I really have a soft spot for these kind of orwellian surveillance-state, totalitarian dystopias and the 50s-80s pseudo-soviet aesthetic.
But, since most stories focus in some way or another on the heroic struggle of a few brave heroes against oppressive tyranny. And that's all fine and good, but what about the common people in this world? Simple folks, who just do their jobs and try to get along, paying their bills, living their lives and trying not to dissappear.

And that's why I'm looking for someone interested in a rather story-heavy (which doesn't mean that there will be no smut, I'm aiming for a 70/30 plot-smut-ratio) sort of slice of life rp set in an orwellian dystopia.
Ideally someone who is willing and able to play multiple characters (ideally of different gender as well), because I think having a small cast of protagonist would offer some interesting perspectives on the setting.
The writer's gender is not important at all to me, and for a medium I prefer threads (could be convinced to PMs though, but...eh), to get the logistical things out of the way.

Here some possible "pairings" as a basis for brainstorming
-a couple, where one works for the secret police, spending a lot time at work and doing some really shady things, they can't tell their spouse about, and the conflict that ensues from that. Story-wise I think it would be interesting if their partner is in a naive way happy with the state of the country and views the other as a hero, protecting the glorious fatherland from criminals, terrorists and counter-revolutionaries, while the other has some doubts about their work
-Some low-level bureaucrat/government official, meeting a less than honest person, who earns a living by smuggling things, forging documents/passports/food stamps/whatever and getting tangled up in their criminal enterprise
-a group of co-workers, working in one of the ministries of the state and their personal drama: Intrigue, office affairs, gossip, corruption, superiors abusing their power, etc...Essentially something like Parks and Recreations as written by George Orwell

Just to get this spontaneous inspiration out of my head^^

So, if any of the ideas here sound interesting, just drop me a PM
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