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How active is this site?

Like the badmister said, it’s a fairly active site if you are willing to work a bit. I suggest you start here for formulating a good message wen you go to request a play, and just be aware that like all roleplay sites, there will be people that leave or can’t rp and don’t tell you.
False. Putting a ton of effort into writing nets you exactly zero attention from other users (personal experience). The only thing that matters is how mainstream your interests are.
Have you put a request thread out there? How outlandish are your interests? I've seen some strange things, and even though they may not be my cum of tea, I wouldn't expect the people not to post if they didnt get any traction
Have you put a request thread out there? How outlandish are your interests? I've seen some strange things, and even though they may not be my cum of tea, I wouldn't expect the people not to post if they didnt get any traction
Half a dozen extensive prompts and three detailed requests, which I bump regularly. I can count replies on a hand of mine, over the course of a couple months.
You have only had threads up for a couple weeks.

Beyond that, extremely detailed story prompts mean the world you make has to capture interest as well, and the more you write on the plot, the less you leave to a potential partner's imagination. This is especially true if your plots already partially develop your partner's character in some fashion.
You can end up with a goodly number of partners if you're a goblin like me, flitting from other peoples' request threads rather than making your own. While you end up with some people ghosting you still, you can usually find partners that suit your taste very well if you get good at introducing yourself and providing spins on ideas that other players have; usually, people have RTs that are strong enough that you can tell what tone people like and how to strike a good balance straightaway.

The best skill I've ever learned on boards like this is flexibility. That's the best possible way to meet people and get along with them, since the PbP nature of this site makes clicking well extraordinarily important. It sucks to talk for a week and have it go nowhere.
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