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Peril/Bad End RPG Adventure Playtest


Apr 11, 2019
First time poster, so please let me know ASAP if I'm doing this wrong!

Here are the rules for the system I'm looking to playtest:

The Rules
In your post, you must make 2 or more Plans, these are goals your character is trying to accomplish. Making more than 4 Plans is a heroic effort, and increases the chances more will fail.
At least 1 Plan will Fail, and usually at least 1 Plan will succeed (though not if all your plans are ridiculous or if some are cancelled by Complications.) The more effort it would take to succeed at a Plan, the worse the consequences for failing.
Each Plan can be equipped with an Advantage by listing it in [brackets]. A plan with a relevant Advantage is more likely to succeed, and will punish you less if it fails.
In addition to moving the story forward, successful Plans can create Scene Advantages (which go away at the end of the Scene) or Consumable Advantages (which go away the first time they are used.) You don’t need to explicitly call this out, I will say something if you get one. Your allies can take advantage of the Scene Advantages you create.

Consequences can be purely narrative, but significant ones usually apply a Condition or remove an Advantage (temporarily or permanently.)
Conditions come in three grades (1, 2, and 3.) Consequences can also upgrade an existing Condition into a higher grade. If a Condition would interfere with a Plan that would otherwise succeed, I’ll roll a d3, if the result is equal to the Condition grade, the Plan fails instead (only the highest grade Condition is checked). If a character has a severe enough Grade 3 condition, they might be rendered totally helpless (they can make Narration only posts, but Plans would be pointless.) If the whole party is rendered helpless, you get a BAD END.
Conditions can be removed by a Plan, or can go away on their own at the end of a Scene.

Your Post
Narration. This is where you narrate how you react to the previous consequences, and any other non-plan actions your character is taking, such as talking to other characters, taking personal actions, etc.
  1. One plan
  2. Another plan [Advantage]
  3. A third plan (etc)
Any special mechanical actions. I’ll describe them when they are available.
{Any Conditions you currently have, and their level}
“Good News” or “Bad News”: this indicates if you want to hear about the plans that worked first, or the plans that failed first. If you omit this line, I’ll do whatever order I think is most dramatic.
Playtest Characters
These are example characters for this playtest, feel free to "call dibs" on one. I'm open to customizing these, but the goal here is just a short proof of concept, not long term character development.
The Warrior
[Armor] Advantage
[Sword] Advantage
[Strength] Advantage
[Gold] Consumable Advantage
The Rogue
[Dagger] Advantage
[Nimble Fingers] Advantage
[Stealth] Advantage
[Gold] Consumable Advantage
The Mage
[Telekinesis] Advantage (can move objects you can see with your mind, but only while concentrating)
[Daze] Advantage (by speaking a spell, you can render someone temporarily distracted and suggestible)
[Magic Missile] Advantage (no stronger than a punch, this attack can be used from long range with perfect accuracy)
[Gold] Consumable Advantage
The Cleric
[Holy] Advantage (useful when praying for a Scene Advantage)
[Lay on Hands] Advantage (by touching someone, you can cure malicious effects on them)
[Mend] Advantage (useful when trying to repair damaged objects or Advantages)
[Gold] Consumable Advantage
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