Fx M or F Yuma's Palace ;;


Apr 11, 2019


“ ─ no beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore... am no beast.”
─ Richard III, Act One

Yuma. Twenty-one ; ; F-List
I am Yuma. Welcome to my request thread. I'll spare you the self-summary and move on to what I'm looking for:
  • Thread or PM roleplays. I prefer to stay away from IM platforms.
  • Flexible writers. Don't force quantity where it isn't needed!
  • Folk who understand OOC boundaries.

In turn, I offer:
  • Reliable OOC communication.
  • Stress-free writing. I do not expect you to adhere to my own schedule.
  • Comprehensive story-building. I adore a well-thickened plot.

Whilst sexual themes are by no means a requirement in my writing, my favorite themes can be summarized as the following:
  • Light to heavy bondage.
  • Coercion/blackmail.
  • (Dark) Romance
  • Jealousy
Do note that for the most part, the aforementioned kinks are specific to the following plotlines. More specific entries can be found on my F-List, though I'm nigh open to everything. Look onward for a list of prompts and plots.
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Genres & fandoms ; ;
My favorite genres, in no particular order:
  • *Historical // Old West, Medieval, Renaissance, Celtic, Roman
  • Dark Fantasy
  • Sci-Fi
  • Apocalyptic/Post-Anarchy
  • Modern Supernatural
& fandoms, aka borrowed lore, ocs only:
  • Middle Earth
  • Earthsea
  • Alien
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • The Last of Us
  • Goblin Slayer
Plots ; ;
Historical, Medieval/Renaissance, M/F
"Your cup will never empty, for my venom is your wine."
Following royal correspondence, a foreign King's advisor returns to his home nation to serve the palace of his youth once more. But the Princess he knew during his apprentice years now stands as Queen, and her rule is vastly overshadowed by the abrasive mannerisms of her husband -- or husband-to-be. The advisor is wickedly poetic and sees opportunity within the Queen's naivety. Through yearning and strange manipulations of the concept of 'love,' he begans to attach his puppet strings from the dark.
Historical, Old Western, M/F
"The wicked flee, when no man pursueth."
Following an awry train robbery, a band of outlaws finally sets up camp after a prolonged period of pursuit by the law. A young woman, notable for her quick feet and exceptional thievery, is still healing after spending a number of hours captured and held in custody by the hired guns who escorted the carriages. Though she was ultimately rescued by the rest of the gang, she refuses to mention what happened to her, and has been visibly jumpy ever since. Though shaken, she resents the pity placed upon her, and yearns to prove her worth again. Fearing for the girl's stability and loyalty when placed under pressure, their leader declines any jobs she suggests and insists she remains within camp. Though she is remarkably flighty, she is unable to execute a larger-scale burglary on her own, and the desperate and undeterred girl eventually turns to the dubious and most rotten outlaw they have.
Fantasy, M/F
"They kill what they claim to love."
A mercenary/soldier is charged with the duty of locating and escorting a suspected assassin back to the accusing Kingdom for trial and execution. He discovers her in the custody of a band of bounty hunters, who are promptly dispatched. The woman - initially believing herself to be freed - attempts to play the act of damsel. Though ultimately understanding of her fate, she still quietly suggests her innocence and subtly tries to worm her way out of her conundrum. Trouble on the road leads to her offering her skills in combat in exchange for her shackles being released. There is plenty of room here for political intrigue and corruption, and the debate of innocence.
Alt-History, inspired by Wolfenstein, M/F

"They set the world on fire. It wasn't a war anymore; it was a remaking. Some losses are inevitable. Some... unthinkable. Now they've built a new world. Armies of steel and thunder. They're rewriting history."

With an intense flip of historical events, almost the entirety of Eastern Europe as well as the Americas have fallen under Nazi occupation. With the war between nations mostly over, the new order now fights to keep its civilians under strict ruling. Amidst their strict zoning and routines, a suspected spy is picked up at a state checkpoint. They claim to hail as a Warsaw refugee, but their documents bear dubious sources, and a whole world of pain awaits them in questioning.
Historical, Fantasy, M/F
"Curiosity is both the rise and fall of power."
A young noble takes peculiar interest in the reclusive Court Sorcerer that has taken residence in her home. Fearing yet claiming to need his magic, her father forbids her from making so much as eye contact with the man. But words cannot cut her naive curiosity, and she leaves a letter beneath his door during the night. She is overjoyed to have a response - no matter how brief or delayed - and the two begin a secret exchange of curious notes before ultimately meeting in person. Whether or not either person is what they expected is up for discussion.
More to be added shortly.
Happy writing!

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Quick bump before I head to replies ~


Been dead n' gone for a while due to a sudden change of location. Back in action, back on time. Looking to open up more plots and reconnect with partners who I left hangin'.
A small bump after a period of inactivity. Had some trouble at the workplace and had to take a sudden break; I'll be reconnecting with all current partners ASAP!
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