Write Pretty for Me

May 10, 2015

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
— Louis L’Amour

Well hello there! Thank you for popping into my thread and showing interest in a possible role play with moi. I shall start by telling you a little bit about myself. I promise I'm not that scary! I am 26! I know...pretty old but here I am, playing pretend and role playing like I've been doing on and off since 2008-ish. I don't really have any interest in roleplaying with someone underage though, so I'd prefer it if you were a similar age to me. I am decently literate, though I have to admit, it's been awhile since my last active bout on this site, so I am a little bit rusty. I am having one heck of a time finding some good partners, but I am trying really hard, I promise! I usually write around 3 to 5 paragraphs MINIMUM to an upwards of 7 to 9 at most?? I would like for my partners to just mirror what I give to an extent. Obviously in certain situations, only so much can be said, but 2 paragraphs is just lacking in depth and detail if you are replying to me. Use your own judgment on whether you'd be up for it. I believe in you! :)

If you would like to role play with me, I have been really focusing on plot driven story lines to keep things interesting for both parties. I have some well established characters that I've either had for a long time, or have always wanted to use for a long time and never got the chance to. You'll see some of those listed below but I'm always getting inspired and creating more for those perfect roles. I also have begun to list out my plot ideas. You'll also find those below and I'll continue to add to this list any time I get some fresh ideas.

I enjoy action, adventure, fantasy, comedy, horror and an underlining of romance. I'm a sucker for romance so I apologize ahead of time if I ship the shit out of our characters and fall head over heels in love with the role play, but I'll at least play my characters hard to get, Haha! Lately I've been into all kinds of tv shows that give me a lot of inspo for cool plot ideas in role plays. I'm really craving futuristic, dystopian worlds, and magic academy/organization themes at the moment, along the lines of shows like Altered Carbon, and Into the Badlands, and The Order. I also love a classic fantasy world, medieval, final fantasy-esque, Game of Thrones, LOTR, as well as modern themed shows like Dark, Stranger things, the Umbrella Academy; I'm all for it.

Please just shoot me a PM and lets talk. We can discuss plot, characters, or just chat about whatever. I'm pretty bored and try to let writing eat up all my spare time, so please, don't be shy! I am also on Discord so if you prefer discord, just let me know and I can provide the info. Also just know ahead of time, if you add me on Discord, it's purely for the means to quickly chat and discuss characters and plots. I DO NOT roleplay on Discord so don't ask. Also, add me AT YOUR OWN RISK. I tend to have less patience in waiting on a reply from you on Discord, even though it's out of context/character interactions between us, since you wanted to reach out to me on Discord, I'm assuming you wanted to get a hold of me as soon as possible rather than waiting for a response on PMs. If I see you logging on and off without replying to a message from me, or if you ignore my discord message after 2 to 3 days, I'll unfriend you on there because I assume you're just not that interested. Like I said I mostly just use it as a means to more quickly discuss plots and characters and chatting out of character so if you can't even be bothered to reply to me quickly on there and keep me in the loop, how can I expect that you'll extend the courtesy to me in our roleplay. Sorry, tough love over here! :) For any other platforms you want to contact me on, just ask and I'll let you know if I have it, but threads, PMs, Discord, and email are the forms I'm most comfortable using. I look forward to hearing from you!~ :heart:


Princess x Knight
Knight x Female Squire
Psychiatrist x Client
Anime Girl x Normal human boy
Medium x Possessed person
Student x Student
Female Student x Teacher
Band Member x Band Member
Band Member x Manager
Dance Teacher x Dance Student
Scientist x Sentient Android/Human Experiment
Model x Photographer
Boss x Employee
Nurse x Warrior/Mercenary/Etc.
Warrior x Prisoner of War
Criminal organization/gang member x Criminal organization/gang member
Criminal organization/gang member x Cop
Witch x Hunter
Witch x Cursed human
Witch x Witch/Warlock
Royal x Ward
Half Angel x Fallen Angel
Step Sister x Step Sibling
Sisters x Father
Living Doll x Anyone

Roleplay Characters and Introductions

Princess Kaori,
the sole heir to a rising empire in a peaceful kingdom. She is her father's pride and he kept himself and his daughter busy with plans to wed by the time she reaches the age of 17. She has ice blue eyes, olive skin and thick, dark hair that when not braided, reached to the small of her back. She is petite and soft spoken, still shy in the blush of her maidenhood, the signs of maturity already apparent in her soft body. Many have tried to solicit the princess and her father for their favor, hoping to win her hand and their lands and kingdom. Kaori still does all she can to thwart her father's plans and hopes to find a suitable match through the trials of finding love naturally. Though young, she is wise beyond her years and would soon make a wonderful queen to her people...but finding the right person would be challenging.

Jane and her brother lost their mother to cancer when Jane was 7. She was devastated by her death and the only person she had to comfort her was her older brother. Their father fell into a grief ridden depression and became almost entirely incapable of caring for his children. Their father was a very successful businessman, so the house was taken care of by a group of maids and servants and it was easy for their father to let the responsibility of raising his children to them and themselves. For the most part though, the children took care of themselves with each other's help.

For years they lived like this, hardly every seeing their father, until they fell on hard times. Their father's business was starting to fall and he had to let a few servants go. The house was getting emptier but still their father let them rely on themselves to care for themselves. Jane is now almost 16 and has budded into a dark haired beauty. Their father never looked at her because she reminded him too much of her mother. She became alienated from her father and missed her mother more than ever because of it.

Their father began to assure them that things were getting better. He seemed to be getting better after all these years, and the more Jane saw this change, the more she noticed he still refused to look at her or speak to her. It was only a matter of time before the few servants that remained to keep things tidy began forgetting she was there too. But big brother never forgot. She didn't know what she would do without him. It was when Father announced that he was getting married and they were going to have a new sister, that Jane realized that she was being replaced almost entirely.
Jane, Jane2

Melanie is a rare beauty like her own mother. Her hair was cut short, and the bright pink color she kept it made her icy blue eyes pop. She was short and very cute and excited about her new family. Her mother was a professional woman and wanted to have a child with no husband. It is Melanie's understanding that she came about this world through an agreement, one arrangement, and a contract. Her father had been carefully chosen only for his sperm based on his attributes, intelligence, and physical condition and attractiveness. It wasn't until later in life, now that Melanie is 14, that her mother yearned for companionship.

Now Melanie must get ready to have a real family, she will move into their enormous house. They will be bringing all the stuff in her room so the transition will be easier and her mother's new fiancee said she could have his daughter's room! It must be the best one if it had belonged to his daughter. This girl was literally genetically engineered for success and her mother meant to let her have it, with the help of her fiancee, they would rebuild his company to become successful again and leave it for their children. But would they accept her as one of their own, or would they shun her and compete to win the affection of their parents and gain a better standing in their career paths laid out for them?

Best friend
Your best friend! Auggie is a little quieter than all of the other friends in your group, but he is also the most kind and considerate of anyone you know. The gentlest of the gentleman as some would describe him. He is always eager to help and willing to lend a hand to those in need. He was raised by his grandparents after his parents died in a tragic car accident. Or so he was told. He was 9 years old when he lost his parents and he had no choice but to accept it. Life moved on, even without his parents there taking care of him. It was a hard lesson, but he never became bitter for it. He let it make him stronger, and found it easier to love, and he had a deeper understanding of how precious life is in every moment. He knew that you had to spend time being happy and helping and caring for others because you never knew how much time you really had.

His outlook on life was beautiful and it was infectious. Auggie is very likeable despite his usual serene, quietness that the girls always adored. But Auggie never paid any attention to them much. Everyone chalked it up to being a little shy. In any case, whenever he hangs out with his best friend, everything came naturally and easy. Auggie had a sense of humor, quick wits, and he cared about what his friends had to say. He remembered important details and always made you feel better whenever you were sad.

After his grandfather passed away of old age. Auggie had to begin caring for his grandmother who began to get worse shortly after his passing. He had to become the man of the house when he was in middle school and got a job as a mechanic to pay the bills. Still, Auggie was happy to do it, and loved caring for his grandmother as she had cared for him. Even so, Auggie still made sure to he always found time for his best friend as they continued throughout school. Now that he is in highschool, Auggie must decide whether to continue working and caring for his elderly grandmother, or make arrangements so he could go to college . Her condition was getting worse and she seemed to do the best when he was with her. He could not bear the thought of leaving her.

Auggie was feeling conflicted in stressed along with the normal stresses of highschool and teenage life. At this point, Auggie had been able to make a good living as a mechanic and the trade had definitely left its mark in the muscled arms and chest of his body. He was also tall, 6'3 and lean all over. He had a decent life here at home as a mechanic, but he also had a good chance at going to school for engineering with that brain of his and his skill in mechanics and machinery. He just doesn't know what to choose. Luckily his best friend still stuck with him after all that he had to go through and he could tell him anything. Things weren't as stressful when he was with him, and he had to help him decide if staying in town was really worth it, or if he should try and study abroad.
Usagi (Auggie)

Lt. Sasha Conrad
A bit young for a lieutenant, Sasha made waves in her time in the military, quickly moving up through the ranks to make a name for herself early on. In her mid twenties, she'd achieved the rank and lead many successful military missions overseas and thus further forged the path ahead for a successful future for herself serving her country and communities. After her tour ended with the Army, she went on to work for a highly classified government agency which investigated and dealt with significant paranormal events. During one of her missions, she was exposed to a strange radioactive artifact that gifted her and those closest to it in the moment it happened. The electromagnetic pulse that came from the artifact gifted these individuals with inhuman powers. Powers that Sasha continues to use to aid her in her missions to this day.
Sasha Conrad

The Bounty Hunter
Born in raised in England on a farm with a large plot of land. We were a humble family that raised sheep. Before I was born there started to be a number of disappearances and brutal, vicious murders happening in our nearby towns, my family went to work with a few other families and church groups to make efforts to discover the cause of these disappearances and put a stop to them. It was not long before it was revealed that these killings were the work of the supernatural. My family spent years learning how to combat these creatures, building up a collection of weapons and lore all designed to destroy these creatures for good. When I was born, it was my duty, responsibility, and obligation to continue the family's line of work as long as these creatures still remained in this world.

From a young age, I was trained on the combat, operation of weaponry, and creating concoctions, poultices, and various tools to keep these creatures at bay and to kill and destroy them. Many things were passed down to the children in our family to keep the circle of protection in the family line. The preservation of our art was most important as well and we were encouraged to seek out places where supernatural creatures were becoming a problem and eradicate it. We also had a responsibility to spread the knowledge of keeping these creatures from returning and instilling people with the tools and weapons to destroy them without outside help. When I was eighteen, I embarked on my first mission with my own team of bounty hunters to take down a pack of werewolves that had been terrorizing a small village for months. It was on this trip that my most tragic incident took place.

I was foolish in my attempts to take down the werewolf pack and mistakenly put my sixteen year old brother in danger. The numbers of the werewolf pack were seriously underestimated and we soon found ourselves surrounded. To protect my brother from a deathly blow from one of the creatures as he was turning, I stood in its path. I suffered from a bad claw wound on the side of my torso and the beast was able to take a chunk out of my arm with his savage teeth. I was forced to flee with my brother, leaving the rest of my team behind to perish as we struggled to make it back to safety. Horrified by what I had done, I left my unconscious brother with a group of nuns and escaped before anyone knew what would become of me. I knew I would have no home with my family and I knew that I would become the very thing I hated. I had to destroy the werewolf pack before I could die in peace.

I lived on as something I hated to make sure I do this deed. Continuing in my line of work, taking on different bounties that were placed on creatures of the supernatural world to make money and get by. With my beast blood, I am more efficient to do this task, it is easier and better that I put myself in danger to protect others. When the night of the full moon comes every month, I make sure to find a fortified place to ride out my transformation, keeping everyone, including myself out of danger. I will not rest until the ones responsible for this, and the death of my comrades are safely in their graves and buried six feet under the earth.
Isabella Hawthorn

Winnifred Billingsley (Winnie)
A twenty two year old human, but I doesn't look a day over 12...-_-
Speaking of my looks I am four feet, eleven and a half inches! I have huge green eyes and a head of short cut, thick, red hair. My body is scrawny and as childlike as I look but I swear I'm twenty two! I'm a...a late bloomer! I have a light sprinkling of freckles over my small nose and plump cheeks and a small mouth with thin lips. But that doesn't mean I can't give ya the what's for if I need to!
What I do for a living I work at my...our tea shop. Ignore the stupid name. I wanted to name it 'The Big Teabag'. But Bonnie was having none of it. I let her pick the stupid name. I basically run the place and Bonnie does the cleaning. She's terrible at making tea. She's terrible at doing her other job too...but you gotta know the secret word to get a part of that action. What?! No! Not THAT kind of action you pervert! We sell charms and palm readings and such in the back. She does that, but sometimes, I'll jump in. I am the superior witch out of the two of us, but let's just keep that between me and you!
My home sweet home, I live in London in the upper story of our shop with Bonnie. Not the most lavish of living quarters, but it's the only place I've had to myself to call home in a long time.

As for my past I hailed from Scotland in a horrible, smelly, dank orphanage. I guess since I was born so small, I might have been cast out as a runt, unwanted and unloved. Honestly, people in Scotland love huge babies. I guess that's why I was never adopted either. That and the fact that I would kick anyone in the shins who came near me. And it could have been my horribly bad mouth, even after they laughed about it the first time, I never failed to get under ones skin soon after that. Once I found out they were planning on transferring me to a detention center for bad little girls at age 9, I quickly high-tailed it out of there. It was surprisingly easy for me to escape, for once my small size benefitting my plans. I spent the next few years living under the radar, begging for food and doing small jobs for merchants and farmers whenever I could, I even stole! Whatever I needed to do to score a meal for a day. It soon became too dangerous and difficult for me to continue going on like this. I was a wanted woman, so I left town and hung on to the back of carriages to get around, eventually ending up in London.

Life in London had been slightly better than life in Scotland. I wasn't sleeping on the streets every night. I was able to sleep under a roof some nights and had a hot meal, even if I didn't beg or exchange work for it. The boys were the biggest problem. I was a target with my small size and short cut red hair and I got bullied a lot. My biggest problem could have been that I didn't back down from a fight, with nothing or no one to back me up, but a few bruises and a fat lip is nothing I couldn't handle. The more beat up I looked, the more people took pity on me and fed me anyway. So HAH! The day I met Bonnie was different though. She ran up and stood up for me! Scaring off a group of girls with a magnificent display of magic! At least it looked magnificent at the time, but it was an easy trick even I can do now! I uh...I mean of COURSE I can! I am a powerful witch! But she'd been nice enough to invite me to her home and offer me food and shelter the next few days, and we had been inseparable ever since!
I've been told I'm crass, rude, mouthy, foul mouthed, mongrel, little wretch, little devil, little ingrate, little thief. Honestly, why do people insist on adding little in front of all of their insults for me? As if I didn't already notice my height deficit. And speaking of which, dwarf is a popular one I get called, also leprechaun, yeah that one never gets old. On the bright side, I've heard it told that I am never boring and a select few said that I made for some interesting company. I never have a shortage of stories to share of my time on the streets, that is for sure.
Winnie Billingsley

Bonnie Lockhart
Winnie wait up! For someone so small I don't understand how you can move so--Oh! Oh! Hello! I'm Bonnie! I'm a seventeen year old human. I have fair skin, a round face with big, round, violet eyes framed in thick, golden curls that flows down almost to my knees! My hair is definitely my best feature, I've been told many times. She how it flows around when I twirl like this! And the shine and--Oh! Sorry, I got..distracted. Um where was I? Ah yes, you still want to know more about what I look like. Right, I am tall with a petite frame. I usually wear a frilly blouse and a satin skirt. I love satin! It is so soft and shiny! Kind of like my hair! See! Oh! And I wear my big floppy witch hat that used to belong to my great grandmother. But not all the time because I got lots of strange looks when I have it on. Um... Is that all? I have the pleasure of being co owner of a charming little tea shop called 'Pleasant-Teas'! Get it? Pleasant-Teas!? I came up with that name myself. Because Winnie wanted to call it 'The Big Teabag' and I don't know, just...For some reason I didn't really like that name. I think mine is much more charming anyway. Inside you will find we offer a simply wonderful array of delicious teas and biscuits. But there is also a second part to our shop in the back where we sell other things too. Winnie says not everyone might appreciate the things we offer in that area so we don't talk about it much. We tried to initiate a secret word to be admitted to the back for a palm reading or a charm and such. It doesn't seem to be working though...Hrm.

It just so happens I was born in raised in London! I lived in a cozy, humble little manor with the women in my family. All the men in my family have mysteriously passed away. "And good riddance!" As my great grandmother would say. She was always telling me how evil men are before she passed, bless her heart. As for my past I grew up in a house full of women, three generations of women, four if you include me, most of which are also witches. My grandmother, great grandmother, one aunt, and two great aunts, and there is myself and my mother. Out of these beautiful women, only my mother and one of my great aunts do not possess the ability to perform magic. My great grandmother, Emily, had been the most powerful witch in our family and after discovering that her disgraceful granddaughter had actually begot a child with magic abilities, she soon took me under her wing to teach magic to.

Although blessed with the gift of magic, I have always found it a hard thing to learn, and for my great grandmother I was a hard pupil to tutor. I spent months attempting to learn the art under the watchful eye of Emily, enduring countless drills and learning countless spells and charms, never really able to get them just right.

I was devastated when Grandma Emily fell ill and even more so when she passed away when I was 13. The other witches in my family soon gave up on trying to pick up where Emily had left off, and my mother's sister, Hattie remarried and moved away. A year later, I met Winnie. We soon became best friends after I helped her deal with three girls who had been bullying her due to her small size and crass mouth. I scared them off easy enough when I made a puff of purple smoke come out of my hand and made an empty threat. As scared as I was, it worked and they ran away, wide eyed and screaming. Winnie seemed quite taken with me, even though I was a witch and we have been best friends ever since! Even now, years later, we live together. The days are mostly peaceful, but there is never a dull moment in our shop.

I've been told I'm A dullard, clumsy, a disaster, but that I also mean well? My grandmother also used to call me a disgrace, but she called everyone that. I think that may have been her favorite word in her life. I have also been told I am an empty flower pot, a monster, blasphemous. That one I actually don't know what it means, but when I told a boy I was sweet on he was blasphemous, he got quite upset with me. I've never spoken with him since. *sigh* Oh! Yes! One thing my great grandmother successfully taught me was to change my form into a cat! It is quite a delightful trick I can do! But I do get terribly uncomfortable afterwards, I am awfully allergic to cats if I will be truly honest.
Bonnie Lockhart

Alexandre Moreau (Love Death and Robots theme)
Basically your run of the mill rich bad boy that loves to gamble and play with peoples' emotions out of boredom. He chose to pursue Beast fighting and gambling because he enjoys tossing money around to create the strongest, and toughest beast bot. He has a second sleeve (Altered Carbon terminology) that he sometimes utilizes when the situation would serve him the best, and has no problem doing some unsavory things to get his way, and gain favors for his own benefit.

Matthew (Matty) Miller (Love Death and Robots theme)
Total boy next door, simple minded, strong willed, can get angry pretty quickly when it comes to personal things, like his family, or his past. He was locked up for a while after getting mixed up with the wrong crowd, and feels as though he's been given a second chance working with [your character]. Now that he has his team/family working in the rings, he's taken up working as a mechanic/engineer for the team, helping to build, repair, and improve their beast bot to keep it in the best possible shape for battle.

Mirynn (Minnie)

Minnie is a very smart and beautiful girl. Her mother passed away when she was around 5 and was raised by her father. She graduated high school early and started taking college classes at age 16. It wasn't long after she turned 18 that she moved out to be closer to school. Always having been an independent girl, she focused on school and, not wanting to rely on anyone to pay for it, she became a model on the side to earn enough money to pay her tuition. She surprisingly found enough success to not only pay her tuition, but also afford her own apartment and even more of an independent lifestyle. Unfortunately, though she was successful financially, she didn't always make the best decisions and got herself into a bit of trouble from time to time and still relied on her father, her only family left (or so she thought) to help bail her out of a bad situation often.
Minnie, Minnie 2

Luna (Baby)
After Minnie's fame attracted her only other family member to seek her out in Los Angeles where she modeled and went to school, Luna enters her older sister and father's life. She is a 16 year old that both Minnie and their father knew nothing about. As mysterious as that was for the both of them, Luna quickly took to her big sister. Growing up in several orphanages since she could remember, Luna had developed social skills and learned how to be a computer hacker. She used her skills to her benefit and to avoid getting too screwed by the awful foster system. She grew up much more quickly than your average teen and became independent as soon as she was able to, dropping out of school and rooming with a few other rebellious but older girls. They taught her many things and she soon discovered she had an affection for both sexes. This made for awkward situations when she found her beautiful big sister using her skills at the keyboard and moved in not a week later.
Luna, Luna 2

The three talented sisters
The Mechanically Inclined Inventor

Clarice is the oldest of three girls. After growing up in the city and losing their parents to sickness and war, Clarice knew that she would have to assume the position of caretaker and adopt her two sisters and take care of them. She moved them to a small cottage on a plot of land on the outskirts of the city and earned a living as a mechanic. She gained a knack for inventing things to make the girls' lives easier as her younger siblings grew up. Now, Clarice enjoys building robots and androids, cars and motorcycles, and collecting salvageable parts and mechanical pieces of machinery and elements here and there. She has become incredibly knowledgeable in such things and many people seek her out for advice and repairs on all things mechanical. She even has wealthy clients enlisting her to build them a custom android or vehicle. Clare enjoys the work and helps her family get by in a comfortable, safe living by doing so, always keeping watch over her two younger siblings.
Clarice Lockholm

The Assassin
The middle sister in the Lockholm family, Bobi is probably the most different out of all the girls. She was always more hot headed than her other two sisters, and extremely protective of them. It was only natural for her to want to become an assassin. With her older sister, Clarice able to support the three of them on the money she made as a mechanic, Bobi was able to focus on training to kill. She was so determined to learn how to become deadly enough to keep her family as safe as she possibly could that she excelled in multiple fighting techniques and martial arts, later expanding to increase her skills in weaponry, and firearms. Now she was an assassin for hire behind her sister's back to earn a living doing what she knew best and to better support her small, but invaluable family.
Bobi Lockholm

The Artist
Sweet, little Marie, the youngest of three sisters was ever the creative, quiet child. Gifted since birth, Marie loved and thrived in all things art. From the moment she could use her voice to sing, to the moment she could hold a pencil in her hand, she was passionate in her pursuit of the arts. She became quite skilled in almost anything she picked up and attempted in the arts, and did so quite quickly as well. She even learned several different styles of dance and enjoyed playing sweet music at her piano in her studio, to help inspire her in her future artistic endeavors. Now she teaches music and art to young students in her spare time to earn extra money for the family which she enjoys immensely.
Anne Marie

The Scientist
Mackenzie Forbes

Mackenzie is our resident scientist in the Altered Carbon universe we love so much here. She was a child genius and took after her father who was a scientist as well. She always loved the study of human behavior, the human consciousness, engineering robotic limbs, focusing on the transfer of neurons to the machinery to stimulate movement. She then moved on the engineering and designing Androids with her extensive knowledge of Human brain chemistry and created the world's most advanced, sentient android to date. Though her life's work keeps her in constant danger from those who would steal her technology and knowledge for their own, she was too passionate and confident in her ability to avoid serious conflict and threat to her life. She was sorely mistaken...
Mackenzie Forbes

Jane the Misunderstood Android
Jane is the world's most advanced sentient android. She remains dormant until activated, most likely by the scientist that created her, Mackenzie Forbes.
Jane Doe, Jane 2

Margo Brooks
A tough girl raised by a single father. She is quiet and sweet at first, but could be very opinionated and stubborn once you got to know her. For the most part though, she was a caring individual and grew up too fast. She had to learn how to take care of herself from a young age as her father worked hard to give her a good life, but was very absent and clueless when it came to a lot of things. She had to pick up the slack where he fell short, almost acting like a mother toward him in certain respects but especially around the house. They took care of each other. This made her tough and responsible for the future. She wants to go to school to be a pet vet, and care for animals.
Margo, Margo 2

Plot Ideas

Suffering from frequent episodes of sleep paralysis that seem to be rapidly getting worse, character A is deperate to get help from anyone. It's up to character B to help A solve their problem, before they snap completely and do something to harm themselves and or possibly others.

A child's mother is trying to figure out what is wrong with them. The small family keeps experiencing strange, paranormal behaviors around the house, and the more and more it happened, the more it was clear it had something to do with their innocent child. Can someone from the outside help the mother and child? Or will the mother have to figure it out before she has to make the ultimate sacrifice to save her baby?

A man walks into an antique shop to look for a pretty gift for his young daughter. After spotting an extremely lifelike jointed doll, he decides to purchase the doll, thinking it would be perfect for his little girl. But wait...is there something strange about this doll? His daughter fell in love with the doll when he presented it to her. But why was she always whispering to the doll? Was there two voices coming from her bedroom at night, or just his imagination?

With a zombie apocalype fresh in the world, the survivors must quickly find those they can trust, or go off on their own to avoid the unessecary dangers of strangers and infected alike. What will become of a poor, seemingly defensless woman during such devastating times, and who will help her succeed in waiting out the apocalypse?

A mysterious new tea shop has just opened up in the streets of old 19th century London. The place is run by two, young and fairly attractive women which was unusual for the time as mostly men ran businesses in this day and age. Upon entering, it seems like a normal, run of the mill shop and the ladies are friendly and welcoming enough, but doesn't it seem as though they are hiding something? Where did these ladies even come from, and what are they hiding in the back? What about their upstairs flat? What secrets do they keep?

Pregnant Samantha has no one in her life to help her or support her and her unborn child. She must face the reality of her mistake on her own without the help of her ex boyfriend and baby's father. Little does she know that her baby daddy is one of the 9 lords of hell, and he has plans to come back into her life to raise up his half demon child to become a new prince or princess of darkness. Will someone stand with her against her ex and protect her child innocence as well as their humanity? Is it even possible to take on a devil and his army from he'll?

An aspiring model was hitting rock bottom. After a short stint of success, she was having trouble continuing to find successful work after her boyfriend who'd been supporting her broke up with her, leaving her bruised and broken and without a place to live. Now she must quickly find a solution to her problems, or she might not survive the harsh city streets. She finds a kind photographer who was willing to trade work for a small room in his large, downtown apartment. At first, the arrangement is tough to get used to, the photographer being gone often for work and unable to spend a lot of time being compensated by the model for her stay, but eventually things get easier for the both of them.

A blind woman, gifted with abilities beyond many a sighted person's dreams. Though she could not see as others could, she could see a great deal more that others could not. Having been born from a family of women who had been cursed by a witch coven hundreds of years prior to her birth, the women all lost their ability to see by the time they came of age, but the magic used to curse them also gave them a gift. They could sense things, had a mind that was sharp as a tack, and could even experience brief glimpses into the future. The women passed down their extensive wisdom and life knowledge to the younger generation, each with the hope that one day they would have the ability to break the curse and free their family from the blindness they suffered.

A mute person who lives in a mental ward to be cared for by others becomes increasingly distressed and lethargic around others, and soon will let no one approach or help. This person's quality of life is severely affected as they are often forced to remain confined and alone during particularly aggressive episodes, which only continue to make the problem worse. Could there be a reason for this behavior change in the mute adult? Would anyone be able to help a person seemingly unwilling, or unable to receive it, let alone communicate?

(Altered Carbon Universe Plot)
Character A works for a high class criminal (Like one of the Meth baddies) and deals with his/her clients to trade and sell illegal goods and services. Everything is all good and peachy, everyone is rich and comfy, until ONE DAY (and we can role play through this as well if you are open to it so I'm keeping it sort of vague) one of the clients skipped out on their end of the bargain and decided to just steal the goods mid-transaction. There is a struggle and our people barely escape with their lives intact, now not only wanted by the authorities, but by this rival criminal organization as well. THEN, instead of protecting the employee(s), the big boss blames the failure on them, and puts a target on their head as well. So the character(s) would have no choice but to go rogue and either join up with another rival group to move up in the ranks, or build up their own enterprise until they have gained enough power and influence to clear their name or take out their enemies.
(Your character could be whatever you want, but ideas would be to have them either be a part of the same initial organization, the opposing one, or some random bad ass that decides to help or a cop that maybe wants to take down the criminals, but ends up helping mine, despite the extensive criminal history to take out the greater, common problem.)

(sort of a little with Ghost in the Shell Plot?)
Character A is a brand spanking new, super expensive and high tech Android model developed by a hot shot scientist with a heart of gold. (See Jane Doe and Mackenzie Forbes for Character info) Unfortunately, hearts of gold don't mesh well with corporate greed. Once the android model was finished, the baddies had plans to eliminate the scientist so that they could take ownership of the design and mass produce it. The scientist made some key changes to the android and downloaded their consciousness into a backup stack, and stored it within the Android. (This can potentially be role played through so let's keep it vague) the good scientist gets out in the android body, kills a bunch of the bad guys and goes off the grid to recoup, resolving to take out the entire corporation by any means possible.

A game show, or survival contest/challenge of some sort forces two very different characters/contestants to become unlikely allies. They must work together through various challenges and obstacles depending on the surprises that the particular show has in store for them. Will they be able to settle their differences, even though they're starting off as strangers and win this thing for themself? Or even for each other?

A 'normal' anime girl living in royalty in a beautifully animated story, with the perfect plot line. But one day she wakes up, fully expecting to be in her amazing, colorful world, but finds herself in a much different one. How did this anime princess get to the real world, and was anyone capable of showing her some kindness? How could she possibly go back now?

A virus has broken out causing people to literally go crazy and violent and dying very sick. Two people (our characters) are somehow one of the only ones immune to it. They've been living within the worn down city for months after the virus has broken out. And they're trapped in as it is an huge quarantine zone. Finally the Government has come in to dispose of the corpses. Upon their mission they find the characters and "Rescue" them. Only to try to perform experiments on them to see why the outbreak has not effected them. Well the two finally catch on and make plans to break out. They do. But the government follows them. They find out that alot of cities aren't effected yet so they're on the run. But they may not be safe for long.

The world has hit another ice age. During it alot of humans, the ones that could afford it anyways took their families and lived underground. The ones that could not, had to remain on the cold surface this either made them survive or killed them in the process. As years have went by the ones who remained on surface have basically evolved to handle the harsh climate. The ice age by now is pretty much over but still very cold. The humans have come up to move to a closer region near the equator that will be warm. Upon this move character 1 gets seperated from the group and is lost in the cold. He/she meets character two who is adapted to it and takes them to their 'tribe'. Upon spending time together they fall in love but unfortunately this is not good. As the two races hate eachother.

A new student is coming to a school or rather an Academy, they're human. But everyone else that attends school is a vampire. The mayor (the humans father) is trying to create peace between the two species. But can the vampires handle the scent of fresh blood? Alot of them seem really rude or hungry or even angry. But one in particular befriends the human. As they try to fix everything.


Now Accepting!!

Please PM me with a brief description about yourself so I know you fit within my parameters as far as partner preferences (age), and let me know ahead of time if you have any ideas or characters, whether they're your own original ideas and characters, or any of mine from this thread. I find it's a big waste of time messaging back and forth, trying to get this type of information out of someone organically. This way, we can save time and get right into the fun, juicy details of possible role play plots and ideas! I can do this on discord as well. :)

I'm open to any ideas and characters anyone has. I consider myself to be a literate writer and I enjoy creating descriptive posts that are a few paragraphs long at least. Please expect this from me, as I will expect this of my role play partners. Please PM me if you are interested in a 1x1 roleplay with me!

Serious inquiries only!

I've had a real problem with starting up a role play with someone, getting maybe one or two replies in before that person drops off the face of the planet and ghosts me. This...this is very rude and I don't appreciate it. Please just be honest and up front with me, and I will do that same for you. It's better to let someone know if you're not feeling it so both parties can change it up or move on. Don't just leave someone waiting on a reply that will never come.

Also, as a courtesy to me, I ask that you let me know UP FRONT how active you are going to be any given week. As an adult myself I of course understand that we all have lives that require our attention from time to time and sometimes without warning. As a polite roleplay partner, I usually let my partners know how active I'll be ahead of time so they'll know what to expect from me. If I expect to be unable to respond for more than 3 days, I WILL LET YOU KNOW, and I expect no less from my partners. If I don't get a response back in about 4 or 5 days with NO WORD, I will assume you dropped out of the role play. I've just had this happen to me too much so I'm kind of tired of being all that nice and understanding about it.

All of our time is valuable, and this is just for fun! I don't expect people to be stressed out about responses, and I don't expect to wait around for weeks for a reply, and vice versa.

Thank you! :heart:

...The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on

Writing Examples:

Isabelle awoke with a jolt, eyes wide, broken out in a cold sweat. Her breathing was heavy and she could hear her heart beating rapidly in her ears. She took a few minutes to recover from the shock of her nightmares. It was always the same one. Isabelle could see the young face of her brother in a thick, dark, forest. He was smiling at her, that confident, fearless smile he always had. She saw the terror in his eyes suddenly as he heard the vicious snarl of a big, hairy black monster behind him. Instead of running from the approaching beast, however, he flinched and covered his face with his arms, his tears glistening silver in the light of the moon. The full moon. Isabelle reached out to grab her little brother. She wanted desperately to protect him and keep him safe. Her hand clutched at his arm and his huge eyes were suddenly on her. He screamed as he stared at her face. She was confused that he wasn't smiling for her anymore. She was going to keep him safe! But suddenly, her hand was sprouting claws and her arm ripped through the sleeve of her shirt, thick shaggy fur appearing all over. No! She thought to herself, her hand clutching tighter to the boy's arm. No! She could hear the bone chilling howl, but she couldn't tell if it was coming from her before she bolted upright, awaking from the dream.

She shoved her hair out of her face as she threw the tossed blanket aside, standing quickly, ignoring the pangs in her legs from laying on the hard floor. She threw open the lid of her trunk and moved a few things aside, unearthing a few bottles containing a clear, yellow-tinged liquid secured with a cork. She donned a pair of thick, leather gloves before she awkwardly removed the cork from one bottle. She moved toward the front door and carefully tilted the bottle, letting a steady, thin stream pour out, lining the barricade with it. She went through that bottle and half of another to get the side door and the window. The stuff made her nose and throat burn so bad she coughed and nearly choked when she took a breath. She endured it. She could never be too careful. She didn't know what the sky looked like outside, but judging by the lack of light coming through the cracks in her boards on the window, she could tell it was at least dark, and she was running out of time. She replaced the bottles at the bottom of her trunk around a few pieces of cloth, tucking the gloves in beside it. She shoved the chest against the front door.

The side door was the lesser blockaded of the two, but it seemed heavy enough and, unlike the front door, this one had an iron deadbolt. It would be difficult for someone..something inside to get out, and easier for someone to get in if they, say, had a battering ram to get the door down, which the fire department would if the building was on fire. Isabelle could recall a time when she awakened from a 'beast episode' with flames all around her. She couldn't think of a situation where she'd been more terrified and she still didn't know what had happened while she had been a wolf. It was good to take those precautions as well she supposed, but she hoped she would manage to keep it down enough in here not to draw any unwanted attention. She could feel the hairs of the back of her neck stand up, as if she could feel something awakening within her, and she shuddered, hugging herself as she backed away from the door, returning to the corner to huddle into a small ball, dreading what was to come.

The snarling beast's ears twitched as she heard another, mournful howl off in the distance. Every minutes she stayed in the room, the more angry the beast was getting. She threw her head back and answered the howl with another furious one of her own after she heard the second howl. She tossed her head around, looking for a way out. The monster headed for the door and lifted a savage, clawed paw and gave a vicious swipe at the wooden furniture blocking her path. With a yelp the wolf jumped back, nearly losing her balance as she did. There was now a burning sensation on her paw where she'd touched the furniture. She moved forward again, hackles raised as she gave the barricade a weary sniff. The smell burned her nose as she recoiled from it once more, turning to find another way. She tried the window with the same effect. Angry, the wolf turned to the side door and charged it, hitting it square in the middle with her shoulder. Again, the beast howled with pain and fury as the stench of the wolfsbane filled her nose.

As useless as it seemed to the giant, grey she-wolf, she could not sit still. She tried the barricade again, this time swiping at it angrily with a beastly growl. Her paw seemed to shred right through the antique wood of the barricade. Encouraged, the beast continued to shear off pieces of the furniture blocking her path. Suddenly, she froze, sniffing the air, listening. She turned, trying to figure out what was tugging at her senses. She tried to climb atop of what remained of the furniture, but the surface burned her paws still. She snarled and howled again, her rage evident in the wild sound from her throat. She shifted her weight and shouldered the barricade with the force of her brute strength, shoving with her claws dug into the stone floor. She began to aim for the bottom rather than the tops where she kept getting burned, ignoring the horrible stench that made the werewolf want to run away. She snapped her jaws shut around a splintered piece of wood and shook her head savagely, sharp chunks of wood flying everywhere as she did so.

The werewolf had eventually taken to sprinting around the room on the walls as if her objective were to destroy the building from the inside out if she could. Her claws were leaving deep gouge marks on the walls and whenever she ran over the wood boards on the windows or the wood pile at the barricade, she left a little less of it each turn. A splintery pile of sawdust and kindling was collecting around the doors and window. The werewolf jumped to the ceiling, digging in deep with her claws as she sneered, saliva glistening on her white fangs as she struggled to maintain her grip, trying to get out. When she dropped to the ground, she became eerily silent, listening again. Then..

Thump! The werewolf turned toward the sound near the front corner of the building, springing toward the sound with a snarl, her hackles bristling again. She sprinted and rammed the front door with enough force to destroy what was left of the barricade in a puff of dust and splinters. She backed up to the far wall and rammed it again, creating quite a ruckus. with each hit, the iron hinges creaked in protest, threatening to bust from the wall where they were fastened. The wolf's claws raked against the door and the walls, ignoring the sharp pains that lanced up her arms whenever she brushed her paw over a spot of wolfsbane.

Isabelle the werewolf had trashed the inside of the room and was now tracking huge, bloody paw prints around the room on the stone floor. Her breathing was labored as her tongue lolled out the side of her jaws, hot saliva dripping on the floor. Between breaths she let out a high pitched whine as she stalked the door as the other wolf on the other side of it shredded it to bits himself, finishing the work she'd started. The smell of the male wolf mixed with the burning smell of the wolfsbane had the hair on her neck and hackles standing on end, and as the door disappeared splinter by splinter, she caught glimpses of his white fur through the other side.

She stood in front of the door beyond the line of the wolfsbane she'd laid down before her transformation. She growled, smelling the stranger as he approached from the alley beside the barred window. She ran to it, hearing the other wolf giving his hostile warning to the man. She reared up, her paws on the window as she growled and snarled, giving a warning of her own for him to stay away, guarding her own territory fiercely, ignoring the burning on her paws again as she bashed her paws against the window, jarring the bars and shattering the glass. As the man ran away from the threat of the other, larger white wolf, she whimpered, jumping away from the window again. She heard the other wolf make his way back to the door, continuing to demolish the heavy oaken wood with his claws.

The female shook her head, trying to thwart the dizzying sensation she kept feeling from the poison she'd come in repeated contact with. Her human counterpart had been wise to use wolfsbane as a precaution, especially for such a small building. Isabelle must have known that she would try desperately to escape from her prison which might have been possible with the wolf's perseverance, but having come into contact with so much of the poisonous plant would be sure to put the wolf down, and leave her in a weakened state when she finally recovered. Isabelle knew she too would feel ill and in pain when she became a human again with it still in her system, but it was better than bloodying her hands with the blood of innocents.

As the male destroyed what remained of the door, she sprang to the doorway and snarled, hair bristling as she was so close to him. She licked her teeth as she bared them to him, her tail soon drooping as she watched the other whine weakly and drop heavily to the ground, unconscious. The female normally wouldn't pass the doorway where the majority of the wolfsbane had been pooled around the base of the door, but as the other beast fell, she flattened her own ears, a growl low in her throat as she leaped outside over the burning poison and hesitantly approached the other wolf. She was growling deeply but softly as she shoved her nose in between his legs and beneath his tail, sniffing his scent in a primal manner. She nudged him with her nose and licked his cheek before she threw her head back and gave a piercing, mournful howl to the moon.

The female wolf slowly eased herself to the ground beside the other unconscious wolf, smelling his wound and giving it a few licks. The taste his blood left in her mouth made her sneer and stick her tongue out again, a wolfy expression of displeasure on her face. Finally, the wolf lowered her grey head to the ground, her breathing labored and with an occasional high pitched whine of pain as she lay vigilant at his side as if guarding him from the night, her yellow eyes open, waiting.

The two figures stood before their brand new tea shop. A small, dismal little building, but that didn't stop the taller of the two to be quivering with excitement. Or it could have been it was hard to tell at this hour. Both wore cloaks about their shoulders, enshrouding their bodies within the curtain of it's shadow, and both wore strange, over sized hats that flopped down over their heads, the base sagging beneath the sheer weight of the hats. The taller one had golden curls spilling down her cloak to her thighs, the ringlets and waves catching the dim silvery light when it could.

The other figure was dramatically shorter and looked so squat in her poofy, dress and robe it was almost comical to behold. Strands of angry red hair sprung out from beneath her hat, but hers was much shorter, coming down to her neck. And odd haircut for a girl of her age truly but judging by the disarrayed state it was in, it was apparent she would be unable to handle much more than that. "Will you quit bouncin' around like that? We are business owners now! We must be professional." The short one instructed with a dignified tone in her voice which was high pitched and too loud. "Oh Winnie! I can't help it! I'm too excited! I just can't believe I am going to walk into my very own store!"

The girl rushed for the door, her long, slender legs taking her there in two steps while the shorter of the two had to make a short sprint to keep up with the other. "Let me open it, Bonnie! I want to do it!" She demanded, grabbing for the key in the other girl's hand. She held it out of reach, the metal glinting in the moonlight. She struggled against the grabby hands of the tiny girl as she grumbled, "Winnie! No! Stop! We agreed that I could open it tonight! And you can open it tomorrow! You always get to go first! Let me!" The girl's squabbled over the key for a few more moments before the shorter girl finally snatched it away from the other, and not before literally climbing the body of the other to reach her hand, the blond struggling to free herself.

With a satisfying click click the tiny girl pushed the door open to admit herself and her now sulking business partner. Winnie ran inside like a little kid inside a candy shop. She immediately began sizing up the space for their store, holding her hands up as she described her vision. "Ah Bonnie! I can see it now! Tables over here! The counter is perfect! We'll decorate with...maybe jars of preserved things. Or maybe skulls!" Bonnie had quickly forgotten about being upset earlier and had a new grin on her face as she looked around. But at the mention of Winnie's ideas for decorating, her expression turned to horror. "That is no way to decorate a tea shop, Winnie! Look, interior design is one of the things I'm good at! I grew up in a house of women! And it's a lot of work, you'll be too busy decorating to run the manager duties of the shop...and then I guess I'll be forced to--"

Winnie punched the wall beside the girl with an adamant, "NO!" The other girl flinched, but grinned down at her small friend, waiting to hear what she would say. "Fine, go ahead and do the stupid decorating. I'll be doing to important jobs." She assured the other as if it had been her idea all along. "We should go bring our trunks in." She told the other before heading to the door again to do just that.

It wasn't long before the two girls were making themselves at home upstairs. Winnie was deliberately decorating her space with jars of preserved animal parts and a few skulls around one of the two small beds on the upper floor which consisted of their shared room, a closet, and a bathroom. Bonnie pulled her hat off her head and hung it on a hook on the wall nearest her bed. She pulled her spell book, her wand, a few vials, bottles, and jars, candles, a quill and inkpot, and other various miscellaneous witchy items to set about her space and the little desk and beside table. She smiled over at Winnie when she was done.

"We did it, Winnie! We're here! What do you think our neighbors are like?" She asked the other, her usual, sweet smile on her face, large, amethyst eyes full of innocence and wonder. "Probably crazies. We should keep our distance, in case they're contagious." The other girl said nonchalantly. Bonnie gave her an incredulous look, used to her usual rude behavior, but that didn't stop her from hurtling her pillow across the room at the other. Winnie was hit full in the face by the downy object, and as if fell away, the fury showed in her face. She could NEVER back down from a pillow fight. She grabbed her pillow and held it over her head and charged the other girl, giving a savage scream as the tiny figure leaped onto Bonnie, pummeling her with her pillow as the other giggled uncontrollably, struggling to get away and retrieve her pillow from the other bed.


When the girls finally saw fit to calm down from their fits of giggles and battle of the pillows, the two collapsed on either bed. Bonnie took a moment to catch her breath, her full bust rising and falling with each breath. Winnie kicked her legs up, positioning herself in a sit at the edge of the bed with the momentum of the rather graceless movement. "Hey Bonnie, we gotta get going to that Tarot seance tonight." She told the other, who in turn shot up in a flurry of golden curls, amethyst eyes wide. "Oh! I completely forgot!" She exclaimed. Winnie groaned and rolled her eyes, "You always forget!" She complained as she hopped down from her bed and opened her luggage to retrieve something.

Bonnie was frantic as she threw her trunk onto her bed and threw open the lid, the contents all but exploding out at her. She began to yank out many articles of clothing, letting a series of fabrics of various types and colors fall around her until she found what she'd been looking for. She had been so excited when she heard that the seance would be a masquerade event. Her outfit would be a mixture of ivory and lavender colors, satin of course. Her mother helped her make it. They'd been able to recycle one of her grandmother's older gowns and added the ivory satin to it. It was grand and elegant, full skirts and her mask would match perfectly and she planned to don a black cloak with a deep cowl and large sleeves along with her creepy witches hat that also used to belong to her grandmother. She quickly began to get ready, adding the layers and volume to her otherwise, slender figure.

Winnie had intentions of dressing much more...well...Winnie-like for the affair. She didn't change her dress from the poofy, orange, blue and green dress that she usually wore, the skirts nearly as wide as she was tall. She had pulled out a strange looking, homemade mask for the masquerade event that was to be the seance and secured it to her face. The statement she could have been trying to make was that the three feathers stood for the three of wands. That was about all that could be discerned from the grotesque thing, but boy was she proud of it. She turned around and posed for Bonnie. Unfortunately, the girl had one slender leg in the petticoat she was pulling on, and one foot halfway through. Her foot seemed to get stuck and she shrieked, seeing Winnie's frightening mask, and fell over with a loud thud. Winnie laughed almost evilly, obviously only reenforcing the idea that she'd done well on this project of hers.

When the two girls set out for the night, they had gotten a few blocks away before Winnie asked Bonnie if she'd locked the store. After the blank look on Bonnie's face, Winnie gave a hiss between her teeth and the two had to high tail it back to lock down the store. They raced back the other way again, trying to make up for the lost time. When they were a little more than halfway there, Bonnie realized she'd forgotten her mask, but Winnie insisted that they were not going back this time. Even after Bonnie suggested she turn into a cat and run back to fetch it. Winnie pointed out that she'd be a sneezing, snotty mess during the seance and she wasn't going to have the girl embarrass her in front of the other Tarot members. This was a very important night for the Tarot club goers, very high class, and she wasn't going to have Bonnie ruin it!

By the time the two arrived, they looked a rather sorry lot, with Bonnie's gloomy face and Winnie's horrifying mask, the two huffing and puffing and sweaty from the trip. They sauntered to the building as casually as they could, Winnie attempting to put on an air of regality as she wandered passed other club members, coming only up to the midsections of most. Bonnie slunk along behind her, keeping her head down and throwing every wonderful mask a mournful look. She would stick out like a sore thumb without hers tonight, she knew. She sighed and hurried after Winnie, wondering how she moved so fast for someone so little.


[ ooc: ]

Bobi stuck to the shadows as she often did on these nights, gloved hands shoved into her front pockets of her dark pants. She preferred the cover of night, geared up as she was, dressed in her muted, dark colors. The darkness helped hide her features, and sometimes herself entirely. A small, lone figure, let alone a female that wasn't looking for a good time... Well it was no wonder the city had toughened her so. She listened intently to the scanner, ignoring the dead sounding voices of the dispatch team communicating with the officers in the field. She focused on the smaller reports coming in; muggings and other domestic disputes, vandals and small robberies. Things she could handle. Things that the cops didn't prioritize due to the out of control crime rate of the city. They simply didn't have the resources or at least that's what they would claim. It was well known that unless there was a good chance they'd be guaranteed to bring someone in, they cared little about what happened in the city. That's where people like her came in, within reason of course. She left the high speed chases, and high volume heists to the professionals.

She walked at a steady pace, calm and slow, appearing unsuspecting to any that dared a glance in her direction. It was a bad night. The 'music' of the city was as lively as ever as the girl listened to the reports coming in. It seemed like there was a lot of trouble brewing near the center of the city, among some of the oldest and tallest infrastructures contained within the area. Bobi hated that area. The crumbling sky scrapers and sky bridges felt like walls and ceilings outdoors. The sidewalks, crawling with pickpockets, hawkers, peddlers, whores, thieves and worse were just as dangerous as the streets, amass with traffic that sped by without a care for any life that wasn't within their precious vehicle. She noted the area was showing a repetitive crime pattern that must mean a rather quickly growing gang of some sort was surely to blame.

She picked up her pace, now headed in that direction as reports of a small grocery store robbery came in. She didn't have a vehicle, nor did she desire to hail a cab. On occasion when she'd been determined to get across the city in a particular hurry, she'd use her grapple hook to latch onto a vehicle zooming by on a highway above the heads of the city folk. That was fun. And dangerous to say the least. To be free of prying eyes below, she had to be high up, but hanging low enough to avoid detection from the drivers; people didn't take too kindly to some random vigilante type hitching free rides on their car. She was up for the challenge on a night like this, but in truth, the old grocery store wasn't too far from her current position. She'd be close soon.

When she was within a couple blocks of the store, she paused for a moment, tapping her earpiece to switch channels, the one she used to contact home.
"Hey." She murmured, "I'm checking in." Her voice was barely above a whisper, but she knew Clarice could hear her loud and clear.
"Sending coordinates..." She tapped her high tech wristwatch.
Clarice pulled up the coordinates on her map in the little alcove of her shop out in the garage of their small home. She cursed under her breath.
"Be careful." was her older sister's only warning before Bobi switched the channel over again.
Shots fired! Bobi stiffened, coming back onto the police scan channel just in time to hear those two words which set her into motion immediately. She broke off into a run toward the scene, hoping she wasn't too late.

She hated thieves. They were worse than cockroaches. Something about a thief committing murder enraged her all the more. It drove her to the store front in no time, surprising herself. She stood in the busted open doorway, barely needing to catch her breath as she assessed the situation. She was....Too late, but perhaps not as she'd initially thought. From the looks of it, the thugs had already been dealt with, or at least, they were being dealt with before her very eyes. Bobi was taken aback. In the 5 years she'd been doing this type of work, she'd never encountered another in the same field. She considered stepping in once it was clear who the robbers were, but the masked individual delivering justice to the delinquents seemed like he was handling it. She was actually impressed. He was taking on two, a third already unconscious on the ground. He was slow, but had good instincts and quick reaction time. She wasn't surprised when he quickly dispatched the second guy, the armed one, but not escaping a good wallop to the side of the head with a baseball bat which made Bobi wince. He recovered quickly and was able to wrest the bat from the other's grasp, and finish the job.

She considered ducking back out of there before she was discovered, but she was too curious about the masked man to move just yet. She continued to observe as he tried and failed to gain intel from the last guy. Yeah, as if he'd be thinking clearly after a crack to his skull like that. She did want to swipe that visor off his head though, that might contain some valuable parts for Clarice back home. Suddenly she was aware that she was being addressed.

"Relax. I'm not your enemy." She assured him, holding her hands up innocently. Whether they could be friends was another story entirely, but for now, she'd better keep it as straight forward as possible. She stepped into the dim light, out of the comfort of the shadows. With her slim build, she didn't look like much, but she carried herself with an air of confidence and grace that many had decided against challenging. Others had not been so lucky.
"I was just coming to...help. But I see you've got it covered." She continued, keeping her voice even and calm, her soft soprano having the hint of an accent from the streets of the large city. She was guarded, but gave a light smile. "You handled yourself well." Maybe he'd let his guard down a little if she complimented him. People liked compliments, didn't they? Especially well earned ones.
"I'm Bobi." She allowed as she stepped closer. "And you are...?" she asked casually as she approached the body of the newly fallen thug. He did have a point about the cops showing up soon. She knew better than anyone. She nodded absently, tapping her earpiece.
"I know..." Was her only reply as she studied the device on the guy's head. She glanced at the new stranger, "Can I have that?" She asked, pointing to the visor even as it crackled and emitted a few sparks as if in response.

Within the classroom of the private school he taught at, Colt, more commonly known as Mr. Brooks by his students, was having the hardest time holding the attention of the class. He glanced dishearteningly at the clock as he took a natural pause in his sentence. He was tall and slightly broad in the shoulders, about 6'3" and lean overall like a swimmer. He had shoulder length, dirty blond hair that he kept in a neat, low ponytail. His simple, gold rimmed glasses were perched low on a straight nose, framing two gray blue eyes. He kept a short, trimmed beard but otherwise his skin was smooth and tanned. He was quite handsome and one of the younger teachers on campus, but never carried himself as if he thought much of it, besides taking care of himself. He had a boyish charm that made him come off quiet and shy, and complimented his more intense features. He wore a simple gray sweater over a blue collared shirt, khaki slacks, and brown leather loafers. He'd been instructing the class on their latest project; research papers. Since it was the beginning of the semester, only the second week to be exact, the easiest week of class was now behind them, and he could see the glum expressions on their faces reflecting their displeasure at the upcoming work that was to be done. He gave a soft smile, his blue eyes glancing back over the students.

"Tell you what, just make sure you read through the 'Introduction to Research Topics' on page 26 in your books. Your homework for tonight will be to come up with at least 3 possible research topics for your papers." He told them, straightening with a note of finality.
"I'll stop talking now so you can get started on it until the final bell rings. Feel free to talk among yourselves, but let's keep it at a reasonable volume today." He added with a chuckle. He remembered how last week on the second day of class, they played a name game so everyone could get to know each other. He knew that it seemed a little elementary of him to make the almost adult students play such a game, but they really seemed to enjoy it. So much that the teacher from next door had peaked her head into the room, wondering what all the fuss and excitement was about. He'd made a mental not to keep his class under better control, blaming himself for not anticipating how much noise they would make in their laughter and excitement. As the students began talking freely, the volume raising a bit here and there, and then falling again, he gave an approving nod, happy that they seemed capable of managing their own noise level after all.

Misako sat slumped in her seat, barely paying attention to what Mr. Brooks was saying to the class. Handsome or not, she could pay little attention to school lately. Though she and her sister got very high grades in school year after year, they acted as if they couldn't really care. Besides, English was Misako's least favorite subject; way too boring. The twins were very Americanized Japanese-American girls, and were seldom seen apart. Right now however, they were in different classes, so they were apart. From the outside, the girls acted as alike as they looked. If it wasn't for their distinguishing face tattoos--Yes face tattoos--and their mismatched hair lengths, it would be near impossible to tell them apart on any given day. Misako, like her twin was very fair-skinned, tall and thin, with thick, shiny black straight hair, and dark eyes. Their only differences were that Misako had short hair, sporting a chin length bob as well as the small black diamond tattoo on her left cheek, and Mei's hair was waist length with bangs in front, with her heart tattoo being on the right cheek. She was dressed in all black as they most often always were with many belts and chains and bracelets, hiding her midriff top which would reveal her narrow waist and flat tummy beneath an over sized, black denim jacket covered in studs and patches of different rock bands. On her legs she wore a pair black denim shorts over ripped up fishnet stockings and heavy black doc Marten boots on her small feet.

She had on her signature expression--almost glum--on her face as she lazily chewed on her bubble gum, slipping her phone out of her pocket when the class was able to talk freely and quit pretending they were listening. She tapped the screen on and shot a text over to her twin.
Meet me by the bathroom after class
She knew she didn't have to send the text, the girls always met up outside the girl's bathroom after the final class period bell rang. It was equally half way between their two classes and on the way to the music room at the school where she and her closest friends had band practice.
Duh! Was her sister's only response, eliciting a smirk from Misako who responded with a kissing emoji. She turned her attention to her other band members, making eye contact just as the final bell rang, releasing the students from school for the day. She stood and headed over to her friends to wait for them to all head to practice together, glad that the day was finally over, at least the boring parts of her day.

Mr. Brooks moved around to the front of his desk to say goodbye to the students as they filed out, leaning up against it as he made eye contact with as many of them as possible.
"Bye now...G'bye! Remember to read the chapter! Three topics tomorrow! Don't forget." He was saying as the students all but ignored him. "G'night everyone, be safe." He murmured when the classroom was almost empty, a faint smile still on his lips. He did enjoy his job and all the challenges that came with it, but boy was he glad he didn't have any kids of his own. Teenagers were really something else he decided as he moved back around behind his desk to take a seat and get a bit more work done before he called it quits for himself.

It has been nearly 15 years since the war ended and the hybrids were permitted to integrate into human society, yet things had not improved for the lives of the hybrids. Humans still bore a strong prejudice and distrust for the animal-like beings and did all they could to make the hybrid assimilation as difficult and intolerable as possible. The hybrid communities were largely segregated from the bulk of the humans with a few exceptions. Many were even homeless and poverty stricken, especially if they didn't have a pack, or some sort of gang to help each other stay afloat and survive. Misumi was almost there. At 23 she didn't have anyone, not anymore. Not since her sister, Namine who was a few years older than her, was arrested by the authorities for petty theft. It didn't matter to the humans that she was trying to steal food to keep herself and her younger sibling alive. Of course it didn't matter to them. Their bellies were usually always full, their houses warm, and their TVs always broadcasting their retched entertainment for the night. They were too filled with hate, or distractions and everyday comforts to give a shred of concern for the girls and their plight. It was left to Misumi to do what she could to survive. But she would do anything to get her sister out. Misumi felt responsible for her sister's incarceration since she was so dependent on her sister for their survival, and she was powerless to do anything to stop it or keep her safe.

Her plight weighed heavy on her mind as she prowled the darkened city streets, the very sun seeming to be impeded by the sheer amount of cold, gray buildings and skyscrapers that seemed to press in on the city folk. Her hetero chromatic eyes were downcast as she shuffled along the worn, crumbling sidewalk which was either partially burdened with piles of litter, or partly covered with overgrowth from over the years. She had on an old, faded hooded sweatshirt which was pulled up over her head, covering her fiery red hair as well as her large cat ears despite the mild discomfort, and the muffled hearing effect it caused as she walked along. Beneath the hoodie, the skirt of her white and blue dress swayed with each, graceful step, a feline tail drooping after her as she went. If her face could be viewed, one could tell that she was beautiful, almost in an exotic way, even for a neko with her striking eyes and facial markings contrasting against pale, smooth skin aside from the copper colored fur on her ears and tail which matched her hair color perfectly. She had a glum expression on her face as she thought of her sister, and tried to ignore her hunger, heading toward the market nearest to the small hut she squatted in to make it through the nights.

On the other side of the city, near a more open area that was less built up, more overgrown, and the structures were much older and falling apart, the huge fighting ring stood, surrounded by several newer, ugly, concrete buildings which had been erected after the sports arena the ring had once been was converted. This was home sweet home for Namine after almost a year. She lived in these surrounding prisons ever since that fateful day when she was caught stealing a couple of fish from the market for herself and her younger sister. Now she was forced to fight in the rings at least once a week, sometimes more. In the beginning, Namine felt as though she would not last a week, let alone the better half of a year. Yet here she was, nearly a thriving slave. The prison was not a fun place to be, nor a desired place to be, but it provided three meals a day, something Namine couldn't remember the last time she'd had, and the fighting ring had made her strong. Some of the best fighters even had better lives once they left the prison, but in order to do that, you had to be sponsored by a human; fines and fees had to be paid, a life had to be taken in and provided for, including meals and training, as this was all for the sake of entering into the professional competitive rings which were usually located in the centers of large cities. Such a prestigious life only came to a rare, select few, especially in the rural prison system she'd ended herself up in. Still, it was almost a good life, minus the fact that she was robbed of her freedom, and forced to fight for the sake of entertainment for the awful humans.

Namine examined herself in the mirror of the one way window of a 'green room' of sorts. Many of the newbies of the prison had no idea the mirror in these rooms were in fact a window, only they couldn't see who was looking back at them on the other side of it. She ignored them and focused on herself, pleased with what she saw, while hoping in the back of her mind that the humans looking at her felt the same. It was impossible not to hold onto one shred of hope that someone important would notice her, as much as it turned her stomach to rely on the help of a human to get her out of there, she was here for a good many more years without the aid of one. She was tanned, a sign of how many times she'd been under that open arena top, exposed to the sun that she'd rarely glimpsed when she lived deeper in the city with Misumi. This was fine, the tan did well to better accentuate her tall, muscled form. She examined her sharpened claws with a look of boredom with mismatching eyes, one yellow, and one green. her chocolate brown hair was pulled back into a messy pony tail, her ears turned outward in a gesture of disinterest as she waited for the door to open to permit her into the ring. As the humans on the other side finished with their examination of the fighter, placing bets, sometimes placing bids to get to play with the fighters afterwards. She ground her teeth together as she thought of the last human she was forced to entertain and preferred if they would pass up on the opportunity this time. Luckily her success in the rings had earned her quite a high price for such private entertainment sessions, and seeing as how she wasn't as pretty as her little sister, she was happy to be overlooked often.

As the loud, metal door along the wall opposite the one she came in from began to slowly raise, letting in the blinding light from the outside, she hissed softly, squinting her sensitive eyes against the rays. Once it was fully raised, she blinked in the light as she stepped out into the open, feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin once more. Her brown tail flickered with anticipation as she lowered her ears, the eruption of the crowd in the audience especially loud after having been in the quiet of the green room. She regarded her opponent from where she stood, noting how they were similarly dressed to her, leather armor protecting the important areas, leaving much of the other areas exposed, a blunted weapon on their hip. She allowed the human score keeper to place a helmet on her head once everyone had gotten a good look, and unsheathed her weapon, her bare feet silent as she moved closer toward the center, watching as her opponent matched her movements almost exactly, bringing them together so they could cross blades before the start of the fight. She felt a pang of guilt as she stared into his eyes through the helmet, hoping the audience would spare the loser tonight. She swallowed hard, gave a slight nod in understanding as they locked eyes for a moment, crossed their blades, and a horn blared to sound the start of the fight.

Misumi ducked into a small, dimly lit shop that sold fish and many cuts of meat, fresh hydroponically grown fruits and vegetables, and other goods. There was a girl that often worked the counter who was kind for a human. This one would sneak her a fish, or a rare cut of beef or some other meat that might go unnoticed. The humans usually let their gaze pass over hybrids, ignoring them until they gave them a reason to anger, or until they left. Misumi's hopeful blue and green eyes scanned the back counter, but she couldn't find who she was looking for. She recognized the man behind the display case as the owner and sheepishly approached him, keeping her eyes downcast so she was looking not at him, but at his white stained apron tight over his large belly. "Um...Is the girl that works here in today." The owner, who'd been doing well to ignore the neko, now seemed irritated to even have to acknowledge her. He gave her a look of feigned confusion. "Don't know who you're talking about." He told her dismissively, peering passed her to a human woman who'd walked in after her, "Can I help you, ma'am?" He asked, directing his question at her, pointedly ignoring Misumi again. Misumi could feel herself bristling, but told herself to be patient. She stepped off to the side, shoving her hands in her pockets as she waited for the woman to leave again after she'd gotten what she needed. Misumi stepped forward again now that the woman's needs had been met, "Um...excuse me...sir? I-I...I'm sorry to bother you....but..." He flashed her an angry look, "Look, there's not a woman that works here! I fired that lady last week for pandering to mutants." He told her harshly with a sneer using the slur the humans favored when trying to dehumanize the hybrids, "This is a business, not a charity, so if you're not buying anything, then get out!" He ordered in a loud voice, causing everyone in the store to turn and stare at her.

Instead of looking at the faces of the people, searching for a sympathetic glace where none would be, she clenched her jaw tight and turned and scurried out, her face feeling hot with anger and embarrassment. Tears stung at her eyes as she stumbled out the front door of the shop, aware of the eyes on her as she was openly stared at. Some looked slightly uncomfortable and maybe even a little sympathetic as she might have hoped, but harbored no desire to help her, or speak out against the way she was treated. Others just sneered at her, shaking their heads as if wishing for the day the hybrids would learn their place and the rest just looked away, choosing to ignore her and the entire situation outright. It was just the way things were, but it didn't make it any easier for the neko to deal with, alone and struggling as she was. Perhaps this would be another night like the last, to bed early, with an empty stomach. She hung her head low as she shuffled away from the shop, eager to put the day's most recent horrible experience behind her and the bad taste it left in her mouth with it.

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