Fx Male Noc's Request Thread

Apr 6, 2019
Welcome to my request thread and thanks for stopping by!

In the interest of saving us all some time, I'm going to get straight to who I am and what a writing partner can expect from me - and what I expect in return. I will get to the fun fluffy stuff after the boring introduction and requirements are out of the way~

About Me

I've been writing and roleplaying for over two decades. Fair warning: I'm not the most reliable partner. I'm an adult, though, so I will always communicate with my partner(s) if I am unable to post for more than a week. I consider myself an aspiring novelist and hold word craft in high regard. I hope in that saying this I won't come off as some jerk, beholden to their ego: I promise, I'm not. I simply respect the power of stories. I value their power as a tool of escapism; amongst other things, of course, but for me...it's escapism. I want to get lost in the words we weave, I want to become my character and think and feel something beyond myself.

I am in favor of OOC conversation, mostly in the vein of plotting and world building. Always interested in other conversation, particularly if you want to discuss pre-2000 console gaming (mostly RPG related), MMOs, MTG, D&D, A Song of Ice & Fire/Game of Thones, Star Trek or...well. Talk nerdy to me, chances are I will be in to it.

Preferred Genres: Fantasy (high or low), Superhero, Sci-fi.
I will consider modern or fan-fiction on an individual basis but generally speaking my interest is significantly less than it would be for those above. No historical, kthx.

Posting Frequency: I can commit to one post per thread per week. There is a potential for more though I'd rather promise less instead of setting unrealistic expectations.

Posting Length: My responses are generally in the realm of 2,000-3,000 words (not counting introductions/openers, which can be even more ridiculous).

Acceptable Mediums: I will participate in threads or PMs, with a slight preference for threads. I will not consider roleplaying off site. No e-mail, discord, google docs, etc.

Story/Smut Ratio: While I'm not going to tabulate the number of posts and calculate our actual ratio, I'm comfortable saying I'm a 60/40 story-to-smut kind of girl. This can vary, of course, and can translate to a slow-burn or a lust-upfront arrangement with lasting consequences.

Characters: I generally play a female lead with an assortment of NPCs. Also comfortable playing several full main characters, males and females alike. Willing to share NPC control with a co-author or am just as happy to play a DM type role. (I really like talking to myself! Dialogue is my bread and butter~)

Likes: I have varied tastes. Vanilla romance? Great! Unapologetic non-con? Sweet! I'm not particularly into the S&M scene: I don't like inflicting or suffering pain, but I do enjoy BSDM. Roughness and power struggles, in particular. I'd call myself a switch, though I don't see myself as being truly dominate or submissive. I'm just a person that likes sex, equally so regardless of if I'm under or on top or of equal footing. In any case I'm an aggressive sort.

Despite being a part of ERP writing since I was old enough to drink, I still lack for a f-list. If you're curious for more details, send me a PM.

Hard No's: Infidelity, underage, incest, bestality, gore, snuff, bathroom play.


If we're being honest (which we are, right?) I tend to take my projects a smidge too seriously. I understand that roleplaying is for fun, it's not like we're trying to publish a novel here, but... I need a partner who gives it their best effort. If you come to the table with five fucks in your pocket you'd best be leaving with four. I don't ask for perfection. I will never belittle or point out misspelling or correct grammatical errors. I just ask that you care about the project we are creating together.

Patience: If you don't have it, we'll be a bad match. I'm a busy full time(+) working mother of two young children. All it takes is an illness within the household, and unrealistic work deadline, or a general healthy heaping of life to derail my creative projects. As stated above, I will reach out and let writing partners know if I am unable to post within a week. It isn't impossible that one week of shit turns into another week of shit and next thing we know it's been a month. I really really try not to let this happen, but...if it does? I need someone who can be understanding.

Availability: I give the same sort of patience I expect of my partners. If you can post once a week, awesome! If not, I appreciate (but do not require) a message on that note. If you are absent for a month or more with radio silence, chances are I'm still interested. I'm very forgiving.

Ability: I don't expect to write with a novelist. I make no judgement on others and their writing style, we all have beauty in our unique word craft. I just hope that my own pompous (or "stilted", as I've heard it called) style isn't a total turn off. Whether you've roleplayed for less than a year or decades, I will greet you with open arms.

Word Count: The scene of a story may call for more, it may call for less. I have no minimum word count requirement, but... as above, please just put forth your best effort. I want detail. I want thoughts and feelings. If you can accomplish this in 500 words, good for you! If you can string it out to match the length of my posts, even better. If you respond with a short paragraph to an eight page opener... Uh. "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed."

Characters: I'm not here to dictate who you are or what you play but I'd at least like to offer the fact that I am very much attracted to flawed characters. Perfection is boring. Asides from that note, creative license is yours!


Still with me? Okay, great! Let's get to the fun stuff~

In the past I've presented painstakingly planned and developed storylines. Keep in mind I'm old and I've devoted a lot of time and thought to several worlds and characters. While this is all well and good for me, it has come to the point that it seems unfair to ask anyone to jump into these worlds. It requires a lot of beforehand discussion, and a continued stream of behind the scenes education. That's not fair, is it? If anyone should be curious, and we click on our initial conversations, I'm willing to mind dump some plots and see if any of it takes. Otherwise I'd like to try a new approach.

I'm going to offer some vague short ideas based on my current cravings, to be fleshed out as a combined effort.

Android/AI Entity: Remember the thing about wanting flawed characters? Let me introduce my exception to the rule. Despite considering myself a fantasy writer, I just can't get over this craving. Ultimately, I blame Data. ...And watching The Orville. While we are on the sources of the matter, I will say I am willing to go with a human designed android (built in their likeness, of course), or an alien non-biological race.

This would require a person willing to write as a machine. No emotions. Insane logic and reasoning abilities. There are several potential settings, the easiest being a Star Trek (TNG)/The Orville type set-up (preferred with the crew upon an exploratory vessel), although it could also be confined to Earth with humans creating androids and doing the terrible sort of things we'd do with that sort of technological power. The story could also exist in a digital world, whereas the focus is more on the artificial intelligence of MMO bots or NPCs (in an advanced gaming age, of course).

Cross Faction: A very basic idea with lots of potentials! Could be something as stark as Alliance/Horde (as a reference, I am not soliciting a WoW fan-fic), Hero/Villain... Or something more subtle, like noble houses with different political agendas and a general mistrust/dislike of each other. Happy to elaborate my specific story ideas or hear your own!

Vampire: A couple of points to keep in mind: this would be in a fantasy setting, and the vampire(s) would be of the sparkle in the sunlight only as they burst into flames variety. The latter of which...well...shouldn't even have to be explained, but apparently lots of people read terrible book series/watch movies based on garbage and forget what a vampire fundamentally is. I grew up on Anne Rice novels and hence have always had a lust for these beautifully complex undead creatures but have never had a satisfying roleplay to sate these desires. I have several baseline plots if anyone is interested, the majority of which would entail my co-author playing the vampire and myself playing a cleric/priestess/paladin. (Probably could've put that under Cross Faction, eh?)

Happy to expand on any of the above or hear your own musings! There's plenty more floating around my mind, so even if none of these hit - but you think we'd work well together otherwise - please don't hesitate to reach out~

Please do not respond to this thread! If you are interested, send me a PM.

Thanks for reading!
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