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^ Look, A New Logo. Thanks Chai!


We agree on certain things, me and this bear.
Staff member
Mar 8, 2012
Dirty Souf but takin' a baff
We here at BMR would like to give a special thanks to one of our designers, Chai, for making the new BMR logo found at the top left of our site. It looks great.
@Chai did a good. (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)

:coffee: Here is coffee. Unless you prefer tea. Then it is tea! That's the power of imagination.

Not that you need to be told about that, new logo is neat af.
So styling!
I was a fan of the last logo, but this one definitely feels more 2019. A job very well done! Love the glow on the moons too.
The orientation of the crescent moons sorta remind me of flopping tits, as if a large chested woman was running. Knowing you, I wouldn't be surprised if that was entirely intentional. Good work.
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