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An Ultra Adventure in All (MysteriousD & Stray Cat)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
Alola... a beautiful group of islands. Known for its tropical weather, their unique Pokemon and relationship with Kanto, it's quite a place to vacation at and to live in. However, as of late, strange things have been going on. The philanthropic organization, The Aether Foundation, had been undergoing some changes ever since the existence of its founder, Mohn, disappeared, forcing his wife and vice president Lusamine, to take over. It also may ties into the strange energy reading.

However, for most people, it seemed like nothing happened.

For Diego Vendrix though... that was far from the truth.

For the last couple of weeks, he had been dealing with a close case of this energy reading. That of Ash Ketchum.

A rookie Pokemon trainer, he became notable for his sudden disappearance when a massive hole opened in the sky and sucked him in. Beyond him, a few others were taken, namely his mother Delia, who was outside at the time and his partner Pikachu.

Then, he would reappear over Alola from a wormhole. As many Pokemon scientists gathered, he was tossed through a hole in time and space. The last few weeks was getting him to function and recover. After all, his mom was still missing, but also likely through the hole and a lot has changed. For example, he was once the rival to famed Pokemon trainer turned researcher Gary Oak, who wept on seeing him return.

Ash for the most part, has been struggling to process this though he managed to pull himself together so he can find his mom and still become a Pokemon trainer.

Diego would be accompanying him along with his co-worker. Both to keep an eye on him and to look for Delia Ketchum.
Each time her father returned from one of his business trips he returned with more than just gifts. He would bring her stories about the regions that he visited; the places, the people, the food, and of course the Pokemon. These stories nurtured her curiosity about the world outside of her small town. Anastasia was born in Ecruteak City of the Johto region. She lived a modest life, she would assist her mother in the shop her family owned while her father was away. While there were many things she indulged in outside of housework, her curiosity about the world remained. She didn’t forget those childhood stories and wanted to see those things for herself. She made the decision to leave in order to travel; those around her supported this and with their good wishes she set off on a journey.

The warmth of the sun woke her as it spread across the bed. She stirred and opens her eyes, it would seem morning was here already. From the corner of her eye, she can see the clock perched on her night table, it was time for her to rise. She was reluctant due to the comfort provided by her bed, but she knew she must. Seconds later she left her sanctuary in order to prepare for the day. She was careful not to wake her partner who slept at the end of the bed. Eevee was curled up tight as it slumbered peacefully. The young woman decided to let her sleep a little longer. The two had come a long way together. Eevee was her first Pokemon, she had been a gift from her father after he returned from one of his trips. The two had been inseparable for the moment they met. That particular memory made her think about home. She pursued her desire to travel, first, she saw the remainder of her home region Johto before taking a boat to Kanto.

She spent a few months in Kanto before traveling to Alola. The region was made up of four islands which would take some time to travel to each one. Anastasia was in no rush. She had the tendency to indulge in all that each location she visited had to offer. Admittedly, she had become a little sidetracked upon her arrival, but could one really call it that? She became acquainted with the local professor, who found her fascination in the islands and their Pokemon to be of interest. He offered her a chance to study them a little closer, how could she say no? She had been here for about a month’s time and during that time she had opportunities to aid Professor Kukui. Other times she worked alongside a co-worker. Right now she had been assigned to a rather intriguing project. A boy and his Pokemon had somehow come to the Alola region by extraordinary means. Admittedly she was curious about what this meant. During her time here she has yet to handle something like this before.

The young woman is pulled from her reverie when a gentle touch brushed against her leg. She searches for the source only to discover that her Pokemon was up and about. “You’re just in time” she kneels down and tickles Eevee underneath her chin. This earned her a cry of affection. “Come,” she beckoned. Anastasia retrieved her bag from it's resting place and left.
Diego Vendrix had been reading while his partner was leaning on the wall, in thought. Diego turned to Ash Ketchum, resting on the couch while his Pikachu was curled up. Diego empathized with him. Both were trainers with Pikachu starters after all and Diego gave him plenty of tips. Beyond that, he has a responsbaility to ensure the safety and well-being of the young trainer. Beyond recovering from the massive shock and obvious panic of his mom, he had taken to learning about the new world, including an updated Pokedex. Diego reckoned the massive shock attributed to do that. It gave him the young trainer something to occupy his time with.

That and of course practicing battling with Pokemon. Diego noted that Ash's Pikachu was like his own, possessing a surprising amount of power. Diego's Pikachu speaking of snapped out of his thoughts. Serious and pensieve, he often served as a comedic foil to his goofier lifelong partner. Diego enjoyed that his Pikachu was often the straight man in his goofy shannigans.

Here though, Diego's Pikachu, had sensed that someone was arriving. It would be none other than Anastasia.

"Hey Anastasia, ready for our big important quest?" Diego said as he finished reading before he got up to greet his friendo. Ash meanwhile got off the couch and looked. He was clearly eager to go. Then again, given how antsy and anxious he was to try and find his mother, Diego would not blame the kid.
It didn’t take her long to reach her destination. She was unsure whether or not Diego would be present upon her arrival but she would soon earn an answer to that question. Anastasia was soon greeted by her co-worker who wasn’t alone. He was in the company of the young man the professor had told them about. She noticed how he reacted to her presence, it seems he was ready for them to set out. She found herself sympathizing with the young trainer. What it must be like to be in a foreign region alone. What’s more he has no idea what happened to his mother. Who knows where the poor woman was? At this time none of them had the answer to that question. Hopefully, the two of them would be able to assist him. She returned her attention to Diego who also seemed ready to leave. Somehow this didn't surprise her either. Although, she didn’t know him that well yet, she was able to pick out little quirks about him.

“I am” she replied. “Where will we head first?” She did a little reading about the Alola region and noted how large it was. It would take them some time to travel to each location. She didn’t know what to expect, this would be her first big assignment. She had engaged in small projects up until now but the professor seemed to believe that she was well-equipped to accompany Diego on this assignment. This was a far cry from her days as a dancer back home but that was okay. She wished for an opportunity like this for so long, now it was finally happening.
"Well, according to the message from Professor Kukui, we'll be heading over to meet Hala, the Kahuna here of Melemele Island," Diego told Anastasia with a smile. For the most part, it was a matter that they would need to talk to him. Apparently, he had a surprise for them along with meeting some guests. Ash looked up and did his best to look determined and perhaps a bit excited. Yes, the concern for his mom bared down on him, but the support from everyone was giving him the determination to go and keep at it. He would find his mom... and he would still go and become a Pokemon Master!

Diego smiled at seeing Ash gained a determined look on his face. He put his hat back on while his Pikachu went on his shoulder. They were in this together, no matter what.

"Besides, we won't be the only ones traveling. As part of this, we'll also be accompanying the professor's assistant. She's been wanting to get out. She's actually about your age, Ash," Diego said, causing Ash to look a bit confused.

"Let's get going into the town," Diego said with a smile before he began leading them. They were staying in the inn over in ROute 2, so they just had to head over to the town where the Kahuna was and meet up with everyone there,
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