Fx F or NB Words and Thangs.


Mar 30, 2013
So....I'm back here on Bluemoon after an unexpected and unplanned long hiatus. Sorry to everyone I was playing with at the time, some personal stuff happened and I lost all desire and will to roleplay, or even log in for the longest time. That being said, I'm back now and ready to get a few roleplays going.


Incest (Pretty much all forms except for Mom x Daughter, that just weirds me out.
Best Friends
Cheerleader x Nerd
Boss x Employee
Survivors of an apocalypse of some kind.
Babysitter x Older Sister


Our characters are best friends, completely inseparable, and both in college. The semester is over and our characters decide to go to the beach for a week or so to blow off some steam and relax. My character is a little bold while her friend is a little shy. Maybe your character has a little crush on mine and doesn't want to admit it. Hot sunny weather, small bikinis and a shared hotel room...could be fun right?

My character is a lesbian in her mid-20s early 30s. and has inherited a huge house and a big sum of money. She works as a writer for various magazines and hires your character (a shy college girl) to clean her house during the summer. My character is not bashful, to say the least, she often walks around in her underwear, and sometimes naked in front of your character. Your character is straight, well thinks she is. But seeing my character walk around in various states of undress you start to think otherwise. My character catches yours looking and begins to question the young girls' orientation.

My character is a wealthy woman, maybe an heiress or married to an extremely wealthy man, and while on a trip to the city she is introduced to the black market. She finds your character locked in a cage to be sold to the highest bidder.

Our characters are freshmen college roommates, who end up sharing a tiny room. (Would love for your character to be a Futa for this one)

My character is dating your character's sister, your character comes home one night to find her sister tied to the bed at my character's mercy. My character sees yours and decides that she wants you too.

Your character is a chubby college girl, a girl that no one really pays much attention to. One night while out with some friends at a bar, you spot MC and can't stop watching her. MC notices and approaches her and pulls her to the dance floor.

My character just moved to town and is looking for a place to stay. She ends up crashing on her friend's couch since she just lived in a two-bedroom apartment with her roommate. One day as your character comes home from work she catches my character walking from the bathroom, naked after a shower.

No refunds:
Your character is a nice girl, just turned 21, and is still a virgin. She's a little on the nerdy side and most guys don't look her way. Her friends decide to hire a stripper for her entertainment, paying a little more for some...extras. The birthday celebration had ended and her friends had left, only minutes before the stripper had arrived. There was some confusion on the address and the kind of entertainment that was ordered. Instead of a male stripper, a female one shows up instead.

Box of Secrets:
It had been a fun day out just hanging out with your mother, getting lunch, and shopping. The typical girl's day out, a great day away from the stress of college life. Your mother drags you into an antique store and while inside you spot a small little wooden box on the shelf, the box was only a few inches wide and only a couple inches tall. The box seems to call to you and you end up buying it for only a few dollars. The owner of the antique store informs you that they do not have the key and have no idea what's inside the box. Later that night after you get home you decide to find out what's inside. Once you break the lock and open the box an attractive fully naked girl appears in front of you. Where did she come from? What is her purpose?

The Accident:

You were in a car accident, breaking both of your wrists. Your mom had been taking care of you since the accident but it was approaching her and your father's honeymoon. You tell your mom to go on to her honeymoon and you'd get your best friend to come to stay with you. She was the only other person you'd trust to help you shower and get dressed.

That's it for now, as always this will be a work in progress. Feel free to message me with any additions or ideas of your own you may have.
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