- Joined
- Jul 19, 2017
- Location
- among the stars
I have been a member here for a while and I'm just now getting around to making one of these lists. I have been around the erotic writing & roleplaying scene since my early college days, and I tend to go through periods of heavy writing & desire, moderate writing & desire, little writing & desire and then circle back around. I have found that the circumstances and stressors in my life greatly influence and/or hamper my creative abilities. That said, I do sometimes disappear without warning. If I have something planned, I will tell you via PM so you know not to expect me. But sometimes life interferes and I am kept away without warning, and despite my best intentions I cannot manage to post for days or weeks or months. I always feel bad about these disappearances but I do not always reach out to explain myself. Sometimes you will have to contact me. In these extended disappearance cases, it is best to reach out through email or discord. I try not to drop roleplays, but my extended absences have halted and/or ended most of the stories I have written with others over the last decade or so.
A bit about Me!
I am a happily married female living with her husband in her newly purchased home. I work for a living in the retail sector and rarely have a consistent schedule or regular days off. When I am not working, I enjoy sleeping, playing video games, playing and prepping for D&D (I have a twice a month game), writing, reading and soaking up sunshine, among other things. I have friends who I enjoy hanging out with and playing games with. In addition to all of that, I have a girlfriend whom I spend much of my remaining free time with. I also have two cats whom I love, who like to make my life miserable by chewing through wires and spilling drinks onto electronics.
I am happy to nerd out with you over any common ground we might share, but my biggest passions include geology & rocks, Criminal Minds, Bones (the show & the books), Supernatural (Destiel is my life), My Little Pony, general science and bad puns.
I have many views on many things, and I believe every person has a right to decide for themselves how to think or feel about any given issue. It is not my place to convince someone otherwise, nor is it my place to press my views upon them. I would appreciate if you would show me the same courtesy.
I am a college graduate and I have harbored a love for writing since I was a small child. As such, I think I am well-read and literate. I aim for proper grammar and spelling throughout my work, and often use a thesaurus for synonyms so that the writing does not stagnate. You would be amazed at how many ways there are to say "hard" or "moan." I would never require a writing partner to go to the same lengths that I do when I post, but I do expect well-thought sentences and accurate spelling and punctuation. But don't be intimidated by this! If you give it your best effort, I will be pleased.
The Yay's and Nay's of Writing with StarSiren
Please spell words correctly and use proper punctuation.
Please keep a minimum post length of 1 paragraph, which should equal 4 or more sentences.
Please do not take control of my character unless we have previously agreed upon the action.
Please do NOT include any kinks in the NO section of my f-list. Clink the link or check my signature.
Please understand that our work is cooperative. This means that we both contribute to the story and we both decide where it's going.
Please grant me patience. I rarely respond immediately to replies.
Please do not be rude to me as a person. If you are rude to me, I reserve the right to block you and drop whatever projects we may or may not be working on.
Please do not be jealous. You will not be the only person I write with, nor will your stories be the only stories I participate in. If you see me online, don't immediately assume I shall be replying to something we were working on. Ask first. I'll tell you what's going on.
The Requests!!!
Here it is! The moment you've been waiting for! I will divide these into two categories: Fandoms and Generic. I will list the characters I am comfortable playing, and if I have any desired pairings i will include those as well. While I primarily play females, I have played the occasional male in the past and am not at all opposed to playing one again. I will strikethrough any characters I currently play as or pairings I'm currently writing.
For reference, I am comfortable playing as:
- A cis female
- A cis male
- An androgynous female
- An androgynous male
- A character with breasts and a penis
- A character with breasts, a penis and a vagina
For reference, I am comfortable with the following relationships:
- MxF
- FxF
- MxM
- multiple partners (any combination and number of M & F)
- FxObject/Device
- FxSentient Beast (anthros, werewolves, dragons, etc)
- MxSentient Beast (anthros, werewolves, dragons, etc)
Elf x Orc
Angel x Demon
Babysitter x Dad
Student x Teacher
Prisoner x Guard
Slave x Master
Witch x Priest
Human/Vampire x Werewolf
Other Things!
I made a collection of my threads, characters and other works. You can find it here. StarSiren's character & writing list
I have been a member here for a while and I'm just now getting around to making one of these lists. I have been around the erotic writing & roleplaying scene since my early college days, and I tend to go through periods of heavy writing & desire, moderate writing & desire, little writing & desire and then circle back around. I have found that the circumstances and stressors in my life greatly influence and/or hamper my creative abilities. That said, I do sometimes disappear without warning. If I have something planned, I will tell you via PM so you know not to expect me. But sometimes life interferes and I am kept away without warning, and despite my best intentions I cannot manage to post for days or weeks or months. I always feel bad about these disappearances but I do not always reach out to explain myself. Sometimes you will have to contact me. In these extended disappearance cases, it is best to reach out through email or discord. I try not to drop roleplays, but my extended absences have halted and/or ended most of the stories I have written with others over the last decade or so.
A bit about Me!
I am a happily married female living with her husband in her newly purchased home. I work for a living in the retail sector and rarely have a consistent schedule or regular days off. When I am not working, I enjoy sleeping, playing video games, playing and prepping for D&D (I have a twice a month game), writing, reading and soaking up sunshine, among other things. I have friends who I enjoy hanging out with and playing games with. In addition to all of that, I have a girlfriend whom I spend much of my remaining free time with. I also have two cats whom I love, who like to make my life miserable by chewing through wires and spilling drinks onto electronics.
I am happy to nerd out with you over any common ground we might share, but my biggest passions include geology & rocks, Criminal Minds, Bones (the show & the books), Supernatural (Destiel is my life), My Little Pony, general science and bad puns.
I have many views on many things, and I believe every person has a right to decide for themselves how to think or feel about any given issue. It is not my place to convince someone otherwise, nor is it my place to press my views upon them. I would appreciate if you would show me the same courtesy.
I am a college graduate and I have harbored a love for writing since I was a small child. As such, I think I am well-read and literate. I aim for proper grammar and spelling throughout my work, and often use a thesaurus for synonyms so that the writing does not stagnate. You would be amazed at how many ways there are to say "hard" or "moan." I would never require a writing partner to go to the same lengths that I do when I post, but I do expect well-thought sentences and accurate spelling and punctuation. But don't be intimidated by this! If you give it your best effort, I will be pleased.
The Yay's and Nay's of Writing with StarSiren
Please spell words correctly and use proper punctuation.
Please keep a minimum post length of 1 paragraph, which should equal 4 or more sentences.
Please do not take control of my character unless we have previously agreed upon the action.
Please do NOT include any kinks in the NO section of my f-list. Clink the link or check my signature.
Please understand that our work is cooperative. This means that we both contribute to the story and we both decide where it's going.
Please grant me patience. I rarely respond immediately to replies.
Please do not be rude to me as a person. If you are rude to me, I reserve the right to block you and drop whatever projects we may or may not be working on.
Please do not be jealous. You will not be the only person I write with, nor will your stories be the only stories I participate in. If you see me online, don't immediately assume I shall be replying to something we were working on. Ask first. I'll tell you what's going on.
The Requests!!!
Here it is! The moment you've been waiting for! I will divide these into two categories: Fandoms and Generic. I will list the characters I am comfortable playing, and if I have any desired pairings i will include those as well. While I primarily play females, I have played the occasional male in the past and am not at all opposed to playing one again. I will strikethrough any characters I currently play as or pairings I'm currently writing.
For reference, I am comfortable playing as:
- A cis female
- A cis male
- An androgynous female
- An androgynous male
- A character with breasts and a penis
- A character with breasts, a penis and a vagina
For reference, I am comfortable with the following relationships:
- MxF
- FxF
- MxM
- multiple partners (any combination and number of M & F)
- FxObject/Device
- FxSentient Beast (anthros, werewolves, dragons, etc)
- MxSentient Beast (anthros, werewolves, dragons, etc)
I can be: Katara, Suki, OC
Pairings:Katara x Zuko, Katara x Jet, Katara x Guards/Soldiers, Suki x Fire Nation guards/soldiers, Suki x Prisoners
I can be: Korra, Asami, Jinora, Ju-Lee, OC
Pairings: Korra x Asami, Korra x Amon, Korra x Lin Beifong, Ju-Lee x Varrick
Pairings: Korra x Asami, Korra x Amon, Korra x Lin Beifong, Ju-Lee x Varrick
I can be: Pidge, Allura, Lance, Corran, Axca, Lotor, Haggar/Honvera, Veronica
Pairings: Allura x Lotor, Allura x Lance, Allura x Zarkon, Allura x Corran, Pidge x Allura, Lance x Veronica, Axca x Lotor, Axca x Lance, Haggar/Honerva x Zarkon, Keith x Shiro
Pairings: Allura x Lotor, Allura x Lance, Allura x Zarkon, Allura x Corran, Pidge x Allura, Lance x Veronica, Axca x Lotor, Axca x Lance, Haggar/Honerva x Zarkon, Keith x Shiro
I can be: Castiel, Gabriel, Balthazar, Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle, Meg the Demon, Ruby the Demon, OC
Pairings: Castiel x Dean Winchester, Gabriel x Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle x Dean Winchester, Meg x Castiel, Ruby x Sam Winchester
Pairings: Castiel x Dean Winchester, Gabriel x Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle x Dean Winchester, Meg x Castiel, Ruby x Sam Winchester
I can play: Jessamine Kaldwin, Emily Kaldwin, The Outsider
Pairings: Corvo x Jessamine, Jessamine x Daud, Jessamine x Hiram Burrows, Jessamine x The Outsider, Corvo x The Outsider, Emily x Delilah Copperspoon, Emily x Overseers
Pairings: Corvo x Jessamine, Jessamine x Daud, Jessamine x Hiram Burrows, Jessamine x The Outsider, Corvo x The Outsider, Emily x Delilah Copperspoon, Emily x Overseers
I can play: Female Sheppard, Tali'Zorah nar Rayyah, Liara T'Soni
Pairings: Garrus x Fem Shep, Tali x Fem Shep, Liara x Fem Shep
Pairings: Garrus x Fem Shep, Tali x Fem Shep, Liara x Fem Shep
I can play: Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Princess Cadence, Applejack, The Cutiemark Crusaders, Maude Pie, Princess Luna, Fluttershy
Pairings: Twiight Sparkle x King Sombre, Starlight Glimmer x Trixie, Princess Cadence x Queen Chrysalis, Applejack x Big Mac, Applebloom x Big Mac, Maude Pie x Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna x King Sombre, Fluttershy x Discord
Pairings: Twiight Sparkle x King Sombre, Starlight Glimmer x Trixie, Princess Cadence x Queen Chrysalis, Applejack x Big Mac, Applebloom x Big Mac, Maude Pie x Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna x King Sombre, Fluttershy x Discord
Elf x Orc
Angel x Demon
Babysitter x Dad
Student x Teacher
Prisoner x Guard
Slave x Master
Witch x Priest
Human/Vampire x Werewolf
Other Things!
I made a collection of my threads, characters and other works. You can find it here. StarSiren's character & writing list
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