Cylian's Harem


Digital Pimp
Mar 30, 2019

As one wanders through the land, often, curiosities turn into earwigs as they burrow into your mind and remain ever present reminders of what a story could have been. What this character could have been. It is a shame that so many of the ladies who exist in the hallowed halls of my mind remain alone, hungry, wanting for someone to come play with them. Wanton, unyielding in their desire; a true definition of salacious. They will take you to a realm beyond the simple human definition of pleasure.

So come on, grab a seat, take a cigar and enjoy in the devilish delights demonstrating delectable desire. Come on inside and experience what Cylian can offer.

Will you?


Good day, saludos and how are you all?

My name is Cylian997 and I am an avid specialist in DM style rps with a fantasy twist. Of course, writing any other genre is fine with me. But, if you want me at my peek than the fantastical might be the best option. Manga and anime style worlds are a close second. But I am sure we can make something that works.

In order to enter this special place there are some rules to follow.

First: grammar and literacy are a must for me please.
Secondly: 2-4 paragraphs are the norm of what I am looking for for posts. Of course, the post does not need to be some sport of Homer epic, but if you desire that I will match you.
Third: No God Modding, which again, it is something we can work on. If you enjoy mind control than some god modding comes with the territory.
Fourth: No Mary or Gary Sues. Have some believeable flaws and weaknesses, no one is perfect even if the people we play might be. It is those blemishes that make a character shine.
Fifth: If I have something in my no column of my F-list for a reason. While I do not intend to kink shame, if I don't personally like something please respect the fact that if you enjoy it, I will not try to change your mind against it.
Sixth: Do not ghost me. Generally a pretty rude thing to do, we can chat if a RP isn't going well. Cancel it even. No big deal.
Seventh: I like longer roleplays. A wham bam thank you mam isn't going to garner my interest.
Eighth: I like to really build a world and an audience so please... try to understand that stories take time ^^.

Lastly lets make some fun original characters!

Feell free to request something, I do have quite the back log of anime knowledge. Feel free to request something. I normally only do original ideas within a world however.

PMs or thread posts only

Thank you!
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