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Dead By Daylight - A Different Kind of Mori (Lord DreamCrusher x Penny)

Lord DreamCrusher

Primal yet Intelligent, Savage yet Sophisticated
Feb 17, 2018
United States
The Hillbilly huffed as he hustled over in a hunched fashion, cattle hammer in one hand and a well and gory chainsaw in the other. This trial had gone fairly well as he had managed to sacrifice three of the four survivors to the almighty entity but one yet remained and the loud buzz of the exit gates being opened had alerted him to hurry. He had heard their names spoken in hushed whispers and loud screams so he knew what this female was called, Feng Min, and she had been frustrating him for multiple trials now as she sacrificed her allies simply to save herself yet felt the need to taunt him and brag about her skills. In his mind everyone else should die in horrible and painful ways just like he had murdered his parents who locked him away and tormented him to suffering because of the way he was born, yet here in the fog the entity wouldn't let them stay dead and these repeat efforts were weighing upon him as satisfaction was always fleeting.

He saw the lights in the distance and the clear signs of the door just beginning to open as he rounded a small hill and saw her furiously picking at the control panel and settling it into place. When she looked over her shoulder to his hunched form half-running, half-hobbling towards her she wasn't fearful but rather smiled as she turned to flee him. He couldn't let her get away! No! They all had to die and become ugly like him! Be bloody messes of strewn guts as the entity impaled them upon spindly claws and lifted their broken remains into the sky to sate his hungers. The disfigured beast lifted his chainsaw and revved it up loud to signal his impending charge that would fill him with dark power and propel him at a breakneck pace so that he may savor the sprays of crimson and the cries of agony and pain. Somehow over the throaty roar of the machinery he managed a slurred shout of rage to her who had become something of an obsession to him now. "No-no escape from me! You die!"

He aimed carefully as the familiar power reached its peak, then he broke into a terrible sprint as the blades of his chainsaw whirred rapidly. Despite his best attempts however, he was fated to fail as Feng Min had outmaneuvered him once again by throwing care for her fellow survivors to the wind. The wall grow upwards before him to bar his passage and his chainsaw simply bounced backwards and stunned him for a few moments. She was on the other side and she was safe from his wrath yet again, but then the question remained as to why she had stopped and turned around to face him rather than disappear yet again in victory?
Another trial. Another victory. Another lonely escape for Feng Min. She felt a pang of guilt, but only that. The others should have kept their eyes on the prize, but instead they'd incessantly circled that one hook in the middle of the cornfields where that deformed freak was strongest, rescuing each other just to be taken down in turn. More of them would have escaped if they'd just let the Entity take one...maybe two. They were their own worst enemies, letting their emotions control them. Why couldn't they see this all for what it was? A game, that's what it was. An arena where she could prove herself, redeem herself, bask in the thrill of overcoming the odds. The agony and death was just another part of it. They thought it was Hell, but Feng knew better. This was Valhalla.

The door opened, and over the sharp screaming of metal she heard the guttural roar of the Hillbilly's chainsaw. She looked over her shoulder, seeing him charge, but it was too late. Her mouth twisted into a cruel, mocking grin, her face a practiced expression of contempt. He, too, let his emotions control him. It was the source of his strength, but also his weakness. Feng had long ago learned how to worm into her opponents' heads, make them angry, force them to overextend. It worked on some killers better than others: the wizened cannibal and dismembered Japanese woman were easy to manipulate, while the big men in masks were more stoic. But the Hillbilly was maybe the most vulnerable to her psychological tactics, both easy to enrage and liable to throw himself into all-or-nothing strikes. More than once in this match alone he'd probably have had her if he'd played more conservatively with his hammer, but lost his opportunity by trying to eviscerate her with his chainsaw instead.

The sprint out the door was exhilerating, hearing the cycling engine grow ever closer until something stopped him. She looked over her shoulder and saw the Hillbilly bounce off of...something. She saw it and she didn't. She knew what it meant, though; she'd won. She was safe for now. She slowed to a jog, then stopped. She dared not stay for long, for fear she'd provoke the thing that watched all this, but she had to invest in a future match, get the Hillbilly good and angry.

"No good, weak bitch!" she shouted back in a mocking tone. Her English was getting better, but not great. Another skill she'd master in time, she knew. "Big baby, so bad! Baby killer! Why even try?"

She smacked her ass at him, then half-turned and grabbed her crotch, throwing him a middle finger with her other hand. She'd generally hesitated to incorporate a sexual edge into her mockery - she was a virgin and didn't want her inexperience to make her taunts come off as a farce - but she was confident he was a virgin, too. Who'd touch that? "Right out of here, baby killer! So ugly, ugh! Mother should have thrown you away! Fuck you!"

She laughed, then, as cruelly as possible, before turning and running again.
He snarled in rage, a somewhat wheezing and horse voice whining out in hatred an rage as expected from her words as she taunted him in ways he had never suffered from her before. Flashes of memories tormented him from his youth before he discovered his strength, before he had killed those who locked him up and taunted him much the same. 'Take your slop you ugly freak! You are lucky we even feed you. Can't believe that we made such an abomination.' The food was always tossed through a small hole in the bricked up walls around him to clatter and roll off the floor which often spilled much of whatever they saw fit to give him. Usually it was bland and near tasteless things while they would chew on savory pieces of meat in front of his eyes. In but a few moments Feng would be able to see the focus come back to his twisted and deformed face as he snapped to attention and perhaps looked more angry than he had every been. The Hillbilly again revved his chainsaw and slammed it against the barrier he saw befofe him time and time again only to bounce off harmlessly as he screamed out against her.

Still as she laughed and ran into the fog to disappear once more her actions had planted the seeds of a plan in his mind, something he had no experience with before and didn't quite understand just yet but would prove to quite possibly be a more terrible fate than death in these trials as her sexual actions would be read by the entity's powers and fed to flicker and burn within the recesses of his mind until he understood what he desired to do. Killing her would solve nothing in this feud but raping her would be something she would never forget. The grounds of the trial faded away to black as he was pulled out and given a chance to reflect and recover his energy and focus, all the while the entity was massaging his mind and helping him to think that every idea he came up with was his own until as last the killer spoke to the darkness around him and asked a favor. It wasn't unusual for the killers to be rewarded with the chance to kill by their own hands but in this case he wanted to rape Feng Min and put her in her place to the extent that she would never forget to silence her tongue in his presence for future trials to come. He asked for a Mori and the entity agreed, but only once he sacrificed every other survivor first would he be allowed to use her as he pleased.

The Hillbilly had never been given a name as his parents had always hated him for what he was but the entity loved him and called him Max. Here again Max felt like he was vindicated in his service to this darkness and cackled madly as he jumped and spun around in place with excitement for the trial to come. Somehow even gory death wasn't quite as tempting as this right here and now and he could hardly wait as time passed until he felt the familiar pull to signal that his awaited match was finally at hand. He wondered what area he would be placed into but in the end he truly didn't care as he was confident that his focus was going to be razor sharp like the blades of his beloved saw and that nothing would stand in his way no matter how hard he had to work.
As always, Feng didn't remember the transition, just a vague sense of movement and lost time between huddling around the campfire and her current position. She looked up to find herself surrounded not by natural curves of trees, brush, or even fog, but the hard lines of artificial construction. The harsh white of intense electrical lights illuminated pale, crumbling walls and cracked linoleum floors, and over the even hum of electricity she could detect the acoustics of labrynthine corridors that almost emulated the interior of a hospital. She couldn't see any signs now, but she knew from prior experience that this place was called Léry's Memorial Institute. The claustrophobic environment and short sightlines suited some killers more than others; the white-faced man and pig-headed woman were especially fearsome here, but the wheezing nurse and deformed freak would have to work especially hard for their kills. No matter who it was, though, Feng felt a rush of confidence; the windows and technical equipment made this her playground.

"Sacrament," Claudette whimpered, holding herself. Looking around, Feng saw everyone had appeared together. "Where am I going to hide here?"

"It's okay, it's okay," Dwight said soothingly. "Just be ready if any of us get hurt, alright? Remember, they can only be one place at a time. We'll be fine if we just work together."

"Yeah...yeah," Claudette nodded, though she still looked nervous. She glanced over at Feng with a poorly disguised frown. "You think can help us get out alive this time, Feng?"

"I fix the generators," Feng said, crossing her arms. "That is how we get out. Don't get caught - no problem."

Claudette and Dwight both looked like they were going to say something, but David's loud, raspy voice beat them to the punch. "Don't mither none. I'll cover the lot o' you. Get right in his fuckin' gob if I've got to. Just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, innit? Just get the shit done, I'll be fine."

Feng nodded, glancing up at the wall-mounted security cameras. She didn't even know if they were powered, but she couldn't help but feel uneasily exposed under them. With no time to waste, the group split up, looking for generators.
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He felt the tug and pull as the darkness faded away and was replaced by white walls, cracked and faded as bright lights stood at every turn for which he was thankful that he had long since adapted to such things. There was always a brief disorientation during the travel and his mind had to piece together his past before he could focus on the present. Max, the hillbilly, remembered tuning the carburetor of his chainsaw carefully for the best possible performance for this trial and the guide he followed has crumbled to ash right afterward to ensure he couldn't use it again, but there was something else that he couldn't quite put his finger on right away. The weight in his hand felt wrong before he looked down and saw the ceramic jug where his hammer would usually be, a shake revealing it to be full in what he quickly realized could only mean moonshine. He set down his chainsaw and quickly removed the cork before lifting the jug to guzzle down the potent alcohol in one go, only managing to spill a minor amount down his face before he was finished and could toss the jug aside where it shattered into pieces which too seemed to crumble to ash and fade so as to not impede the trial.

Gathering his wits and his weapons the hillbilly stood once more in his permanently hunched stance and let the rage fuel him in combination with the moonshine that would kill any human daring to drink so much so fast, instead it gave him yet even more of a single-minded focus in his desires to kill all but the target of his obsession whom he had other plans for. Rather than give any sort of tactical planning of calm movement as he began his hunt Max simply jumped up and down a few times and revved his chainsaw with deep and guttural screams before picking a random direction and running full tilt, obviously alerting everyone of just who they were dealing with without any shadow of a doubt.

Of course in truth he didn't know for certain that Feng Min was here and this could all be for naught but by sheer happenstance he managed to stumble into an oddly circular room with heavy metal tables and a balcony above for observation. He paid it little mind of course and was all about to carry on towards the nearest generator to begin his vigil when he noticed movement on a black and white screen, one of many it seemed that lined the room and showed a few different angles of the institute. He saw four survivors as always, all ones that he could recognize easily enough even through the grainy imagery, and there he saw his most hated prey in Feng Min. The yellow-brown flesh of his distorted hands gripped tightly onto his chainsaw and cattle hammer in equal measure as he grunted to himself this time to try and keep a grip on his anger to be focused rather than simply wild and spittle dripped down his chin into drool as he literally salivated at the chance to get just what he wanted. Oh the entity may keep them alive but he did provide just what his killers wanted it seemed.

He wasn't the smartest except when it came to mechanics and tinkering but all the same he tried to guess where the image that he saw was in relation to himself and wasted no time bounding off towards the group. His breathing was heavy and ragged as air was pulled in and out of ravaged lungs but he had always managed without issue just like his hunched stance and almost bounding gait looked inhuman and awful to behold yet still allowed him speed beyond what most would consider possible. Still he knew they would know he was coming when he got close, somehow they always knew, and he was hoping to split them up for a gory takedown as his saw-teeth hungered for blood and gore. "I get you all, carve you up to pieces and hang on hook. All save for one, Max make all pretty turn ugly in red pools but he take her and make ugly inside this time." He spoke softly to himself and he moved and cackled just as quietly, the anger mixing with excitement and making him truly mad perhaps like that guy in the white coat with wide-eyes. But then again lightning guy say this was his domain so it made sense to go a little crazier than usual...
Feng was elbow-deep in the generator, stray oil slicking her hands and forearms, when she felt the familiar sense of impending doom. It wasn't anything she saw or heard or felt, just something she knew - mortal danger was approaching, and fast. Her heart pounded louder and louder in her ears, her nerves buzzing and her muscles jittering with panicked energy that had nowhere to go. The generator chugged merrily along, threatening to give away her position; she could quiet the sounds of her repairs somewhat, but it sounded like he was coming straight for her. Her hand slipped, threatening to blow a gasket, and only a quick, instinctive grab prevented the generator from going off like a gunshot.

It might not have made a difference. It sounded like the killer was nearly upon her, and Feng glanced towards the nearest window, assuming she would have to run rather than sneak away - when she heard another generator spring to life only a few rooms away. Who did that? Feng wondered, but it would take multiple people to get one done so quickly - and Dwight was probably one of them. Either way, the noise would surely be enough to draw the killer off, whoever it was. Feng settled back on her haunches, focusing on the generator. She had another victory to earn.

It was two people that had completed the generator, and one of them was indeed Dwight. The other was Claudette. Too late, they'd picked up on the same impending doom that Feng had just seconds before, and completing the generator had led that doom right to them. Claudette, with nowhere else to go, crouched behind the generator, hoping it would block her from view of whatever was coming; Dwight instead ran for the nearest window, looking back over his shoulder just in time to see a misshapen figure lurch through the door.
The instinctual feeling bubbled up inside him, the innate understanding that a generator was nearing completion and in a sense his connection to machinery being further enhanced by the Entity's power. Unfortunately despite his speed he couldn't make it before it kicked to life and illuminate the surroundings in bright and horrible light just seconds before he entered through the doorway and looked about. Instinct kicked in as he saw the man, Dwight he was called, running for the window and the hillbilly began to charge up his chainsaw loudly as he ran forward just a few steps and paused. His rage was great but he had to be better than this, had to work differently if he was going to get them all. He knew this couldn't have been the work of only one person and yet the angry red scratches that marked the trail of the fleeing man were the only signs of life at play, at least until he turned at the last moment with chainsaw still held high and spotted her crouched beside the running generator.

Not giving her even the slightest hint of chance to react he let that surge of motion kick in, even though he was all but beside her already, and swung madly in a downward arc as he bellowed an animalistic scream. The rapidly spinning teeth of his preferred weapon cut wickedly into her shoulder as blood spewed everywhere, the cracks and crunches of splintering bone were almost overshadowed by her cries of agony and in but a few horrible moments he pulled the blade closer to his body and out of her back as it dripped crimson. Claudette was the name of the black woman and she gave him trouble too in the past, nothing like Feng Min but he smiled to reveal crooked and decaying teeth as he watched her making a mess of the floor. Quickly Max reached down and grabbed her body to lift it up over his left shoulder, he had to get her to a hook before she could bleed out and break his deal with the Entity. Oh how wonderful the feeling of her warm blood was as it ran down his body and he looked around wildly to find the nearest suitable location, seeing the glow of those rusted hooks even through walls as the Entity guided him as was necessary.

Ignoring everything else he hoofed it back the way he came with his hunched body bouncing Claudette upon his shoulder and making her pain worse with each rough jostle until he found a spot not far outside the room where Feng Min herself was in, not that he was currently aware of that at the moment. With a heave he practically tossed the woman up and onto the sharp hook, so that her left shoulder would be impaled considering that her right was in ruins, and savored her additional cry of pain. The man got away but he would hunt him down and for the moment it settled upon him that the nearby generator was being worked on as well, or had been recently as it was loud and noisy in the state between disrepair and functional. Glancing around just to ensure he couldn't see any others lingering around waiting to save her the hillybilly turned and hobbled off towards the nearby generator to see what all the noise was about, he couldn't have them escaping before his victory this time now could he?
Max had barely gotten Claudette onto his shoulder before he was tackled by another man - not Dwight, who was already out the window, but the other one, David. David was larger than Dwight, but still not even close to Max's size, and the tackle didn't even budge his shift on Claudette. It slowed him down, though, and Claudette was already wriggling like a fish despite her injuries. David, always aggressive, tried everything he could to block Max's movement, and it's possible he might have done so if not for the cramped environment; being so focused on Max, he failed to notice the doorway they were approaching and Max managed to push by ahead of him, preventing David was circling around until Claudette was already on the hook. Nonetheless, it cost the hillbilly precious seconds - but also meant David was not working on the generators.

This didn't seem to abate David, however, and as soon as Max turned around, he saw the man with a flashlight in one hand, rapidly snapping the switch back and forth with his other hand in an attempt to dazzle Max with a strobe effect. David didn't wait to see if it worked, instead turning and running to a narrow alcove. There, a heavy pallet leaned against the wall. What the pallet was doing there was a mystery, and an irrelevant one: like the labyrinthine corridors and endless purposeless rooms, it was placed there by a mind attempting to recreate a world it couldn't truly understand.

"C'mon then, you cuntin' wanker!" David howled, beckoning Max with one hand and grinning a mouthful of crooked teeth. "Bloody fuckin' minger, ain'tye?" David had used this trick before, on Max himself no less. He hoped to slam him with the pallet, blind him with the flashlight, and run off to the next one in the time it took to smash through. At the right time, against the right opponent, this simple loop was surprisingly effective - but David had apparently not noticed Max's resistance to pain and bright light, nor the speed at which Max could rev up his chainsaw or tear through the pallet.

This show of machismo did have a purpose, however. Dwight had slipped into the room and was creeping towards Claudette, keeping one cautious eye on Max, while Feng was carefully working with the generator. Unlike David, she was well aware of Max's skills, and knew he had a sense for when generators were close to completion. It was close now, but she held off on completing it, waiting until she was sure he was distracted before putting the finishing touches on the machine.
Max grunted as he shrugged off the tackle with his inhuman strength and pushed forward with the intent on hooking Claudette, David had done things like this plenty of times before but it still was infuriating to have to push past the man before his prey could squirm out of his grasp. The hillbilly almost swung with his hammer but didn't want to waste time should he miss and thankfully a doorway ahead allowed him to lose David and toss Claudette up as he desired, the count was one and he knew that the Entity would instantly kill any who were thrown up there for a third time.

Of course this didn't end the excitement as he was stopped from examining the noisy generator to watch David run off towards a pallet and taunt him to draw the killer forward, it was a difficult decision as to what to do and the Entity whispering in his ear was of no help considering their proximity still but with a guttural sound of anger he took the bait and hurried forward with chainsaw held high once more as he revved it up loudly. Much like before the time that he took to charge his unholy rush was greatly reduced and he lunged forward in a great burst of speed long before he reached the area where David stood. The question was, as that chainsaw whirred loudly and all but deafened the room, was whether this display was going to ruin David's concentration enough to get him hurt as well. If he dropped the pallet early then the hillbilly would just cut through it with ease but if he was even a fraction too late then he would never drop the item at all and would rather feel those painful teeth tearing his flesh up as well.
Maybe David had realized how finely Max had tuned his chainsaw, or maybe he just lost his nerve. Either way, he erred on the side of caution, and threw the pallet down too early. It had barely hit the opposite wall before the chainsaw hit, tearing through the stiff wooden boards more quickly and effortlessly than it ever did through flesh. Sometimes, it was easy to forget that the chainsaw had been designed to saw through wood, and that its violent role was an improvised one - even if far more satisfying. David reflexively clicked the flashlight on to blind Max, then realized his mistake a moment too late. He turned and ran, trying to reach a doorway down the hall, at least put something between him and the Hillbilly, but there wasn't enough time.

Meanwhile, Feng looked up, hearing the distinctive whine of the chainsaw tearing through wood, knowing it could only mean Max was occupied in another chase. She had to most of this opportunity. With a tightened nut and a pull, the generator roared and its lights flared. That's two, she thought. Even if this all went downhill, at least she'd have an emergency escape route. Standing, she hopped through another window and sprinted away, looking for another generator.

Claudette cried out in pain again as Dwight hefted her off hook and down to the ground. She whimpered in pain, but despite the extreme physical trauma of Max's chainsaw and the hook itself, she stayed on her feet as Dwight did his best to treat her wounds. Not for the first time, she wondered how she could take it, how all of her allies could recover from this level of damage. She wondered if, inside, she were any more human than the more twisted killers that stalked this strange world, or if the Entity that ruled this place had changed her as well - but unlike the killers, simply tweaked to endure as much torture as possible. She hoped she would never have to learn just how much suffering a person could take before they died, if the attacker were focused on causing suffering instead of death. She didn't know that Feng was due to find out.
The information provided by the entity was threatening to overload him in the moments just after his chainsaw split the wood into splinters. The sound of a generator nearing completion echoed in his head and the Entity stripped away the radius of terror meant to keep the game interesting from around Max, roughly twelve seconds of nithing but the sight and sounds of his labored breathing to tell the survivors where he was or that they were bring hunted. Of course being focused as he was on David who now fled down the hall he didn't have a chance to stop the machine from being repaired and aputtering to life to yet further illuminate the area around it. Perhaps a second before the man had tried to blind him yet the sensation hardly stung his eyes at all as he was intent to push forward, at least until the inhuman sound that told him Claudette had been saved from the hook behind him.

The information was too much, too fast, and he struggled to make the split second decisions about his strategy. He could get David rather quickly but perhaps if he turned he might get Claudette once more or the person who had saved her, meanwhile Feng was running generators and he had to ensure they couldn't escape. Considering that his chainsaw needed a brief bit to cool off he stopped the chase and spun around to face the hook behind him and see Dwight tending to the woman's wounds, his hammer might drop her or otherwise wound Dwight but it was guaranteed that David would survive one hit at least and would drae him away from the others. "Kill them all....don't let them escape, earn your prize...." The Entity which was more of a father to him than his real one had ever been continued to whisper in the recesses of his mind to spur him on and prevent him from getting complacent.

With a squeal of rage he closed in on the pair, his fast yet hobbled gait that saw him all but hopping from leg to leg as he tried to prevent him from healing her. Something in his thoughts told him to strike the man first, that he was better off keeping them wounded than letting him heal them all, and so he tried to do just that rather than question as to where the idea was truly coming from. Raising his cattle hammer he lashed out towards Dwight as soon as he could, the swing wild and his approach not subtle and yet sometimes the survivors proved unaware indeed when the terror of the Entity was not at play.
Dwight and Claudette were still huddled under the hook, Dwight focused on treating Claudette's wounds and Claudette just trying to endure the pain. The claustrophobic room and blind corners meant they wouldn't see anyone, friend or foe, until they were right on top of them, but the survivors were complacent, too trusting in David's distraction and the aura of fear that usually surrounded the Hillbilly. With that aura stripped away and Claudette's whimpers covering the sound of Max's approach, however, they were completely blindsided when he came bounding around the corner with his familiar, loping gait.

Claudette saw him first, a hand coming up to point over his shoulder. "Dwight!" she shrieked, and his head snapped back just in time to see the hammer come down on his back. Dwight cried out in pain and jerked away, tearing free the first aid he was applying to Claudette's shoulder. She shrieked again, this time in pain, and they both ran for the window that Dwight had used earlier. This time, Claudette reached it first, hopping through and delaying Dwight a deadly second. He was just crawling through when Max reached him. This time, he wouldn't even need to use the hammer - Dwight was close enough for Max to reach out and grab him off the windowsill if he so desired. However, he heard footsteps coming from behind him, punctuated by a grunt of exertion. It was David, no doubt ready to try and blind him with the flashlight again as soon as he had Dwight in hand.
The sickening crunch as his hammer struck the man felt so satisfying, bruising flesh and threatening to crack bone with the strength he put behind it, but as per the entity's rules they could always seem to endure at least one solid blow before going down. No sooner had Claudette shrieked and turned to run with the now injured Dwight did Mac's aura of terror return all at once to hound them as they ran. Claudette reached the window and darted through it even with her nasty bleeding wound that was yet untreated, it made any motion pure agony as was evidenced by her wonderful whimpers of pain but she was far more afraid of him than her wound as was apparant. However there was nowhere else for Dwight to go and the delay had allowed Max to catch up and threaten to take him down but first the killer had to make a decision of going for the hammer or grabbing the survivor instead, the sound of sprinting footsteps behind him made that choice an easy one.

The hillbilly was normally a creature of rage and hatred, lashing out at a cruel world that had shunned him and treated him unfairly, but in hurting others he found brief moments of clarity as his pain was transferred to them if but temporarily and right now his mind was never clearer. David was coming to try again with that wretched light and even if he was so resistant to it he was not completely immune. There was a chance that David might succeed in stunning him with the tool if it was potent enough and he wasn't going to risk dropping his prey.

Max grunted with exertion as he swung with his hammer in a forward lunge, the hard metal slamming into Dwight's back as he tried to cross the threshold and sapping the strength from his wounded frame as he fell off the ledge and came backwards into the room with the vicious killer. "No escape! All die save one! All suffer!" Not that he wanted to give away his plans but he just couldn't contain his emotions with as wound up as he was, sure the clarity of injuring them made him think clearer but even still he was plenty furious with all of the survivors and Feng above all. Not bothering to reach down and grab Dwight just yet Max turned in the same motion as he pulled his chainsaw up and revved the engine loud, he would face David head-on and cut him in two before the man could even realize just how he had fallen into Max's trap of sorts. Of course no matter what he did the twisted creature couldn't kill them directly without the Entity's permission but in a way that just made the torture that much more enjoyable, perhaps he would see what lovely red David's guts looked like when he lunged?
Dwight flopped off the windowsill and onto the floor like a fish, wailing in pain. David stopped and readied his flashlight, but wasn't expecting the Hillbilly to whirl to face him, chainsaw screaming. With its carburetor so finely tuned, David barely had time to react, and not nearly enough to dodge. The split second of shock and panic on his face was a delicious sight before Max swung the chainsaw down onto him, shredding flesh and grinding on bone. No guts, though; no matter how many times Max brought the chainsaw to bear on his prey, they were never quite like his parents in the real world, or even like the cows on their farm. Their injuries were never truly, permanently debilitating unless they outright killed them; the Entity's interceding hand, most likely, always preserving that glimmer of hope until the moment of climax. Maybe Feng would be different, though, if Max kept his side of the bargain.

On the other side of the window, Max could hear Claudette's whimpering, plus the telltale sounds of first aid. It wasn't far; she must have stopped to bind her wounds, probably assuming the Hillbilly would be busy with Dwight just as David had. From the other end of the room, though, he heard the familiar sound of sneakers on linoleum, then that hateful, hated, accented voice.

"Ugh! So ugly!" Feng stood at the entrance to the room, arms crossed and shooting Max a smug, contemptuous expression. "Weak and baby killer! Shameful! Just give up!"

Reaching down, she grabbed her crotch and thrusted in his direction, extending the middle finger of her other hand. "Suck my dick! You have no balls! Come and get it!"

She acted as if she were invincible, but she stayed cautiously in the doorway, where she could duck behind cover before the Hillbilly could get to her even with his tuned chainsaw. Her eyes looked into his, taunting, daring him to attack.
Even without a crippling effort the feeling, sights, and sounds of his chainsaw shredding the flesh and bones of David were still plenty satisfying as he sliced a wonderful gouge into his midsection and watched the surprise play out on the man's face before he tumbled to the ground. What Max hadn't expected was the sight of Feng coming in to help the group, shouting and taunting him with even more vulgarity to try and lure him away. He growled in rage and began to stomp towards her, heedless of her plans as he wanted to make her suffer but the voice in his head made him see reason before he could get sidetracked. "Throw them on the hooks....sacrifice them to me and she will be all yours. Don't lose focus now." Of course, hurting her now wouldn't get him what he truly wanted and especially when there were two of the group bleeding out on the floor nearby.

He shouted back to her in anger even as he turned to pick up Dwight first and find a suitable hook to hang him upon. "Little Feng be ugly as me! She find out just what balls Max have when shoved in face! You mine! But no yet." The anger was so difficult to keep down but he had to try and focus, the alcohol fueled him and gave him a limberness to his turns when using the chainsaw but it could also muddle his mind and make it malleable. In this case he really should be thankful to the Entity for keeping his focused but he wasn't quite that wise to comprehend such things as he lifted the battered body of Dwight up and onto his shoulder, thankfully the first hook was close and he could use the one that Claudette had been freed from with little fear of interruption. The sickening sound of the decrepit metal piercing his shoulder and holding him up was music even if it was but an appetizer compared to pure screams.

The hillbilly didn't waste any time hustling over to David in kind, picking him up and hopping off to find the next nearest hook no matter what Feng shouted at him. At the same time he wouldn't despair if they were freed, almost certainly Dwight would be as he ran to hook David, as it just mesnt more chances for him to inflict pain and that many more steps towards the Entity determining that they were ready to be taken from this place without the chance to escape. Three times, that was the magic number and he was intending to get there with all but Feng. He would hurt her if given the opportunity but the chainsaw had to wait as he felt confident that if he hung her up he wouldn't get his chance to play with her and get his revenge, well not unless she was rescued which was a gamble he wasn't going to take.
"Eh?" The Hillbilly's clumsy sentences and the excitement of the situation was to much for Feng's developing English skills. She hadn't caught what he said, but she could tell there was something different about it. In fact, just that he hadn't taken her bait was different in itself. His rage usually made him predictable when provoked, at least when facing her - she knew she'd gotten under his skin. How could he pass up this opportunity now?

"Pussy! Big man too scared to face me! Baby killer, no balls, pussy!" Feng shouted, increasingly insistent, but he didn't take the bait. She tensed up when Dwight slammed down on the hook, expecting him to swivel and charge her, but he just continued onto David. Having the man on his shoulder would not only limit his movements, but he'd have to leave the two of hem behind to find another hook. Feng grit her teeth in frustration. Some other killers had this sort of determined focus, but it was new from the Hillbilly. She couldn't predict his moves, and that made her uncomfortable.

As the Hillbilly lifted David, she lifted Dwight, pulling him off of the hook with a grunt of exertion. "Go, go, come on!" she whispered, leading him out of the room. It wasn't as if she didn't care about them, after all. She just understood better than them. It wasn't as if they really died anyway. They were all so afraid, so desperate to escape, but all Feng wanted was victory. There were no consequences here. Nothing could really break her.
Again Max growled and grunted with clear signs of anger on his face from her words but he understood now that he had to push past them. In order to get what he wanted this time he had to play things exactly the same, let Feng be the last one standing only for him to snatch that escape away from her and show her what it meant to anger him. Sure the rage and fury still burned within him but he had to cool it off, ice it over to stay in some measure of control. He never would be able to do it alone but with the Entity whispering in his ears it helped him stay focused even in his drunken state.

As expected when he flung David up onto the hook and savored the grunt of pain as the rough metal pierced flesh someone rescued Dwight, it didn't matter which girl did it really but it just made things more interesting. Still the others were wounded and would take time binding their wounds, Feng would probably run for another generator and in that case he decided to do some small loops around where David hung to see if he could lure Claudette or Dwight in for an easy kill or if they would stay away from the threat he posed and let David be taken completely. With all the side rooms and narrow hallways it did make patrolling a bit more difficult but with the speed that he could rev his chainsaw and the increase in his turning capability from the moonshine he was more than ready to make them suffer for altruism.

As he circled his mind kept focusing on the pain and torment he would bring Feng, that Asian bitch would cry and beg for mercy underneath his efforts and worse than just the physical punishment would be the mental agony she wouldn't be able to forget. "Yes....she calls you ugly just like the will make her suffer you, make her ugly too. But first...kill all others and feed me their pain..." Perhaps it was the moonshine or something else but Max couldn't remember the Entity speaking so clearly to him before, especially during a trial. It didn't bother him of course as he knew the words were helping him and guiding him along to their mutual satisfaction but rather it made him grin again to think if what was to come, yellowish flesh distorted into an inhuman expression of sadistic glee and he even cackled a few times from the anticipation as he watched David so carefully in wait.
The labyrinthine hallways and darkened rooms not only made it difficult to patrol, but easier to hide. Claudette lurked in the shadows, using the hard corners and blind spots to maneuver around the Hillbilly's line of sight. She'd bound her own wounds, and while it wouldn't stop another blow from the chainsaw, it at least dulled the pain to the point that she could keep silent. The environment hid the Hillbilly from view as well, true, but the aura of fear surrounding him told her whenever he was close. Still, being able to move about under his nose didn't mean anything if she couldn't get to her target, David - which meant she could only sit and grind her teeth in frustration as blood dripping from his wounds to his feet, pooling below him, every second calling the Entity closer.

"Tabernac, why won't you leave!" she hissed, watching Hillbilly round the hook for the umpteenth time. "Pitch a tent and roast s'mores, why don't you?"

Feng and Dwight were making much more progress. Aided by his coaching, Feng had treated Dwight's wounds and then pulled him away to another generator, aiming to punish the Hillbilly for his wasted time. Dwight's encouragement was inspiring, despite his own nervous disposition, and the two of them worked quickly. Soon, it was close to completion, and Feng cast a careful eye towards the door, knowing the mechanically-inclined Hillbilly would surely catch on and come running to stop them.

Finally, Claudette's pounding heart eased. She couldn't see the Hillbilly, but since she couldn't feel his aura of terror, she knew he must be gone. With no time to waste, she broke from her hiding place, sprinting to the hook.
On the one hand he knew they weren't likely to leave David to die and yet on the other he hasn't yet seen anyone coming near to free him. True that his aura could be scaring them away this time but in the past they simply threw more bodies at him, though David was the type for that and he was the one hanging up at the moment. The silence was maddening and he felt the anger and lack of patience welling up as he desperately wanted to hunt down the others who were likely working on a generator and making good progress considering the time thus far. The chime of repair signaled him that a generator was nearing completion and he turned to rush towards it but the voice in his ears made him think twice. "Wait..." Max didn't immediately understand why but then something clicked in his head, that radius faded away for a brief period whenever the survivors came close to finishing a generator so if there was anyone willing to save David then now was when they would move.

Everything fell into place and he rushed into motion revving his chainsaw even before he rounded the corner of a room that led to the hallway where David was hanging and nearing sacrifice, true this was again a wild move that might backfire but he rushed forward and turned with incredible control as the motor screamed and he wheeled with the excitement for the kill. Max wasn't disappointed when he came sprinting around the corner and found that he was behind Claudette, the shock and surprise making it all but impossible for her to do anything even as she was mere feet from the hook. He swung the wonderful weapon sideways towards the side of her stomach and squealed with sadistic glee as the teeth bit in and the spray of blood painted the walls red, oh how sweet the sounds of agony and ripping flesh were to his ears every time and the fact that he imagined it was Feng only made it all the sweeter.

As she fell the hillbilly stood over her for a moment to make eye contact with the hanging man who had mere moments left and again he smiled as the terrible claws descended from the sky before slamming into his body over and over again, the last thing David would see were those spider-like claws piercing his flesh and the killer standing over Claudette as he enjoyed the show. Max didn't waste time once the man was gone and unfortunately the hook was always destroyed by the Entity's fervor so as he lifted the dark-skinned woman over his shoulder once more he knew he had to move a bit further to find another sacrificial spot. Turning to see the outlines even through walls he was delighted to realize he was close to the basement which held the most sturdy of hooks and he made his way down to accept that that generator was beyond his interference but hopefully he could thin the herd to two. In any case he needed to work faster to stop such progress from continuing but he would not fail, not with so much at stake.
Max heard the generator pop to life just as Claudette fell to the floor. Straining against the claws, David could only give Max a furious glare of defiance before he was impaled. His body went limp, then...not quite disappeared, not quite faded out of existence, but just seemed somehow less as the Entity removed him from the playing field. Claudette had the impression that David's remains were lifted upwards, but the illusion was broken by the institute's low ceilings. Even then, she couldn't describe or understand where his body really went or what really happened to it. Her brain just wasn't built to interpret what was happening.

She felt the Hillbilly's hands on her clearly enough, though, whimpering as he hefted her onto his shoulder. She writhed, but the basement was already so close, and there was no one there to help her. Bright hospital lights strobed in her vision and static hissed in her ears as they passed through the central operating theater - or something approximating it - before he took her down the stairs into a basement very much unlike the rest of the facility. Claudette couldn't help herself from releasing a panicked sob. Somehow, across all the forests and farms and junkyards and asylums and everything else, the basement never changed and never fit. There was more primal about it, more raw. There was a presence here, something like a heartbeat or predatory breathing, but instead of hearing or feeling it Claudette simply sensed it in a deep part of her brain. The straightforward, familiar pain of the hook punching into her back was almost a relief compared to the otherworldly fear of the place. Almost.

"Oh, man!" Dwight whispered to Feng, hearing Claudette's scream echo through the facility's halls. "Now she's in the basement. How are we gonna get her out of there?"

"He'll protect her!" Feng responded. "Got to take him away! I'll make him chase me! Then you go down!"

"Alright," Dwight nodded. Feng was a master at navigating the windows set erratically about the institute and could keep the Hillbilly running for a long time. "I'll hide and wait for you to lead him away. Just be careful, okay? We can't let this snowball any worse than it has already."

"Yeah, yeah, okay," Feng said, waving a hand dismissively. "You just don't make him see you!"

"Don't worry, I've got a plan," Dwight said confidently, then opened a locker and slipped inside, closing the door after him.

Feng stretched, squared her shoulders, and ran to the top of the stairs. "Aw, big pussy! Hiding in the basement, too scared to see me! To ugly to show to his face! Big ugly rat walking like a man, ha ha ha!"
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He shrugged off David's defiance as he took Claudette to the basement, her sobs of fear were delicious to him and he fed on it almost as much as the Entity did in his own right as it helped the pain of his abusive upbringing fade away. The hum of power was always stronger down here no matter which surroundings were at play and it was warm and comforting to Max, to him he was home here whereas to Claudette it was something else entirely. Truth be told he didn't focus much on the basement like some of the other killers did, he was much more about speed and the thrill of the hunt but that didn't mean he wouldn't take the opportunity when it presented itself. Turning he moved to begin climbing the stairs back upwards into the small office room before he heard the familiar and aggravating voice shouting down from the top once more to taunt him and insult him just like they used to before he ripped them to shreds, he saw her but a moment afterward.

His whole body shook this time, his muscles contracting as he shivered with rage and couldn't hardly hold himself back but he wanted to listen to the Entity who whispered in his ears and who was kind to him while all others weren't so he waited and was not disappointed. "Chase her....then turn baaaack...." That was all it would say to him, all it could say without completely violating the rules of the contest entirely. It was helping him perhaps more than it usually would others but this was a special case after all and the Entity wanted its killers to remain happy, didn't want the survivors to lose the edge of fear and agony it thrived on. Feng couldn't understand perhaps but her actions threatened to undermine the Hillbilly in his effectiveness not just from the taunts to his mind but how that could alter the perceptions from the other survivors who just might start to believe that she was correct in not fearing him beyond the kiss of his chainsaw.

Max gave into his rage at that point and roared with a guttural and wheezing sound that couldn't be described as anything other than pure hatred as he began to run as fast as he could, his hobbled form bounding with reckless energy that was much more how he typically acted in comparison. Of course she wasn't going to stand there and let him catch her but for the moment at least he would play her game. "Catch you! String you up by ankles! Teach to fear!"
Feng had expected the Hillbilly to come charging up the stairs chainsaw-first, but something held his temper in check. She still bolted as soon as she saw him, but his prudence made it easier for him to give chase and would have been enough for him to bring the hammer down on her back...if the small office wasn't lousy with windows, easily navigable by Feng's lithe form but awkward for the much larger killer to slip through. She leapt through a window and out of the office, using the inertia to surge ahead into another hallway. She reached a corner, looked back over her shoulder, and gave the Hillbilly a sneer.

"Gee-gee, easy!" she shouted, then cocked her hips and slapped her ass with the palm of her hand, twice. "Kiss my ass, baby killer! Come and get it, bitch!"

She laughed, her eyes locked on him, trying to make as cruel as possible. She really needed him to take the bait this time. This little bit of restraint from him had thrown off the entire team, and now things were snowballing out of control. If Dwight couldn't get Claudette out of the basement, it was game over. Her only hope would be to find the escape hatch in this labyrinth before the Hillbilly caught up with her.

At the same time, Dwight eased himself out of the locker in which he'd been hiding. He'd prefer to wait until the Hillbilly had left and Dwight's heart stopped pounding in his ears, but the Entity's claws were already pushing down on Claudette in the basement, requiring all of her dwindling strength to hold them at bay. He couldn't afford to wait; all he could do was tiptoe to the basement steps, counting on the Hillbilly not to notice him.
Of course those damnable windows allowed Feng to get a precious advantage over him as he had to somewhat clumsily climb through but he gave chase all the same. In the back of his mind the words of the Entity, who was like a true father to him, still lingered but the anger he felt for her was so terrible that when she taunted him once more he could almost swear to feel the veins of his skin bulge and struggle not to burst as his yellowish skin was tainted with red from rage. But then just as he was about to fly off the handle his mind clicked into place and understood the bigger picture for once in his life, a flood of comprehension filled him and cooled his mind almost in an instant as he realized what this was all about and exactly why the Entity would tell him to do such a thing. If there was one thing Feng had done during this trial besides repair generators it had been to distract him and draw him away from others in the name of allowing their rescue.

All but skidding to a halt he called back in a wheezing and panting voice that was otherwise eerily calm to a level that the hillbilly never truly acted ever before, this was different and he could tell that something inside him had become greater for this understanding and the opening of his mind to the games and tricks that not only Feng herself played but that of all the survivors. "I get you ass soon, for now trick other." With an evil grin he turned and spun around to re-trace his steps full tilt. Feng was diving around a corner at this point but all he truly had to do was run down a hallway and climb through a window before he was back into position to protect the basement and if everything worked to plan he would hopefully find Dwight creeping down to save his poor little friend.

Max decided that he wouldn't even rev his chainsaw or swing his hammer this time, no he would savor the shock and awe as he reached out and grabbed the man by his shoulder to pull him away from the success he assuredly would think was so near. So he did just that as he ran back down the hallway and climbed somewhat awkwardly through the window once more, he didn't see any red scratches to indicate the man running and had no other signs to go on with proof that Dwight was down there but all the same he trusted his gut and the advice of the Entity as he hobbled down those damning steps which somehow made no sound despite his meaty bulk.
The grin dropped of Feng's face as the Hillbilly spoke. This wasn't like him. He'd been clever before, even tactical, but never so collected. His anger was a strength as much as it was a weakness, something he couldn't afford to lose, and some of the other survivors may even have taken comfort in his restraint. Not Feng, though. This change of character threw out everything she'd learned and put her back at square one, like she'd been in her first days in this place. All her memories ran together and were clouded by an unnatural fog, but she knew she died a lot in those days. Dying wasn't what it used to be, of course, but still, she didn't like it.

Dwight himself had gone down the stairs more quietly carefully than the Hillbilly did, having never tested how much noise they'd make. He wouldn't be able to hear the sound of his or any other footsteps over his heart pounding in his ears, anyway. Soon, he hoped, Feng would lure the Hillbilly away. Surely, he thought as he crept towards Claudette, Feng has baited the killer to the hallway by now. Any second he'd hear the grinding roar of the chainsaw, then his heartbeat ease as Feng led the killer on another prolonged chase. He'd get Claudette out, bind her wounds, and even get on a generator. The one in the office first, then the operating theater. The two of them together could probably finish them before the Hillbilly even caught up to Feng. Then they'd be out of there, snatching escape and survival from the jaws of defeat -

Dwight's hands were on Claudette's sides, lifting, when he suddenly saw the red light fall over him.

Feng was already running. Fuck the basement, fuck the generators. The hatch would be visible soon, and then Feng would be out. Not much of a victory, but she'd take it. The Hillbilly could switch things up, but she still had the advantage. These mazelike rooms and obstructed corridors gave her the cover she'd need to sneak under the killer's nose. She could take the time to decode what the Hillbilly was up to later, back the campfire.
There was a blissful moment when Dwight paused his efforts to lift Claudette free and of course upon her face was an expression of pained terror that he always loved to see as she watched him round the bottom of those steps not with blind rage but rather of purpose. Max didn't know about the red light that gave away the direction of his gaze but in this case it hardly mattered as he reached out and grabbed the man by the shoulder and pulled him back with inhuman strength. "Not savor kill, but time to die." It was easy to spin the man around and lift him off the ground as he dropped his weapons onto the floor with a clatter and stepped around to the next hook on the left. Rather than his usual effort to toss them up and let the spike do the work the hillbilly instead lifted Dwight up and properly slammed him down onto that nasty hook in a much more painful fashion than was necessary as he wanted to savor this moment, the moment where everything came undone and he could finally have his revenge upon Feng at last. His wretched smile would likely haunt both of the trapped survivors here but he didn't linger as he turned and scooped up his hammer and chainsaw once more before bounding up those stairs with a growl of hunger.

There was a scream of pain that echoed from the basement as Claudette was killed by the Entity but even still he didn't linger to listen as he now had to prevent her from finding the escape hatch which would be her only means of salvation from the hell he had prepared for her. Thankfully in his case he had just enough help to manage that, or rather to find her before she could find the hatch. "Well....done.... She runs...." Max began to understand that even though he couldn't always comprehend the words that the Entity was trying to say he could tell through the hazy background noise when he was close to a survivor. For now he put distance between himself and the basement since even if she decided to come back and save them that would still give him plenty of time to hunt her down and he needed to be far enough away that the whispers would give him the information he needed, the proximity of Feng.

The generators were a lost cause so he ignored those for the moment as he stomped around the hospital and although he kept his eyes peeled he mostly stuck to the major hallways rather than dipping into the various rooms. First he knew that he needed to identify which area of this maze-like structure she was in and from there he could properly search for her. Max vowed that he wouldn't let her escape even though he didn't currently know just where that hatch was; he had not come so far only to be thwarted again by this wretched bitch once more. Taking a page from her playbook he turned the tables even further as he called out to her nice a loud. "Where stupid bitch now? Big pussy hide! Piss self in fear! Ha ha ha ha! Time for you pay!"
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