Mx Any Looking for doms to bully my character

Oct 8, 2018
Rules/Requests/About Me

Hi! I'm Alex. I have no life so I'm technically available at all times but I’m also bad with mental health, but I try to reply at least once or twice a day.

I'm looking to include smut in all my plots, but story is important to me as well. Doing nothing but sex gets boring.

I'm also extremely relaxed and easy going. I'll mirror your post lengths as best I can, and I don't mind you dictating the setting or plot or any of that.

I will only play submissive. I don't like playing a dominant guy unless he’s co-domming with one of your characters. Sorry.

I'm totally fine with doubling/tripling/etc, though I prefer to keep relationships at even partner numbers. So two/four/etc, where we both have an extra character to add to the mix.

I will always play a super masochistic guy, and I can't do vanilla. So please, kinky people only. If there is non/dub-con, my guy will always at least unwillingly enjoy it. So his body will say yes, even if he otherwise says no. I also have no limits in terms of violence and such, so unleash your sick desires on me. I survive off the depravity of others. Just follow the guidelines.

My fetishes and kinks are available here. Please let me know what on my list isn't doing it for you so I know not to include them in our roleplay

For my partners I ask you have decent enough grammar. I'm not perfect and especially since I usually type on an iPhone, I make typos. But at least put an effort into remaining legible
All characters must be 15+

My idea:

My character is new to school and yours takes an instant notice. They begin tormenting my character with typical bully methods. Pantsing, swirlies, wedgies, physical and verbal violence, etc. Your character can also use more typically sexual torments like spanking, forcing my character to strip or wear the clothes of your choice, forcing them to masturbate to humiliate them, etc.

My character finds they enjoy it, but hates that they do, and that can be used for more bullying amunition by your character. Of course the bullying leads to sex, either coerced or forced for my character, or willing if you like, but it doesn't stop the bullying. One way or another, my guy will become willing, though.

We can come up with an overarching plot if you like, or just make it PWP, I don't mind. I'm also open to other plots as long as bullying plays a main role.
I’m also open to adding furry elements if you wish or playing against a futa
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