Fx Male Rain's Search Thread


Jan 13, 2019

Welcome to my search thread!

I am currently looking for one or two role plays. It can be long term, short term, one shots, doesn't matter. I will be a bit picky, please respect my choices and don't get angry if I say no thank you to your ideas. I tend to prefer slice of life but can be open to others depending on the plot. I also usually role play in a third person POV. I role play over private messages or e-mails while OOC can be over pretty much any platform if I already have it. I love OOC by the way! I am more into plot driven stories therefore if you want smut only, I am not your ideal partner.

I've been role playing for about a decade but mostly in French. English is my second language and I do make mistakes, but I always use a corrector and try my best. Role-play has been one of my ways to improve my English. I write between one to three paragraphs or more depending on what is going on in the role play.

In case it is important to you, I am a female, but I don't care which gender you are.

Depending what goes on in my life, I can reply several times a day to once a week and understand if it is the same for my partner. I always let my partners know if something comes up and I need more time. I expect the same from them.

Light bondage
Clothed and semi-clothed sex

Bodily excreta
Toilet related stuff
Death / Gore


YC is quite the serious guy who works in law enforcement, bounty hunter, etc. (Which ever you prefer)
MC was a spontaneous and often immature gal who couldn't keep a job.

Both had been dating each other on and off, not committing to each other for their own reasons;
YC's work takes up most of his time, not to mention he could die any day.
MC, scared of the white picket fence house life that usually comes with marriage, dreamed of adventure.

When things went well, it was the most fabulous thing on earth. The sex was great, the romance level was cranked to the max, it was like a honeymoon phase.
Though when things went bad, it was a yelling, cursing, door slamming hell.

During one of their off again moments, MC discovered she is pregnant with YC's child. Filled with panic, she fled the town without ever saying goodbye to YC.
Five years later, the past catches up to MC, forcing her to head back to her hometown with her four year old child in tow.

How will the town react? How will MC's friends and family react? How will YC react, especially since he doesn't realize that the kid is his!?
Not to mention the event* that forced MC to come back has to be dealt with.

*Event could be something along the lines of a criminal escaped jail, or something similar, which can be linked to our characters' past. Something to add action in the role-play. Murder, hostage situation, etc.

Our characters are on opposite ends of the social ladder. You being ms. popular peppy cheer hottie that any guy would give his right arm to be with and me being the metalhead skater type of guy, who's respected to a degree as a few people say he's nice but not as well known enough to the school, each of us have our own group of friends. Well, we're both out sick one day, and in the class that we have together we end up getting paired up for a "Real World Project" where we're a married couple for the sake of the project and we have to work together on this. And the both of us aren't too thrilled about this idea seeing that we don't know each other, but also what "clique" we're in. So as we're working together we begin to talk and get along and we begin to see past our labels and my character asks yours out and eventually sparks begin to fly and they become a couple despite social status.
*Plot gotten from JayM1125

Two family based companies have been going head to head for many years, despite being good friends. The two main characters (one family's son, and the other's daughter) have known each other from the cradle through high school. When they were really young they were good friends. But once they got into middle school she started to hang out with a different crowd, becoming the preppy-popular girl and he became the polar opposite, hanging with all of the punks, skaters, gamers, and goths. As they saw each other growing up, they became bitter enemies and hated everything that the other did, forming a bitter rivalry, never again getting along. Even when their parents were still good friends as well as competitive competition. Once high school was done, they both moved on and went to separate colleges until fate brought them back together, or rather their parents did. They were both forced to break off things with their significant others (if they were involved) to prepare for this marriage to merge the business that both of their families owned since they were about to retire. To make matters worse, both children were told that if they want their respective inheritance, then they had to marry the other, and time is running out. They have to be ready to get married to each other in a year or they loose their inheritances respectively. Eventually, the more time they spend with each other, they start to feel that same connection they did once they were little, and even begin to fall in love.
*Plot gotten from JayM1125

This idea is a bit of a different take on the original show, this is what I think a modern reboot of the TV show would look like. My character is a college student, who's living with his struggling family who can barely keep a roof over their heads. He's looking for an inexpensive little trinket to give his mom for her upcoming birthday. He finds and old looking perfume bottle at a thrift store. After buying it he takes it home and while cleaning it up, out pops Jeanie, a vivacious, loyal, and very energetic genie who is ready and willing to grant his every wish and command, whatever it may be.
*Plot gotten from JayM1125

A big city boy who just graduated from high school is sent to live with his grandma, who just lost her husband of 60 years. He thought the world of his grandpa and was heart broken when he died. The reason he was asked to move in was not only to help with the house, but to keep her company as we'll. He decides that he wants a little spending money and to help financially, he takes a job as a farm hand for a neighbor of his grandma's. His first day at work, that's when he laid eyes on...her, the farmer's daughter. She was far more beautiful than any city girl he'd ever met and she had to be his. There's some mutual attraction, and eventual they share several long summer nights together. There's a problem though, this is only supposed to be only or the summer. In the fall, he's supposed to be going to college on a full ride music scholarship. He never expected to fall in love with this girl. What's he to do, sacrifice his dreams for love or leave her behind and let her become 'the one that got away?'
*Plot gotten from JayM1125

We were once best friends through relationships of our former best friends (my girlfriend was your best friend and vice versa) as well as being next door neighbors for the past 10 years through high school. Well, our boyfriend and girlfriend end up cheating on both of us and we both find out through friends and break it off. Well, a couple of days after we break it off with them and since both of us now didn't have prom dates, we took each other and then a kiss lead to something else in a hotel room. After that night, we never see each other again. It's 3 years later, junior year in college and either you transfer to my school or I transfer to yours and we eventually bump into each other on campus...literally.
*Plot gotten from JayM1125

They've been neighbors for as long as they both could remember both on opposite ends of the social ladder, despite the fact that both of their parents were wealthy. They never really spoke with each other, until something happened. One weekend afternoon during summer break, her parents out of town and his away on their 20th anniversary honeymoon, she realizes her car is broken down and won't start. So who does she turn to? Having just broke up with her boyfriend she couldn't turn to him, so she turns to the neighbor she never spoke to before in her life. He's a guy, surely he knows about cars right? Well, turns out he knows a little and is able to help her. How can she ever repay him?
*Plot gotten from JayM1125

Thank you for reading my search thread.

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