Lupin the Third x Detective Comics (M x F)

Mar 25, 2019
(If you're worried about my abilities as a writer, please, take a look below at the following content and you'll see I'm a capable writer!)


Now! Onto what I'm looking for, I'm going to make this short and sweet! I'm searching for a partner for a Lupin the Third RP! Not just any Lupin RP, but one that's larger than life, much like Lupin himself. I know it may seem strange to want to have a character from DC enter the universe and villains from that universe causing trouble here and there, plus, Zenigata up to his old tricks----meanwhile the boys encounter this young lady and hilarity, the unusual exploits, and adventure ensue.

Now, what I'm thinking about as far as pairings; I was thinking of Jigen Daisuke or Lupin himself as the love interest in this scenario. While I don't have everything planned step by step, I do have some interesting scenarios in mind. And, since they're all about the money there will be a lot of heists involved and they're going to come out richer for recruiting her help----or Fujiko might just steal everything. lol Who knows! Anyways, if you're interested, feel free to PM me!

Cells At Work

Mainly looking for a White Blood Cell; A Neutrophil, Killer-T, or a Basophil.

Long story short, I'd LOVE to do something with this concept! If you'd like to have a more detailed summary of the idea, I'll have one posted below~ PM me if you're interested!

In the far distant future, the year 2875, Medical Science has improved exponentially. An ambitious research team has developed, in collaboration with technological advances from the United States Military, a new procedure that will allow one doctor so embark on an adventure into the human body. Where no man has gone before. A female medical doctor is given the once in a lifetime chance to undo go a monitored procedure which will allow her to be shrunk down to the size of a human blood cell. From there, she will be injected into the veins of a Soldier or whoever was chosen for the research project.

The purpose of the project was to find a way to observe and possibly help eliminate deadly cancer cells. The subject she'll be injected into will have the worst type of cancer doctors have had trouble treating for years; Lung Cancer. His body, under radiation treatment and multiple experimental procedures, is attacking itself. They as doctors are looking at a more non-invasive treatment. Having an actual doctor injected into the body to take a look at the damage and administer treatment could prove to be vital in saving, nigh, thousands of lives. Countless.

It's basically being treated as a "Man on The Moon" Scenario. They don't know what to expect. And NASA has agreed to work injunction on this secret project and worked with Medical Scientists to create a specialized suit, a ship, ect. Everything she could ever need to survive for a month, minium. So, when she's injected into the bloodstream and goes into the body----you wouldn't believe what she finds. A whole nother WORLD. Like, individual work with PEOPLE. An ecosystem of people. It's something straight out of Inside Out! Except with the whole body!

Red Blood Cells look like people and they have designated jobs to report to various parts of the body carrying oxygen, White Blood Cells are elite militaristic marines who wear combat gear and patrol the blood vessels (for every 600 red blood cells there is 1 White Blood Cell; and 40 Platelets), Killer T-Cells are Special Black Ops and train tirelessly to eliminate any foreign entities and cells that are damaged or infected---They specialize in terminating infected cells, but not bacteria, and are only dispatched when there is a demand for their assistance. Typically White Blood Cells work harder than they do and Killer-T Cells are second to last to get to an infected wound opening in the body. White Blood Cells have killer instinct and are the body's "First Responders". Therefore, they have immeasurable bloodlust when in combat and take defending the body (their home) very VERY seriously. Sometimes their overzealous nature, when witnessed by Cells and Red Blood Cells, scare people. I mean, if you saw someone screaming at the top of their lungs "DIE YOU FILTHY GERMS!" or "THEY'RE GOING TO DIE!" Covered in the blood of their enemies, I'm sure you'd be scared too. XD White Blood Cells typically work together when the body is invaded by a germ and, as first responders, the white blood cell on patrol at the time will be the first to pursue, investigate, and neutralize the foreign germ. Radio Contact is typically made, to alert the other White Blood Cells that there has been a breach---and others will come to the affected area. They have the innate instinct to sense "germs" and other harmful bacteria. I imagine when he discovers the ship and his senses don't react to the "germ" that's discovered, he'll be very confused. They've never seen, whatever she is, she's their size but she is NOT one of them.

I'm envisioning the city that is each part of the body is similar or inspired by a city you'd find in real life. Depending entirely on the person genetic stricture (DNA) that'll most influence the cellular structure/architectural structure of the cities that make up the body's "Systems". Such at the heart, lungs, stomach, brain, sexual organs ect. I haven't the faintest idea where she ended up, but I have a feeling he's going to tell her she's a longshot from the lungs.

Altered Carbon

I've slowly begun to delve back into the world of Altered Carbon, but have also been craving a lot of DC lately. Late last night, I realized, hey, this would make a great crossover. I'd need a partner to develop the idea more and work on the concept but I think this could really work! I already know how the crossover of universes would happen and the basis for the plot, but I just need someone to help me flesh out the storyline. Particularly, someone who adores Altered Carbon~ I've got a plethora of DC characters I could play to add depth to the story, so if your knowledge of DC is rusty or not as extensive as Marvel, you won't have to worry.

If you're interested, PM me~!

(Rapid Responses Everyday!) Far Cry 5 x Bioshock Infinite: Humanity's Salvation

There's Always A Cult


There's Always A Man


There's Always A City

One of the Seed Brothers will find salvation in the arms of the former Lamb of Columbia. In turn, he shall be her savior, forgiving every sin that blackens her soul. And together, they shall become the Adam and Eve of the New World.

Jacob Seed x Elizabeth Dewitt

Joseph Seed x Elizabeth Dewitt

John Seed x Elizabeth Dewitt

About the RP:

I've been fanatically raving about this crossover for days! Since I first discovered the wonderful world of Far Cry 5! I know Elizabeth technically died at the end of Burial at Sea, but that ending didn't feel justified. Don't get me wrong, it made so much sense because of what happened to her "Father" Booker, so the apple did not fall too far from the tree. At the same time though, I would have loved to see an AU where she would have instead worked alongside Jack (The Original Bioshock's Main Protagonist) and liberated the Little Sisters. There's so much she could have done with her powers, so much she could have achieved and made right. Instead, she got sloppy....and in some weird way, Elizabeth became exactly what Jacob said The Deputy became, in Far Cry 5, after they killed Eli. She became weak. You could see the whole tone of the game change entirely after Booker's Death in Burial at Sea...what Jacob Seed said resonates hard with the situation Elizabeth put herself in: "You made your Sacrifice. But now...You're Alone....And you're weak. And we know what happens to the weak."

Her crusade for vengeance is what got her killed; if she'd simply went about it a different way or leaned to let things go then this would have never happened. You know, for everything Elizabeth said she knows and everything she's capable of, she can be fucking stupid. Her mistakes aside, what if instead, she'd taken a different path? One that leads her to eventually work with the United States Government. And instead of locking her up in a laboratory they decide to use her as a foreign & domestic peacekeeper, similar to a Pinkerton but without the notoriety. As mysterious as many of the Dark Injustices of America unbeknownst to the local population. Since she typically worked freelance they contracted her on assignments they couldn't otherwise be involved in or had no way of controlling the situation. Similar to how Comstock automatically knew how many bibles he'd need, the head of the department of the strategic undercover homeland division said: "We need only one." He was talking about Elizabeth. That's what he said the day he contacted her on the Hope County Assignment. He knew she could figure out how to defuse the situation. Giving her liberty to do as she pleased, they trusted her enough to take care of it in her own way. By now, Elizabeth had proven she could assess the situation and handle it in her own unique way. Her assessment abilities, understanding of phycological warfare, and tenacity to act as the savior, put her in good standings with the United States Government and the active division she worked for. Liberties that wouldn't otherwise be granted to other agents, who'd instead be given specific orders to execute.

However, they didn't account for her falling in love with one of the Seed Brothers.

That's pretty much all I have for now!

PM me and we can discuss more on the project and what pairing you'd be interested in! Ta Ta for now!
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