Fx Any The Loser Emporium (Plots and Requests Inside)(Under Construction, but feel free to PM)


Mar 24, 2019
Greetings and Salutations!

So just getting a thread started up while my 24-Hour wait period ends. Will slowly be working on this as time progresses and get everything dialed in.

In the meantime, just wanted to cast a net to see if anyone is interested in getting an RP started? Or working to develop a plot to begin at a later time?

I'm fine with either PMs or Discord and tend to type a few paragraphs per reply. I enjoy my RP to be smut heavy, but it still needs a good juicy plot to keep us moving. I like character development and would love to work on more long term ideas, though wouldn't be opposed to testing the waters with a quick one-shot to see if we're compatible. I also am a pretty big fan of out of character chit chat. Doesn't have to be all the time, but I find some of the best RPs I've done have been with those I've built some form of rapport with.

I prefer to play either a more submissive or switch character, though I've also enjoyed plenty of stimulating vanilla based RP and can also be nudged into a dominant role with a particularly intriguing plot.

Kink-wise I'm quite open. Only real hard no's are scat, gore, and vore, and of course anything else that would be an infraction on the site rules! If there's anything in particular you'd like to include in our RP, feel free to bring it up and we can discuss!

Genres I enjoy are: slice of life, fantasy, future dystopian, apocalyptic survival, and sci-fi / space travel. I'm sure I'm missing a whole lot more, so if you have an idea, feel free to ask!

Like I said, as time progresses, I'll be updating here with actual plot ideas, but until then, I'd love to hear yours!
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