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Naomi David

May 24, 2013
I have a bug. It shows I have a new PM but when I click on it, nothing shows up until I send a message to the person that sent me the 'missing' PM. Then it shows up above the message I just sent like nothing ever happened.

Anyone else dealing with this?
This is fairly common though it's supposed to be 'fixed'.

Rebuilding the cache now, should get to yours within a half hour.
@Naomi David I need to either fix your conversation manually in the database or rebuild the cache. It's not 'fixed', it's something I need to pester the XF devs about because we handle an insane number of private conversations.
Xenforo stores the number of replies to a conversation in the Master table. When this gets out of sync, you have this bug. There are a number of reasons the increment operation could decide not to take, and it is one of the more annoying requirements of offset-based pagination systems. If you've ever been on a forum where there was a persistent issue that someone had to make an extra post on the last page of a thread to get a new one to show - very similar bug.

I at least got them to acknowledge it so I can fix it through the admin interface now, rather than needing to do manual edits in the database. It takes awhile, so I'll probably run it again once a new set of complaints show up.
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