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deerpoob...ette? (updated may 30th)

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Jan 19, 2009
Hello! well I've recently gotten into the whole "opposite sex" scene, meaning ive been playing a woman(or women) alot recently, so I figured a female thread was in order, heres some stuff I like:

-soul eater **
-code geass

Video games:
-final fantasy
-kingdom hearts
-resident evil
-League of Legends******** (this could be rather interesting...)

fantasy pairing:

-female engineer/robot creation
others of course, I love steampunk

there are many others, so dont be afraid to ask stuff!

things that I enjoy:
-public areas
-shotas (no younger then 13 of course)

heres some characters I like to play:
-slime girls
-dark elves
-Draenei (from world of warcraft)
-other humanoid races as well, I love not being a human!

so PM me, I prefer Pm's for roleplaying but threads are ok too.


Actresses can be bitches too:
Actresses are all alike, bitchy, sexy, and most of all needy, Dannielle Richards is not exception, On the cover of every magazine, Playboys hottest woman in the world, and a decent actor to boot! only the set of her latest movie (this could be anything, and if you have a specific costume you like maybe we can work that into it...) she has only agreed to be in the movie if she has her own trailer, and personal assistant, who just happens to be a handsome young man, that is ready to tend to her every whim.

Cults, murders, and machinery:(steampunk murder mystery)

A young detective follows the trail of a group of killers calling themselves the crimson blade, for the past six months they have been moving from town to town murdering a young woman in each, each time the murders are completely different, a hooker hung from a lamp post, a young mother raped in an alley her throat slit, a man blugeoned to death by multiple people, the only connection is a blood red cloak draped over the body, the detective follows these murders, attempting to identify members of the cult, and arrest them, but so far there are no leads as to who is responsible, or just how big this cult even is.

The detective has no choice but to get help, a female thief he had previously been attempting to catch, now turns out to be his only hope of finding the cultists, she was known for her powerful personality, as well as her gorgeous looks, and of course would use her charm to get out of all manner of situations, but at the same time she is a highly skilled fighter and thief, the detective is a crack shot and a brilliant mind, and the two begin to work together to catch the murderous cult.

(this plot would be fantasy/steampunk, so things like elves and dwarves, as well as robots and airships could all exist, go wild! picture of thief girl coming!)
Re: deerpoob...ette?

never heard of a counter bump XD but i suppose it does the same thing as a bump :p
Re: deerpoob...ette?

deerpoob said:
Hello! well I've recently gotten into the whole "opposite sex" scene, meaning ive been playing a woman(or women) alot recently, so I figured a female thread was in order, heres some stuff I like:

-soul eater **
-code geass

Video games:
-final fantasy
-kingdom hearts
-resident evil
-persona 4

fantasy pairing:

-female engineer/robot creation
others of course, I love steampunk

there are many others, so dont be afraid to ask stuff!

things that I enjoy:
-public areas
-shotas (no younger then 13 of course)

heres some characters I like to play:
-slime girls
-dark elves
-Draenei (from world of warcraft)
-other humanoid races as well, I love not being a human!

so PM me, or email me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->, I dont use messangers, but email, PM's and threads are all great!


Actresses can be bitches too:
Actresses are all alike, bitchy, sexy, and most of all needy, Dannielle Richards is not exception, On the cover of every magazine, Playboys hottest woman in the world, and a decent actor to boot! only the set of her latest movie (this could be anything, and if you have a specific costume you like maybe we can work that into it...) she has only agreed to be in the movie if she has her own trailer, and personal assistant, who just happens to be a handsome young man, that is ready to tend to her every whim.

plot looks good.
Re: deerpoob...ette?

I think I want to make one of these... A girl request thread I mean. Care to rp? Check out my thread in the males section
Re: deerpoob...ette? (updated august 27th, YURI!!)


currently Im really interested in a persona 4 rp, or moreso a rp based around the idea of persona 4, but not necesarily the actual game.
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