Daughter discovers her parents are into S&M


Mar 22, 2019
Penny, the sexually inexperienced, 19 year old daughter of Bob and Alice, comes home from college for the Christmas vacation and discovers that both her parents have been into extreme S&M for a very long time. Both parents are switches but Alice is the dominant and usually takes the lead.

Penny's first surprise is to find that her parents have a house guest for Christmas - sexy, blonde, smiling Ulla from Denmark, who is only a few years older than Penny herself. Alice deliberately reveals her sexuality to Penny by casually giving Ulla a very hard slap on her leather-clad bottom while they're preparing lunch. Ulla squeals with surprise and a sudden blush illuminates her face. Then she grins conspiratorially at Penny and rubs her bum with apparent pleasure. Alice gives her daughter a defiant smile, then goes on setting the table for lunch, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Penny is shocked and confused, but she's also aroused. Alice and Ulla clearly enjoy her embarrassment.

Alice explains her sexuality over lunch. "You see, Penny, your father and I are both sadists. We get sexual pleasure from inflicting pain and degradation on willing submissives. Ulla is a sub - we met at a sex club in Copenhagen last summer. She enjoys pain a lot, don't you Ulla?"

Ulla nods.

"You know your father and I would never hurt you, Penny. We've never hit you, have we, not even once?"

"N - no."

"But we don't want to hide our sex life from you any longer. You're old enough to know. The three of us - Ulla, your father and I - are going to have a session in the living room this evening. You're very welcome to come and watch, but if you decide to stay upstairs in your bedroom instead, please remember that Ulla's screams will be screams of joy as well as pain. Do you think you'll want to watch tonight?"

"I'm not sure. I'm really confused. I really don't know," Penny stammers.

"Well, I'll e-mail you a few porn links after we've finished lunch, so you can get an idea of the kind of thing we'll be doing to Ulla. You do watch pornography, don't you?"

"Um ... not really," Penny says. "I mean, I've seen a little bit but it isn't really my thing."

"Well, I hope you'll watch the clips I send you. They'll help you decide if you want to watch tonight. You really ought to masturbate to them , of course, to get in the right frame of mind. You do masturbate don't you, darling?"

Penny blushes. "Um ... well, yes, sometimes. But not ... you know ... not a lot."

Then: "Mum, this is so weird!"

"I know darling," says Alice. "It must have come as an awful shock. But I'm sure you'll get used to it in time. I really want you to get to know your father and me as we really are, you see. And I want you to realize that I can be a seriously cruel fucking bitch when I want to be. "

{EDIT: I've just realized that I haven't stated that I'm male. I understood that this thread was for requests from female characters - I had Penny in mind for myself - but I realize I may be mistaken,. Apologies of I've posted in the wrong place or if anyone has been misled.]
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