Fx Any Cinnamon Dusted Confectionery [Closed]


Mar 21, 2019
Hello and Welcome!

Basic Info

I prefer PMs but will also do Threads.
My preference is between 2 and 3 paragraphs, depending on the size of the paragraphs.
I prefer to play women but I'm willing and interested in playing any gender.

My full kink list is available [Here]

I'm particularly interested in: Any of my Signature Dishes

I currently have 1 out of 3 rp slots open.

Slot 1: Poetry in Violence

Slot 2: Locked

Slot 3: Locked

Fandom List:





Characters A La Carte

Cinnamon the Spectre

An undead shapeshifting ghost who enjoys random sex with strangers. Good luck on getting them to commit to anything though. Cinnamon has little interest in games with the living, and even less interested in sharing the vast knowledge they guard in the Somber University of the Arcane’s ancient artifact vault.

Like variety? Like flavor? Need to work off the stress from midterms? Want to really, really work for your romance, like. Really work? Cinnamon’s the dish for you.

Eva Stonecarver

A sweet tiefling bard who loves telling stories and seeing the world. Always one to see the good in people, Eva is prone to accepting people and creatures as friendly if they don’t attack her first. She’s always willing to invite strangers to travel with her and leaves a string of friends and fans behind her like breadcrumbs.

Like a sweetheart, a soft and gentle love? Someone who would give your hurt and brooding character an unconditional friendship, maybe more? Go on an adventure with Eva!

Iondri Galiethe

A gold colored dragonborn, tall and solemn. His job is simple, to survey the land and return to his homeland with news of the outside world. Not just the political goings on of the cities and nations, but also the travel patterns of animals, shifts in the realm of magic, anything that he can find and bring back. He’s not unfriendly, but he has trouble understanding why someone would want to follow him around if they don’t owe his hometown this duty.

Like them gruff? Like them serious? Like them capable of drawing back a longbow and lighting the arrow on fire with their own breath? I’ve got good news for you. Iondri is your man. Dragon. Dragon man.

Signature Dishes

#1 The Duchess’ Doll Collection

Available Table Settings: Modern, Fantasy

Entree Selections: Levistus Tiefling, Secret Demon, Witch, Human

The Duchess puts most of her daily time and effort into creating a reputation of charity, generosity, and progressive thinking. To be adored by the common masses and respected by her peers is her one and only goal. At least, that’s what the public sees. The Duchess does allow herself one secret hobby. If she sees someone beautiful, she takes them to keep as her own. She keeps them locked up in her distant countryside chateau, guarded by servants whose loyalty to her outweighs their own moral compass. But then one day, she sees one particular doll. One that’s more beautiful than the rest. And you shall be hers.

#2 Enemies at War

Available Table Settings: Fantasy, Sci-Fi

Entree Selections: Inhuman Components, Possible Role Reversals

A soldier was captured by the opposing side. Instead of torture, or murder, the higher ups decided on something more elegant. More useful. After all, those soldier has skills don't they? So why not simply take those skills for themselves? This soldier is to be brainwashed, lured into switching sides, into becoming a useful turncoat. Their weapons of choice? Aphrodisiacs and desire. To push the soldier until their body made the turn for them.

#3 A Debt to be Paid

Available Table Settings: Fantasy, Modern

Entree Selections: Switched Platters, You are the one to whom the debt is owed.

Your father is a wealthy, powerful man. Thousands kneel at his feet and he lives in luxury. You never saw anything special about him, but you never questioned it. Not until a certain day came. Your father called you into his office, and you expected to be told of your inheritance. Instead, your father confessed a great debt that he owed. All of his success, all that he owed, was because a deal that he made when he was young. What he owed, was you. He was told to wait until you were called for and almost thought the day would never come. But he pulls out a letter and lays it flat on the table. You will be at their home at dawn’s first light, and you will be theirs.

#4 To Gain Favor

Available Table Settings: Fantasy

Entree Selections: You-God?, Me-God?, We-God??

For as long as the people of the village can remember, an ancient and powerful deity has lived in the mountain. The village has worshiped this deity for as long as anyone can remember, offering gifts at a temple in exchange for safety and good fortunes. Recently, the fields have dried up and wild creatures are creeping closer and closer to the village's livestock. Fearing they accidentally angered their deity, they arranged to send a sacrifice up the mountain laden with gifts. But what the mortals don't know is that 100 years ago, the old deity moved out and a new one moved in. One that has no idea that the village even exists, or why the hell there's a random human trying to get into their house. The human offers to make a new deal. Less eating of people, more banging of people.

#5 Better Than Adventuring

Available Table Settings: Fantasy, Sci-Fi Fantasy

Entree Selections: Wizard, Subject

Spells need a test subject. Especially sexy spells. A wizard sends out word looking for delicious test subjects for their new potions, spells, and summons. And honestly. It's better than a lot of jobs out there. Shoe maker? Making shoes all day is boring. Tavern owner? Do you know how many fights happen in taverns all the time? Adventurer? Yeah, great, dragon fighting. Undead liches. That sounds safe. Or gold could be made strapped to a table with a tentacle summon. Just saying.
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