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Fx Female Be mean to her.


Mar 17, 2019
Hi, I'm Grimm.

Preamble: I'm male. I write female characters. Deal with it. If you don't like, don't message me!

This is the start to what will eventually be a request thread as pretty as some of the others, but for now it's just this small little thing. I've got an F-List, which is apparently the thing to use around here? So take a look at that. But to cover the basics, I'm a submissive roleplayer with an affinity for dark and bloody stories as much as I love the cute and kinky.

NOTE: I only do FxF scenes. That's what the FxFemale tag in the title means. I don't play female characters against male ones. I do, however, play male characters against female ones, if you wanna play a dom lady against a guy.

I'll have concrete ideas out in a bit, but please, reach out to me if you are interested! I'm on Discord at grimm#3159

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