Fx Male Looking for Light-Hearted Fantasy RPs [Closed]


May 1, 2018
Hi there, folks of Blue Moon!

I'm Emma! 25 years old and a college student slaving away for an expensive bachelor's degree a recent college graduate! I'm coming back from an extremely long, unexpected hiatus. If we use to RP and I poofed on you, I want to apologize whole-heartedly. I've cleaned out my inbox, just to start fresh, but if you want to start over, I'm happy to accept your requests. I certainly didn't disappear because I had any bad partners.

To be short and sweet -
What I Am Looking For
  • PMs Only; It's just easiest for me and is non-negotiable.
  • One or two partners Three or four partners (what can I say, I'm an addict) wanting to play a male character opposite my female.
  • 2 to 3 paragraph posts on average (meaty ones ;D), but I can certainly write more.
  • A friendly partner; I like to be friends and bond with whomever I am roleplaying with, I feel it strengthens the writing and boosts great brain-storming bouts. If you aren't super talkative, though, I completely understand and that won't damper a thing!
  • I'd love at least a post a day, but let's be honest - we're adults. We get busy. So, if you can't do that, I certainly won't turn you away. I can't post daily either sometimes, but I certainly try~ I know life can get in the way, so breaks and the like are totally understandable. Honestly, if you poof, I probably won't even poke you. I don't take things personally.
  • Smut AND Story; If we're thinking in percentages, 60-70% Smut/40-30% Story
  • Third Person only, proper grammar
  • Past tense only. I wish I didn't have to emphasize this, but it keeps popping up as a problem and it's a huge pet peeve for me.
  • Focus on just our two characters; No groups, definitely no harems, though side characters are definitely necessary of course~
  • Pure light-heartedness, humor, and the like. I don't want drama, I don't want novel-esque plot lines right now. Just our two characters having a fun time with each other, and us focusing on having fun ourselves by developing their relationship
  • Romance is a MUST; Preferably not perfect, fluffy romance, but rather dysfunctional-functional-fun-dramatic romance (cause that's a thing that I don't know how to articulate better rn.)
  • Your character MUST be 18 or older. I really prefer 21+, but 18 is my absolute lowest age.
  • I only RP Medieval or Modern Fantasy. It's the only thing I enjoy. I RP for escape. I don't want to be thinking about reality.
  • I've gotten a few requests from people who clearly didn't read my thread and I'm just going to say this now, instead of replying to them directly - If you did not take the time to read over my requests, I'm not going to take the time responding to you. I find it rude and disrespectful.
  • A dominant male character opposite my switch (leaning toward submissive) girl.

What I Am Like
  • English Major, so grammar is important - not crucial, but important
  • Polite, patient, and respectful
  • Open Communication
  • Over-active libido with little outlet for it
  • Limits Include: Bathroom Play, Blood, Gore, Vore, Diapers/Baby, Rape, Bimbo, Incest, Macro/Micro-Sized Parts or People, Harems, Adultery, Whiny Assholes, Cervical Penetration (though I have a magical loophole for this, acquire within), (And I know there is more, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head, so just ask if you're uncertain)
  • Favorite Kinks Include: Lactation, Orcs, Age Difference, Size Difference within realistic scales (Depending on fantasy race and whatnot, just nothing giant and nothing fairy-sized, either), Aphrodisiacs, Magic Usage in the Bedroom, Squirting, Fingering, Cock and Ball Worship, Tentacles, and much, much more!
As for what I would like to RP!

Current Cravings
1.) Modern or Medieval Setting - I would love to play a cute witch who owns her own potion shops, but with its growing popularity, she finds herself in desperate need of some help, preferably someone strong and charismatic. YC could be anyone you want - orc, werewolf, anthro, slime boy, whatever! I want this to be a diverse magical world setting, all races intermingling and coexisting peacefully. Totally a slice of life thing that we can sprinkle drama into when we wanna spice things up.

2.) Orcs. Just, period, I love male orcs. I'd be down for adventurers, or an unsuspecting elf stumbling upon an orcish tribe and becoming their prisoner (with plot and character development that I have a story for).

3.) Minotaur opposite a cute elf. I have a handful of different plots for this, so once we work out what sort of character you like to play, I can throw an idea or two at you.

4.) Demon opposite a witch. She may have summoned him on accident. He may be a powerful entity looking for sacrifices. Honestly, I just want a (NSFW pics ahead) hulking, brutish demon to go to town on a cute virgin.

5.) Dragonborn, there could be some fun roles with this one. I have a few ideas, if you're interested in asking (I'm just a little too tired to type them out here right now).

(Full up on this request, just keeping it for the possibility of using it later) Monster hunter-inspired idea - This is waaaay kinkier, but I haven't had this itch scratched before and I want to at least try. MC would be part of a duo or group of monster hunters who track down expensive and rare bits of monsters. The thing is, they try not to kill when they can, opting instead to distract the beast, to lure it into a false sense of security, and the way they do that is using MC - the Baiter. She'd be put up against all manner of horny beasts, distracting them until one of her teammates can drug the beast and they can collect the ingredients they need, either off the beast itself, or from the environment around it. Obviously, this one is a little tricky to do, but I think the pay off will be soooo good. We can both control the beasts, unless you want full control - I'm certainly not complaining. But, I would want you to play a main character that would interact with and tend to my character after the job is done, plus flirtation and romance in between jobs! Also, the beasts can be male or female~
The Monsters: Tentacles, werewolves, feral anthros, minotaurs, other beasts, goblins, slimes, plants, nymphs, dragons, if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them too!
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Bump after a thousand years of being away. Loving the new update!
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