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Xeno Army (Trapcest x Akuma)


Sep 27, 2018
(Link is a NSFW site)

Weyland-Yutani had finally succeeded in their goal of capturing live Xenomorph specimens, many lives had been lost in the process of course, scientists and marines sacrificed like they were nothing, but finally several eggs had been captured and brought to a research station in orbit of a remote colony world. Abducting colonists from the planet below would raise too many suspicions, so the company had smuggled several people aboard a supply ship to the station, eager new colonists that had been 'accidentally' omitted from the official manifests, offloaded still in their stasis bays and onto the station, unaware of their coming fate as mere incubators. All too soon Weyland-Yutani had exactly what they wanted, 6 new Xenomorphs in specially built containment cells, ready for study and experimentation, and experiment they did. For weeks some of the best scientists in human space were taking samples from the Xenomorphs, conducting experiments, injecting the specimens with drugs, exposing them to radiation, making subtle changes to the Xenomorph genome in order to try and make them controllable, though none of it seemed to work. No matter what changes they made the Xenomorph's simply would not obey.

As always happened though, the scientists discovered too late that they hadn't been cautious enough. Some of their manipulations of the Xenomorph DNA had unintended effects, mutations they hadn't desired or predicted, some introductions of human DNA intended to make the creatures more obedient instead combining with other elements of the genome instead. And of course, all it took was one little mistake, one little oversight, a technician not double checking their work, a scientist not following protocols exactly, and it had led to chaos. The Xenomorphs had escaped, rampaging across the station, overwhelming the detachment of marines aboard. One of the scientists had managed to activate the emergency protocol, thinking that it would send a call for help, that the company would come and save them. Instead it caused the stations thrusters to fire, knocking it out of orbit and into a collision with the planet below. The emergency protocol had been intended to destroy the station, to burn it up in the atmosphere and smash into the surface, destroying any trace of what had happened. Like most of Weyland-Yutani's plans involving the Xenomorphs however, everything did not go according to plan. The station had indeed crashed into the surface, but whilst the human survivors were wiped out in the crash, the Xenomorphs, or some of them at least, were not.

Natalie had lived on the colony most of her life, her home was originally back on Earth, but her parents had brought her to the colony as terraformers when she was only 4 years old, so she had grown up out here on the frontier, of course by now the terraforming was mostly complete and the planet was more than comfortable to inhabit. As she often did, Natalie had headed out away from the main city of the colony to head on a weekend camping trip, liking to just get away from the hustle and bustle of technology for just a while. It was now the dead of night, the sky illuminated by just the stars and the 3 moons hanging in the sky, perfect for a midnight swim, one of Natalie's favourite hobbies. Slipping on her swimsuit she had eagerly dove into the crystal clear waters, just cool enough to make her shiver but warm enough to stay in for hours. The lake itself was huge, it stretched for miles, but had no native animal life, only water based plants that the colonists themselves had introduced as part of the terraforming efforts. Tonight though something was different, the night sky was illuminated by something else, a fireball streaking across the night sky and slamming into the far side of the lake several miles away, but even that was enough to send waves rippling out, Natalie almost being caught up in a tidal wave, only her own swimming ability enough to keep her from drowning, ending with her being safely washed ashore onto the beach. Wasting no time she had pulled a jacket on over her swimsuit and hopped in her dune buggy, making haste towards the crash site in order to investigate, wondering if perhaps it was a dropship or shuttle that had run into problems, hoping that if that was the case then there might be some survivors.
Little did Natalie know what was waiting for her at the crash site, just what survivors were there. Little did she also know that her DNA was now exactly what the new instincts of these altered Xenomorphs would be looking for, what their senses would draw them towards....
They started life as embryos inside of face huggers ready to be planted into a human and born. They were soon taken from their nest and lives were sacrificed to get them and here they ended up on a space station infront of humans. Opening up it the facehuggers moved around before crawling out and jumping out at the them latching onto their faces as they secured themselves planting the Xenomorph embryo down their throats so it could grow into the next generation of xenomorphs.

They went through so much testing and alterations to them that it hurt them to a degree they were soon aware that they could no longer produce a queen themselves like normal and that their genome had been changed but that didn't mean they couldn't reproduce any longer it was just going to be different. Watching these scientist carefully they learned their routine and protocols on how they operated the tools and door. All they had to do was wait a while long and bide their time before something wasn't latched completely and that was all that was needed before a ship wide alarm sounded and the Xenomorphs were crawling through the ship slaughtering everyone in their path. Some were shot and wounded and blood so caustic that the metal simply melted away like ice to a flame.

Though the creatures were doomed when the emergency protocols we're activated by a lone scientist and soon the station was thrown towards the planet they were orbiting. But the xenos were smart and found the furthest point away from impact they could on the ship and they made their way there before it crashed into the ground. Much of the station destroyed and three xenos didn't make it. But three still did and they quickly got off the station and out onto the planet. Quickly taking in where they were they looked about before quickly dashing for the water a safe place from the station and to gather themselves as well to figure out the kind of planet they were on and how they would be able to reproduce from the alterations made to them. They couldn't make a queen naturally and now they had to figure it out.
Natalie pulled up on the beach a short distance from the crash site, the flames making it too hot to really get much closer, not to mention the fact a few things were still exploding. The girl gasped as she got out of the buggy, the waves lapping up against her bare feet. "Oh...oh no...this...looks like one of the orbital stations....must've....been an accident and..." She winced, looking at the blazing wreckage, there was no way anybody had survived that. Even if they'd somehow survived re-entry the crash would have killed any human left aboard. Most likely there weren't even any remains left that could be identified, just a few ashes that would blow away in the morning winds. With a sigh Natalie shook her head, saying a silent prayer for the people who must've been aboard that station, those poor souls. When she got back to the city she'd get a report logged, teams could come out and identify the wreckage, probably pull records of who was abord the station and inform their families.

"Hm?" Over the sound of the flames Natalie thought she heard something else, a splash in the water. She turned around quickly, grabbing a torch from the buggy and then turning back to the water, shining a lout over it. "Hello? Hello is anyone there?!" Was it possible there had been a survivor after all? Or maybe it was just some debris falling from the wreckage, or tiny pieces still falling from the sky. But the way the water was rippling, it definitely seemed more like something was moving around. There was no life in the lake though, no fish, no nothing but plants, and plants didn't move around and make ripples in the water. "Please, if you can say something. I can call for help or get you back to a medical center!"
Unfortunately for her she was wrong about someone or something rather surviving the crash and there were survivors just not human survivors. What the Xenos didn't kill on the ship they would have died on the crash unlike the more rugged Xenos who had a very high durability. Now with Natalie near by the only human they could see still alive but she was different. It was almost alluring as they gazed on her from the depths of the water. Something was different something was rather attracting for the Xenomorphs as they spread out and kept silent and still. They didn't want to alert the human just yet though she seemed to have her suspicion that there was someone in the water. There was indeed no life in the water but for the plants and now The xenos were the only life in the water.

The Xenomorphs needed to make a nest for themselves a place to hide away when things got dangerous and for a new Queen they needed a safe nesting chamber for her. Of course their DNA altered and their body having a different kind of desire then previous Xeno's. Natalie was the one that they needed but for now they couldn't strike they needed shelter they needed a home basically and so under the water they swam to the other side of the lake. Crawling out of the water the three scurried off in search of a place that would be more suited for a nesting sight and so these three surviving Xeno's headed into the unknown in search of their new nest.
Natalie continued to look around, but got no response, and after a little while the noises seemed to stop, until the only thing she could hear was the crackling of the flames and the gentle lapping of the lakes natural waves. "Guess there's nobody there after all..." She sighed, turning off the torch and going to head back to her buggy, hopping in and starting up the engine in order to head on back home to the colony proper. Of course this gave the Xenos the time they needed, time to find caves down the coast of the lake, caves that went far and deep, more than hidden enough to be a perfect place for a new hive and nesting ground.

The following day the security from the colony would be investigating the crash site, the flames having being extinguished, though those same flames had destroyed any trace the Xenomorphs had ever been there, along with most traces of almost anything else.
At the same time, down the coast, Natalie had returned to a different spot in order to resume her time away, this time she had set up camp not far from the caves that the Xeno's had found, and once again she had gone out into the crystal clear water to resume her swimming, the sun starting to set on the horizon now, though it was still perfect swimming weather, and as far as Natalie knew she had nothing to be worried about after all, the caves had long since been surveyed and verified as free of any kind of life, so there was nothing to worry about by swimming near them.
The three Xenos had plenty of time now to make their new nest and they were hard at work creating it along the side of the lake. They had explored most of the cave and found a room with two entrances and that was where they started to build their nest and soon from that room towards the entrance was covered in this like almost living wall like flesh. It made the cave humid and once the Xenos had rest and noticed the extra movement by the wreck two of them broke off and headed towards the wreck to examine the humans and observe them.

Most likely their deaths would happen but one xeno swam through the water towards Natalie observing her from afar and she was attractive in the sense of what humans would find others to be and there was a different stirring in the xenos body almost human like. A desire to mate with her himself a desire that was human as his body had been altered to the extent where he could tell she was extremely compatible with their kind and she was the one to bring a new queen, she would be the new queen they needed her to make eggs. Swimming towards her with more speed the lone Xeno didn't want to loose this chance to take her easily while she was in the water as it reached out it's claws to grab her the other two had started to slaughter the security team that had come to check on the crash.
Natalie was far enough away from the crash site that she couldn't hear the security team, couldn't hear the screams, the gunshots. They were only carrying small pistols that couldn't make much noise, they were only investigating a crash site to identify the wreck after all, there hadn't been any expectation of any kind of combat, especially since there were no hostile native animals on the planet, even the larger animals had been docile and non-aggressive towards the colonists. Natalie also hadn't heard the Xenomorph in the water with her either, the quiet sounds of her own swimming far louder than the near silent gliding through the water that the Xenomorph was capable of, and the ripples she was making enough to ensure that she could feel nothing else, at least not until it was too late.

It wasn't until something grabbed at her that Natalie realised something was happening. Even then, at first she thought it was merely a plant partly wrapping around her from the currents of the water. But as she squirmed and looked around the saw the form of the creature that was grabbing onto her, screaming and beginning to flail wildly in a futile effort to escape, her hands reaching beneath the water to try and prise the grip of the Xenomorph away from her. She had no idea what this thing was, she'd never seen such a creature before, there wasn't supposed to be anything like this native to the planet! "H-HELP!" She screamed out, though she knew there was nobody else for miles around, even the security team would have been too far to hear her screams, if any of them had been left alive that is.
The security team was being slaughtered with no chance of escape or survival there was no help for her now even if they could hear her they had their own problems going on right now. The one that grabbed her pulled her towards him as his head raised from the water hissing loudly as he looked over her. That black elongated head and the razor sharp teeth and the inner jaw that slowly pushed out as the Xeno checked her out. His grip was strong and it would take a crowbar to even get some leverage to get him to let her go. Of course she soon had her arm grabbed by the strong hand. His claws were razor sharp as well and powerful so soon she was mere inches from her jaws and it looked like she would be easily killed like the rest but no she had a different fate planned for her and some might even consider her lucky and others would say she was not so lucky.

Hissing loudly he was quick with her as he turned them around heading for the caves as he swam in the water taking her with him. There was no problem caused by the extra weight or anything as the powerful creature kept swimming towards the cave. And it wasn't long before a second caught up to them and then a third caught up to them. She might not have known it as they entered the cave but there was three Xenomorphs all altered to have a more human desire for mating and she was the perfect match to now become the new queen and lay egg's so that more of their kind could be created. As they brought her into the cave they pulled her towards the nesting room where it appeared to be more open and had a bit more of warmth and it seemed like it was more comfortable. The Xeno dropped her onto the ground as they all encircled examining the human female trying to figure out these new desires.
Natalie continued to squirm and struggle, screaming uselessly for help, but nobody could hear, nobody knew she was in trouble, nobody was coming to help. It would be hours before anyone even knew the security team were missing and when they came looking they would likely find nothing, after all Xenomorphs tended not to leave any trace of their victims presence even if the victims were simply killed rather than abducted. All that would be found was an abandoned security buggy and maybe some bullet casings, but nothing else.
When suddenly razor sharp claws and jaws were near to her face Natalie's screaming stopped, turning instead to whimpers of fear, her squirming ceasing as she tried to just lean away slightly, though the most she could do was to turn her head. She was ready to die, but the pain she had expected never came. Instead she just felt herself being pulled along, back into the water as the creature pulled her swiftly, effortlessly.

She barely had time to hold her breath before they submerged briefly to enter back into the cave, and as they re-emerged above the surface of the water Natalie couldn't help releasing one more scream as she spotted two more of the creatures now following them, though she quickly became quiet once more, not wanting to risk angering the creatures, she didn't want to die after all.
The girl squeaked as she was rather thrown to the ground, her ample breasts bouncing in the confines of her swimsuit. This cave was....different. It wasn't cold and hard, it was warm and humid, the walls looking like they had been partially covered in some kind of organic substance, even the ground was somewhat soft and warm, it almost felt alive in a way.

"Wh-what...?" Natalie spoke up as the creatures began to circle her, then swallowed nervously. "Can...can you understand me? Please...please just let me go...?" There were no signs they understood what she was saying, and the lack of facial features made it impossible to tell what the creatures might want. If they just wanted to kill her then surely they would've done it outside. If they'd wanted to eat her, well, surely they would've just done that outside too, or at least killed her first to prevent any kind of escape.
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