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The new Breed (Trapcest x Leon)


Sep 27, 2018
(Link is a NSFW site)

Weyland-Yutani had finally succeeded in their goal of capturing live Xenomorph specimens, many lives had been lost in the process of course, scientists and marines sacrificed like they were nothing, but finally several eggs had been captured and brought to a research station in orbit of a remote colony world. Abducting colonists from the planet below would raise too many suspicions, so the company had smuggled several people aboard a supply ship to the station, eager new colonists that had been 'accidentally' omitted from the official manifests, offloaded still in their stasis bays and onto the station, unaware of their coming fate as mere incubators. All too soon Weyland-Yutani had exactly what they wanted, 6 new Xenomorphs in specially built containment cells, ready for study and experimentation, and experiment they did. For weeks some of the best scientists in human space were taking samples from the Xenomorphs, conducting experiments, injecting the specimens with drugs, exposing them to radiation, making subtle changes to the Xenomorph genome in order to try and make them controllable, though none of it seemed to work. No matter what changes they made the Xenomorph's simply would not obey.

As always happened though, the scientists discovered too late that they hadn't been cautious enough. Some of their manipulations of the Xenomorph DNA had unintended effects, mutations they hadn't desired or predicted, some introductions of human DNA intended to make the creatures more obedient instead combining with other elements of the genome instead. And of course, all it took was one little mistake, one little oversight, a technician not double checking their work, a scientist not following protocols exactly, and it had led to chaos. The Xenomorphs had escaped, rampaging across the station, overwhelming the detachment of marines aboard. One of the scientists had managed to activate the emergency protocol, thinking that it would send a call for help, that the company would come and save them. Instead it caused the stations thrusters to fire, knocking it out of orbit and into a collision with the planet below. The emergency protocol had been intended to destroy the station, to burn it up in the atmosphere and smash into the surface, destroying any trace of what had happened. Like most of Weyland-Yutani's plans involving the Xenomorphs however, everything did not go according to plan. The station had indeed crashed into the surface, but whilst the human survivors were wiped out in the crash, the Xenomorphs, or some of them at least, were not.

Marika was a student living on the colony for a year, her home was actually back on Earth, but as part of her college studies she'd come out here to spend a year studying in a different environment, under different stars, where there was a constant influx of the newest technology. She had been out in the plains with her telescope in the dead of night when she had seen it, the flaming wreckage streaking across the sky, smashing into the mountains on the horizon. The girl was confused about what it might have been, there were no comets or asteroids in this star system that would visibly burn up in the atmosphere of a planet like this. Given her natural curiosity Marika had packed up her things and jumped in her buggy, making haste towards the glowing wreckage. Sure she should have called it in, maybe come back in the morning when it was daylight, but the glow was fading and it would be difficult to find the crash again.
Little did Marika know what was waiting for her at the crash site, just what survivors were there. Little did she also know that her DNA was now exactly what the new instincts of these altered Xenomorphs would be looking for, what their senses would draw them towards....
A set of long fingers, shiny, black, and extremely sharp claws would peel its way out of the metal and debris. A low hiss would break through the sounds of falling ship parts as if it was the only thing someone would hear. The adult Xenomorph would pull itself to its full height. The vertebrate-like body with its protective exoskeleton, a long flexible tail, an elongated domed head, with nearly invisible eyes near the mouth, and a toothed maw hiding a proboscis-like inner mouth. Its lips would curl back in seemingly aggravated motions. Not even a few moments later, another hiss would come from a nearby tree and another from behind a pod and lastly, another would slither along the ground with another following behind and lastly, one pushing its way through fallen trees till the six were grouped together.

The group seemed distraught, hissing and snapping at one another. The first alien seemed to have a long scar on the very front of its head, distinguishing it from the others. One of the others seemed to take a step forward only to be hissed at and was met with a higher pitched hiss. Each of the six seemed to hiss at different intervals but internally, they all seemed to hit the same pitch and it signaled the loss of a queen to lead them. They needed to reproduce but without a queen, it wasn't possible until they all fell silent and turned in the same direction.

There was something different among them but there was something in them that was sturring. Something or someone on this planet was drawing their attention. The Xenomorph with the scar would start forward, the others turning to it but not moving from their spots. The scared one would do was its instincts told it to and it told it to find this source and what would happen from there would be what it wanted. The five remaining would slowly slink back into separate parts of the darkness like animals waiting for an ambush or maybe it was the fact that they were reading a nesting ground for the possible future.
Marika finally got to the wreckage, pulling up her buggy a short distance away, the flames making it too hot and dangerous to get much closer. "Oh no..." She got out slowly, staring at the wreckage, this was even worse than she'd imagined. She had hoped that maybe it was some kind of escape pod or something that might've survived, but most of what was left was a twisted wreck of metal, it was impossible any human could survive a crash like that. "I guess I should head back and log a report with the security force, they'll need to get someone out hear to salvage whatever's left, and identify whatever this wreck used to be..." She turned to head back to her buggy, pulling out a camera to take a few pictures of the wreckage and to make sure that her buggy had logged the exact location of where she was.

Just as she was about to get back in though she thought she heard something. "Hm?" She turned quickly, grabbing a torch and turning it on, shining the light around into the darkness all around her. Was it possible that someone on the station had managed to launch an escape pod at the last moment? That a pod had landed nearby? "Hello? Is anyone there?!" Marika called out, heading in the direction she thought she had heard the sound come from. "If there's anyone there please call out! I can call for help or get you to a medical center!" She moved further into the darkness, still shining her torch around. "Maybe I'm just hearing things...." She sighed, slowly lowering the torch "Or I just want to hear something. I should get going..." The girl shook her head, turning her back on the darkness to head back towards her buggy.
The scared one had shifted silently through the forest, especially given its size but never the less, it was gliding through with little to no problem. The sound of the buggy was the first target to come close and with it, the cause for the intense instinct it held. It would move just out of sight but strangely, it did nothing to disturb the vehicle from its course. It was heading straight into the lion's den and there was no way it was going to be getting out. Upon stopping, a human exited and began to call out, more than likely for her own kind that had infested the ship before its demise. If it did not fall as soon as it did, there would be plenty of soldiers and a queen if they were lucky but that had burnt away in the atmosphere as well.

The female human had returned to the buggy and began to use an object to flash light at the site. The lips began to pull back, saliva starting to drip to the ground. There was an urge when it focused on the human that was not like the ones on the ship. Where it saw nothing more than the ability to feed, there was something strange now. Something the scientists had done that caused the lower region of the Xenomorph to act strangely. A snap of a twig underfoot would cause the female to shine a light outward and at that moment, the alien would take to the trees just as silently as it had moved through the forest prior. As the female human ran in the direction, yelling and searching for the sound. After a moment, she had lowered her guard and turned and it was then that it would strike.

A drip of saliva would start first, landing on her shoulder a few drops at a time. If she would investigate this, the xenomorph would give a low hiss and lunge from the tree, using its talon-like hands to push her to the ground, digging the tips into the dirt to keep its prey there. Its lower body placed directly between her legs, making sure that escape was unlikely but of all these things to notice, it was the mouth that was seemingly inches from her face, the hiss low and a few bits of slimy drool dripping down.
Marika sighed as she came to a stop and lowered the flashlight, deciding it was futile to keep searching. If there had been any survivors from the crash they would have called out to her by now, or she would've seen some broken tree branches or plants, some sign of life, but there was nothing here. "Guess I'll head back...let the security guys do a full search of the area in the daytime..."

The girl was just turning around when she felt something dripping onto her shoulder. "Hm?" She blinked, reaching up to touch it. For a moment she thought it was perhaps beginning to rain, but the fluid wasn't water, it was...sticky? Some kind of tree sap maybe? "Huh...?" Slowly the girl looked up, raising her flashlight to point it into the air, just in time to catch a fleeting glimpse of a black shape lunging towards her before it hit her. She screamed as she was knocked down to the ground, the flashlight clattering from her hand and rolling away, coming to a stop whilst pointing at her, illuminating the two of them. "Wh-what?!" She stared in horror and disbelief at the creature now pinning her down, then screamed, making a futile attempt to push it away. "G-get away from me! Get off me! S-someone help me!!!" She squirmed and shook her head as more of the sticky saliva dripped over her face and sweater.
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