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Will you repeat a successsful RP?


Feb 12, 2018
The idea you set out to play is over. It was good.

Will you seek that same idea out again with someone bew, or is it once done and then retired?
I love replaying certain scenarios or themes with a brand new writer. It's never plays out the same way twice. Never. It's almost like a Choose Your Own Adventure, where you get to pick a new path each time. Love it.
I don't. My ideas usually end up clouded with the character I wrote and the plotline from the successful RP, which then smears the new RP. Once done and then retired for me.
If it actually reaches a conclusion, then no. The story is done and over with, I don't much care to try and risk repeating things with the new partner in the same way that i did it last time.

If I finished a story and the same partner wants to try and revisit it because there's a new spin on it, I might consider that.
I have tried some great ideas with different partners over the years but after a while trying to recapture the success of the first time by replaying the idea tends to make me lose interest. Nowadays although I do have plenty of ideas I would like to try again I try to just leave them retired.
I'd repeat them if I had fun with it but not back to back. I'd play them with different writers to see if the storyline might change, or maybe i'd change the storyline just by a little as planned to see what the outcome will be this time. But i'd rather leave some time between the stories so i don't blend characters.

But at some point i've milked the story all that I could and then it's time to let it rest.
I feel like if you have a good enough plot, there are millions of different stories you could write off of it. So are you really restarting the story or just using the same starting blocks?
Depends. One of my favorite is “wife-ification” where they take a woman of power and prestige or who is dangerous and influential, and mind control her into a docile house wife. Easy, simple, and can be completed shortly or extended depending on the mood.
If it's reached a conclusion that I'm satisfied with, not a chance. I'd rather not tarnish to memories the rp left me with. If it never reached a conclusion that left me all warm inside, then yeah.
I guess this is the difference between Plot heavy stuff and playing out fantasies. The only way I feel a smut RP can’t get topped is if it blew me away or I write it myself.
It depends on what you mean by “that same idea”, really. I wouldn’t try to play out the same exact plot if I finished that plot, but I’d certainly try the same basic idea again. For example, I’d certainly never do “the misadventures of Captain Jack Sparrow from his youth to his final reconciliation with his estranged wife” again. But I’d certainly be down for another “pirates with elements of the supernatural” story again.

I’m also not opposed to sequel stories.
I have repeated them a few times and had mixed results. Sometimes its great because a new collaborator/partner can bring their own new stuff to a rp you already enjoyed and make it even better, and sometimes it has just not lived up to the original. Just depends i think.
I have some concepts that I willingly repeat with different partners. Usually I end up changing a few things like setting and characters though, just to keep it from being a 100% carbon copy. But there are a few stories I have written with specific partners that I would never want to try writing with others. I felt they were perfect the first time around, so there's no need to mess with perfection, in my opinion.
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