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Mx Female Shy Guy Seeking Dom or Power Bottom Female Characters for Slice of Life, Incest & Taboo Stories!


Feb 10, 2015
Introduction - What I am After in a Nutshell

Greetings dear reader, hopefully, if the title caught your eye enough to click on this thread then we are already off to a good start! I do appreciate you taking the time to read one of my threads so without further ado let me explain in a nutshell what I am seeking from a potential writing partner for this particular request thread.

I am mainly looking for some sexually dominant, power-bottom or aggressively sexual women who enjoy nothing more than seducing the awkward nerdy guys (or the equivalent in fantasy/sci-fi settings!) I am fairly flexible in the kinds of scenarios I am looking for as well but this forms the crux of the entire thread, the key concept if you will!

I'd also like this to be not only long-term but a slow burn, a slow build-up to things turning erotic between our characters but including plenty of it along the way through things such as voyeurism and exhibitionism and teasing. That, however, is entirely optional so don't feel you have to include it just because.

Do note this thread is very work in progress, keep an eye on it if it's not to your liking so far and it may change over the next few weeks.

So a few points if you are considering roleplaying this with me:
  • My only mandatory kink is that you enjoy sucking cock if you have an oral fixation I'd be more than happy to make it the main thing of the play!
  • You enjoy the socially awkward, inexperienced nerdy guys who will be the kind of character I play.
  • You enjoy playing as a sexually confident, experienced female character (dominant, power bottom or just ravenously slutty!)
  • I am happy to roleplay in 1st or 3rd person perspectives.
  • My order of preference for where we RP is: PMs.
  • You are capable of detailed posts as I love to give detail in kind. From the setting itself like furniture and clothing to obvious things like sights, sounds, smells and sensations.
  • In general, I can post at present 1-2 times a week with some certainty at present, it may be more than that going forward.
  • Do not send me a PM of a few lines in response to this. Nothing is better than getting a well-thought-out PM full of ideas and questions!
  • You enjoy an in-depth setup phase to make sure we both get the kind of play we want!
  • Any kinks listed beside you enjoying sucking cock are entirely optional.
  • No pressure from me, RL takes priority so if a post is going to be delayed for whatever reason do let me know, I will do the same.
  • Please use the list of scenes list located at the bottom of the thread in conjunction with my F-List as they are both relevant to this play, thanks for reading!
  • I would very much prefer a long-term slow burn, slow build-up play to a quick smut play. I am however open to a quick smut play if you want to see if our writing styles mesh up.
  • I place no restrictions on whom I play this out with if you enjoy playing the kind of character(s) I am looking for then that is all I ask.
Scenario Ideas, Pairings & Writing Samples

These scenarios and pairings are just to give you an idea of my writing style and the kinds of things I am after but they are not set in stone they are just there for inspiration so if you have some naughty idea you think would fit, feel free to lay it on me! I'll give a brief overall description at the start of each and then a bit of a writing sample as well! I'll try to avoid my usual tendency to go completely nuts with how long these are though. I'll typically explain the basic premise and then give a bit of a set-up which will act as a non-lewd writing sample.

Even Powerful Women Have Needs [Modern/Slice of Life]

Premise: My character is heading to college or university in a different city. His mother has a friend who agrees to give him a place to live in exchange for some small job (gardening, pool cleaning, or something). What he doesn't realise is that his mother's friend is a very powerful/connected/wealthy woman. She could be a politician or CEO of some big company, and she very much becomes attracted to him along the way. Aiming for the woman to be mid to late thirties all the way up to being more cougar depending on partner preference.

"Promise me you'll be on your best behaviour, Miles." That must've been about the fifth time since they set off that his mother had impressed upon him the importance of behaving at his new home for college. Though he was a bit confused as to why, he was a nerd and he was fairly sure he never got into trouble at school, not even a single bout of detention, always did his homework didn't go partying or anything like that (mainly as no-one invited him.) "I promise mom, again." He said with a hint of sighing annoyance at the tail end, he really didn't know what she was worrying about and in his mind, he had bigger worries, like how he was going to make friends in a completely new city or whether he'd finally get a girlfriend or even whether he'd even pass and head to university next as his mother hoped.

The first hint of what she might've been worried about came on their arrival at a rather fancy-looking home the kind that had a security guard at the gate and an intercom. It buzzed after his mother lent out of the window to push the button. "Hello, Janice Williams... I believe I'm expected." A crackly voice replied to wait a moment before another buzz saw the mechanised gate sliding open which prompted a question from Miles. "What was it your friend did again?" He asked feeling a pang of anxiety clench in his stomach as they rolled up a long gravel driveway, making him feel like his outfit was severely lacking for such a place. "Oh, she's quite important, though we don't talk about work... Senator or governor or something or other." His mother shrugged it off as she turned and the car rolled to a stop and a woman quite possibly the most stunning woman he'd ever seen up close emerged from the house in what looked like yoga or workout clothes causing an uneasy gulp from him as he stepped out and hauled out his camping back, suitcase and laptop bag as his mother and the woman hugged.

"And this must be Miles, all grown up now I see." Miles blushed and nodded opening his mouth "Hello Miss Ma-..." He didn't finish as she put a finger to his lips and shook her head. "Just Katherine or Kat while we are here... I get enough Miss Mason's or Governor Mason in my day to day as it is... You want a quick drink and a catch up Jannice?" She turned to his mother and Miles' eyes went to the one place he hoped they wouldn't, her shapely, toned ass and the hint of thong strap peering from beneath tight black yoga pants, luckily his self-preservation instinct snapped his eyes ahead before she noticed. "Afraid I can't, I couldn't get the day off work tomorrow so I better get home quick... Next time though, and Miles, do behave and call me every once in a while." She gave him an embarrassingly sloppy kiss on the cheek before hurrying off leaving him standing there waving awkwardly until she had disappeared from sight.

"Come on then, Miles, let's show you to your room as for your job here, well you'll be helping me sift through my emails and paperwork. Nothing too complicated and it's something you can put on your resume as well... Sound good?" Miles nodded along earning him a bright smile from Kat as she walked ahead and he did his level best not to watch those perfect glutes dancing in front of him as she showed him to his room. Unaware that the woman he was going to be living with had much more than basic office work in mind for him, that he was so deliciously attractive to her because of his bashful nature that she was having to restrain herself already. By the time he finished college... He'd likely be experienced in more ways than he expected... And he was going to enjoy every second of it once he realised what she had in mind.

A Mother's Needs [Modern/Incest]

Premise: The mother and father are at loggerheads with one another and it has been like that for five or six months, the father spends most of his time working or going on business trips and spending less and less time with his wife his former fitness trailing off. The mother is in her prime (thinking mid-to-late thirties) physically fit, attractive, confident and a very physical and sexual person bordering on nymphomania but keeps it in check due to loyalty and for the sake of their son.

The reason for the father's lack of interest could be anything from him actively cheating on her but it doesn't get revealed until a long time into the play but whatever the reason he shows less and less interest in his wife despite her best efforts. Even when things do get physical between them she is almost always unsatisfied as he finishes and falls asleep long before she is sated.

Quite how things turn sexual between mother and son is something we'll have to decide on between us, it won't happen for quite a while but there will still be sexual happenings which will likely revolve a lot around voyeurism and such long before they ever touch one another. The only requirement really in my mind is that the mother is the one who seduces the son as that is kind of what I am after.

Miles had to brace himself with both hands palm down on the dashboard as his mother slammed on the brakes of her car again having hit the fifth red light in a row causing her usually practised and measured countenance to waver. A barely audible curse uttered through a hissed breath was all he heard as she tapped the painted red fingernails against the soft leather of the steering wheel waiting for the crowds of people to cross the street in front of them. It was supposed to have been his father who picked him up from his university open day given his route for the day supposedly took him right past it, however after waiting for nearly two hours his mother showed up instead not being all that impressed and fighting her way through rush hour traffic in the city.

The car lurched forward again, jolting Miles back into his seat as his mother launched the vehicle forward as though she were on a racing circuit as she pushed her way through traffic in a desperate bid to avoid the next set of lights. His mother glanced at him with a smile though genuine it looked tired, keeping her gaze largely on the road as she spoke her voice tinged with a hint of annoyance and laced with the rigours of a trying day.

"It'll have to be a take-away tonight, Miles.. It's been too long a day for me to cook.. Anyway, how was your visit to university?" She wove between traffic, jostling him from side to side as she navigated the busy street and cleared the next set of lights taking them out of the city centre and onto the more familiar route home.

"Wasn't dad supposed to pick me up?" He asked before really thinking about it, his features briefly showing a wince before his mother answered in a tone that dripped with cold indifference.

"He got held up at the office." To which Miles merely nodded in reply, thinking better of going any further on that topic and shifting the conversation back to her other questions instead.

"Take-away is just fine with me mom.. The campus is huge but I am glad I can commute rather than have to live in the dorms.. they look like shoeboxes only less spacious." This earned a small smirk from his mother even if his voice was laced with anxiety and excitement in equal measure. He'd always been the nerdy type and only really had a handful of good friends of which only three were going to the same university as he was, so meeting a whole load of new people at once was weighing heavily upon his mind.

The city soon faded into more open country and suburban homes and the rest of the journey passed in a relatively comfortable silence, the two of them lost in their own thoughts until the subtle bump of the curb under the wheels as the car pulled up into the driveway shook him from his reverie. Hefting the passenger door open he all but slid out of the car, the familiar click of his mother's heels against the paving stones only punctuated by the thump of the car door and click of the lock as he sidled up along behind her, pulling his rucksack up onto one shoulder. The familiar buzz of a phone disturbed the relatively peaceful backdrop of the breeze rustling the trees in the garden as his mother fished her phone out of her bag, swiping her thumb across it before pinning it between the side of her head and shoulder, opening the door as she started talking.

"So are you going to be home or not? .... Okay, fine. When? ... Seriously? Okay... Okay.. Take care then." Her eyes rolled, a frustrated huff of air escaping her lips as she tugged the buttons open on the deep blue jacket of her business suit casually tossing her phone and keys aside as Miles moved in behind her dropping his own back by the coat rack as his mother worked her fingers into her neck.

"I'm going to shower and change, Miles, your father won't be home this weekend some urgent business in Germany or something.. I'll shout you when the food arrives." Miles watched as his mother pried her shoes off her stocking-clad feet, working her fingers into them, wriggling and scrunching her toes before padding near silently upstairs.

Scenario Ideas Not Yet Fleshed Out

  • Any kind of glory hole or similar scenario as a starter or lead-in for more!
  • Massage seduction scene.
  • Incest set-ups!
  • Boarding School Scenarios.
  • Nerd getting the Goth Girl after saving them from a bully or something similar.
  • -More to come!-

Possible Pairings
These are just some possible pairings I haven't made any scenarios for but I would be open to.
  • Brother x Younger/Older Sister (This one can work in either direction)
  • Girlfriends Sister x Unsatisfied/Shy Boyfriend
  • Best Friends Sister/Mother (Older or Younger) x Shy Guy
  • Bullied Nerd x Bullies Girlfriend/Sister
  • Cheerleader x Nerd She's Forced to Study With.
  • -Reserved for more-
My Character

Do keep in mind this is just a rough template and I can be fairly flexible but this is roughly the kind of character I would play as. In general, depending on the setting I'll usually give them some kind of creative hobby or job we can weave in for more steamy fun like photography or the like.
  • Name: Miles Williams
  • Age: 16-22
  • Height: 5ft 5in.
  • Build/Physique: Slim without being particularly skinny or muscled or lean and lightly toned or anything in between.
  • Complexion: Fair with freckles.
  • Hair: Short, light brown.
  • Eye Colour: Brown.
  • Sexual Measurements: Penis 7-8 inches when hard.
  • Personality: Mild-mannered, softly spoken and polite. Tends to get easily flustered around strangers or in situations he is not comfortable with.
  • Other Things of Note: Body hair is optional but typically I play with a generally light fuzz on the legs and the bush.

Your Character

When it comes to women I am fairly flexible but there are a few traits I enjoy them to have but all in all the character will be yours to create, if you want to send me a few ideas in your initial PM it's greatly appreciated!

All in all, the best way to describe things would be that I don't enjoy extremes. Anything else from ethnicity to hair and eye colour is entirely yours to decide. What I do enjoy is shapely rears, leaning toward fit or athletic (toned abs cause some serious neuron activation for example.) Anything else is literally yours to ponder, I don't tend to use face claims simply as I suck at finding ones for my character, if you want to use face claims for yours then go for it. I am just as happy with you describing your character with words.

Those are all minor preferences, your character is yours to create as you see fit!

Aside from that, you have free reign to create and use one or more characters if that is your thing!

Erotic Scene Ideas & Kinks Not Included in F-List

Link to my f-list to use in conjunction with the list below here: Clicky!
  • Receiving Blowjobs: Receiving head, being sucked off, getting knob gobbled etc is by far my biggest and most favourite thing, if you love to give blowjobs, even basing entire RP's around it then we will definitely get along. So if you love writing incredibly detailed oral sex, I would very much like to write with you!
  • Anal/Vaginal (Giving): From slow to fast, teasing to hard, a good butt or tight pussy is an amazing thing to enjoy!
  • Slow Detailed Handjobs: Much like blowjobs I think especially in lewd writing the handjob is under-rated!
  • Footplay: Now I know this one will send people screaming into the hills but still! Clean only and usually aimed at teasing, a foot in the lap during dinner up to receiving footjobs.
  • Voyeurism/Exhibitionism: I'll lump them both together for succinctness but this is what I imagine much of the early sexual scenes will be, spying, peeping, overhearing sex or masturbation or outright watching. If done right this can be an incredible thing and can add a lot.
  • Masturbation: This one ties into the exhibitionism/voyeurism kinks, the hearing of fingertips rustling through a neatly trimmed bush, the soft slick noises of fingers working, the gasps and suppressed moans, the curling of toes and shudders of release.
  • Acknowledgement of Taboo: This will mainly apply to incest pairings but can be applied to any of the taboo options like doctor/patient etc. No point in doing a taboo play if the taboo nature of it is not acknowledged and the way the characters try and deal with it.
  • Massages: There is something inherently intimate and sensual about both giving and receiving them, everything from foot rubs and shoulder rubs to full body.
  • Dancing/Belly Dancing: Used as a method of teasing or such it can be a fun inclusion, belly dancing just plays into my love of toned abs even on femboys and traps. *hides*
  • Risky/Public Sex: A footjob beneath the table at a family dinner, a quick rut in the bathroom with others in the next room, a blowjob behind the kitchen counter whilst trying to talk to someone, a slow teasing handjob on the bus or train, you get the idea!
  • Clothing of All Kinds: I love it when people like to include and describe clothing and its removal/use in a roleplay. Everything from a simple bath towel after a shower to classy lingerie and stockings. Summer dresses, tank tops and yoga pants and more the sky is the limit.
  • Multiple Orgasms: Something that is rarely done but always appreciated, where is the fun at stopping with just one? Tends to play around with the increased sensitivity after an orgasm which I was going to make a separate listing but I'll put it in here.
  • Edging/Teasing: Taking someone to the edge of orgasm over and over again or just teasing them with pleasure isn't enough to finish them off.
  • Licking: The tongue is a very sexy thing.
  • Detailed Orgasms: Something I always like to see and try to give in kind!
  • Casual Nudity: There's just something appealing about a body-confident person showing off their physique as if it's the most natural thing in the world.
  • Sexually Aggressive/Assertive Women: It's a rare thing to find but it's always appreciated.
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