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I have a question - 7


Nov 5, 2013
A place in Wales that you can't pronounce

'Yeah, what is it, honeypot?'

The couple were lying on the bed, naked. A cool breeze through the windows billowed the curtains and dried the sweat from their bodies.

'I hope you won't mind, it's kind of personal.'

Janice got like this sometimes. After a good fuck, and that had been a good fuck, Ron liked to snooze, but his wife liked to talk.

'What could be more personal than what we just did?' he asked.

Janice rolled on her side and started playing with the mat of hair that began round his nipples and spread down his chest and across his belly.

'I was just wondering-'

Ron waited, but nothing more came, so he prompted her.

'Wondering about what?'

'When we were fucking just now-'

'Yes, I remember we were fucking.'

He expected a smile, but her face was serious.

'When we were fucking - just now - well I was wondering - who were you thinking about?'
Damn. What the hell is this about?

Fortunately, Ron was quick and the right answer tripped off his tongue. At least, he hoped it was the right one, the one she wanted to hear.

'You, of course, honeypot, like always. Do you need to ask?'

Janice was looking thoughtful, which was never a good sign.

'I was just wondering, that's all.'

Damn, had he said something without thinking? Had he done something different that made her suspicious? This was not good. It was one of those questions that you didn't asked. He never asked her what was going on in her head – despite having had some doubts about that sometimes.

'You're doing a lot of wondering tonight,' he said.

Would she take the hint and tell him what she was worrying about?

But her answer did not reassure him.

'Not just tonight, luv.'

Hell's bells. Ron sat up.

'Come on, Janice, out with it. What's worrying you? Who do you think I might have been thinking about?'

Janice looked thoughtful again.

'Come on,' Ron pushed her, 'out with it. Let's have it out in the open and then I can reassure you.'

Janice let out a deep sigh and reached across to hold Ron's hand.

'It's just, well, I wondered if you were thinking of Sally.'

'Sally, you mean our Sally, our daughter?'

Janice nodded.

Sally, OMG.

'Sally? What ever makes you think I would be thinking of her when I am fucking you?'

Janice was still holding Rod's hand.

'I notice that you have not denied it.' She spoke softly, without releasing her grip on his hand. He wondered if she was holding on to stop him leaving the bed. 'But since you ask, it's because you look at her.'

'Because I look at her? Why is that a problem? She lives with us. She's my daughter and she's an attractive woman, I'm proud of her.'

'It's not that you look at her. You're right she is attractive. I'm proud of her and I enjoy watching her.'

'So what is the problem exactly?'

'It's how you look at her, Rod.'

'Meaning what?'

'Meaning that I used to see that look on your face when we first met. I was the same age as Sally is now, more or less. And sometimes, when you thought I wasn't looking, I'd catch sight of you in a mirror and you'd be watching me like you watch her.'

'Well, I suppose you could be right. I mean, well, she does resemble how you looked at that age, when we were first getting together.'

Janice's free hand began stroking his thigh.

'And do you remember that first time, when we finally did get together?'

Rod smiled nervously. He did indeed remember and he liked the feeling that Janice was generating in his groin. But he was nervous about where this conversation might be leading.

'How could I forget that.' It was an exclamation, not a question.

His cock was still soft, but she lifted it to her mouth and began to suck him hard.

'I wanted to do this to you that night,' she gasped as she came up for air, 'but I wasn't confident enough.'

She sucked some more, until he was rigid. Then she climbed astride him and guided him inside her pussy, sinking slowly down his shaft. 'And I wanted to do this too.' She began riding him, slowly. Her breathing was steady, measured, like she was taking a class at the gym. Her tits rising and falling, swaying slightly.

What, Ron wondered, had this to do with Sally. He didn't know what his wife was doing – no he knew that, he could feel his balls contracting as she picked up speed and began throwing her weight from side to side. No, he knew what she was doing, no doubt about that. But why?

Just for the moment he was content to let her take the lead.

'Oh God.'

'Ready to blow?' Ron realised his eyes were closed. He opened them and saw her looking down at him, smiling. He nodded and she let fly, faster and faster and then, as he dumped his load, Ron understood.

Janice was showing him that Sally would not have the confidence or the experience to do what she had just done to her husband. Fantasy was one thing, reality was another.

At least, that is what he thought in that moment.
Rod was sitting at the breakfast table in the kitchen, munching on his toast and sipping orange juice, when Sally worked in.

'Hi, dad. Hi, mom,' she turned to her mother who was making coffee.

Both parents stared. She was wearing skin tight leggings that could have been sprayed on with a tank top with no bra.

Rod swallowed, while Janice tried to hide her smile. 'Coffee, darling?' she asked. 'Please,' her daughter replied as she walked towards the table, where she hiked up the waist of her leggings, pulling them tight into her crotch and cutting between two plump labia.

Rod buried his head as his wife brought two mugs of coffee across to the table, and put one in fRodt of each of them. Sally folded her arms on the edge of the table and used them to support her breasts. Her mother gave her a broad wink and brought her own mug across.

Both woman tried to engage Rod in conversation, but he seemed sullen and distracted, reluctant to lift his gaze off the table in fRodt of him. He even ignored his wife's request that he fetch more coffee for her and their daughter.

Eventually, Sally rose and sauntered out of the room, displaying the leggings nestled tight into her crack.

Taking pity on her husband, Janice gathered the dishes and took them over to the sink, allowing Rod to rise from his seat and rush out of the room.

That was the pattern for the rest of the morning. Everywhere Rod went, try as he might, he could not avoid Sally. If he walked into a room, she was there waiting, despite Rod being sure that she was somewhere else. If he went upstairs, she would appear and walk down, brushing against him as they passed. If he went into the garage, she would be leaning into her car to retrieve something she had left there. And every time, those leggings would seem tighter, her nipples harder. Rod had what seemed like a permanent erection. And, to make matters worse, his wife always seemed to be on hand to witness what was happening.

It was late morning when he could stand it no longer. A shout from the front door announced that he had to go into town to pick up something for the car and, seconds later, he was gone.

The two women collapsed into laughter. It was Sally who spoke first. 'That was so funny. I was almost feeling sorry for dad by the end.' Her mother wiped a tear from her eye. 'Yeah, I was impressed. He can last as long as necessary, well usually anyway, but you were really working him. You didn't even leave him alone long enough to have a quick wank.'

Sally went thoughtful; she had inherited that from her mother. 'You really think he was that aroused. Honestly?'

'Of course he was, honey. Hell, I'm aroused just watching you in that outfit.'

Sally stared at her mother and then approached her.

'Seriously, mom?'

'Seriously, luv.'

Sally slipped her hand up her mother's skirt. 'Oh my God, mom. You're commando and you're sopping.'

'What did you expect?'

'That is just so trailer trash slut. I never thought-'

Her fingers were probing her mother's pussy now.

'Please.' Her mother's voice was urgent.

'Please what? Please stop? Or please …' she let the question trail away.

Janice's thighs clamped onto her daughter's fingers.

'What the fuck do you think?'
Ten minutes later, Janice was flat on back on the sofa, sighing and moaning, with her skirt around her waist, with her daughter shewing on her clit while her middle finger expertly strokes her g-spot.

Sally rose and wiped the back of her hand across her mouth.

'I didn't know you were bi, mom.' She took a deep breath before ducking back down.

'I think everyone is, to some extent, a bit of each, don't you. OH FUCK – that's so good, where did you learn to do that at your age?'

She stroked her daughter's hair and she continued to eat her mother out.

'Even dad?' Sally's voice was muffled.

'Sure, why not – damn, don't bite so hard – oh no, shit, that's so goooood, soooo-'.

Her body began to shake, as Sally inserted a second, then a third finger into her pussy.

'Wide, wider, wide, spread me open,' Janice's eyes were closed.

Sally obliged and Janice let out a loud howl.

'Stop, STOP,' she pulled her daughter's hair to lift her face off her crotch.

'So,' Sally sat back on her haunches, 'let's talk about, dad. Did you ask him if he thought about me?'

Her mother waited for her breath to settle.

'Yes,' she finally replied, 'yes, I did.'

'And what did he say?'

'Well, he didn't deny it, just prevaricated a lot.'

'So you think he was thinking of me?'

'It's possible certainly.'

'So do we put our plan into operation? You saw how he behaved this morning.'
"What the fuck was she playing at?"

Rod and Janice had had their supper and were now relaxing on the sofa watching TV.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Sally, that's who as you know perfectly well."

"I didn't notice anything."

"Come off it, Jan, you were watching her every move. What was she playing at?"

"She's just a young woman, darling, showing herself off. It's natural."

"Natural? She's my daughter, for fuck's sake."

"You're right, but she isn't a child any more. She's a mature sexually active woman."

"And I'm her father. She should be programmed not to come on to me."

"And you're programmed not to respond, I suppose. It didn't look that way to me."

"That was just a physical thing, outside my control. The point is – she shouldn't have done it and I didn't give in to it."

"That's two points, actually."

"Don't try to change the subject."

"OK, OK, right. OK. So she is attracted to you. Why not? I am, so are other woman."

"Other women, which other women?"

"Friends, they talk about you, ask me things, say what they would like to do with you. Just woman talk, nothing serious."

"You're kidding me."

"No. They've seen you in the garden in your shorts. They've seen-" she stopped, "well, they can hardly miss it."

"Miss it? Miss what?"

"Your dick, lover, your dick, what do you think I mean?"

"You're kidding me."

"That's the second time you've said that."

"Look, stop this, just keep to the subject, which is Sally and her unnatural behaviour."

"I am keeping to the subject." She held her hand up to stop her husband speaking. "Sally is sexually mature and experience. She's a woman. Like other women, she can't miss what is so obviously on display. She lives with us remember. And she hears things, noises, bedtime noises," she nuzzled her Rod's neck, "you know what I mean."

Rod did know.

Janice grabbed the remote, muted the TV and climbed astride Rod. He felt the heat of her pussy nestling on his dick.

"She's attracted to you. She wants to know if you are attracted to her and after this morning I think we all know the answer."

"Is that why you were asking me if I think about her when we make love?"

"Yes, it was. Because," there was never going to be a better moment to bring this up, "she's told me she would like to join us, at bedtime."

Rod gulped, but managed not to sat "You're kidding me" for a third time.

"And you," he asked eventually, "how do you feel about that?"

After the morning's session with Sally on the sofa, Janice didn't hesitate with her answer.

"I'm up for it, Rod. But only if it is something you would be comfortable with."
'Jan, I don't believe what I think I just heard you say.'

'I said,' Janice's sister could be slow on the uptake, 'Sally is going to join Rod and me in bed.'

'You're mad.'

'No, it was Sally's idea and Rod agreed to it. I'm OK with it too, obviously.'

'But he's her father, for fuck's sake.'

'She's not a child now and she's consented – it was her idea. Don't be such a prude, June, come on, it's going to be fun.'

'Fun for who, that's what you need to ask yourself, Janice.'

'For all of us.'

'Don't kid yourself. Rod's a randy guy with two women – one heading to middle age who he's used to fucking, and the one in her early 20s, fresh, firm and different from the one he's known for neigh on 30 years. Which one will be want to spend his time with? It's a no brainer. You'll be excluded.'

'No, June, no, it won't be like that at all. Rod and I have discussed it. We'll start off as normal, and when we're ready, meaning once we've cum with each other, only then will we invite her to join us.'

'And then you'll be excluded, because mummy had already had her orgasm, and daddy needs help to recover enough to shag his daughter. And what will you be doing?'

'I'll be working on Sally – I told you what she did to me – and seeing us together will help turn him on again. Guys like watching women getting it off together. Don't they?'

June sighed. 'Look, Jan, I never thought I'd say this, about anyone's child and certainly not about my niece, but she's a first class bitch. She enjoys causing trouble, although you can't see it. She manipulates you to perfection. This is her idea, right? So ask yourself what she wants. Does she really want sex with a middle age guy with a hairy chest and a paunch? She can have pretty much any guy her age who crosses her path.'

'I'm not stupid, June. I know she is manipulating this to her own advantage, and I know why.'

'Go on, then, tell me.'

'It's Rod's cock.'

'Which is special in some way, is it?'

Janice held out her hands to show its length.

'You're kidding me.'

Janice put her hands together to show its girth.

'Now I know you're kidding me.'

Janice smiled at her sister's reaction.

'And how does she know this?'

'We live in the same house. She's not seen him naked, but she's seen him in shorts and she's heard me in bed with him. And it doesn't take a lot of imagination. So we got talking and I showed a couple of photos off my phone.'

'Now I know you are mad.'

Janice just shrugged.

'Jan, can I see those photos?'
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