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Rise of the Pokeanthros (PlatemailBikini & Diego)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
Everything hurt.

That was how Diego felt as he struggled to get up. He had no idea what happened. One moment, he was walking alongside his Gardevoir and savoring the nice day... The next, he noted above there was a strange multi-colored light ad before he knew it, there was some sort of massive explosion that enveloped them. When he got up though... he felt something different.

He stood up and screamed in shock. He was a Pikachu... kinda.

It was like he was a Pikachu stretched into a human shape. He had the yellow coat, the red cheeks, his ears are now Pikachu ears and he even has a tail. However, he still has human eyes and face. He was now on his feet and walking around. However, he was now also naked... he had no idea what was going on. All he had was his glasses...


"SOPHIA!? WHERE ARE YOU?!" Diego shouted, looking over for his Gardevoir.
With a long groan, Sophia groggily rose to her feet, clutching her head in her hands. In the distance, she heard her master shouting for her. Was he in danger? She spun around to face him, and then groaned again as the sudden movement made her head spin. She fell to her knees, and planted her hands into the sand, willing her world to stop spinning. As she did, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the water. Her face looked subtly different, although she couldn't quite figure out why...

And then she saw it.

Or them, rather.

A pair of large orbs hung from her chest, threatening to burst out of her dress. They looked like human breasts... And when had she put on a dress? She rose unsteadily to her feet once more, surveying her new form in the water. She was no longer floating off the ground, instead standing on a pair of long legs, with thick thighs that ended in- and she lifted the skirt to check- wide hips and a large rear. She was wearing panties, and a curious touch confirmed they hid a sensitive pussy. The touch sent a shiver of pleasure up her spine, unlike anything she'd ever felt, better even than winning a fight against a gym leader's strongest pokémon.

The voice of her master calling for her snapped her out of her daze, and she turned to him once more, his voice coming from over a nearby hill. As she tried to move however, she fell flat on her face, never having had legs before. She let out a cry as she did, and another groan as she hit the ground. Confused and somewhat overwhelmed by the situation, as well as frustrated by her inability to even walk, she simply lay there, hoping her cry had alerted her master.
Diego began managing to be able to walk better and faster. Initially, he was pretty concerned about being naked for some reason, though a quick check in his surroundings realized that there was a burnt patch underneath him. The likely conclusion was that he electrocuted his clothes off. But still... he was a freaking Pikachu person now. What was going on?! How long were they out?! However, he was grateful for one thing.

His new ears. He was able to pick up the familiar cry of Sophia and was running toward her. He saw that she was on the ground. Only by the time he got there, he noticed how different she looked. She looked more human now, based on her impressive new breasts, her longer thicker legs and... oh my, more stuff.

"Sophia, are you okay?" Diego asked her, concern and panic over the situation overriding the fact he was in the nude with an attractive lady. He was holding her and hoping she could recognize him, which she could based on his psychic aura and vocie.
With a deep sigh, Sophia sat up slightly, leaning on Diego for support. She felt something soft brush against her arm, and finally looked up. Oh. Well that was also new. Her master looked noticeably different, covered in short yellow fur. She thought for a moment, squinting her eyes at him. Had he evolved? Could humans do that? Or perhaps whatever had made her more human had made him more pokémon? That somehow sounded more plausible, despite its ludicrousness. It had a strange balanced sound to it, and she'd never heard of Humans evolving before...

She rubbed her face, wiping off a few clingy grains of sand. Slowly she rose to her feet, letting go of her master to gently step away, making sure to control her legs properly. She shot her master a soft smile and a nod, showing that she was okay. She'd long since mastered the tricks to interacting with humans, since they didn't understand pokémon speech. That's why she had also developed a habit of snarking at them when to their faces when no other pokémon were around. "Oh, and of course you're a pikachu, and not something I can easily boss around..."
"Yeah, I do not think you can boss me around anyway," Diego snarked back at Sophia before he paused and realized somethign. He could understand her. He. Could. Understand. Her. "Sophia, I could understand you," Diego said as he grabbed her shoulders, looking surprised. However, he than got a better look at her. "You look kinda like a human... and since I'm like a Pikachu now... I think Pokemon and people fused together... But are we the only ones?" Diego could not help but wonder out loud.

However, he did embrace her, relieved she was okay. He sighed with a smile as he hugged, but blushed a bit as he realized that since he was nude, Sophia would be able to fell his nude body onto hers.
Sophia understood at the same moment her did, recoiling slightly in shock as it truly sunk in just how utterly her life had just changed. She stood frozen as he embraced her, staring into the middle distance. This wasn't the first time they had hugged -she'd been with him since the very beginning of his journey after all- but the change had altered even that, and she was now aware of just how naked he was, feeling his new fur dully against her dress. She gently pulled him away, fighting a blush.

"Well," she cleared her throat, "perhaps we should return home?" Instinctively she had turned and pointed towards the path home, pointing the way with one hand and taking his hand in her other one as if to lead him there. She let go as soon as she realized. She was so not used to being understood by humans. Well, whatever he was now...

"There is little reason to suspect others were affected, the blast seemed rather localized. Either way, the professor would want to know, and could perhaps even hold the answers we seek."
"I actually like holding your hand," Diego confessed to Sophia with a smile, regrabbing her hand before turning over to the direction of their home. Diego began leading her there and he began looking around. It was quiet... way too quiet. Sure, he had them live here for the tranquility, but there was an odd sort of quiet. Diego looked around the hills if there was anything and all he saw was a large blimp flying away.

For some reason, he felt like it would not be the last tey saw of the blimp.

"Yeah, we'll call the professor tomorrow. Meanwhile, we need to get used to this," Diego told Sophia while walking with her toward their home. "I guess we'll have to share the bed them," he said, reeling from these new revelations.
Sophia let her master lead her around, focusing her attention to working her legs properly. She didn't think much about his comment, nor see the blimp overhead, too focused on not stumbling again. She was not going to take another tumble if he could help it.

By the time they were back home, it had already grown dark, and she didn't mind the idea of leaving the professor for the next day. Walking was so much more tiring than floating, and her underused limbs were quite sore already. She blushed slightly at her masters suggestion, and moved to cover it by turning towards the living room and nodding to the couch. After a few silent moments she remembered he could understand her, and added "I'd hate to impose master. The couch if more than fine."
“No. You’re my partner after all, and sleeping on couches is not comfortable,” Diego told her with a bit of finality when they arrived back at the place. It was a pretty nice and basic home for them to be in. Diego stretched a bit.

“We have a lot to get used to,” Diego notes, wondering what sort of changes they’d Have to do.

“We’ll face then together though, right?” He said confidently and smiling at her.
Sophia nodded determinedly, "Yes. Together." She could definitely get used to being understood. With some hesitation, she entered the bedroom, and sat down on the bed. It wasn't very large, built to hold only one person. The thought of sharing it with her master sent a shiver up her spine, which she suppressed. She's never really considered intimacy with her master like this before, but it seemed her new body came with a few different implications than her old one.

Her stomach growled, and she sighed. That was another thing. "Am I going to have to eat human food now? Or can I eat both? I rather like poffins, so I hope so..."
"Well, let's check it out. It should still be possible," Diego said as he checked the fridge. After sampling some of the food he nodded. "Looks like I can still eat normal food," Diego said before offering some to Sophia for her to try along with Poffin. It looks like she could enjoy it though Diego also noted he could have some too. "Well, it looks like we don't have to worry about changing our diets," Diego said as he decided to cook a bit for them.
Sophia hummed, still chewing on the sandwich she'd been handed. She swallowed, looking thoughtful. "So that's what human food tastes like..." She left her opinion of it up in the air, yet finished the meal. Then she settled in, sitting down in a chair as she watched him at the stove, letting out a long, relieved sigh. "Oooh, that feels better. How do you people stand it, having to walk everywhere?" Having taken a load off, she now realized how sore her feet were. She leaned over a bit, running a hand down her legs. Well, they may not be the most efficient mode of transportation, but they did look good. Long and smooth, and with thick, juicy thighs.

This may be strange, scary, and inconvenient, but at least she looked good.
"Well, our legs were built for it. Besides, you walked back as a Ralts and Kirlia," Diego told her with a bit of a smile. He wondered how she could've forgotten that. Diego did take a look at how Sophia was doing. Her legs before transfromation were just elegonated and slender like back as Kirlia, but now she had distinct curves and thighs to them. This combined with their natural length just made her look attractive.

Diego's red cheeks became redder before finishing cooking up some macaroni and cheese. "Yeah, after dinner we should prepare for bed," he told her, bringing the bowl of mac and cheese for them.
Sophia scoffed. "A lifetime ago," she said as she waved dismissively. It was true she had walked before, but that had been years ago, and even back then she had hated it, preferring to simply stay in her ball until needed. Or being carried around.

She gave a polite nod as Diego sat the bowl down in front of her, and levitated over a spoon. She had used her powers without considering whether or not she had them still, but was quietly relieved that she did indeed still possess them. With some care, she scooped up a spoonful and brought it to her lips, parting them slowly before bringing it into her mouth. She then slowly pulled the spoon out through her closed lips, leaving it near-spotless as she thoughtfully tasted the concoction. She had secretly always been curious about human foods, and was somewhat excited to finally try some.

She tried her best to hide her pleased reaction, but doubted her success as she eagerly dug in.
"Yeah, yeha, you always insiisted I carry you at times," Diego told her with a chuckle. "Well, you now have to get used to it. Then again, you have really nice legs," Diego could not help but comment with a blush. Their bond of Pokemon and trainer or even that of friends was on track to become something more.

"How are you enjoying the macaroni & cheese I made?" Diego told her, watching Sophia dig in after a moment of trying to remain composed. "If this is the new normal, then I do want us to get to know each other better, Sophia. You've always been there for me and we've always had each others' back... and I want that to remain the same," Diego confided in his Gardevoir.
Sophia, always a sucker for some compliments, couldn't help but to blush at his comment about her legs, awkwardly shifting in her seat. As for his other comment, she just chuckled nervously. "It's... it's okay," she said, her neutral tone at odds with her clear enjoyment of the food. "But yes, I suppose now that we can communicate more clearly, it would only be appropriate that we get to know each other. Although I can't help but be a bit disappointed that you apparently don't know me too well yet." The slight amusement in her tone did a good job at hiding the truth of that statement. She liked to think that she knew him very well, if her guess at his attraction to her was at all accurate.

As for her own attraction to him, well... She might need some time to figure this out. She had never really experienced attraction like this before, and certainly never thought of a human like this, especially not her own trainer. She couldn't deny her own needs, and the heat she felt whenever they were near, but she's never really done anything like this before. Perhaps she should take some time to herself later, when he was asleep, and figure herself out...
“Well, you’ve observed me and know how I work and I know how you work too. You like teasing people and being treated like royalty,” Diego respondes to his long time friend and companion with a cheeky smile.

“You do mean a lot to me and this is a massive change we need to figure out,” Diego confessed to her as he went over to sit right beside her with a smile on his face.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked her, going to hold her hand.
Sophia scoffed at his cheeky comment, and flushed slightly as her took her hand. "N-nothing. Honest! I just might need some time to figure all of this out. On my own." She sat in silence for a moment, before realizing how her comment may have sounded. "Not all of it of course!" She withdrew her hand from his hastily. "There's just... certain things that I need to do on my own." She tried to hide her embarrassment behind a smug look. "As much as you might hate to hear this, you're not where my world starts and ends."
Diego's ear drooped a little at her comment before sighing. "All right then, that's fair," Diego told her before eating his own macaroni and cheese. Granted, he did not have many friends of his own so he counted often on Sophia to be at his side. Now he wondered if she would leave him his side with her newfound freedom... then again, with this situation, who knows?

He ate the rest of his dinner quietly. "I'll sleep on the couch and you can have the bed tonight so tomorrow I can try getting a new one," Diego told her, making notes of what they would need.
Sophia ate the rest of her meal in silence, pondering her situation. If she was to remain like this, then she should at least adjust to it. Or perhaps the professor could fix it? But did she want to return? Being half-human (or whatever she was) could open up so many possibilities. So many things were barred from her as a pokémon, and now she would have a chance to experience that life. She blinked hard, clearing her head. Whatever the answer, that could all wait until the morning.

"Okay, thank you." She felt a little bad about kicking Diego out of his own bed, but since he had offered, it would be rude to turn him down. And the more enclosed bedroom would be a better place to... experiment... with her body in than the more open living room. She rose, giving a polite bow as she did. "Thank you for the meal master. I think I'll retire for tonight." She went to leave for the bedroom, feeling tired, yet excited. As well as other feelings she had no words to explain.
Diego wemt tp fall onto the sofa and then jus went over to skeep. He began falling asleep as best as he could, but it was a bit uncomfortable to say the least. That and he had to figure out how to sleep now with his tail. The fur and the ears did not seem that much of a hindrance, but he was tryong to rest as best as he could.

Despite this, he could not help but wonder what Sophia was thinking. He sighed and got up to get water. Sophia was probaly asleep by this point...
After settling in to the bed, Sophia waited until she was sure Diego was a sleep. She couldn't bear the embarrassment if he found her in the midst of what she was about to do. Stripped of her dress, she lifted the covers to inspect her naked body. The glow of the lamp illuminated a strangely human body, stark white and far thicker than she was before. Granted, it was hard to see past her breasts, given their size. That's where she started, with a curious hand cupping herself, rubbing her nipple. It felt good, in a way she couldn't quite explain to herself. Curiosity satisfied, her hand wandered south, feeling her toned, taut belly, and the dip of the navel, before grazing over her clit.

"Oh." She bit back her surprised half-moan. Now that felt good. She spent some time exploring her pussy, tremendously enjoying the process. Eventually she sunk one of her slender fingers into the hole. It felt strange. Tight, and warm and wet, and as she explored herself, she found one spot that sent stars dancing in front of her eyes. Deciding to withdraw before she could no longer keep quiet, she pulled her hand up, noticing the glistening wetness coating her finger. Taking a page from the women in those films Diego didn't know she knew he had, she popped the digit into her mouth.

The taste wasn't bad, per say, but she didn't understand why the women had found it so delightful. The act did hold a certain appeal, if only through sheer taboo, and the warm rush of having done something so perverted.

That done, she'd sent her hand south once more, this time to explore her thighs and her backside. Her rear was large, round, and quite soft, and the feeling of having it rubbed was one she greatly enjoyed. Her thighs too, were thick and meaty, but were firmer, packed with muscles. Here too, her touch felt good.
Diego for the most part was getting to drink a glass of water and he wondered what was it that would await them in the future. However, as he was drinking his water, he caught something. A whiff of something. A slight hearing of something. The sound was a little familiar to his ears though. He did not pay much attention to it at first before he kept hearing the sounds and the smell was growing stronger. It was stirring something in him.

When he finished his water, he put more focus into finding the source of the sound. He turned to go to Sophia was sleeping and he was dumbstruck.

She was masturbatng. Playing with herself. However, in doing so, she was triggering his instincts to mate. One that began affecting him because of his newfound statement. Additionally, he was now able to head her quiet soft moans. As such, he was staring there and oogling at how she was playing with herself.

Not only that, Diego's own scent was spreading into the room, one that Sophia would recognize.
When Sophie caught the scent of the heady, musky smell, her eyes shot open, and she looked around frantically, spotting Diego immediately. She let out a scream, and bolted out of the bed, holding up the blanket between them. "This isn't what it looks like! How long have you been standing there!?" Sophia's panicked mind finally realized the significance of the scent, and could feel its effects. She panicked; this was the absolute last thing she needed right now. She had barely managed to figure out how she worked now, and was in no shape to start doing shit like this.

In her panicked stupor, she struggled to think of a solution, and hastily decided that the best one was to get him away. A surge of psychic power shot from her outstretched hand, sending her trainer flying out of the room, colliding with the far wall.

Immediately afterwards she realized what she'd done. She wanted to go check on him, but couldn't risk it. Couldn't bear facing him now. Embarrassment and fear and shock sent her instead rushing for the door to the bedroom, pulling it shut and barricading it with her own body. She slumped onto the floor, clutching at her head and breathing heavily.
Diego did not know what he was expecting. However, her shock disrupted him out of his, but before he could actually responded away, he got sent back flying toward the wall hard with a psychic blast. Diego was now udnerstandably dang irritated, but when he went over to check up on her, he noticed she went and barricaded the door. Diego did not know how to fell. He felt angry, upset, confused and a little betrayed.

He kept banging on the door and while he could've burst open the door with his new electricity, he had little control over it. Eventually, he quit. "Fine." Diego said, tiringly and resigned before he went and exited the house, needing to blow off some steam. He went and practiced some attacks over out in the wild. And to distract himself from the worries... the fears... that their new state would drive them apart. About an hour or so, he fetl somewhat better, but he was also pretty tired and so he decided to try and shower. Fortuantely, the coat of Pikachu was pretty fine so he had no risk of shedding or whatnot, so instead he could shower in peace.
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