That Wasn't Supposed to Happen ( DudeGuy and iridium248 )


Jun 4, 2009
    • It was time for the operation to begin.

      For weeks, Bai Lan had been tracking a man they suspected of having information on RAPT that could prove useful in the near future. Sei was tasked with getting that information, and if at all possible, capturing the man. It was quite possible that he had even more information that he could give up after some. . .thorough persuasion. Their task was quite simple - the man had been tracked to a bar near the river front. Meg would be used as a decoy, to seduce and ultimately disable the man quietly. Jo was on standby, and would be awaiting the go-ahead to spring into action and create a disturbance so that the man could be extracted and they could leave. She sat with Amy in the red sports car she used to move around when she did not want to be noticed, as a giant blue trailer would have been a dead giveaway that something was up.

      Meg was getting into place now, while Jo was lingering around outside of the bar, ready to cause mayhem at the drop of a pin.

      There was one thing that Sei was worried about though, and that was Meg's annoying knack of getting into trouble in situations like this one. If that happened, there were several contingency plans in place. This was an operation that had to succeed, no matter what happened. Hopefully, things would not reach that point. Conditions here seemed favorable enough. Outside of the usual suspicious characters hanging around, there weren't that many people around. It was usually quiet during this time of night, before people got drunk and decided to start blasting whatever they thought would look better with a few bullets holes and hot lead inside of it.

      She wasn't all that worried about herself or Amy in this situation, as the windows of the car were bullet proof and the vehicle had a very sturdy build. They would be fine, unless of course, a Cybot decided to use the car as a landing strip or for target practice. Call her conceited, but Sei was more than confident in her driving skills. "We're ready whenever you are Meg," she said into the communication decide Amy prepared.

      Inside of the bar was a very different story. There were people everywhere, smoking, drinking, laughing, have as good of a time as they possibly could. People all over the places were playing drinking games, some seemed to be enjoying a game of Russian Roulette. People who didn't value their lives or the lives of others. This was one of the most dangerous places in Tokyo, not that Tokyo wasn't a dangerous place in and of itself. Of course, they were all armed to the teeth and none of them would hesitate to pull a gun on anyone here.

      The target was a man they knew only by the name of Tanaka. He was a heavy set man with messy hair that looked to be a bit. . .greasy. It was not at all attractive looking, which would only make it harder for Meg to hit on him than it already would be. A job was a job though. The sooner it was done, the sooner they could get on to doing whatever else Bai Lan needed them to do.[/list:u][/list:u]

The bar, 'Rapture':

Inside, the place was lit by glow-globes and hanging lanterns, each private booth and dining table surrounded by fluttering drapes of white silk, magnifying the lamplight, creating a creamy, flowing texture like vellum. The twitching brazier light cast a crimson, almost hellish illumination of the pitch-black floor below, creating the eerie sensation of falling through space...

At a corner table, a pale, long-fingered hand curled around the stem of a wineglass, bringing it up to ruby-red lips~ As she set it back on the glossy black table, Meg *stretched* languorously, displaying the curvaceous tightness of her silky crimson cheongsam; Beneath the long, trailing hem, her coltish legs whispered as the lovely redhead crossed them, enticing flashes of creamy thigh flickering through teasing gaps~!

There was a gentle scrape of fabric, inaudible as Meg leaned back in her chair with a sigh, the charms that lined her bound hair clinking against her hairpins, in a gentle surussation; Appearing, all the world, to be thoroughly *bored*~ Idly, her fingers drummed a gentle tattoo on the obsidian surface of the table; A distinctive code that meant 'Target in *sight*.'

Now, seduction's a complex thing- Too little, and the target doesn't even *know* he's being, well, targeted- Too much, too soon, and it's all-too-clear that *something* is wrong...It takes an exquisite balance between subterfuge and interest, the gentle pressure of one's attention to oh-so-*carefully* draw the eye...Meg, however, was *incredibly* good at it. Right now, though, the lovely redhead's nostrils wrinkled, just a little, as she considered the greasy-looking man she was *supposed* to be putting the moves on; A burly middle-ager, slowly letting himself going to seed- Not her type. Not at all~

*Why* aren't there any *handsome* targets? she pondered, glancing briefly skyward as she slid her chair back- Steeling herself for what came next! It was simple enough- Just get the absolutely grotendous guy away from his buddies...And Jo would take care of the rest, the way she *always* did!

"We're ready whenever you are, Meg," Sei's voice crackled, as if the woman herself was whispering in Meg's ears- Indeed, the complex charms strung in her ponytail concealed a fairly sophisticated audio suite, keyed to both transmit *and* receive...The wonders of miniaturization! "Copy that~" Meg murmured, her voice low, lilting...The legs of her chair scraping against the tiles as she stood...

A girl *alone* in this bar, the favorite watering-hole of the criminal underworld, was rare enough- An absolutely *lovely* one even more so! It wasn't a surprise that Tanaka's head turned as she drifted past- She could *feel* his gaze lingering on her, then her back, as she took a slow, indirect route to the bar...Taking care to brush one silky hip against him as she moved past!

A quick, heartfelt, if a trifle slurred, "Oh, I'm *so* sorry!" parting her full lips, clearly the worse for drink- With the delicate, mincing grace of a woman who wasn't *quite* drunk enough yet, Meg crossed to the dance floor; She'd had his attention, after all, his eyes roving over her lissome form as she swayed in time to the music, seemingly *entirely* entranced by the barely-legal beauty before him~
  • Lovely wasn't what Tanaka would have used to describe Meg. No, the red haired young woman was much too beautiful for that. Angelic. That was a word that successfully captured the essence of her. Any woman who was able to look at him and not gag was worthy of the title "lovely", but angelic was reserved for a young woman of such magnificence as she. Her face was perfect, her lips were plump and looked as if they were awaiting his own. Luscious was the only word he could use to describe her body. He just couldn't take his eyes off of her as she walked towards him, the dark brown optics following the sway of her hips. As she brushed up against him, he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

    Just like that, he was under her spell.

    "Oh, no, I'm. . .why don't you have a seat, let me buy you another drink or two," he said. For a man who was so unattractive, who was involved in such shady dealings, Tanaka certainly came across as a gentleman. Then again, it very well could have been an act, a ploy on his part to get her to drop his guard so that he could have his way with her. At this point, he was so enamored with her presence here at his side that he didn't care what he intended on doing. Tonight, there was a good possibility that he would be getting lucky tonight, and he did not want to mess up that possibility by thinking about the situation too much.

    Jo was a bit anxious now. She stood outside of the bar impatiently tapping her foot. Obviously, she didn't like the fact that Meg was in the bar with the creep who was working with RAPT all alone. If it were up to her, she would have blasted the bar apart to scare the piss out of the man, then threaten his life and force him to give up the information they needed. Sei insisted on not making an enemy out of most of the criminal underworld in Tokyo, which squashed that idea flat.

    With a visual on Meg now lost, Jo couldn't help but to feel more uneasy. The only thing she could do was wait until Meg gave the signal for them to spring the trap.[/list:u]
"Ah~ Such a gentleman~" Meg cooed, pressing slim fingers to her lips to stifle a giggle- And oh ick, he *really* was older than she'd thought, those exquisite tailored clothes not *quite* hiding his sagging gut...No more than the coiffed hairpiece hid the fact that he was *balding*...Still, the lovely redhead flashed him a fetching smile as she slid smoothly into the seat, her ponytail snaking against her sleek back, green eyes twinkling with amusement- Sending *all* the right signals!

It was *entirely* clear that she was either a party girl, or simply slumming it for the night- Looking for Mr. Right Now to take her home, and not particularly *caring*...As long as there was a *good* time at the end of it!

A measure of amber fluid splashed into a proferred shot-glass, slid eagerly across the table to her ~ And Meg resisted the urge to look around for Jo, reminding herself that her partners were ready to bundle Mr. Tanaka off at the drop of a hat...

-On second thought, maybe a drink wouldn't be such a bad idea. She was going to need to be at *least* a little drunk to pull this off...She lifted her glass, in a brief toast, meeting his gaze again- Then *drank*, draining it in a single draught, her face going red as the scalding spirit cascaded down her throat! It went down warming, and hit her stomach with a heated glow, spreading and waking up her limbs, muscles and skin tingling.spreading out into her limbs~

Meg's gaze seemed greener than ever as she *stretched*, with a low sigh of satisfaction- And it was entirely natural to respond, even as color spread in her face, her motions becoming, without conscious thought, *just* that little bit more sensual, the tip of her pointed shoe *accidentally* brushing against his leg~
  • A woman like Meg was completely out of his league. Tanaka wasn't stupid, he knew that. As entranced as he was by her, there was a part of him that was telling him that he needed to be careful with her. What started out as a night of fun could quickly turn into his worst nightmare. The only way he could know for sure, either way, was to go along with what was happening. He would have his answer soon enough. The man offered her a smile as he took another shot, the alcohol giving him some much needed liquid courage. A few shots later, and he seemed to be in the same state that he had been in when she first bumped into one another. It was clear that Tanaka could hold his liquor, so waiting for him to become plastered would be useless.

    It would be wise for the plan to move forward soon.

    "So, my dear, how about you and I leave this place? I'm not one to brag, but my place is quite nice. I believe it'd suit your tastes much more than this dump," he said, ignoring the glare that the bar owner was shooting his way.

    "He's taken the bait," Sei said, biting down on her thumbnail. So far, so good. For their sake, she was hoping that things continued as well as they started. For once, it would be nice to complete a job without Cybots destroying parts of town, or unnecessary bloodshed. She would have even liked to avoid expending a single round from a gun, but since the plan called for Jo to turn the bar into a giant bullet hole, she knew that it was impossible for such a thing to happen.

    Still, there was no denying that Meg had an annoying knack of getting into trouble at the worst possible time. So long as Jo remained close enough to see her, Sei was sure that things would be fine. The bond that the two of them had was a strong one, and she knew that there was no way Jo would let anything happen to Meg. "Amy, just in case things don't go well, find out where he lives and get the floor plans. If worst comes to worst, we need to be prepared." Though she had confidence in the skills of all of the girls, she needed to have a back up plan just in case.[/list:u]
Another glass, and the world was looking decidedly better through a warm, liquid haze of alochol- Though Meg was beginning to wonder, now, whether he was really as drunk as he'd initially appeared! It was an effort to concentrate on his words, now; The lovely redhead shifted in her seat, fanning herself with a hand- Feeling *just* a little warm...

"So, my dear, how about you and I leave this place? I'm not one to brag, but my place is quite nice. I believe it'd suit your tastes much more than this dump,"

"R-e-a-l-l-y?" Meg cooed, her deep blue eyes going *very* wide with mock surprise- "Oh, I couldn't possibly~" she began, hesitantly, biting her lip, and turning away coyly...But then her gaze went back to him, and she giggled. "Tanaka-san, you really *are* too sweet~!"

She clasped her hands with every sign of excitement, her chest *heaving* against the front of her tight crimson cheongsam as she took a *deep* breath~ Those sapphire eyes shimmering, as she turned away coyly...Clearly *entirely* charmed by his oh-so-obvious wealth!


Lounging against the bar- Or at least *trying* to- Jo swirled her drink, her gloved fingers wrapped around the snifter. "*God*, he's disgusting," the silver-haired beauty muttered. "Just be careful, Meg...Be *careful*..." Only the thought that this was a delicate operation prevented her from unleashing absolute small-arms hellfire onto the bar in general and Tanaka in specific...And now she was going to have to *watch* them walk out, Meg clinging to his arm and giggling, like a trophy- While praying that the others were up to the task...


"Amy, just in case things don't go well, find out where he lives and get the floor plans. If worst comes to worst, we need to be prepared."

"Mmmmm~?" Amy's heels thumped against the side of her seat, the one she'd been distractedly kicking as she fidgeted~ She'd never had much to do *on* an operation itself, most of her job coming before or after...And she'd been *thrilled* to finally be able to go along on one-

...It was just that she'd never expected it to be so, so...*boring*! All she'd done was to sit there, while Meg chatted up some sleazy guy in a bar...

"Hai-hai, obaa-chan~" she chirped, her brown eyes sparking- At least she'd have something to *do* now, instead of just *sitting* here~! The bell affixed to her pastel-pink blouse and shorts chimed as Amy rested her laptop on her knees, unreeling the thin cable of the fiber-optic wire...And a recent new addition, the VR headset! It was bleeding-edge tech...One that let the user dive *into* the system itself, and slip *effortlessly* through the datastream- But not without *some* risks, like being *entirely* more vulnerable...Not that it mattered to Amy, one of the best hackers in the world!

"Here I go~!" she announced, slipping the visor over her eyes- Then, quite abruptly, she went limp, as the world faded, filling with the swirling blue data of the 'Net...
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