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[ZOMBiiE x DirtyPanties] She's your daughter too!


Jan 9, 2009
Oliver stood nervously in the large crowded airport awaiting the arrival of his daughter whom he had not seen in what seems like forever. He was worried about how he would even know which girl she was, he hadn't seen her since she was just a small baby and had no idea what she looked like now in her teenage years. He looked around curiously at all the girls who walked past, could this be her? I think she had brown hair... I'm not sure. all kind of thoughts went through his head as he stood quietly, hoping she would be able to recognize him in such a large cluster of people, some of whom were just as confused and worried as he was. He stood without speaking a word, only watching and hoping he would recognize something he remembered of her, which of course would not happen because of the fact that he left when she was only two years old.

A phone call he received about a month ago was the cause of all this confusion, or was it the fact that several years ago he left his wife-to be, and daughter, to pursue his dream of becoming a well respected doctor in the city. His goal was reached, somewhat. But apparently the monthly cheque he was forced to send out, taking a huge chunk out of his earnings weren't enough to satisfy his old love interest. It was now up to him to raise the daughter, a mistake he made several years ago was now going to haunt him even more.

Aislyn peered up as the plane finally came to a descend, landing on the landing strip and she breathed in softly. About ten minutes had passed before they were able to get off, walking off in a single file line with a carry on bag in her right hand. Stepping out and into the airport she peered around and closed her eyes. She wondered why her mother sent her here, why now she forced her so called father figure to step up to the plate. Wondering what he was thinking, the man who had walked out on her mother and herself. Especially heself when she was only two years old. Her mother had shown her a picture of her father, having the picture burned into her brain of the man.

Walking through the airport she sighed as she reached teh baggage claim. Grasping her two bags she turned though she froze as she saw him. She swallowed and took a step forward, approaching him. "Hello father." She said, looking up to him. Her long red hair resting at her shoulder blades. Wearing a long white sleeved shirt and a black short skirt along with black high heels her head tilting back to peer up to the man.
"Aislyn..." he trailed off as the words escaped his mouth, she had changed quite a bit since the last time he had seen her beautiful little face. He could barely speak, every time he would think of something to say, he would also think of a reason as to why it should not be said. Finally settling on an appropriate response, he held out both of his hands to help the girl carry her luggage. "Please, let me take that." he offered as his eyes examined her face carefully, not too sure if this was even his little Aislyn who he had left behind those many years ago. He still could not speak, it seemed like an eternity was passing, he never thought it would be so hard to talk to his own daughter. He had always known he would some day meet her once again, but he had thought it would be much more easier than this, he would be able to speak much more naturally. But no, a usually collected man was left standing, unable to speak but a mere sentence, the rest just thoughts.
Aislyn looked up to him as she noticed he couldn't speak. She gave him one bag at least he could carry one of the bags since he wasn't there in her life. She turned around, her back to him as she began to walk towards the front of the Airport. "So did mother say how long, I'd be staying here for?" She asked and turned to look to him, she had changed a lot. Seeing as it had been almost fifteen years since he had last seen her. Kids tend to grow over that amount of time and she stepped out of the airport and she came to a stop before turning around to look back up to him.
As the girl spoke, it took him a moment to realize what she had even asked him. "Oh," he fumbled with his words for a moment before collecting his thoughts. "No, she didn't really say, all she said was that you were going to be staying with me for a while. I couldn't say no." he paused for a moment as he once again thought it through, "you are my daughter after all, I couldn't refuse you." he spoke out to her as he followed her outside, but lead her towards the car which was left a bit off to the side. From inside his pocket he hit a button which ejected the trunk, and he placed the bag down softly inside the interior of the trunk and waited for Aislyn to put her bags inside as well. "You are welcome to stay as long as you want." he informed her as he stood by, looking her over once more. She really had grown up, a lot.
She sighed as she heard him speaking and then those words, 'I can't refuse you." He said and she looked to him, her brow cocking. She set her bags down into the trunk and she turned, "Well I don't see why you can't refuse me now. Since you did so easilyl fifteen years ago." She mumbled, shutting the trunk shut and she moved to the front passenger seat and she sat down into it after shutting teh door behind her. Her mother told her to not start any fights but she couldn't help it as she peered out of the window with a slight huff and she frowned. She knew it was going to be awkward between them and she hated it.
He should have seen that one coming a mile away. "Well, I've changed a lot since then. I have a good job, I can actually afford to raise a child now. I am much more mature then I was back when you were little." he tried his best to explain, but he just couldn't make sense of it himself. Pushing down on the trunk he made his way over to the driver's seat and slumped down in the car. "You know I love you and would do anything for you, right?" he knew she would resent him for leaving, he just hoped that she may possibly forgive him some day.
"Oh you do, really?" She asked and scoffed a bit, looking out of the window. "If you loved me, you would have stayed. You would know my favorite color, all my boy issues. You'd be there to defend me from wrong. You don't know me... how can you love me?" She asked as she was quite hurt, "And you don't know mom. Do you know how bad you hurt her?" She asked and looked away, she still couldn't believe her mother was sending her over here. Was it to try and fix things or what, just to harrass him? She wasn't sure but she was already feeling awkward.
The car pulled away slowly, good thing it was only a short drive to his home where she would be able to settle in, and maybe even calm down a little. "You know, maybe we should just try to start over. You're stuck with me for a few months, so you might as well learn to live with me." he told her as he pulled up to a red light. His eyes turned to his daughter, looking her over slowly. "You're beautiful." he mumbled as the light turned green and he was allowed to continue the drive. "I know you might not understand, but I was only doing what was best for all of us. I wouldn't be able to support a family working some shitty job."
Hearing his words she thought she might as well try to get along with him so she didn't make his life or hers a living hell for the next couple of months. "Thanks." She whispered hearing his compliment though she sighed, "I know that, dad. But why couldn't you have taken us with you? I mean it couldn't have been that hard. Find a house or an apartment to rent. We could have lived here with you." She said, her eyes almost watering up. She sat back and sighed, wiping them with her hand. "I know. Just.. you don't know how hard it is to watch all the other kids have a happy family with a mother and a father. And here I am.. fatherless..." She whispered, looking up to him. "I've never known your love." She swallowed.
"Oh baby come here." he held out his arms, as to accept her into it and give her a big warming embrace, of course he continued to pay attention to the road but most of it had been diverted to his daughter. "Maybe someday your mom will come back and we can all be happy. But until then, it's just us for now. Okay?" he tried to comfort the girl.
She sighed and unbuckled her seat belt, not able to stop heself as she scooted across the seat and next to him. Her arms around his waist and her face rested on his shoulder. She sighed softly, "Okay." She whispered with a slow nod it felt nice to be hugged by him. She never knew what it felt like and she loved it as she kept herself wrapped around him, her face in his neck and she sighed.
The rest of the drive was relatively quiet and uneventful, they had been only one block away from his house at the time anyways. His house wasn't anything too special, but it was still very nice. The front yard was small, but the back yard more then made up for it. A large pool covered most of the back yard, a hot tub on the deck covered the rest. Inside the house, there were 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a living room with all the latest technology, a large flat screen and 3 large comfy couches which fit quite well in the large room. The house itself was relatively new, less then 20 years old and in a fairly secluded suburban area of town. A large fence separated his home from that of his neighbors on all sides. Luckily, being a doctor he was able to afford some of the nicer things in life.
[Sorry, didn't have net for a while]

She looked to him after they arrived at his house and her head turned, looking up to his home. It was a good sized house, quite big actually and she breahed in softly. "IT's beautiful." She said, nodding her head and she stepped out of his car. Grabbing her bags she turned as she entered the house with him, setting her bag down onto the carpet of the living room and her head turned as she took in all of the surroundings. "So, where shall I sleep?" She asked, looking up and over to him with a small smile.
[That's okay, it happens. :)]

"Well I'm glad that you like it. And well, I guess you can stay in any room you'd like, there are two bedrooms upstairs you can choose from. They're both pretty much the same, but you can change them around if you want to. This is you're house too, I want you to feel comfortable." he explained, hoping that she would feel at home in his house, so far away from her mother and her friends. He followed her inside, kicked off his shoes and dropped the keys on a small table close to the doorway. "Would you like something to eat?" he asked, walking off towards the kitchen.
[Okay, cool =] ]

She turned her head finally brought back to reality as she watched him and soon followed suit of kicking off her shoes to be polite and she nodded her head. "I'd love a drink." She said and grabbed her bags, "I'll be upstairs." She said as she drug the bags up the stairs finding two rooms and finding one that was the most.. feminine towards her and she chose it. Stepping inside and setting her bags down she got herself unpacked and put her bags into the closet. She sighed as he got them drinks she mvoed some things around. Adding some portraits, pictures that she had brought with her.
Dylan had brought Aislyn a beer, he figured she may have been under a great amount of stress right now, moving to a whole new city with a whole new family. He watched from the doorway as his daughter rearranged the furniture in the room she had chosen. It was close to his own, just across the hall from his own. He flashed a smile every once in a while, whenever she would look in his direction. She hadn't been here too long, but he already liked having his daughter around the house for a change. She was very pretty girl, not at all what he had remembered her as, she had grown up, matured not only emotionally but it was very obvious that she had matured physically as well. He couldn't help but to look over her body as she moved about the room.
She had grown up over the past years, having grown into a mature woman as she pushed her bed to the other side of the wall, tilting her head to the side though soon she got it as she liked. Finally she wiped her hands on her pants and she stepped back, turning around to her father at the doorway and she smiled softly. Seeing the beer that he had grabbed for her, holding it out and she took hold of it. "Thanks, daddy." She said and smiled, as it was opened and she took a sip of the beer and she sighed lightly. It was an aquired taste and thank god she got the taste from her daddy. She leaned against the doorway looking up to the man before her, "Thanks for taking me in." She said and ran her finger along the rip of the bottle before taking a small sip.
"No problem, I'm just glad to have you here after so many years." he flashed her a smile as she came close to him, things were so much more relaxed now compared to the car ride home. "Is there anything you want for supper? I'm just going to get some take-out tonight, I don't have enough time to cook anything." he began to walk away, down to the living room after asking the question, looking around he soon pulled out the phone book and sat on the couch, waiting to hear what she decided to have.

[Sorry it's so short.]
She opened her mouth and then closed it before smiling, following him down the hallway her heels clicking upon the wooden floor and soon she sat down onto the couch with a light thud. A small bounce and a smile afterwards and she sat back as she began to think, "Well I like either Mexican or chinese. And sometimes pizza, so really anything works for me." She shrugged and took another sip of the beer and closed her eyes. "Since i'm your daughter, I'm pretty sure we've got the same tastes. Cause everything I love mother hates." She smiled.

[lol it's okay. No worries. =] ]
"Well I'm glad that you have a good taste in food." he laughed as he picked up the phone and dialed the number for the nearest Chinese restaurant. After placing his order, he was told that the delivery service was down and he would have to go pick it up himself if he still wanted it. But that wouldn't be much of a problem, it was only a few blocks away and he could easily drive there and back. Putting down the phone, he spoke out "Aislyn, I have to drive down and pick up the food myself. I'll only be a few minutes, make yourself at home." he told her, moving quickly towards the door and grabbing the keys off the table and closing the door behind him. It wouldn't be long before the food was done and he was hungry, he wanted to get back as soon as possible so he shoved the keys into the ignition and turned off into the road.
She smiled and laughed, "I know, right?" She said and sighed though she sat back and she nodded her head slowly. "Okay." She said, wondering why she couldn't have gone with him. But she was sure he had a good enough reason, especially since she had drank some beer and it wouldn't be good if they got pulled over. Though she stood up, her stomach grumbling as she walked towards the table in the corner. Pictures of her mother and surprisingly, quite a few baby pictures of her when she was born and just a few years. She sighed softly, he seemd so gentle and loving. Her mother was loving but just.. sometimes not in the nicest of ways. Maybe it was best that she was here for a while and she slowly moved through the house.
Dylan needed to think, he had never taken care of anyone else in his life. And now all of the sudden a teenage girl was dropped into his lap and left for him to care for. He wasn't sure if he would be able to do this, but of course he would try his best to care for his daughter as best as he could. She had changed a lot, and he had a hard time getting the girl out of his head. Not only was he thinking of her as his daughter, but he noticed her body had matured in quite a large way, it had been a while since he had dumped his girlfriend, so it had been at least a month since he had been with a woman. He couldn't get her body out of his mind no matter how hard he would try.

By the time he had arrived at the restaurant his food was already prepared and waiting for him to pick it up, he quickly paid for the meal and headed out. The place was nice enough, but he could never get used to the odd smell of Chinese cooking no matter how much he ate there. On the drive home he thought a bit less about his daughter, the food was there to keep his mind off of her young body. He slowly picked at the food, grabbing some chicken and munching on it with one hand while he continued to drive towards his home.
Though after a while, Aislyn found herself back in the living room laying down on the couch as she flipped through the channels. Soon she heard the sound of turning tires, a slight squeak and she stood up. Walking over to the window she pulled the curtains back and her head tilted to the side. A small smile on her face as she walked over to the door, unlocking the knob and pulling it open. She pushed the screen door open for him to it would make it easier on him and once he was inside she shut the door behind him. "Thanks for dinner, daddy." She said, noding her head as she entered the kitchen.

Opening and closing cabinet doors, it took quite a few minutes but she was able to find the cabinet that held all of the glasses, plates and bowls. Pulling out two plates and two glasse she set them down onto the counter. And began to fish for the silerware as well before finding a spoon for the rice and forks for the other choices of food.
Oliver was glad to see that his daughter had decided to help out and grab some plates and utensils for them to eat with. He had ordered a different assortment of foods and was beginning to unpack them on at the kitchen table, still keeping his eyes on his daughter's figure, watching her body as she reached up high in the kitchen cabinets. He couldn't help but to smile as he thought about his daughter, although the thoughts did turn quite dirty after a few seconds. He simply shook off the thought and continued unpacking the food on the table for them to eat. "So, do you need to get a shower or anything? You must feel dirty after being on a plane for so long." he asked curiously.
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