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Dropping in on a new life! (Distain and Shibby )

Once everyone left for bed he followed going to bed himself. He set his equipment down and curled up. He was glad to have a place relatively out of the fighting even if he felt a bit odd knocking germans out instead of killing them.
Elise walked into her room and climbed into her bed to sleep under it's warm covers. She woke up the next morning bright and ealrly. She got up earlier then her usual time as she wanted to have a bath. She walked down the hall with a clean pair of clothes and towels. She stepped into the barthroom and locked the door behind her. She stripped down to nothing and filled the Barth
Stephen woke up just before breakfast was served he typically showered before bed when the room was less in demand. He got dressed quickly and went to breakfast setting next to where Elise usually did poking at his food more then eating it clearly the stress was getting to him and with the radio saying that the fighting had picked up in France he began to worry about bombings.
Elise looked at him. She seemed to be nervous. "Are you alright?" she asked him softly as she ate her own food. she wa getting a little worried about him.
"I am a bit nervous about the invasion of the British and American forces ... They will start bombing soon. I just hope we don't get hit. Couple that ... with being stuck inside a lot lately I never was good at being cooped up. "He smiled at her playfully before winking."Besides i would hate to be killed before i kissed my first french woman. "He bumped his shoulder into her before taking another drink and getting up to go look at the maps and try to figure out if they were at risk of being bombed.
Elise looked at him and nodded and said "I see". It would only be natural for him to be worried. She grinned a little at his second statement. She sighed a little as he left. She finished eating and stood up and took her plate back to the kitchen.
His fingers followed the map on the flight path he took across France guessing about where he though they might be. He smiled when he realized that unless the fighting where to be right around them there were no major targets so the worst bombings they would see was small air craft bombs that were far more targeted then the carpet bombing he was expecting. He let out a loud sigh and stood up from the maps and up to the highest room in the house looking out the window threw a crack in the curtain.
Elise sighed and did a few things before she walked up stairs. She found him and walked up behind him and said "It will be alright" she said to him softly. She smiled and touched his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"I know "He smiled reaching back slipping his arm around her thighs pulling her into his side as he continued to pear out. "I like it up here it reminds me of being in the air... I hope i can take you up some time. I think you would enjoy it. "
Elise felt him pull her to him. She smiled a little and said "Perhaps...but....I was never one for heights" she said with a chuckle. She smiled and sighed a little and said "I was pushed out of the library window once, it was three levels up".
"It is worth the height i promise its so quiet ... and peaceful and the view will bring a tear to your eye i promise. " He smiled looking up at her taking a deep breath. "So why did you not kill those Germans on the raid? "
Elise looked at him and said "Killing them would only bring unwanted attention...and can one hope to gain their freedom with just makes you worse then them..." she said softly.
"I think perhaps then i shall watch you from a ways away from now on. To cover your retreat in case they choose violence I am not certain i could bring down a German and leave him alive. " He spoke softly he was still very angry at them for all there crimes against men Europe and for shooting all his friends down.
Elise looked down a little and said "I understand". She sighed a little to her self and sat down. She looked at him and said "Don't be angry...being angry will only make you do something you regret" she told him softly.
"Being angry gets people killed i know that does not make it any less hard not to be. " He smiled giving her legs a light squeeze before moving to stand up slowly. "So what are we going to be doing for the remainder of the night? A french lesson or just nothing in particular?" He stepped away from her so she could have some room to breath now that he was standing.
Elise looked at him and said "You can have another french lesson if you want" she said smiling at him. "Otherwise, we could talk some more" she said with a shrug.
Stephen smiled looking at her before looking into her eyes just enjoying the the way they looked. "I would rather talk to you I someone has to crack that shell you have sealed yourself into." He smiled winking playfully before moving over to set against the wall closing his eyes relaxing. "So what did you want to talk about then?"
Elise shrugged and said "We can talk about what ever you want, ask each other questions" she said smiling.
"Well then tell me something i don't know about you? " He smiled patting the ground next to him urging her to come over and set down next to him. Though he did like being able to watch her walk around she was quite the lovely girl.
She smiled and sat down next to him. She looked at him and said "Something you don't know? well...I hate sprouts, dose that count?" she asked him. She chuckled a little and said "I have an older sister. Luckily, she was studying abroad in America when the Germans invaded...but now she dosen't have a home to return to anymore".
"Where is she studding? " He smiled brightly perhaps he would be lucky and he would have seen some of the same things that he had. "Are we able to get letter out? Like to your sister or my family?" He spoke softly he really did not want them thinking he was dead.
Elise looked at him and said "She is in Washington" she said softly. She shook her head when he asked if they could send letters "The Germans read all the mail and most of the time the letters don't end up at their destination".
"Well that is frustrating... I have never been to Washington. I tried to get there once but i was put on restricted duty so i could not go. " He laughed looking at her smiling taking a deep breath. "I guess its my turn to share then... I am scared of frogs... "
Elise looked at him and chuckled and said "Your scared of frogs, wow...I wouldn't have expected that from a big strong man like you" she said grinning at him.
He laughed looking at her smiling brightly. "I know... no one ever does... that's whats so funny about it. " He smiled and glanced at her as he laid his legs down extending them out into the room. "Come sit down and ill explain why." He said laughing softly.
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