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I want to wake up in the Underworld

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Sep 13, 2009
United States
This is just my thread looking for a Hades/Persephone roleplay over PMs. If you want to see my general thread, it's right here.

1. I only rp via PMs. I have tried to make exceptions, but it simply doesn’t work for me.

2. Please be literate. What that means to me is coherent sentences and proper capitalization. I’m not too terribly into one liners, as it isn’t a whole lot to work with, however I don’t expect you to write a book for each post either.

3. If you are looking for a smut-based rp, I am not the person to message. I find more joy in plots and story than in the sex involved. How often it happens is based on the characters I play, the story going on, and the chemistry between the characters. I know sex happens, but I won’t do it if it doesn’t make sense.

4. Nudge me a little if I'm taking too long to post because I might have accidentally looked over your message or thought I replied when I really didn't. I am a university student, so I do get consumed by school and forget things.

5. I write in third person, past tense perspective, and generally it's easier for me to read if my partner writes in the same format.

6. My character is my character, and your character is your character. Let's please keep it that way. NPCs and side characters can be discussed.

7. As much as I love retreating from the real world, I find that it must take priority over everything else. I have a job and go to school at the same time and a life outside of BM. Rping is a form of relaxation, so I shouldn't need to stress over replying fast when I first need to assess my life. Because of this I may vanish once in awhile, so I ask to please understand I may only reply a couple times a week when this happens, if I'm able to post at all. I'll most likely explain. Just as I have a life, I know you do, too. All you have to do is shoot me a message and be like ‘hey, I gots stuff.’ and I’ll be like ‘cool, see you when you're back’ And I will understand if you need to drop our rp because of life, so don’t feel too terribly guilty if that happens. The worst that will come is that I will gladly stay friends and chat every so often.

8.Please read my F-List. I'm open to new interpretations of this idea, but I will take issue if you add things that are clearly listed as 'no' for me. Everyone hates it when you PM them with an idea they have explicitly stated that they’re not interested in. Most things in my maybe are negotiable.

9. Don’t be afraid to talk to me. I know I’m incredibly awkward, but I promise I won’t stab you in the chest or beat you with a shoe(I’m not into that), in fact, I’m all up for pleasant conversation. Even if it isn’t about the rp, I’d like to know how it’s going. I also LOVE to formulate ideas together and come up with story to come. I love sharing music and talking about what's going on. So absolutely feel free to shoot me a PM if you have a new idea we can discuss, and I’m happy to do the same.

10. I don't care what you really are behind your screen, or what species. Male, female, lobster, dragon with a strong keyboard. All the same to me, just know I prefer MxF pairings for the main characters.

11. My post length, I believe, averages about three paragraphs. It's a comfortable range to do rather consistently. That being said, I also tend to give as much as I get. If you give me seven paragraphs, I will do my best to match it.

12. Lastly, don't post here, I only check in here once in a great while, the best way to contact me is by PMing me.

Now that I have that out of the way, let's get into what's going on here. I'm REALLY craving a Hades and Persephone roleplay, it's one of my favorite myths to tear apart and look at. I'm up for a modern interpretation or a classic version. But overall, I would love a story with them filled with drama and conflict(I love conflict, seriously) and just to have fun with ideas here. I have an idea for a modern version, but I'm more interested in hearing your ideas. And that's all I've got to contribute. Have a great day!

I'll share some artwork that has helped give some inspiration.

I do like the interpretation of her embracing this sort of notion of darkness. But not only that, she enjoys this change.

Or even a rocky relationship at the start. An intimidating figure who watches from afar until he can't help himself.
I wake up early every Tuesday and Thursday to arrive at school two hours early for a class just because parking is awful. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. XP
I think it's interesting that the sweet goddess stolen from the surface became known as the 'Dread Queen Persephone.' More often referred to by title than Hades' wife.
We looked at the side of the road and it looked like something absolutely terrible had happened, but upon closer inspection, it was just a pomegranate that fell in the street and burst open.
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