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The Powers That Be (PadanFain and Oreo)


Aug 29, 2009
Wintou was late. Her first day in Graymarsh seemed to be ill fated. Or was it less fate, than her own will taking precedence over the Council of Shapers? She didn't much care what they thought of her. She was perfectly capable of making her own decisions, and if that made her late, so be it. Granted, as a student she had not been given permission here yet to heal, but the poor child had been knocked to the ground by a runaway fiora. Looking around for the beast's shaper, she saw no one. Not wanting to see any more harm done, she set about dispatching the offending creature. Even that was something out of the ordinary. Only a shaper could unform their creation, call back its core matter. Unknown to the Council, Wintou knew how to see inside and unheal...anything. Stretching forth her arm in the fiora's direction, she allowed her mind to look inside and find a weakness. Then with but a thought, she squeezed the atrial valve to its heart, and caused it to rapidly age. Her mind held on until the fiora dropped to the ground. Its red scaly hide grew quiet, then breathed no more, claws unclenching in death.

Compassion filled her eyes as she gazed down at the broken child lying still at her feet. She cared not that he was a commoner. Her light blue satin outer robe dragged across the dirt, the jewelry that hung in shimmering rows about her neck and face tinkled slightly as she reached down laying her hands on the boy. She brushed the scruffy hair away from the injury to his head, and with the concentration and manipulation of raw power she had learned over the past two years, restored him to health. She waited until his eyes opened before smiling down at him. His reaction was no less than she expected. Even a student Shaper was someone to be feared. Wide eyed he leaped to his feet, head bowed. Her gentle hand reached out lifting his pale, trembling, chin. "Try to be more careful where you walk young man. You were lucky this day that it was me who passed by, any other would have let you die."

"I will ma'am, I swear it." The look of fear radiated from him like a palpable aura. Without warning, he turned fleeing down the street then out of sight.

It was true, there might be consequences for her action. She shouldn't have even looked at the boy, let alone stop to help him. Brushing the dust from the hem of her robe, she turned to the crowd as if nothing was amiss. Her deep red hair went unseen, it's long tresses bound within her many colored turban which itself was covered by her robe. A slight dusting of light freckles speckled her nose and cheeks. Her eyes seemed to hold the weight of the world within their deep green depths. Her mouth, often inclined to smile, at the moment remained void of emotion. Not tall by any means, Wintou carried herself with an air of dignity and authority that made up for her lack of height. One did not command respect from people by demands. It was a state of mind that was reflected in a persons every move and action. Her tilt of chin, the set of her jaw, her stature drew attention, and without a word the commoners backed out of her way. This day she was late and had no mind to delay it further with pleasantries. Best to see how this town reacted to such things before she got herself into more trouble.

For three years now she had been studying. Her secluded home kept her far from the eyes of the shapers, but once she had been found she had been bustled off from her placid boring life into the magnificent realm of Creating. She hadn't regretted a minute of it, but her ideals did not always match that of the Shaper class. For now she was keeping them to herself, but things were happening that she was not at all certain were good for anyone. Twice on her way to Greymarsh she had been beset with wild melonvine. Her affinity for plants had gifted her with the ability to neutralize them as she passed, but they were not growing as they should. Rumors were skirting the countryside of more runaway beasts than ever before. Rogues actually killing their masters. Her young mind wanted to know why. Perhaps here, at the hub of the Shaper Council, she would find more truthful information. How she longed to see the hidden library, but that wouldn't happen unless she was perfected enough to become a full Shaper herself.

Wintou made her way to the towering structure that housed the training center for new Shapers. Her hand idly rested against the small pouch attached to the gold belt at her waist, where her orb remained safely hidden. Tempted to remove it once inside the compound to have a look around, she decided against any further delay. The door slid open in time for her to hear, "For those of you new here, I am Zack, and I will be your Shaping instructor. Any questions before we begin?"

The teacher looked to be about the same age as herself. She had somehow expected an older man. His thin face wasn't at all unattractive, it just seemed out of place. He must have a very powerful connection and ability to be teaching at such a young age she thought. As she walked to one of the available seats close to the front of the class, she inclined her head gracefully, "My apologies for the disturbance of arriving late Zack. I am Wintou."
Rek was running late as well, but his delay was a lot less noble. Being a student at the Shaper training center himself, he'd been up all night studying and had gotten to bed late. Also there had been a unfortunate mishap... While practicing his skills, he'd created something. It hadn't been totally unexpected, because it had been what he'd meant to do, but the fact that it had worked was a surprise. Students weren't allowed to create things unless they'd been approved by the council and Rek knew he could get into a lot of trouble for his attempts, but for a while now he'd been fascinated by Core Matter and the shaping of things. And last night...he'd used some from himself to make a creature.

Late into the night, he'd gone over and over his notes while focusing on channeling the energy. When, suddenly, he'd had a living, breathing thing standing in front of him, there had been a momentary sense of triumph before he'd passed out from the drain he'd done to himself. The morning came late with the sun streaming in through the windows and groaning as he lifted his head from his desk, Rek had been faced with yet another shock. Although the creature had been small, the size and general shape of a cat, it apparently had a destructive/curious personality and had wrecked his room while he'd been asleep. Cursing himself for his foolishness and not wanting to risk punishment, Rek had found the thing chewing a pair of his pants under his bed and had dragged it out with the intent to destroy it before anyone found out what he'd done.

Holding it by the scruff of the neck, the thing had looked at him with bright eyes as Rek ranted and raved at it for the trouble it would cause him. And then he'd noticed something.... There was a sense of guilt in the look it gave him and...resignation? Did it know it was going to die and had accepted it somehow? As far as he knew...that wasn't suppose to be possible. The creatures that were created were suppose to be extensions of the Shaper's will and here it appearred that this thing was sentient...almost like it had thoughts and feelings. The more he thought about it, the more he didn't feel right about destroying it. What if it could think and feel on it's own? That qualified it as having...a soul didn't it.

Seeing the opportunity for more study and a crucial break through in theory of the creatures Shapers made, and feeling somewhat obligated to the thing now, he changed his mind. The thing was mostly white, with short fur and a prehensile tail, wide red eyes that took up most of its face and 3 rows of sharp teeth in it's mouth. Four black spots marked it's side and the coloring reminded Rek of dice, so he called the thing 'Pips'. For several moments he'd distracted himself with playing with it, not minding the mess it had made of his room and totally forgetting he had a class to attend.

When he finally did realize, it was a rush to get his things together and head out the door, hoping that the reprimand from the teacher wouldn't be too severe when he arrived. As he was putting on his boots, he glanced at Pips who stood looking at him curiously in the middle of the floor. Thinking about leaving it alone made him give a quick look around. No, if he did that, once it was done completely destroying things, it might try to break out and escape and his risk of discovery would shoot through the roof. Since it already seemed to have developed a bond with him, he thought the safest way to keep it a secret would be to take it with him. So, after slipping on his boots, he picked the thing up and put it in his bag. It seemed comfortable and somewhat happy to be around him, so he closed the flap on top of his leather satchel and ran out the door.

He arrived at least 20 minutes after the girl had and came through the door, breathless from his sprint muttering half-hearted apologies to the man at the front of the room. Rek had obviously interrupted a lecture and the teacher, Zack, scowled at the slightly disheveled 23 year old. He was about to say something but Rek chimed in, hoping to smooth things over without any more disruption. "Yes, I know," Rek said, nodding his head, his tone somewhat mockingly passive. "Third time this month. I won't be late again." There would be words after class, but for now he just wanted to get this over with and he walked fully into the room, turning from the teacher, hoping that would be the end of it. His hand rested protectively over the bag slung across his chest and resting at his hip, feeling the warm bundle within.
Zack looked at her with a slight glare in his gaze,"Have you learned nothing of the basic Shapers' Laws and Codes? I would have thought they taught you that before you got to classes here at Greymarsh." His look turned to the entire classroom as he strode up the isle. "Never apologize to a commoner for anything. You are Shapers, they are commoners; you are never in the wrong. Shapers decide what is proper, never show insecurity to a commoner. They may decide to think we are weak and rebel." He turned at the back of the classroom and began slowly walking to the front, watching each of them carefully.

"If you are meeting another Shaper, always be on time. It is disrespectful to be late, and can result in punishment." He paused for effect and his hand slapped down on Wintou's desk, "But, most important of all," he glared directly at her with his icy blue eyes, "You will never be late for Shaping class. If you arrive late again, expect a whipping. I will gladly hand you over to Derek for chastisement. He loves his job and is eager for you to ...screw up. Have I made myself clear?"

Wintou met and held Zack's eyes as he reprimanded her. She had been the recipient of several beatings for her kindness exhibited toward commoners. But pain could not break the compassion of her heart. Her parents were commoners. Was she suppose to no longer care for their well being? Perhaps if she had been discovered at an early age she might think differently. As it was, she could not turn her back simply because they lacked talent. She had been completely prepared for a whipping, by Zack's own hand, had he chosen to do so. In fact, she had expected it to happen. That he chose not to this time, caught her of guard. While she tried to never let emotion reveal her feelings or intentions, a look of relief and gratitude filled her eyes. Anyone but a blind man would have been able to read it. Her voice very low, "My thanks Zack. It will not happen again." And it wouldn't if she could help it. In the world of her mind, compassion far outweighed punishment. He had just earned her respect more than any whip would have done.

His steely visage scanned the class before he returned to his desk, and prepared to start the lesson. "You will soon be wielding the ultimate power. Creating life out of nothing but your own will, and Core Matter. It is a grave responsibility and one not to be taken lightly. The repercussions of misusing Core Matter can prove disastrous, not only for yourself, but for those around you, as well as the world at large. New creations can upset the delicate balance of our environment. Shaper Laws were not created without purpose. Order must be maintained, and if a beating is the only way for you to be it. Records will be kept by you of every creation you attempt. Nothing gets created without the approval of the council. You will create nothing on your own outside of class. The punishment is imprisonment, that is if your creation doesn't go rogue and kill you."

"Inside your desks you will find folders containing the research notes of respected elders." He waited while the students withdrew the notebooks, "You will find every detail of how the oldest of Shapers bombarded frogs, birds and even a few mammals with Core Matter. At the end there are instructions on how to create a Fiora. When you have finished reading we will begin."

Wintou listened intently to his words, then began reading the research notes. She thought she had a good understanding of the process. It was similar to the healing she knew so well, she just had to manipulate it at the same time. Eager to try, she already knew how to withdraw Core Matter, it was sometimes necessary in the healing process, but to create a Fiora? On her first day here? Her heart was aflutter with anticipation. She closed the book, and not wanting to disturb the class, simply waited for the rest of them to finish as well.

As Zack watched the apprentices, there were a few that appeared overly nervous. It didn't surprise him a bit - most of those born with the gift of shaping came from the poor common folk, those that feared Shapers. Getting accustomed to the idea that they were now well on their way to becoming revered among the populace wasn't an easy change for a the bulk of them. It didn't help that some of the stories about Shapers boardered on the ridiculous. Like the myth of Shapers being able to destroy anything with the wave of a hand. Of course, a Shaper could absorb Core Matter from their creation, but first they had to be able to dominate the will of the creature. If a creation went rogue, no Shaper could absorb it. They needed to be killed by physical means, and most Shapers were far from the classic warrior type. Many of the students had nervous breakdowns before they ever completed their training. These new students had a right to be nervous.

Once several of the students had closed their notebooks, Zack stood and wandered close to one of the Core Matter pools. "For those of you that have finished reading find a partner and proceed to one of the two pools." The Core Matter by his feet swirled around with an unnatural current, phosphorescent in nature. It seemed to be constantly shifting and changing colors, mesmerizing to look upon, as if it was alive.

"As you gain experience you will learn to call up the Core Matter from yourself and the Earth. For those of you new to training, the pools will make it easier for you to get a feel for creating. Like any muscle needing exercise, your talent will grow as you utilize Core Matter." His hand extended out over the ground to the side of the pool. Tiny strings of Core Matter began spinning from his palm, fine filaments weaving together into the shape of a creature. Over the course of several minutes a bulky and rather hairy pack hurmet appeared. Shorter than a horse and much sturdier, they were excellent for heavy labor and carrying cargo. Zack's face turned a bit pale at the loss of his own Core Matter needed to create the beast. It would take some time before he was replenished enough to create again, or he could simply reabsorb the beast. However, it seemed a good and sturdy animal, looking expectantly at him for instructions. "Derek? Please take the hurmet to my holding pen."

"I want each of you to try to shape a Fiora. Those who have already attempted shaping before -" He shot a look at Rek, who had just entered the room, "- can use their own Essence rather than draw from the pool. Once you succeed, you will destroy it and return to your seats. Any questions?"

Zack had Wintou's full attention as he spoke, but was slightly distracted by the new arrival to the classroom. Well at least she wasn't the only one late. She was not a fool by any means, and had no intention of messing up her first experiment. The essentials were explained and she was ready to give it a try. While the nervous girl next to her made her way to the pool, Wintou scanned the room for a likely partner, her eyes latching on to the newly arrived man. A quirk twinged the corner of her mouth, he looked every bit as anti-social on the outside as she did on the inside.

That he chose to wear regular clothes was an oddity in itself. Foregoing the traditional robes, he appeared quite the average shaper, a bit disheveled, but otherwise pleasant looking. While her eyes poured forth compassion straight from her heart, his seemed to care not a wit for anyone. She wondered if they truly reflected his soul. There was only one way to find out. Wintou stood and headed directly toward him. Her walk was as graceful and stately as always, her voice without hint of the nervousness one had while meeting someone new. But her green eyes, sparkling with kindred spirit, stared into his. Her head tilted slightly as she extended her slender hand, "I am Wintou. Would you be kind enough to partner with me for the experiment?" She tried to hold back her slight gasp at the movement coming from the satchel clutched tightly to his side, but she couldn't stop the wide eyed wonder that he was not only brazen enough to come late, but had something alive with him. Her head shook very slowly from side to side, while a smirk quirked her lip, Wintou wasn't about to say a thing.
Watching as Zack continued with his lecture, Rek picked up on the experiment they were doing and nearly groaned aloud. He wasn't one to get excited about school or any of the assignments given, but usually he liked working with Core Matter. That was what they usually did, but he would have given anything if today was one of the rare occasions where they had to do busywork instead. Then maybe he could have gotten away with being on autopilot. All he wanted was to get through the day as quick as possible and figure out how to deal with this thing he'd created last night before anyone found out about it.

He was roused from his thoughts when a girl walked up to him and he gave her a level look as she spoke. His immediate first assessment of her was of a someone not much unlike himself, a little more smoother around the edges, but someone who didn't blindly follow the rules. He supposed it was the best he could ask for, God forbid he ended up with a teacher's pet as a partner or someone who was too afraid of what they could do and had to have their hand held. He sighed and rolled his eyes, looking away from her and glanced at Zack who was watching. "Alright," he said begrudgingly. "Let's get this over with."

Walking over to one of the pools, he adjusted his satchel on his waist so that the pouch part of it rested on his backside. Standing with arm outstretched hand above the ground near one of the pools, his palm began to glow and threads of Core Matter spun out from it. Then abruptly he stopped, as Pips, inside his bag, shifted against him breaking his concentration. He waited a moment and when it seemed like the creature wasn't going to move again, he began once more, the Core Matter twirling in strings starting to form the shape of a creature. Once again it was stopped and the power retreated back into him as Pips moved in his bag, more insistently this time. He glanced at Zack but the man was watching some of the other groups and Rek barely looked at Wintou standing nearby as he took off his bag and set it aside, underneath one of the desks.

Once he was rid of the distraction, he was able to complete what he'd been doing and made a creature exactly like Pips except completely white this time. It stood upon the ground placidly staring ahead and Rek bit his lip looking at the teacher to see if he was watching. When he saw that the man wasn't at the moment, he bent down and picked the thing up by the scruff of it's neck and looked into it's eyes. Blue stared out at him completely blank and devoid of the intelligence and spirit of the other creature he'd created and he let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding in, visibly relaxing. As much as he was relieved he was also confused--what had he done different before? Or had Pips just gone rogue and that was why it seemed to have thoughts and feelings? Did all creatures made by Shapers have the potential for a soul or was there something special about a few? Were there circumstances that he didn't understand that had happened to create the life Pips had?

Unnoticed by Rek and possibly everyone else, Pips peeked out from the satchel sitting on the floor under the desk where it had been set, it's wide red eyes glowing with mischievous curiosity. Then quietly it crawled out and slinked along under the desks unseen, exploring it's surroundings cautiously.
Wintou watched, curious, as Rek began to form a creature, twice, before he set his satchel beneath a desk. Her attention was completely on her partner for the exercise, her arms prickling, the hairs rising as she felt the power surge around him. Intent on his creation, she glanced from him to the teacher as it became evident he wasn't forming a Fiora. Biting her lip, certainly Wintou, it isn't your place to question what he forms. Not only was it not a Fiora, but it was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Even she knew the penalty for creating something new could be severe...but it appeared harmless and was so cuddly looking she almost reached out to touch it. Instead she stepped between the creature and the eyes of the teacher, whispering, "Destroy it quickly, before he sees. I will say nothing of it..." Her eyes sparkled, "if you teach me what you did, later."

Her deep green eyes, brooked no leeway in the matter. All she had to do was step to the side, and the punishment could result in imprisonment or death. Before she turned to the pool for her first try at shaping, she ordered herself to calm. The last thing she needed was flustered thoughts flowing through her as a distraction. She dismissed everything from her mind except the writhing pool of essence in front of her. She had seen and destroyed that Fiora less than a few hours ago. Granted it wasn't the usual destruction. She didn't know how to withdraw the essence, especially of someone else's creation. Hopefully the commoners had moved it elsewhere. She dismissed those thoughts too.

She lifted her hand over the vat for her first try at shaping. Slowly she drew it forth, her mind shaping the raw essence. Step by step, just as the notes required. she didn't proceed to the next without being certain of what she was doing. It was nearly complete. It's scale like skin, was perfect, as was it's form, except it was the wrong color and looked stronger to her than a regular Fiora. It was not until she looked at it's face, did she panic. Staring back at her was intelligence, questioning, curious, innocent, trusting. The creature was completely harmless, docile, but it wasn't a Fiora and it wasn't dumb. A look of pain crossed her face, how could she kill it? Undo it? Why was it not as it should be, vicious but subservient...smaller and red? The creation was held suspended for examination. Oh, how she wanted to stop, but was afraid of what might happen should her concentration waver. She just stood there stupefied wondering where Zack was. Without warning, the creature came undone and blew apart with creative matter flying every which way. Her breath, that she hadn't realized had stopped, resumed with intense panic. Her heart beat rose dramatically as Zack's voice erupted from behind her. He spoke her very concerns out loud. What did she think she was doing. That was definitely not a Fiora young lady. They were to refrain from forming other creations. Not on their first lessons, and most certainly not until they were shapers themselves.

Brushing the core matter from his robe he was about to remonstrate her thoroughly... "My apologies, Zack. It seems there was too much of me in the creature. I promise it won't happen aga..." Her eyes widened at the sight of a creature almost exactly like the one her partner had created, but this one looked every bit aware of its surroundings. It was prowling behind Zack as if ready to launch an attack at the teachers feet. Slipping her arm in his, she attempted to distract him. "Please, show me what I did wrong. I had no idea they could blow apart like that."

As Zack turned to the pool, Wintou jerked her head toward the beast as she met Rek's eyes. Part of her wanted to deny the seriousness of the situation and burst into the laughter that was bubbling beneath the surface, but more than that she wanted to see the creature Rek had obviously created. That would never happen if Zack caught sight of it.
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