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Sacrifice (Amaria & Mr. M)

She welcomed his approach and a small smile showed on her face, though still clouded with worry. "Thank you Tom, but I fear something is drawing near. I'm not sure what, and that is really what bothers me. My vision is veiled by something.... a malice an ill will of sorts, that makes me recoil when I try and seek its purpose." she glanced at Kieden. "He feels it too but what his young mind cannot explain he ignores. Normally I have to stop him from telling fortunes like a soothsayer but today he is silent, scared even, I know what he sees." her eyes met Tom's "I fear it too."

"Faelnir! Is Gil's armor finished?" Jayden rushed into the room. "We've been summoned to see Venrick. It appears something is on the move towards Hurmeil Hold just north of us! It may already be there, a messenger from Hurmeil interrupted the meeting. He may be dead now I fear." as soon as Jayden finished his story Merna bolted from the room heading to Venrick and the dieing messenger.

"Merna!" Jayden made to follow her but instead turned to the rest.

"He will have to go without gauntlets but I am certain what he has will suffice. Make haste, if something has the ability to disturb her so, I fear there is little time to waist." Faelnir was not pleased to but turned to the others that had entered the room with Jayden. "You too were summoned, Brey?"

"Yes, lord Faelnir, Aneilla and I were sparring with Jayden when word came." Brey was a heedrin not much older than Jayden with skin even darker than Merna's. His armor was black making him look like a statue of onyx as he stood there beside Jayden. Aneilla was wearing armor similar to Merna's shape revealing attire, as she was an archer too. Hers was a soft brown, blending nicely with her skin but giving the appearance of being naked that suited her personality well. Bow in hand she smiled, contrary to the situation at hand, for she had set her eyes upon Tom and Gil from the moment they entered the room, even dared to wink at them as Jayden announced their departure. She had never seen human men this close and was thoroughly enjoying her view.

"Introductions can be made as we go, to Venrick!" Jayden bounded from the room followed by the humans and the two other heedrins.
Greycloak listened intently, wishing he had some kind of response. But she spoke plainly and eloquently, and there was nothing he could add to her honesty. When she looked in his eyes and admitted her fear, he felt like his heart was breaking for want of comforting her in some manner.

Then Jayden appeared, and suddenly everything was all action and activity. They were summoned to Venrick, and it seemed they would have a practical test of their new gifts in short order. Gil nodded when Faelnir said he could go without gauntlets, and crossed the room to his new sword, his armor flashing its tone colors as he moved.

When the newcomers were introduced, Gil nodded to them in a friendly but businesslike manner as he slipped on his helmet. Faelnir had done their helmets in a style similar to traditional human headgear, but with the open face that heedrin preferred. Gil liked it, but knew others would have to get used to it, back home. Greycloak also greeted the newcomers, but he couldn't help himself, he smiled and winked at the young woman when he noticed her smiling at him. Well, and at Gil, of course, but all the women smiled at the younger, handsomer noble. That was just the way it was with him.

But then they were all business as they followed Jayden out of the room and toward the Hold Elder. Gil picked up the same sort of worry he felt from the heedrin, but as was usual for him, his mind started trying to assemble what little tactical data he had into preliminary forms, ready to be altered or added to as necessary. Jayden led them in to where Venrick was pacing. Gil wanted to immediately offer their services, but he knew it would be bad form to speak before being addressed. So he merely bowed respectfully, and let Jayden do the initial talking...
Since he was in his battle armor it was only natural for Jayden to salute his father when he entered the room. Right palm to left shoulder and a swift bow, a mere nod of the head. "You called for us father? And where is Merna?"

"She is with the messenger for now, thankfully she came to him in time. A strange magic was warping his mind, it was only known that he was from Hurmeil by his dress and one of the delegates at the meeting recognized him as a friend." he leaned against the edge of his desk and gathered his thoughts. "According to what he said and some of what Merna was able to decipher from his feverish ramblings a small force of humans not more than fifteen or twenty men, came to the village seeking audience. Hurmeil is not as open as we here at Adale so entrance to the Hold was immediately denied."

"And chaos broke out." Merna emerged from the other room, anger was noticeable in her voice as she spoke with a firmness and authority the humans had yet to see. "The men seemed possessed as they attacked the gate. What madness is this when a handful of humans can break through a heedrin gate?! This reeks of the bluestone! And it could have been prevented if the Council had listened to me to begin with! How many times will it take the death of someone more significant than a heedrin such as Stacia before council takes action?" she turned to Venrick "How many heedrin died until the Council took action after my fathers death? Were their lives not as important as his?!"

"Merna.." Jayden whispered her name, both he and Venrick knew of the guilt she felt, the guilt that was not even her own to carry.

"That is why we move now, Lady Merna." Venrick reached for her arm but she snatched away and put her gloves back on. She had removed them to heal the messenger.

"The messengers name is Uri, if anyone is concerned, he is son of the gate keeper of Hurmeil's west gate." she tightened her fingerless gauntlets in sharp angry jerks. "And he knows not that both his father and brother are now dead. What are your orders Elder Venrick?" she bowed and saluted the same as Jayden had done moments ago.

He stared at Merna for a moment then sighed at her hard expressionless gaze. "They can hold there own but they are not aware of what they are dealing with. I am sending all of you to assist Hurmeil and find out what brought down that gate. Jayden once the Hold is secured you must meet with Hold Elder Gaevin and share with him what we talked about yesterday and what's going on. Take as many heedrin as you see fit, son." he glanced around at all gathered there. "A few more than what is gathered here should be sufficient. When you return I will not be here, I am leaving now for Westwood."

"Yes, father."

Venrick turned his eyes upon Gil and Tom. "I thank you for your willingness to help in this matter, it comforts me greatly to know there are humans that can be trusted in all this, may it bring comfort to those of Hurmeil too." he nodded to them and saluted. "You go not only as guest of Jayden now, you go as friend of Venrick Adale. Whether Council wills it or not in the near future I wish to speak with your people, this matter must be discussed before a war over shadows the real horror this bluestone has caused."
Gil saluted Venrick in the same way the others had, and after a half-a-beat, Greycloak did the same. They bowed together, and Gill said, "I will see what I can arrange with my father, sir, as soon as possible. For the moment, though, may we accompany your son and the others? Our skills may be of some use against fellow humans."

Gil's senses were becoming sharper at the very prospect of combat. Not that he was looking forward to it, not at all -- it's just that he was accustomed enough to it that his body knew to prepare itself for the coming conflict. Greycloak, on the other hand, was feeling himself become settled, grounded. He always felt calmer at the prospect of battle, cooler of head and more able to make rational decisions. His experience had taught him control, just as Gil's had taught him to get ramped up.
"Of course, go with them, but be careful, I cannot account for those not of my Hold and Hurmeil is odds with humans. Your heedrin armor and present company should serve useful."

"We will gladly stay close beside them m'lord, if it becomes an issue." Aneilla had found her way close to Tom and spoke from just behind him. She mentally traced Tom's ear as she spoke to Venrick, not giving anyone else, save Merna, signs as to what she was doing, but she was sure he could feel it. Aneilla was a particularly strong heedrin but not in her physical strength. With little more than a few flicks of her arm she could fill a man with arrows, her talent with the bow was second only to Merna. She also had the ability to gently pluck an apple from the top of a tall tree across a field or even crush that same apple, both with just a thought. At present she was content softly tracing Tom, his friendly wink was all the encouragement she needed.

"Very well, go now, there is no time to waste." they all saluted at various times as they shuffled from the room.

"Not too close, don't distract him Aneilla." Brey whispered to her though it was audible to most of them. The usual tricks of the flirtatious heedrin actually relaxed Merna some. She was aware of what she was doing to Tom.

"Save your strength Ane." was all she said as she walked passed Merna towards the door.

"Of course, Lady Merna."

The others had made their way into the hall but she paused and directed her words to Venrick.

"Forgive my.."

"No need. I understand." Venrick grabbed his cloak and followed them out.

The party assembled in the same clearing by the main gate as when they first arrived in Adale. As if they could read their mines the horses were gathered, including, Bryn and Ressa, waiting for the them. Others had gathered in the clearing forming a party of quite some force. The humans, along with Jayden, Merna, Brey and Aneilla, were joined by five more heedrin blades, all armed and ready.
When he felt the first tickle of sensation on his ear, Tom instinctively slapped at it as if it were a fly or mosquito. Since he was wearing a gauntlet, his helmet under his other arm, this led to a minor clanking sound and a small yelp of pain. But with a longer, more determined and not-insectlike stroke, he merely gasped. As Ane stepped up and spoke, right next to him, he glanced at her in surprise. A flicker of her gaze and a small suppressed smile were enough evidence for him to realize she must be the one doing it. He made his face an attentive, stoic mask as he turned back to Venrick, a whispered "Oh!" of pleasure the only indication he gave, now that he knew what was going on.

As everyone hurried to the gates, Tom found himself striding up behind Ane as they approached the gate. He'd overheard what the others had said to her, and found his battle-centered-ness getting disrupted by distinctly un-warlike thoughts. He sighed; he knew himself well enough that he knew he'd be distracted, perhaps dangerously so, if he didn't make some sort of motion in the right direction, so he drew abreast of Ane and tilted his head toward her. "After this, if you'd care to take a walk with me? I'd much appreciate seeing the sights with such pleasant company." He kept his tone relaxed and quiet, hopefully quiet enough that the others wouldn't listen in.


Gil and Tom approached their horses with respect and happiness. "Hello, there, girl!" Tom murmured to Ressa, getting reacquainted in the way of men and mounts. "What do you think of my new outfit, hm? I imagine it'll be much easier to carry than my old. But I haven't any pockets, I'm afraid; I'll have to owe you an apple or something..."

The eleven of them all mounted up, at at Jayden's cry, the horses all plunged into the forest, another breakneck race through the trees along paths barely discernible to the humans, when they could be glimpsed at all. It remained unnerving, disconcerting, and exhilarating. Gil never loosened his grip on Bryn's mane until the others finally called a halt, then he sat up to look around and see where they were.
"My pleasure. I know just the thing to show you too." with a wink she walked ahead of him.


Once the company came to a halt Ane and Merna dismounted immediately. "I don't like this at all Jayd, there is an odd blackness that surrounds the Hold." she spoke in hushed tones.

"I agree it feels cold and grimy, so cold it almost hurts Merna." whispered Ane in return.

"Guard yourself Ane, there is a person behind that coldness... I feel that to." Ane nodded to her closing her eyes for a moment as she strengthen the natural shield around herself. "Let's go, we'll return shortly." with only a nod to Jayden they both took to the trees quickly disappearing into the leaves.

Jayden dismounted and following his lead the others did also. He was in a different form when he had men to command, "We go on foot from here, the Hold is just up ahead, Merna and Ane will be our eyes, they are scouting ahead now, when one of them returns we go in. Hurmeil Hold has three gates, north south and west, from what Merna could gather the west gate took all the damage when the humans were denied entry." he continued describing the situation, to the few who did not hear the story from Venrick, as they waited for them to return. Ane came back without Merna.

"It's awful Jayden! Babies, they took babies and children! Merna went after them on foot but there is still fighting in the Hold. A few of the humans have an odd weapon, a silver chain around their necks, that is partially blocking my soulsight!" she was visibly shaken and angry. "We can easily help them stop the four humans in the village, but someone needs to go after Merna!"

Jayden was torn, he needed to remain in the Hold but did not like Merna going off alone, especially if her sight was blocked. Brey spoke up seeing his troubled face. "I can go with Tom and Gil after Merna. How many, Ane?"

"Only three and they each have a child with then, they are on horses."

"It would be best not to have them enter the village as things stand." Jayden was reluctant but firm. "Ane you are with me and the rest we will restore order in the Hold. and Tom go with Brey, if you would, and track down Merna and the other humans."
Gil was already struggling to his horse, and it was like Tom had never dismounted. "Of course! Brey, lead the way, we'll keep up and help track when we find the trail," Gil meant it just as a suggestion, but he was far too used to command, and it came out sounding like he was trying to lead. He ducked his head to Brey, to indicate his apology and then held on as the horses went charging.

With Brey's knowledge of the area, they quickly found the trail; the humans hadn't bothered to try and conceal their tracks, being more interested in speed than concealment at the moment. Gil couldn't determine which tracks were whose, but assumed Merna would be close behind.

Seeing as their tracking help wasn't particularly necessary, they charged after Brey in a desperate effort to close the distance. Given the humans were not on forest horses, it was only a matter of time; he just hoped the heedrin kids had the time to spare. Gil was getting used to riding Bryn, and so was able to look ahead, searching the trail for some sign of them, alert for ambushes. He wasn't quite comfortable enough yet to draw his sword, but it was only a matter of time; he was quite the decent horseback fighter normally, but he had to compensate for the unfamiliar mount and the lack of a saddle.
"Follow me!" Brey yelled as he spurred his horse into a full gallop.

Brey thought nothing of Gil's 'suggestion' knowing he was a man of action. He surmised that Gil was not aware the horse he rode spoke volumes for his character. Both him and Tom had gained much respect once he saw the horses that had chosen them for riders.

He quickly found the trail of the humans and Merna, though her tracks alternated from ground to tree they were easy to see, since she wished to be found. He came to a quick halt and scanned the small glade they had entered. Merna jumped down from a tree in front of them.

"The child is strong, Brey, that is why they took him," she was out of breath but unharmed. "How they are aware of his soulsight I do not know but he is calling out to me." She walked towards the horses. "We have little time, they carry them to a small camp a mile ahead. I don't think the bluestone is there but there is something else, they have ..charmed objects with its power..I really cannot explain." her eyes locked with Gil's and she almost choked on her words. "The oldest is only four summers and the youngest has not seen her first yet."
Gil offered a hand down to Merna, to pull her up on the back of his horse; it was an automatic thing, bringing a comrade along. "That's good; they'll be small enough, we just have to swing at anyone over waist height." He looked to Brey. "Shall we just ride in and take them before they can do any more damage?"

Tom was already moving, he and his mount eager to continue, to get to where they were needed, but he restrained himself from just galloping off until Gil and Brey settled on what they were going to do. He did unsheath his new sword, however, feeling how well it fit within the new gauntlet. The more he heard about these attackers, the more he wanted to test Lady Wind against them.
Merna quickly grabbed Gil's hand and swung up onto the horse behind him, a task that would have been difficult if they wore human armor. As soon as she was settled they moved on. "There are very few reasons to stop this soon after taking children." she shouted over Gil's shoulder. "I agree with Gil, Brey, we should ride in and attack at once, they leave us no choice if we are to see them alive though this."

"My thoughts exactly my lady!" he need no further information. Once he heard children had been taken he was ready to fight. Brey led them straight there barely stopping his horse even after they were seen by the men. The criminals had apparently met up with others so there were now at least seven or eight men half of them with swords drawn. Using his horses momentum Brey dismounted and swung down hard on the first man, his blade severing him from shoulder to hip, moving on to the next target with unnatural speed.

The children were huddled together, the four year old boy holding the small baby and a child of about two leaning against him holding back another round of tears from the looks of her streaked face. Before a word could be spoken Merna put an arrow through the heart of the man standing beside the children and jumped from the horse like a bird of prey firing two more arrows into the heart of second man, before she headed for the children, her eyes saw nothing else but them. The dull pain in her head, caused by the chain around the soldiers necks, increased as she drew near. She had enough strength to call the horses to her and gather the baby into her arms, they formed a protective ring around the them as the fighting continued.
Tom was experienced in mounted combat. He chose two men off to the side, and, with sword drawn, rode hard at them. Ressa didn't flinch as he nearly ran them down, then he pulled back on her mane, coaxing her to rear up. She whinnied, an angry sound, and her hooves flashed, dashing the brains of the man on the outside, while Tom fenced with the other. Being on horseback gave him the advantage, and he used it well, skewering the main in an artery in his arm just as he was losing his grip on Ressa's back. He slid off her and sprang away, just being safe. He ran into a larger man, who nearly took his head off with a powerful swing. But in the heedrin armor, Tom was faster than the man expected, and ducked the blow. It's a general rule of thumb that if you're taller or stronger than your opponent in a swordfight, you are likely to win, and this man was definitely taller and stronger. But Tom, while not the swordsman Gil was, still had the benefit of long, hard experience, and was an equal match to the other man. And then there was the advantage of Tom's superlative arms and armor, which almost immediately began to show as Lady Wind sang like her namesake and drove the other man back in a flurry of blows.

Gil rode toward the center of the men, determined. One of the soldiers hustled up toward them as they approached; he leaned forward and slashed, keeping the man at bay. He heard the twang of Merna's bowstring, and then suddenly she was away, leaping toward the children. He smiled grimly, and thrust, the Lady Light almost alive in his hand, seeking out the gap above the other man's breastpiece and below his helmet, transfixing his throat. Gil leaned in, leaving his mount (and letting it join Merna in protecting the children), and riding the dying man's body to the ground.

He whipped his sword free and up behind him in a slashing block, countering the blow of the other soldier who had approached with barely a thought, having perceived the movement only peripherally. He turned to face his attacker, and his eyes narrowed. "Hello, Max," he said evenly to the former member of his cohort, one of his betrayers just a few nights ago.
"The chains..break the chains! They are hurting my head." The tiny voice of the young boy crying out could be heard now that the brief fight was nearly over. Merna, now sitting on the ground, leaned his head against hers with one hand and whispered to him softly, trying to sooth him.

"Shh hush child, you are safe now, you'll be back with your family soon, love." But the chains were making her head throb, a loud chorus of screaming voices calling to her from the blackness that filled her mind. It was obvious to anyone that she too was in pain. With the tip of his sword Brey roughly lifted the chain from the dead humans neck and severed it with a jerk of his wrist. Some of the pressure was relived and it was easier for Merna to think.

"The rest..I believe there are at least three more chains among the dead," she paused, looking at the one Gil had called Max. "And his."
Gil and Max traded blows for a while, ranging around the border of the campsite, and then took a moment to circle each other. Max noted Gil's armor. "So you've thrown in with the subhumans, have you?" he sneered.

"I'm not trading insults," Gil said quietly. "If you surrender, I'll let you live, for old time's sake."

Max scoffed. "You were always good, Gil, but I'm blessed now, you see? I'm superior to you in every way!"

With that he moved in, incredibly fast, almost heedrin-fast. He would have had Gil spitted cleanly through the gut, as well, had not two things happened. The heedrin armor allowed Gil to turn slightly, letting Max's sword-tip strike obliquely and slide off with no damage. Also, Lady Light flickered almost faster than the human eye could see, and Max blinked, unable to complete his forward thrust because his head was transfixed by a length of heedrin steel.

Gil was tempted to try and come up with something to say, something either poignant or scathing, but all he could do was stand there and watch the light go out of his former trusted friend's eyes. He sighed, depressed all of a sudden in his victory. Then he whipped his sword free, not unintentionally severing the links of the silver chain that hung around Max's neck.

"Had to be done," breathed Tom, coming up behind. His former opponent was bound, under Brey's watchful eye, and nursing a long cut along his sword arm. Tom had been examining each of the bodies, yanking chains apart when he found them. Max's had been the last.

The humans turned to Merna, making sure the children were safe before they questioned their captive.
"This was a stupid move on their part." Merna rose to her feet, the baby, scared but not crying, clung to her. It was an odd picture, her in her armor holding the baby and two little ones close beside her. One holding her hand and the other holding her leg. "Something tells me this was more than just an attempt to capture more heedrin."

"More heedrin? You know more about this, Lady?" Brey cast curious glances at the dead men and the captive.

"I'll tell you more later for now let see what we can learn from this man." Now that she was able to function without pain she strode over to Tom and Gil, and Brey followed.

"You could ask him questions and attempt to get and answer out of him, but there are ...heedrin ways of getting information from the unwilling. Do you think that necessary or will he speak to you Gil?" Brey looked at the human with disdain.
"I don't know," Gil said amiably. "Let's find out."

He knelt by the injured prisoner and forced the bound man to look into his eyes. "I am fairly certain you don't want these heedrin, whose children you stole for your own purposes? I'm fairly certain you don't want them responsible for getting the answers we need out of you. Now, I've never been a believer that pain gets reliable results: I tend to think after a certain point, you'll say anything just to get the pain to stop, whether it's the truth or not. However, there are times when reliable information isn't actually the point."

"I want you to think about that for a minute, think about what you'd do if heedrin stole human children." He paused, locking eyes with the man. "Have you considered the bloody torture and retribution? Good. Now consider what it would be like with magic involved, as well."

"But it doesn't have to be like that," Gil continued, his voice shifting to something almost conspiratorial. "All we really need is information. I have influence with these heedrin. I can see about what options we have for you. Perhaps we could keep you prisoner until this conflict is over, and let you face human justice for your crimes. Perhaps we could just arrange a quick death, as that's surely what any sane human Justice would sentence you to. Either way, isn't cooperation and consequence preferable to the horrors you might face otherwise? It's a matter of choosing your fate, and it's the only real choice you have left."

He grinned, mirthlessly, and let the man's head go, keeping his gaze as long as the soldier would. He could tell from the man's shifting eyes, his words were having an effect. It was a question of whether his zealotry would win out over his sense of self-preservation or his fear of torture. "So make your choice, sir."
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