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The Reign of Blackfang (casket & CJ)

Mar 2, 2016
Humans first arrived over 200 years ago on the eastern shores of Headeron in massive ships. The natives of the lands regarded them with distrust as well they should've. The Ogrekin whom had originally laid claim to the land were a simple people, living in clans and only taking what they needed from the land, while the humans thirst for resources seemed unquenchable. The smaller human creatures weren't content to live humbily, instead building great walled cities and making war with the natural inhabitants. Soon they pushed the Ogrekin off of their ancestral lands and forced them onto reservations.

Blackfang's father could still remember a time when their race lived free on the land, and promised that his people would someday return to that majesty, unfortunately he died before he could free them from the human's tyranny. Now Blackfang is chieftain and unlike his father he can not remember the time before their enslavement, he was born into it and because of this his hatred for the pink skinned puny humans boils deep within his noble soul.

It was an autumn day nearing the harvest festival when Blackfang began his revolt. He and his berserker warriors laid waste to the guard station and fort that was charged with keeping the Ogrekin on the reservation. With a decisive victory at hand, they Orge clan attacked the nearest human city, Ballistica.

The city was large and wealthy with towering fortified walls and an impressive army. The siege lasted for almost a week before Blackfang's forces overwhelmed the human's fortifications and broke through. What followed was the whole sale slaughter of every man within the walls. Blackfang had ordered the capture of the human woman of breeding age, he would have his revenge and bolster the Ogrekin's race in the same stroke.

Now the massive 6'8" tall behemoth sits in the former Human King's throne, having broken the armrests off just so he could fit upon the small thing. His massive muscled form is still covered in sweat and scars from the battle to take the final holdout. His broad shoulders and chest are covered in the tribal tattoos that mark him as his proud people's cheiftan. He wears no armour, nor do any of his warriors, the metal the human's cover themselves in is a sign of weakness, instead he only wears a loincloth and fur boots. His large tusks have been dyed with black elderberries which is what gives him his name. "This is for you father....I conquer in your name!" He announces and his warriors roar in acceptance.

His massive battleaxe propped up next to him is still covered in the blood of the countless knights he slew to take the throne. In his massive right hand is the partially cooked thigh of the head of the guards, which Blackfang feasts upon.
"Hammerhead....Go and fetch the woman we've captured. I wish to peer upon our good fortune while I eat!" He commands his second in command, this Ogre is almost as big as his Chieftain, with many scars to show his conquests.

"Yes Chief Blackfang, I am sure you will be pleased, in addition to many commoner woman we seized in the city, we were able to capture some of their royalty as well when we took this castle. A princess and her handmaidens, unfortunately the Queen killed herself before we could put hands to her though." Hammerhead answered, as he snapped his fingers, a signal to bring the chain of bound woman into their former grand hall.
Larissa and her sister were guarded by some of the best warriors in the kingdom. But it wasn't enough. Their defenses were overran almost as if they did not exist. The moment they breached the walls these beasts flowed through the streets and eventually through the palace with impunity. Cutting down the soldiers and workers like they were wheat. Then, as the murderous hord attempted to gain entry to the queens chambers she pleaded with her daughter's to take their own lives. She knew what their fate would be. She could not bear the thought of what would become of them but also unable to kill them herself she plead with them right up until the moment the beasts burst through the doors.

Larissa was too proud to take her own life, and her sister Latice was too scared. So instead of dying next to their beautiful mother they were dragged away and eventually shackled by the neck to the other women who had been captured.

Larissa Latice and her mother had long been opposed to the forced relocation of the natwest. Had it been their decision they would never have expanded this way. There was so much more uninhabited land to the west. But the sisters hadn't even been born and the queen didn't have the influence to stop her husband. He viewed them as nothing but mindless savages, and at that moment as they were lead into the throne room the two sisters began to see them as the same.

Both had a regal air about them. Larissa, taller and womanly many saw her as the most beautiful young woman in the kingdom. Her fine dress pushed her bosums up nearly causing them to spill into the open. Her beautiful face betrayed no fear as she walked into the throne room. Head held high she glared defiantly into the eyes of her captor. Her sister however was the polar opposite. Short and more petite Latice had not filled out just yet. And she did not state defiantly at the leader of these savages. She, like the rest of the women stared at her feet hoping for a miracle.
Blackfang watched as Thunderfist lead the chain of 11 woman into the throne room. The two in front caught his attention immediately as they were dressed far more extravagantly than the others. The first one had fine dark hair and large breasts which spilled over the top of her gown while the one behind her seemed to cower in the older ones shadow, sisters?

Blackfang sat on the modified throne in silence staring at his prizes, he brought the half cooked thigh up to his big tusked mouth and took another bite, human juices dripping down his chin and spilling onto his muscled chest. When he finally spoke his booming baritone voice made the line of woman jump. "A fine catch boys, they all look delicious, tell me Hammerhead, which would you choose for yourself?" He asked his second in command.

Hammerhead viewed the selections carefully, the intelligence in his eyes was obvious. He walked up and down the line of girls, his heavy footfalls causing the stone floor to tremble slightly. When he approached the princesses he didn't linger, turning away from them almost immediately. He walked back to one of the thick handmaidens, reaching up and grasping her massive tit and gave it a squeeze. His other hand reached down and prodded her meaty pelvis. "This one looks suitable for breeding, the others are too small and would break." He said reaching up and cupping her round face, squeezing her chubby cheeks into a comical kissy face.

Blackfang only nodded and took another bite of the former head of the guard's leg. "What say you Thunderfist?"

The large fatter Ogre holding the chain turned to regard the woman, he didn't hesitate, immediately pointing at Latice. "I like them small, because breaking them is half the fun." He said with a guttural laugh.

"HAHAAHAH....You see Ham, Thunder has a point, we must break these petite things so that they know their place, no longer will they have the comforts of humanity, they are now no more than our breeding stock." He said as he stood from the damaged throne and cast away the lump of flesh he'd been eating. "Your Captain of the Guards fought well, he gave me this." Blackfang pointed at the laceration on his left peck as addressed the scared woman, seeing only Larissa standing in defiance. "But he died poorly, begging at my feet, His fear caused his meat to dry and now my throat is parched which one of you shall quench my thirst?" Blackfang said with a sadistic smile as he strode forth, directly to the two princesses.

"You look strong, proud and defiant, little human princess." Blackfang said as he bent down and sniffed Larissa's hair, he could almost smell the fear pheremones, but her perfume tainted it and he exhaled the stink of it out of his nose immediately. A large clot of snot spat out of his nostril and ran down his upper lip, he reached up and wiped it onto his finger. Reaching down he wiped the boogery goo across Larissa's breasts. "This one is marked, let no Ogrekin touch her, she is mine and I wish to savor her later." He commanded.

Blackfang next stepped to Latice, seeing her cower in fear made him smile. "You look so scared you could piss yourself little thing....let us see if that is true." He said and reached out and snatched her by her tiny waist, hoisting her up into the air, causing the chain to go taut and pulling the other woman toward him. He reached out and tore the bottom of her dress off, exposing her lower half. Her legs struggled, but Blackfang seized her thigh and spread her open. He pulled her down onto his mouth, and out came his huge tongue, pushing up into her pussy. "Piss now girl or I shall squeeze it out of you!" He snarled.
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