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Khatia's Search for a Partner

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Jul 10, 2016
Hey there! So, I'm new here and I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with this thread yet, so I'm just going to post a few ideas here and see how things go. If you see anything that catches your eye please send me a PM and we talk about getting something going! I'm open to both male and female partners. All are welcome!

*Note: If you're interested please do not reply on this thread. I don't check it so if you reply here you likely won't get an answer. Send me a PM if you would like to discuss a roleplay.*

Firstly, here's my f-list.

General Pairings:
(All roles are reversible)
Most incest pairings
Human/Alien (Really craving this right now)
Wife/Husband and friends
Plot ideas:

1. Queen Alethra was a fair ruler. Her people supported her, and she worked tirelessly to take care of her kingdom. She was also known, however, for her...insatiable desires. She's known to summon servants and heroes from all corners of the kingdom, and spend countless nights in her palace with them locked inside her bedchambers. You are her latest desire, a hero who's come from a far off land to serve the kingdom and it's Queen.

2. So, I know that it's rare to find someone interested in doing a vampire roleplay, but I still find the idea fascinating. So I figured why not post an idea here and see who might be interested? Basically, this roleplay would revolve around my character, being recently turned into a vampire. She struggles with learning to live with her new condition while attempting to have a somewhat normal life. While out one night heading home from a butcher she'd made a deal with for a source of blood, she runs into another vampire. Whether this vampire had been watching her for awhile or just happens to come across her is up to you. But either way he'd be older, whether by just a few years or decades, he decides to offer to help her come to grips with her condition. Depending on how you want to play your character this could go in a number of directions. I'm open to however you want to play this. The main theme I'd like to see here is romance. Other than that I'm up for just about anything when it comes to this idea!

3. Based on Metro 2033. Humanity has fallen. The Earth is dead, a new world slowly encroaching in to take it's place. A world where humans are no longer at the top of the food chain. A nuclear holocaust has left the majority of the planet a radioactive wasteland. What might be the last of humanity lives underground, in the largest fallout shelter ever constructed. The metro tunnels underneath Moscow, Russia. twenty years have passed since the bombs fell, and while the people of the Metro have established some form of government and community, it was still no easier to survive. Communists dominated the red line. A new Reich of Nazi's have been established. Bandits roam the dark tunnels, attacking trade caravans travelling between stations. And worst of all, the mutated creatures that stalked in the shadows and ruled the surface. My character lives in a station called Venice, named for it's canals that had formed due to flooding on the tracks. She worked with her father on his fishing boat, catching fish in the flooded tunnels for sale in the market until her father was killed when she was sixteen in a bandit attack. When her father died she was forced to work in the station's brothel to survive. She worked there until she turned nineteen, having earned enough money to buy some gear and finally leave the station she'd lived in her entire life. All she needed to do now was find a ride out of the flooded district and into the metro.

4. For this one I'd like to do something something set in a world where superpowers are a thing, and they have been for awhile. Pretty much an X-Men of inFamous style world. My character is a college student living in Chicago. One night she's coming home from the bar after a night out with her friends when she's jumped by a group of muggers in an alley. The group tries to steal her money, but the trauma of the incident activates her powers. She can't control her abilities when they manifest, however, and she ends up seriously injuring the men. She runs, but it doesn't take long for the police to catch up with her. Your character is the cop that catches up with her, and when you realize she isn't just some super powered criminal and she's just a scared college student you decide to help her.

5. Kathryn never expected she'd get very far. She always believed she'd spend her entire life on her home planet, tending to housework and raising a family. It was just how women were expected to live in her community. She had always dreamed of so much more, however. She wanted to escape. To one day board a Galleon and venture out into the stars to see what was out there. She'd never thought her dreams would make it to reality, though. It wasn't until her Father told her that she would be accompanying him to the Capital to meet who he wanted to become her new husband that she thought she might have a chance of getting off her homeworld. She eagerly agreed to travel with him, making it seem as though she was excited to meet the man that she would call her husband, but secretly she started to plan. When they arrived in the city she would find an opportunity to slip away from her father and his guards and make her way to the spaceport. She'd stow away on a ship and wherever she landed would be where she would start her knew life. The plan succeeded flawlessly. Once they were in the capital she had waited until they had settled in at the inn they would stay the week at, and when night fell she slipped out of her room and into the city. She managed to find her way to the port and board a ship without being noticed, and the voyage to her new life was quiet and uneventful. The problem arose when she landed and got off the ship. She was in the famous city of Cress, a massive crescent shaped space station nestled in the ring of a gas giant. It was a beautiful city, but Kathryn had never seen anything like it. She had no idea where to go or what to do from there. She admittedly hadn't thought that far ahead. She was so desperate to escape her destiny that she hadn't actually thought about what she would do when she escaped. She ended up just wandering the streets, aimlessly searching for a place to go until she ran into someone who saw how lost and out of place she looked and offered to help.

(This idea is inspired by the world of a movie called 'Treasure Planet'. It's an old Disney movie that retells the classic Treasure Island tale. It blends science fiction with victorian imagery. Think of a world that looks like this or this, and that's what I'm going for with this. I think it's an amazing genre that's very, very underused!)
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