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A Fairy King and a missing Girl ||Lagertha x BlackTalon ||


Devilishly Wicked
Apr 27, 2014
A bug darted in and out of the room, around it, glowing as it climbed up the wall. A dark dank thing that had not seen a good coat of paint in a long time, or maintained in forever. The buzzing sounded in their ears, but they only watched, two girls both at their little desks writing. One however, pulled a book from her desk, hands gripping the book as she went over to the bug, smashing it with a loud sick THUMB against the wall. "Disgusting.." The little blond called, sliding the back of her grey book against the dark green walls, the bugs guts dragged against the wall before she scooped it up and walked over towards the other girl slamming the book face up with the bug's guts on it on top of her open book. "Look at it! Isn't it gross?" The blond girl cackled, a girl of only eleven who had been inside these walls forever. Her blue eyes stared down at the other girl, a girl who was older by several years and had only gotten there about a year ago. "Does it remind you of anything?" The blond moved closer, whispering into the older girl's ears who only stared at the destroyed bug and it's green ooze of guts. "'Fairies! Fairies! There were fairies in my back yard! I have to go find them! They are my people!'" The blond girl said the word in a mocking tone, no doubt repeating something the older girl of sixteen had said long ago.

"You didn't have to crush the thing. You could have let it go outside..." Her green hues looked at the poor bug, it's leg still twitching on the binder of the book as she sighed. She ran a finger through her short hair, her eyes twitching at the buzzed cut she now wore, not yet used to the light feeling of her head. Her eyes were more a sea green than they really were green or blue, and her hair was the color of strawberry blond, though over the year staying here it had darkened in color drastically to a deep rich red. "I don't believe in fairies anymore Livian. You should know such a thing..Sister Martha made sure of that." Livian, the blond huffed, smashing her hand against the dead bug as the sixteen year old girl looked up dully as if she had seen the act a million times before. She did not fight with the girl as Livian drug her hand over the book with the bug, pulling it off the grey binder and shaking the deep bug's body onto the ground.

"I thought you could appreciate such pretty dead things. It was only a year ago you came here spouting mad words about unbelievable creatures you had grown up with." Livian wiped her bug covered hand on her long grey dress, a white thing underneath as she looked at the girl sitting at her desk. Her blue eyes peered into the older girl's soulless one, as if a piece of the girl had been lost from the year being here. "Sister Martha says we have more visitors today. We get to dress up again and see if one will take us home. Won't that be fun Aqua?" Livian smiled, she had always wanted a home, a family to call her own, though the girl rarely impressed anyone. She had made it her mission in life to torment the girl at the desk since she had become roommates with her not long ago.

"That's not my name." Aqua squinted her eyes at the words on the book in front of her. The same grey book that had been worn down, a rusty old metal desk that looked more fit for a torture devise then it did a desk, and the chair she sat in was nothing fancy, a wooden chair. She wore a similar set of clothing, a long black dress, with a long turtle neck grey top below. Her body was hidden well below, but it was hard to make out any details with the loose material, unfaltering. Livian huffed, laughing at Aqua and forced the girl to look up at her. "What is it now Livian?"

"It's been your name for a year. You've yet to remember your first name or last name since you came to us, and even if Sister Martha told you, you don't remember. So they gave you a new one for your new life, you should get used to it Aqua." Livian moved back to her desk, it was right beside Aqua's on a small wall, both desks were only 4x4. Each desk had the same set up of grey books lined on opposite sides, a pencil case, same chair, same set up. There twin beds were behind them, a bathroom to their left. Aqua only looked at her, as if not truly realizing what she said, though it did make sense. "How long ago was it before you had your last episode about fantasy creatures Aqua?" Livian was amusing herself, tormenting the poor girl again who went back to looking at her book.

"I haven't been medicated in months Livian. I haven't spouted any nonsense since that point.." It was true Aqua had not needed her shots to calm her down, or needed to be placed in a locked room by herself anymore with Sister Martha coming inside to try to shake her back to reality. The girl however was still on major medications, ones that dulled the mind, anxiety meds, depression, shaking meds, anything to keep the girl sane for a time and not spouting nonsense about fairies. It also numbed her enough that she didn't care if Livian poked fun at her wounds, or if someone brought up the topic of her parents. She was numb to the whole thing, the whole scenario that had happened a year ago.

"At least the parents coming for children will be happy you aren't acting crazy or making a scene anymore." Livian had sat down at her desk, thrumming her fingers on the book bored as she stared at that awful puke colored wall, the paint chipping. The last time Aqua had been aloud out in the classroom or on display for parents in the orphanage had been months ago, when she had refused to give up on the idea of mythical creatures. Livian looked at Aqua, the girl had come to the orphanage after her parents had died in a car crash a year ago, and Aqua had been so out of it that the police had not known where to begin to find family members for the girl to stay out. Though Livian had seen Aqua's Aunt Renee come once to visit when she had first arrived, only to have the big porky woman gasp and say that was not the niece she remembered. As much enjoyment Livian got from torturing the girl, it had irritated her to no end seeing Aqua's Aunt disown her own retaliative. Livian had asked one of the sister to allow Aqua to be her roommate then, though she had never told Aqua as much, and even if she did Aqua didn't care for anything anymore. " you remember what your house looked like? Or what your parents looked like?" Livian was staring at the wall as Aqua looked at her.

"I don't remember anything but waking up this morning Livian. To you dripping water on my head. I tend not to remember anything, or dream anymore. I don't remember what dreaming is like." Aqua's expression was blank, as though the girl had lost all emotions on the concoctions they had put her on, and the things they had put her through to forget what had happened. "I only remember what you and Sister Martha tell me. I've been here for a year, I was obsessed with fairies when I first came here. My parents are dead. My hair was cut because of lice. I have no family that wants me. I'm not emotionally stable." Aqua looked back at her book, no tears formed as she said the words. Livian looked at her frowning. When Aqua had first been her roommate she had tried to be nice to Aqua, but after a month Livian quickly learned the girl forgot every thing the day before. In fact, most everything in their room had a label on it, to refresh Aqua's memory of what it was, and Livian had made it a habit of telling Aqua who she was when she woke the emotionless girl.

"There is some good news Aqua." Livian finally started to speak again, this time in a less annoying tone. She did enjoy being mean to Aqua sometimes to get her own frustrations out, but that was only because Aqua didn't remember the next day. Aqua looked up, though she looked at the wall ahead instead of looking at Livian. "Father Predio says you can start going to school next door again. Where the boys are at, or at least play outside with other kids your age. Doesn't that sound fun?" Livian would love a chance to be able to play with kids that had real families and she hoped the news would give Aqua some hope, but the girl seemed unphased as always.

"I'd rather stay in my room and study. Other kids are distracting and I don't enjoy taking more medication just to focus on the task at hand." Livian rolled her eyes at Aqua's words as the door to their bedroom shot open. A fairly short woman covered in cloth from head to toe in the same black material moved slowly inside. She looked at the two girls, Livian having shot to her feet and Aqua staying in her seat reading.

"Mother Gertrude!" Livian spoke up, poking Aqua's shoulder but the girl did not stir as the little woman walked in only standing at 4'7. Even Livian at eleven stood taller, nearly 5'6 already. Aqua would stand in the middle of height, only standing around 5'0. Mother Gertrude's golden eyes looked at Aqua's back, her buzzed hair as she moved closer to the girl. She placed an old wrinkled hand on Aqua's scalp, causing Aqua to sit straight and not move.

"Hello Livian. I take it your been treating your roommate Caroline with much respect?" Aqua looked at Livian as Mother Gertrude spoke, her eyes were wide as if she was curious as to whom she was calling Caroline. Livian nodded, before looking at the confused Aqua.

"She doesn't know that's her name though Mother Gertrude. Everyone calls her Aqua. It's the only name she recognizes anyone calling her." Livian rubbed her hands together, nervous as she looked at Aqua.

"Is that so Ms. Winther? Do you not remember your own name?" Mother Gertrude was rubbing Aqua's head as she spoke, but Aqua didn't seem to notice she was talking to her. "Aqua?" Aqua's head turned the side as Mother Gertrude said the name she recognized. She looked at the old woman with a raised brow as Mother Gertrude smiled. "I suppose you were right after all then Livian. Hello Aqua. How are you doing today? Do you feel well enough to go shopping with me in the market?" Aqua looked into Mother Gertrude's eyes. It was often Aqua had gone shopping with her since living here, because none of the other nuns enjoyed working with Aqua after she had been stabilized on medications. Mother Gertrude liked Aqua, her spirit, and enjoyed her company more than the other nuns around her.

"Of course." Aqua's voice was as monotone as always. It never fluctuated anymore, it had ceased months ago. She had often heard Livian talking about how she had been screaming and crying when she had first arrived, but Aqua didn't remember every having any real tone in her voice besides the one she had now. Aqua started to stand up, brushing her dress down as Mother Gertrude looked up at smiling. She took Aqua's hand, moving slowly as Livian waved bye to them while they walked out of the small room.​
As the day had recently started, the dawn broken by the sun in the world and so it had enlightened the city and the forest that was quite close to it. The forest, a place that was as special as it was alive, it was something most humans did not know, most humans that hadn't the ability to show their true heart and thoughts to the world. Only then were they deemed ready and honored enough to be accepted by the other part. The part of the world that was unknown to mankind, the part of the world that kept hidden from the public eye for the sole reason to persevere in their nature, in their way of life. However, sometimes there was rare contact between these mysteries and mankind and that resulted in a rare interaction, a kind of interaction that made marks for a lifetime. And in these last few years, an interaction had happened. Between a fairy and a human girl, an interaction that had rarely happened before and that interaction moved the gears that created the future.

What exactly happened is that a 10 year old girl accidently met The King Of The Forest, The Fairy King. She walked up to him and asked him "Hey mister, why do you look so weird ?" The King laughed gently and that was the creation of what was a strange friendship, the friendship between a young girl and the fairy king. In the 4 years that followed, The king of fairies and the girl met almost every day and he took her on visits into his kingdom and showed her how his kingdom was. Ofcourse, fairies weren't human-sized, but some had the power to grow to human size and shrink back to fairy size. And as it actually worked out, The Fairy King was able to do both and that to others, He took the young girl into his kingdom by shrinking her to his original size. He showed her beetles that were the size of elephants for her, bugs that were big and other animals that were gigantic. They had a lot of fun times in the 4 years and he watched her grow up, watched her grow into an early teen and then suddenly, after 4 years their meetings stopped. She seemed to have dissapear and that was something The Fairy King didn't like, he didn't accept it and he didn't know where she was. He had sent out scouts time and time again. Bugs, animals and fairies. They sought for days and finally found out the truth.

The young teen had lost both of her parents. How he did not know and never found out but the young girl was put into an adoption centre and was completely drugged out, they put medicine inside of her body and made her as docile as possible. They even cut her beautiful hair. And all The Fairy King could do was grind his teeth together and watch how his friend was being robbed of her life, robbed of her personality. 2 years passed as he kept his eyes onto Caroline. Not a single hair had grown older on The Fairy King and he had been patient until the time. But now came the time to act.

He had seen enough, enough of the medicines they were giving, the abusive roommate that bugged her and smashed his insects without any remorse. Enough of the abuse shelter she needed to call a home, he was going to put an end to her suffering. And thus the fairy king decided to take action. He abandoned his castle deep inside of the hidden woods and made his way over to the crossing point from fairy land to his. As he walked up to the entrance, he got accepted by the portal and slowly started glowing white as he approached. And then after that, he was in the human world, in human size.

He knew exactly where he was going to go to, the orphanage. He walked with what was clearly a royalty-type of pase, a slow yet sturdy pase, showing both calmth but the need to take action. He had on a nice looking dark blue jeans that is quite tight around his legs and showed off that he was quite well built. A grey buttoned down shirt fit snug around his chest and accented his well built body. His black hair that was off short length accented his face where his most distinguishable feature was the golden colour of his irises. They almost shone like the sun itself. He looked like a normal 22 year old man as he walked up to the door of the orphanage and knocked on the big door.
Parents, or single parents, were buzzing around the orphanage. The church had taken hold of all the orphanages around the city, causing every one to be ran by either nuns or priests, depending if they were boys or girls, but above all the genders were separated. There were children of every age in this particular orphanage, like there was most, anywhere from infants, to seventeen year olds, and sometimes even a few girls eighteen or older stayed for a while. Though the older children normally had parted to a different part of the wing, learning their studies and either becoming nuns themselves or looking for work to build income. The front of the building was well maintained, a school house was off to the left side of the building where most of the children went for any grade of studies, besides the ones that were allowed to go to the actual mixed sex schools across the street from them. The entrance way was large, up to date on everything and actually, everything that was shown to the parents was fairly new things, as if the things in those places were replaced every year or so. The only places that were off limits were the actual sleeping quarters of the children, though there were a few on display like show room pieces, well furnished.

One of the older nuns, or sisters, heard the knock on the door, surprised. She hobbled over, a plumb thing with red eyes from lack of sleep, saggy face, brown hues, and white hair that came out of the long black cowl she wore. She gripped the knob, opening it up with a questioning look on her face at the 22 year old man standing in front of her. The nun sized the man up and down before clearing her voice to actually speak. "Yes? Aren't you awfully a young thing to be wondering in here? This is a orphanage son, if you aren't looking for adopt a child then please head home. The boy's orphanage is on the other side of town if you are looking for that, this is strictly only girls." The nun's voice was scratchy, raw, worn down from the amount of time she had been here, but her face was anything but pleasant as she looked at the young man. "Go on now, get! We have much work to do!"

"Sister Yui, don't be so mean to the young man." A younger woman came up, opening the other side of the door. She was around 24, though she herself had probably been in the orphanage since she was a small girl. There were a few scratches, or scars across the woman's young face, but she smiled warmly at the man and the others that were filling through the door to the orphanage. "I'm Sister Taylor, Sister Yui here is much older and has been working tirelessly." The woman laughed as Sister Yui, the older one, rolled her eyes and moved away from the door. "Are you looking for someone? Perhaps a sibling you wish to adopt? I haven't been here too long but I have seen some siblings go into the orphanage at the same time. One gets old enough to become an adult, make an income and come back for their sibling hoping to adopt them as a guardian." Sister Taylor was smiling, she was a tall lanky thing, around 5'11, and her eyes were a grey color, her skin a speckled mess. "Well?" There was a reason for Sister Taylor's scars on her face. She had studied medicine, and since coming to this orphanage was in charge of distributing the amount of medicine every girl got in the orphanage. Young as she was, she had a vast knowledge of every new drug over the counter or not, and she knew which girl needed how much of everything. In fact, had she not come to the orphanage it would be more barbaric then it already was, lithium, the strongest of the strongest meds doping every girl up. That did not matter, for she was responsible for how Aqua acted now, why the girl was so doped on prescriptions she could barely remember anything at all.

"Oh's such a chaotic mess around here." Mother Gertrude was looking at the flow of parents coming out of the large front hallway. Some were in the corner with some of the girls, talking with them with one of the sister's present, others were being lead around the whole establishment to show them how it functioned before getting started on background checks. Aqua stood next to Mother Gertrude, her left hand in Mother Gertrude's small right one. "Let's go around back Aqua. It will be less of a fuss then." A sister had spotted Mother Gertrude running op to her, but Mother Gertrude held up her left hand. "Not today Sister Mary, find Sister Martha and ask her what you will. It is busy enough and I wish to go to the market place. Some of the other Mother's and Father's are there getting food for their orphanages as well." Aqua only watched as the young nun bowed her head and scurried away from them. It was a common thing for the leaders of the orphanage to meet on a certain day to go shopping, to have some conversations or what not. It often had made Livian ponder why Mother Gertrude always enjoyed Aqua to tag along, but the truth was Mother Gertrude pitied the girl. Aqua had lost both her parents in a terrible construction accident when they were on the rode home. A pillar from one of the buildings had fallen down on the car while the workers had been trying to put it in place. Though Aqua didn't remember any of that and for some reason Mother Gertrude was alright with that, it had been too hard to keep Aqua in a sensible moment with the knowledge of her parents death. A freak accident that had squashed two lives and ruined a third.

Aqua was silent as Mother Gertrude pulled her along, off to the side of the building and opened the wooden door. Each door around the place had a gold cross on it, this one had been no different. The playground was right in front of them and Aqua bunched her shoulders a bit as the cold wind hit her. A few bugs buzzed around her face as Mother Gertrude went down the stairs from the door slowly having let go of Aqua's hand. She looked back at the girl who stared at the bugs, but the moment Mother Gertrude looked at all the little flies buzzing around Aqua's face they dispersed. Aqua looked at Mother Gertrude who only smiled up at the girl. "Have I done something funny? Livian always gives me that look when I have." Aqua's brows barely rose, emotion had seemed improbable on her features anymore. The girl was frozen, empty in a sense with no emotions, no true self from the lies and medication the orphanage had given her.

"God blesses you Aqua. If you only saw what I have seen." Aqua made her way down the stairs, standing behind Mother Gertrude who had turned to look at the playground. A wooden ship stood tall in the playground, a small playhouse, slides, monkey bars, tic tack toe, swings. Aqua tilted her head a bit confused as she blinked. "For some reason bugs have always fancied you. Everywhere you go Aqua they always buzz around you as if wondering if you are alright. I remember the day you first came hear, tears streaming down your face, eyes red and puffy, your voice had gone hoarse hours before from screaming and then..there was this swarm of bugs outside the orphanage." Mother Gertrude smiled before looking back at Aqua. "Most of the sisters had thought it was a sign of the devil but..they were the most beautiful butterflies all over this playground, all over the grass when you arrived. It was as if they were there mourning your lose with you." Mother Gertrude's eyes fell before she sighed and Aqua shrugged her shoulders.

"Butterflies? I only see flies, dragon flies, lady bugs, beetles around the room. Livian likes to squish them." Mother Gertrude shook her head at Aqua's words, who was following close behind as they started moved to the parking lot.

"Livian enjoys giving pretty things pain. She does that for her parents sins. You know why Livian is here? You are here because your parents died, because there were no living relatives that would take you in..but you understand her pain Aqua?" They were almost to a small black buggie when Mother Gertrude stopped in the center of the parking lot. Every spot was filled to the brim with cars, fancy ones or older ones like the nuns drove. Aqua stopped dead in her tracks looking at Mother Gertrude before she shook her head. "Livian was five when she came to us. She had 3 brothers, 3 sisters, but she was the only one they brought. She came from a wealthy family, but they didn't want her. I asked the parents why, why they would give up such a perfect child when they had the funds for it. I thought perhaps they couldn't deal with a seventh child, but they had several caretakers that watched over the children why they were away." Mother Gertrude's eyes looked away as she fiddled around in the pocket of her dress fishing for her keys before she pulled them out. "Livian didn't want to play dress up like her parents wanted. They wanted her to dress wealthy, to get surgery to perfect her features when she was only five, but the girl refused. She couldn't understand why her parents would want to alter her, wasn't she perfect enough? To them..she was imperfect. They were the perfect beautiful family everyone wanted to be, but she didn't fit in. So simply the mother said 'She is no child of mine, she does not belong with our perfection.' and they left." Mother Gertrude unlocked the car, moving to the driver's side as she looked at Aqua who only stood staring. "Do you understand Aqua? You'll forget I told you this tomorrow but for now I want you to understand her. She squishes those bugs like she wishes she could squish herself. She torments you because..your parents didn't intentionally leave you behind like hers did. Your parents loved you. Her parents loved the idea of her." Mother Gertrude slide into the car, patting the seat next to her. "Let's get going Aqua. We are going to be late." Aqua was silent as she moved closer to the car and opened the passenger seat. She slide into the car, buckling her seat belt as Mother Gertrude did and closing her door as the old nun did before the woman started the car up.

The drive was silent between the two of them. Aqua had no idea what to say anymore and Mother Gertrude looked remorseful. Though things made sense, the amount of satisfaction Livian got from torturing her on a daily basis, or how she enjoyed to squish every little bug she found. There was also the way Livian did things, everything in their tiny room had to be in a particular order, or Livian could not stand it. Perfection. It seemed as though the hole in Livian heart had never healed, and would never healed. Though Aqua barely remembered that Livian got more counseling then she herself did, and now for this moment she understood why. It was also highly likely that Mother Gertrude had told Aqua this all before and she had forgotten like she would tomorrow when she woke, but for now stooping in the silence was wonderful. Besides the fact they were stuck in traffic bumper to bumper, but such was city life.​
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