- Joined
- Sep 1, 2015
Hello. Wilkommen. Bienvenue. I'm quite happy to be here - and I hope, so are you.
Bumps and Updates: I'm splitting the searches of this nature into separate threads for the boys and the ladies. If you'd prefer male characters (read: male characters who are still the receiving who will be having all the same things happen to them and more) check out the thread in the Male Request thread.
A few things I want to get out of the general way right at the outset:
1) Life's still life-y and generally busy so I'll be replying from my phone quite frequently, and while I do try (oh my god, do I try!) to limit the typos and other syntax errors... a smartphone "keyboard" will never live up to a real one. Just chuckin' that out as a predicate.
2) By that logic you'll probably have to expect shorter replies from me as the story progresses. Obviously longer posts will be the norm while everything is being introduced and set-up (because I'll be able to do that on my computer) but as things go on I'm fine with exchanging shorter replies to the tune of about one paragraph rather than the four or five or eight you'll get out of me at the outset. If the roleplay loops back to something that requires a longer post however (say we're done with the physical back-and-forth sexy bits and we need to set up for the next section or plotpoint or what-have-you) I will be SURE to get you the length of reply the situation requires.
3) It's WAY easier to me to check emails from my smartphone rather than the forums, not to mention how TERRIBLY the tiny screen displays forum layouts. I'm not refusing to roleplay on forums or PMs here, but you'll get better replies if you want to do things by email.
One last note: all the gorgeous marker art and doodles of the characters were done by a friend of mine! It's amazing isn't it?
Now onto the fun stuff~
General Ideas
For all of these characters I tend to be looking for the same general themes: non-human characters, inflation, pregnancy etc. But each have their own quirks and I'm down with some kinks with certain characters that I do not enjoy with others. I think I've made pretty clear lists for each one, but when in doubt: it never hurts to ask.
These are general thoughts on roleplay ideas that can be (unless obviously specified) used for any of these characters.
-Bring me your monsters! I'm willing to throw these characters at (most) anything. Just ask! Chances are, the more creative and unique of an idea you have the happier I'll be.
-A normal human character (that you would play) would run across one of these characters who was displaced suddenly and without their agency into the modern world. Hijinks abound.
-If anyone has any group RPs going on or DnD style games and they wouldn't mind me jumping in (even as a side character for a bit) with one of these lovelies, it would be really fun to see how an adventuring party would react to such creatures. Provided that you and your group don't mind just a bit of what might be god-modding on my part - since most of these characters are kind of macguffin nature/fertility gods/goddesses.
Hard Nopes
-Character Snuff
-Excessive Physical Violence
-Non-Con (that wasn't premeditated or otherwise discussed OOC)
-Humiliation (same rules apply)
Current Cravings:
-Zinnia has like... a kajillion more requests than I can handle. You're welcome to ask? But know that I'm likely to decline.
Artemisia Request:
A little bit about her: Her name is Artemisia and she's kind of a kirin-deer-type creature that serves as a peaceful warden of nature and its inhabitants. As such she's got quite an arsenal of abilities that aid her in her duties. She adores sex with all kinds of creatures of her domain: big or small, her petite body is magically capable of handling (and pleasing) them all. Quite frequently she aids in re-population efforts for endangered/scare individuals that cannot find a mate of their own species. As such she's mostly on the receiving end of any acts of penetration and pregnancy, but she is capable of growing her own "equipment" so to speak. In terms of temperament she is most often smiling and sunny, laughs easily and enjoys company.
What I'm looking for from you: Someone/s or something/s for her to have an encounter with. I am open to just about anything/everything if we can make it fun and interesting. Male characters came to mind first and non-human/animal characters are preferable. I am not opposed to female characters but I am looking for penetration in this roleplay so as mentioned above she can be the penetrating party if you are looking for something along those lines.
What you can expect from me: I like to keep my posts fairly long, even in a rather smutt-centric RP and I love nothing more than coming up with fun scenarios and RP ideas with partners.
Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Orgy/Multiple Partners
-Size Difference Between Partners
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Pregancy/Non Traditional Pregancy
-Breast Growth
Philia Request
Ambrosia Request
A little bit about her: Ambrosia was once a creature similar to Artemisia, although rather than a peaceful guardian Ambrosia was a very mid-level sorceress with more ambition than sense. She killed and destroyed without care nor conscience until she ran afoul of Artemisia who had come after her in the wake of the devastation she caused. When Ambrosia refused to make right the wrongs she'd done and the pain she'd caused Artemisia cursed her: to live as a servant to nature until she made up for the atrocities she'd committed... And Ambrosia committed many. Artemisia magicked her body into the that of the perfect "Brood Mare", allowing her survive being penetrated by nearly any creature alive and bear its young. As well as forcing her newly modified body to be in a near constant state of unshakable heat. Artemisia always enjoyed a laugh. So now she does largely the same work Artemisia does... although the creatures of the forest and the natural world remember her crimes and do not revere her as they do Artemisia.
What I'm looking for from you: Ambrosia's roleplays will be more similar to Philia's in theme. They can be darker, certainly since Ambrosia's current state was imposed by punishment.This is probably the character the most sinister of things can happen to. Obviously anything extreme that I haven't mentioned specifically I'd like to know before you you throw it into a rp.
Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Gang Bang/Multiple Partners
-Size Difference Between Partners
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Pregancy/Non Traditional Pregancy
-Breast Growth
Dahlia Request:
A little bit about her: Dahlia is an interesting character, an interesting sight if nothing else. Born of one of Absynthe's stranger tryst's with a four-legged creature of some kind: Dahlia is quadrupedal, despite being very humanoid in the torso and in her face. She also prefers the quiet, sylvan life to that of her bipedal relatives. Dahlia is cautious and skittish, speaking only on rare occasions and when necessary and as such prefers the company of animals to those of humans or other creatures. She is as graceful and demure as any proud creature of the forest world. Unlike Aster she has not inherited all of her parent's unique abilities, while her magical body can physically handle breeding with any type or size of creature like any of the others, actual mammalian pregnancies are quite difficult for her to conceive initially (though she can carry eggs and other oviparous-type pregnancies quite readily and easily). She also doesn't have the innate and ever present desire to mate as the others do. Her cycle is much more like that of the does she bears some resemblance to: there are several times of year where her body is overcome with insatiable heat, but for the vast majority of the year she has little interest in the act. That is not to say she could not be forcedly mounted by a creature who is entranced by her, however.
Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Non-Con or Dub-Con (the latter involving heat-cycles)
-Bondage (perhaps some pony-style bridle/tack)
-Immobilization (I have the idea of her being unable to move because her delicate hooves and legs cannot support her swollen belly)
-Orgy/Multiple Partners
-Size Difference Between Partners
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Non-Traditional Pregnancy
-Breast Growth
Zinnia Request:
A little bit about her:Zinnia, for whatever reason of birth, is quite a bit smaller than the others of her race. At her full height she's only about 3ft tall, having never grown any taller but certainly having filled out. It suits her purposes just fine. Zinnia is perfectly confident with herself, almost to a fault, and if she wasn't constantly willing to crack a joke with a vocabulary like a sailor, it might get her in trouble more often than it does.
Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Dirty talk (by both parties or just her)
-Orgy/Multiple Partners
-Size Difference Between Partners (BIG one here - ha ha)
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Non-Traditional Pregnancy
-Breast Growth
-Public scenes/Exhibitionism (I have this idea of her underneath a table giving someone oral while the receiving party tries not to make it obvious)
Bumps and Updates: I'm splitting the searches of this nature into separate threads for the boys and the ladies. If you'd prefer male characters (read: male characters who are still the receiving who will be having all the same things happen to them and more) check out the thread in the Male Request thread.
A few things I want to get out of the general way right at the outset:
1) Life's still life-y and generally busy so I'll be replying from my phone quite frequently, and while I do try (oh my god, do I try!) to limit the typos and other syntax errors... a smartphone "keyboard" will never live up to a real one. Just chuckin' that out as a predicate.
2) By that logic you'll probably have to expect shorter replies from me as the story progresses. Obviously longer posts will be the norm while everything is being introduced and set-up (because I'll be able to do that on my computer) but as things go on I'm fine with exchanging shorter replies to the tune of about one paragraph rather than the four or five or eight you'll get out of me at the outset. If the roleplay loops back to something that requires a longer post however (say we're done with the physical back-and-forth sexy bits and we need to set up for the next section or plotpoint or what-have-you) I will be SURE to get you the length of reply the situation requires.
3) It's WAY easier to me to check emails from my smartphone rather than the forums, not to mention how TERRIBLY the tiny screen displays forum layouts. I'm not refusing to roleplay on forums or PMs here, but you'll get better replies if you want to do things by email.
One last note: all the gorgeous marker art and doodles of the characters were done by a friend of mine! It's amazing isn't it?
Now onto the fun stuff~
General Ideas
For all of these characters I tend to be looking for the same general themes: non-human characters, inflation, pregnancy etc. But each have their own quirks and I'm down with some kinks with certain characters that I do not enjoy with others. I think I've made pretty clear lists for each one, but when in doubt: it never hurts to ask.
These are general thoughts on roleplay ideas that can be (unless obviously specified) used for any of these characters.
-Bring me your monsters! I'm willing to throw these characters at (most) anything. Just ask! Chances are, the more creative and unique of an idea you have the happier I'll be.
-A normal human character (that you would play) would run across one of these characters who was displaced suddenly and without their agency into the modern world. Hijinks abound.
-If anyone has any group RPs going on or DnD style games and they wouldn't mind me jumping in (even as a side character for a bit) with one of these lovelies, it would be really fun to see how an adventuring party would react to such creatures. Provided that you and your group don't mind just a bit of what might be god-modding on my part - since most of these characters are kind of macguffin nature/fertility gods/goddesses.
Hard Nopes
-Character Snuff
-Excessive Physical Violence
-Non-Con (that wasn't premeditated or otherwise discussed OOC)
-Humiliation (same rules apply)
Current Cravings:
-Zinnia has like... a kajillion more requests than I can handle. You're welcome to ask? But know that I'm likely to decline.
Artemisia Request:

What I'm looking for from you: Someone/s or something/s for her to have an encounter with. I am open to just about anything/everything if we can make it fun and interesting. Male characters came to mind first and non-human/animal characters are preferable. I am not opposed to female characters but I am looking for penetration in this roleplay so as mentioned above she can be the penetrating party if you are looking for something along those lines.
What you can expect from me: I like to keep my posts fairly long, even in a rather smutt-centric RP and I love nothing more than coming up with fun scenarios and RP ideas with partners.
Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Orgy/Multiple Partners
-Size Difference Between Partners
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Pregancy/Non Traditional Pregancy
-Breast Growth
Philia Request
A little bit about her: Philia was once a chaste, if overly zealous, nun from a village bordering a beautiful forest. Knowing the forest was full of all manner of magical beasts that did not follow the will of her god, she convinced her congregation to burn it to the ground to "cleanse it". Of course, when Artemisia learned of this terrible atrocity committed against her charges she responded in kind. With her magic she subdued Philia and physically bound her at the center of the once verdant ground she'd ordered destroyed. She also cast a handy little spell on her physiology... you can probably guess. Since the forest will eventually recover, its creature occupants will need someone to breed their new populace.
What I'm looking for from you: Similar to Artemisia's request, I am looking for just about ANY male/futa creature for Phila to have an encounter with. Distinct from Artemisia though, Philia's roleplays will be darker in nature as she will try to fight and will not consent until the lust over-takes her. Also, creatures fucking Philia can be considerable more careless about the state in which they leave her, or indeed if she receives any pleasure at all.
Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Gang Bang/Multiple Partners
-Bondage/Restraint --> Big one here!
-Size Difference Between Partners
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Pregancy/Non Traditional Pregancy
-Breast Growth
What I'm looking for from you: Similar to Artemisia's request, I am looking for just about ANY male/futa creature for Phila to have an encounter with. Distinct from Artemisia though, Philia's roleplays will be darker in nature as she will try to fight and will not consent until the lust over-takes her. Also, creatures fucking Philia can be considerable more careless about the state in which they leave her, or indeed if she receives any pleasure at all.
Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Gang Bang/Multiple Partners
-Bondage/Restraint --> Big one here!
-Size Difference Between Partners
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Pregancy/Non Traditional Pregancy
-Breast Growth
Ambrosia Request

A little bit about her: Ambrosia was once a creature similar to Artemisia, although rather than a peaceful guardian Ambrosia was a very mid-level sorceress with more ambition than sense. She killed and destroyed without care nor conscience until she ran afoul of Artemisia who had come after her in the wake of the devastation she caused. When Ambrosia refused to make right the wrongs she'd done and the pain she'd caused Artemisia cursed her: to live as a servant to nature until she made up for the atrocities she'd committed... And Ambrosia committed many. Artemisia magicked her body into the that of the perfect "Brood Mare", allowing her survive being penetrated by nearly any creature alive and bear its young. As well as forcing her newly modified body to be in a near constant state of unshakable heat. Artemisia always enjoyed a laugh. So now she does largely the same work Artemisia does... although the creatures of the forest and the natural world remember her crimes and do not revere her as they do Artemisia.
What I'm looking for from you: Ambrosia's roleplays will be more similar to Philia's in theme. They can be darker, certainly since Ambrosia's current state was imposed by punishment.This is probably the character the most sinister of things can happen to. Obviously anything extreme that I haven't mentioned specifically I'd like to know before you you throw it into a rp.
Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Gang Bang/Multiple Partners
-Size Difference Between Partners
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Pregancy/Non Traditional Pregancy
-Breast Growth
Dahlia Request:

A little bit about her: Dahlia is an interesting character, an interesting sight if nothing else. Born of one of Absynthe's stranger tryst's with a four-legged creature of some kind: Dahlia is quadrupedal, despite being very humanoid in the torso and in her face. She also prefers the quiet, sylvan life to that of her bipedal relatives. Dahlia is cautious and skittish, speaking only on rare occasions and when necessary and as such prefers the company of animals to those of humans or other creatures. She is as graceful and demure as any proud creature of the forest world. Unlike Aster she has not inherited all of her parent's unique abilities, while her magical body can physically handle breeding with any type or size of creature like any of the others, actual mammalian pregnancies are quite difficult for her to conceive initially (though she can carry eggs and other oviparous-type pregnancies quite readily and easily). She also doesn't have the innate and ever present desire to mate as the others do. Her cycle is much more like that of the does she bears some resemblance to: there are several times of year where her body is overcome with insatiable heat, but for the vast majority of the year she has little interest in the act. That is not to say she could not be forcedly mounted by a creature who is entranced by her, however.
Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Non-Con or Dub-Con (the latter involving heat-cycles)
-Bondage (perhaps some pony-style bridle/tack)
-Immobilization (I have the idea of her being unable to move because her delicate hooves and legs cannot support her swollen belly)
-Orgy/Multiple Partners
-Size Difference Between Partners
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Non-Traditional Pregnancy
-Breast Growth
Zinnia Request:

Kinks I am fond of/Looking for:
-Dirty talk (by both parties or just her)
-Orgy/Multiple Partners
-Size Difference Between Partners (BIG one here - ha ha)
-Non-human Partners
-Non-human/overly large/interesting shaped cocks
-Excessive Semen/Fluids
-Stomach Inflation/Bulging
-Non-Traditional Pregnancy
-Breast Growth
-Public scenes/Exhibitionism (I have this idea of her underneath a table giving someone oral while the receiving party tries not to make it obvious)