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Nov 16, 2009
south of heaven, north of texas.
It's almost 2016. Advertising content is everywhere, and it's occasionally disguised as real news, shows, and now....people.

Some of the most beautiful women are being replaced, minds wiped and filled with new thoughts, becoming corporate branded sex toys. They're spokesmodels in commercials and functions, sex toys for more back room dealings. Their outlooks are so wholly and fundamentally altered, they're not the same and it's hard to determine if they're robotic duplicates or the same person. All the know is that they're very different and very, very, enthusiastic to promote their product. Sex sells, after all...

Who I want to play: An executive of the corporation, or even an ethically challenged journalist wondering whether or not to expose this conspiracy.

Who you will play: one of the models completely changed. Or a model about to be broken and brainwashed. No anime pictures.

Kinks are negotiable, but brainwashing/robotization/mind control/maybe bimbofication is a must. PMs or maybe instant messenger.
I like this Idea. Could there be a male model cuz then I would like to be a modle about to be broken and brainwashed
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