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Eyes Up, Guardian [Destiny request, F preferred]

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Jan 18, 2015
You resurrect in the Cosmodrome, a ghost hovering just above you.
With barely any time to regain composure at being brought back, the Fallen are upon you.
You escape into the wall, where you come upon two other recently resurrected Guardians.
Joining together to escape, you form a fireteam and fulfill your Destiny.


NOTE: I'd prefer a female to take up this opening, as myself and the other Guardian have very strong personalities that would be difficult to offset with another male. If you are a male and feel that this is something you MUST be a part of, feel free to PM me anyway! I will be trying to get the best candidate for this opening.

Hello and welcome to my request! I am seeking out one other player interested in joining a Destiny-style roleplay, going through the events of all the year one content chronologically, and then extending to the events of The Taken King. More events may be added, and missions may not be experienced exactly as they were in game, but the general story arc will remain the same.

Heavy violence, dark times, and many exotic drops await in the world. I'd like to see some callbacks to contents, such as spending time shooting into a cave, failing to get a gjallarhorn (again), or hiding from the Templar on top of the platform. More tongue-in-cheek references await in game, along with what I'd like to be an emotional and much more in-depth story than the missions portray. This is meant to be a long-term RP, and with the proper team I feel we could keep in extremely engaging for a long time.

The Loot Cave

I am looking for a group of three to run this. I would enjoy party dynamics here, whether it be getting along and playing games, or it be having a falling out, or it be having some kind of turmoil amidst the group. Interparty politics is just as much a part of the story as the events of Destiny, as this is OUR story. Let's make it our own!

If you're familiar with the Destiny universe, and this style of story interests you, send me a PM and we can discuss the specifics! Even if you don't know the game, but are interested in learning more about the details of the RP, let me know and I can fill you in to see if you'd be interested in running with us anyway!

Currently, a hunter and a warlock are represented in our fireteam. I would like to get someone willing to play a Titan to fill out the third space, though it's not a requirement.

PLEASE NOTE, AGAIN: The above is a three person group RP. This is not intended to be a sexual RP.
VERY heavy on plot, and writing skills are a must. Method of RP will be discussed, but it will likely be through thread or Skype.​

I am also willing to run one-on-ones with others who don't want to commit to long term RP, and can run one-shot missions or encounters. This one is less strict on the RP front, though I'd obviously still prefer story-oriented, but if you're interested in Destiny RPs and want to go on the smuttier side, I'd rather do that as a one-on-one encounter. If you're looking for a specific type of encounter, just PM me and we can discuss details. I'm more open on what can happen in this. These can be run through the above methods or PM as well.
RE: Eyes Up, Guardian [Destiny request]

Edited, additonal paragraph added.
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