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An Improper Summoning (Translucentfeathers & Demonic Desires)

Oct 18, 2015
It was finished, with the final words of the summoning having left her lips, Gwyneth lifted her head, glancing around the empty room in the basement of her parents home. The black candles laced with willing blood, the runes and symbols written in white chalk on the dark hardwood floor, criss crossing in patterns around the summoning circle she cast from. She was grateful her parents were gone for the summer, staying with family in another province at least a days drive in some vacational retreat for the next month. It left the empty house vacant for her use in the meantime.

She wasn't normally the type for the darker side of the arts, but one could only be pushed so far before being thrust over the edge of rational logic. Gwyn normally was peaceful, more of a quiet presence in her university studies, choosing a solitary existence...but there were those who enjoyed tormenting her. From sealing her dorm room door shut on the days of finals, leaving her scrambling out of a second story window, throwing her laundry at the communal wash and press room out into the road when she wasn't looking to more sinister things revolving around her returning home at night with a bloody lip, black eye and cracked ribs. She wasn't sure what had printed the target on her back but she hoped...she hoped perhaps summoning a demon, a lower level one, might give her some protection and even vengence if she was lucky.

It was highly taboo, using the arts to summon a creature from another realm, but not necessarily illegal. To do so was dangerous, the wrong rune, a mispronounced word, the slightest misstep could lead to disaster. She was trying to summon one of the weaker demons focuing around basic human instinct like rage or jealousy, hoping it would be easier to bind and use to her will. Some were even willing to strike a bargain, though their terms were very rarely worth the deal.

Gwyn glanced down at her hand, the slash across her palm had stopped bleeding. Using her own blood was the only way to ensure the creature would be bound to her...if she had done things properly. She rose from her knees inside of the small protective circle she had cast around herself. It would keep out anything small, and fueled by anger...and hopefully that was all she had summoned. So it was there she waited, shifting uneasily on her feet in the dark candlelit room, eyes remaining focused on the summoning circle where the creature she had summoned was ro appear.
RE: An Improper Summoning (translucentfeathers x demonic desires)

The realm which demons call home is one of pure chaos and yet elegant simplicity. Nothing in this world has a true physical form, with all life existing as a swirling ‘cloud’ of consciousness which barely perceives the outside world. On occasion the denizens of the realm flexed their mental facilities and temporarily manifested in what could be called a ‘body’, but for the most part it was deemed crude and unnecessary to do so. This gave the entire place a sense of feeling like an endless void, interspersed with bright and vibrant sparks of life. In short, the sense of peace and tranquillity that such a life provided was immeasurable.

This was why despite it being several hundred years since Vratsia had last been summoned, she had done little more than simply relax and consume a few lesser demons which strayed too close to strengthen her own essence. All the same, after such a very long time, it took the demon a moment to realise what was going on. It seemed like something was tugging at her, but that was impossible, she didn’t have a body… until with a violent swirl and contraction, the ephemeral shape that was her being railed against the force that was growing greater and greater. The rage that flooded her mind was nothing short of animalistic, yet again she was to be wrenched from her home, this place of perfect tranquillity, to serve the whim of some interfering mortal.

The tugging grew stronger, more insistent, and grew almost to the pain of verging on painful. With revulsion, Vratsia exerted her will, taking on the physical form that she often chose for first encounters. Forming in the void and seeming to coalesce out of lilac coloured smoke floated a woman like no other. At almost six feet tall she was still rather narrow of build, except for where the curves of her hip and impressive bust stood out. Her ‘intimate regions’ while fully formed, were covered by garments that seemed to be made out of shiny black scales, which only served to further highlight the dusky blue tone of her perfectly smooth skin. As if she were not yet strange enough, the demon added a pair of large curled ram’s horns to the guise, and two twin pairs of bone-ribbed wings that ended in razor points.

Answering the summons, as she knew that she must lest she be destroyed, Vratsia surrendered the hold that she had on the realm she called home, and with a lurching sensation was forcibly yanked into that of the humans. Having something of a flair for the dramatic, rather than simply appearing instantly, the demon caused a tremendous rumbling sound and swathed herself in midnight black smoke, before clearing it with a powerful beat of her wings, lashing her barbed tail behind her and hissing with fangs bared, eyes filled with a blazing challenge that radiated hatred and a desire for vengeance.

Something was wrong though, or rather, something should have been wrong but wasn’t. When summoned this way, the summoned should have bound Vratsia’s magic. She could feel it though, coursing through the veins she had created as strongly as ever. It was her own still, she was summoned, but unbound. Breaking the glare she had on Gwyneth the demon gave a cursory glance to her surroundings. Many of the objects seemed strange, but something else stood out. The chalk markings on the floor, the summoner was standing inside them. Vrastia couldn’t believe her luck, this was almost too good to be true!

The idea was that she was supposed to be summoned on the inside of the drawings, which would contain her within them. But this? She thread back her head and delighted laughter pealed from between perfect white teeth. This could be over so very soon, all she had to do was kill the one who had summoned her… but the summoner was standing inside the circle. If Vrastia crossed the markings, she would be bound just as if she’d been summoned within them.

“Well well, looks like somebody messed up” she chided in an almost amused tone, settling down to wait the human out. “You’re stuck in that tiny little circle, with a pissed off demon between you and the door. Your move, mortal”.
RE: An Improper Summoning (translucentfeathers x demonic desires)

Gwyn's eyes widened when plumes of thick black smoke filled the basement, a distant rumbling causing her to fall to her knees and cover her ears, a few of rhe candles going out and tipping, rolling across the floor and disappearing into the darker recesses of the room. Gwyn looked up, her light blue eyes searching through the darkness when there was a sudden gust and the smoke cleared dramatically. This was no mere weak demon.

Gwyn stood, face full of shock at the creature currently towering in front of her. There had to have been a mistake, this wasn't right. She frantically grabbed the little book used for the summoning and searched its old age worn pages while trying to ignore the creature currently watching her with what seemed to be almost a twisted sense of amusement. How had she messed this up so terribly. The creature was settling in, her threats evident and slightly terrifying when Gwyn relised that the being was right. She was cornered.

"This isn' aren't right." She glanced up then before taking a deep calm breath. Allowing herself to show fear or erupt in an outburst would only antagonize this creature and she seemed relatively safe inside of the small circle it appears she had mistakenly trapped herself in. "What are you?" She-no it, Gwyn couldn't afford risk opening herself up to sympathies by humanizing it. Though its tall frame flared out in curves that were most definitely female.

It was only after Gwyn caught herself staring that she felt a blush race over her pale cheeks. She shifted, wrapping the book tightly to her chest as her eyes narrowed on the thing settling in across from her. "What are you?"
RE: An Improper Summoning (translucentfeathers x demonic desires)

Being what she was, which is to say a succubus, it was only natural that in the little interim between Gwyn’s natural pause to try and comprehend the situation Vratsia cast her eyes quite openly over the woman’s body. It was to say the least a very refreshing change from the sordid old men who had formerly tried to mate with her. It might even be fun, given that this time she would be the one in control of the entire situation. As Vratsia imagined over a few of the differing things that she might begin with, she folded her arms under her full breasts and started to idly swish her tail behind herself in the very model of patience.

It was an idle fancy though, a quick slash of a razor-tipped tail across the throat would remedy this situation, since she had absolutely no intentions whatsoever of rewarding this pathetic human creature by giving her what she wanted in the first place. Not after having the nerve to summon her as if she were a poorly trained puppy. No, that would not suffice. Idly she scratched at the wooden floorboards with the sharp claws on her toes, a little fire would get the girl moving out of that circle, either she’d have to move away because of the heat, or the smoke would make her collapse.

It wasn’t a perfect solution though, Vratsia was a powerful demon, but even she wasn’t completely impervious to fire. It would be painful for her as well, though certainly not fatal. She was distracted though by the human’s scrabbling through the book, and then of all the rude questions the girl dared to ask what Vratsia was?

The heated glare came back into her eyes for a moment, as she realised that the impetuous girl had summoned her without even knowing who or what she was. Tone dripping with ice and ire the succubus responded “I am Sia, Queen of the Ileski tribe of succubi, and you, mortal, are my prey”.

It was a complete lie of course, for one thing demons didn’t even have tribes, let alone queens, but the title sounded fitting and the human probably didn’t know any better. Since the mortal seemed to be unaware of who she was, Vratsia had used the shortened version of her name, since after all, having a demon’s true name gives you some measure of power over it.

Noticing the wandering eyes and blush, the demon’s lips quirked into a sly smile as she purred in a silky and seductive tone. “Come my dear, enjoy the fruits of your labours, taste of what you have summoned”. With that, a shimmer of smoke ran over her body, obscuring it from view for a moment. When it cleared, the scaled garments that had formerly covered her nudity were completely gone, revealing two dark blue nipples and a hairless mound between her legs. Maybe temptation would succeed, where fire would not.
RE: An Improper Summoning (translucentfeathers x demonic desires)

The sound of claws on the floorboards had her unnerved, the very way this creature eyed her and said she was prey left her throat dry and her chest feeling tight. Gwyn held the creatures gaze though, a small part of her refusing to merely fall to her knees and beg for mercy or back down despite her mistake.

However, when Gwyn heard the title, the name she paled. A succubus? And it appeared she had mistakenly summoned a powerful one at that if her claiming the title of Queen was to be believed. With a panicked glance down at the book she clung to Gwyn realized there would be little to no chance of her finding anything in it to send something so strong as this back to the realm she had been dragged from. The succubus' ire was growing and she watched as the creature took Gwyn in and seemed to be debating what to do with her.

Gwyn's mind reeled as she tried to think of what she could do. She knew next to nothing about the being in front of her and the not knowing is what left her slightly terrified. Not knowing what this creature's weaknesses were, what her abilities and powers entailed. Gwyn felt herself completely ignorant and hated it, hated it almost as much as when she was used as a punching bag and a means for venting the frustrations of those who chose to torment her.

There was a change in the creatures tone suddenly, that pulled Gwyn from her own thoughts. The voice had lost a measure of its heat and replaced it with seductive purring tones that had Gwyn tugging her full bottom lip between her teeth. The offer of allowing Gwyn to appreciate the 'fruits of her labors' and at the sight of the succubus' body becoming unhindered by the black fabric covering her nakedness had left Gwyn feeling thrown. She felt the heated blush in her cheeks spread as it traveled down over the nape of her neck, coloring her pale skin before she averted her eyes quickly. "I did not mean to summon you," she said quickly, eyes squeezed shut against the mental image of the tempting feminine form before her. "I was merely looking for a low level demon."

Gwyn hated the way she continued to blush and the heat that had spiked through her very core when the minimal clothing had all but melted off. It was wrong though, to think of this creature in such a way. Her naked form should not be arousing, shouldn't be leaving her tempted to break the circles connection and cross over into the room this succubus now inhabited.
RE: An Improper Summoning (translucentfeathers x demonic desires)

There was something that humans only half-understood about killing, something that demons were far more in tune with. To take the essence of life and snuff it out like a candle meant accepting a part of it into your own soul. In some sort of misguided notion humans refered to this concept of morality, and claimed that it was wrong to kill at all. Far from thinking that, faced with the prospect of killing a powerful magic user, someone powerful enough to summon her, Vratsia was almost eager in a macabre sort of way to steal part of that power.

So of course, when she found out that she had been summoned by accident of all things, she had to question her intentions. Did she want to accept part of the soul of an idiot into her own? Hardly. It only made matters worse when the girl closed her eyes, as if simply removing the demon from her sight would make the whole encounter less real somehow. An idiot and a coward, no, killing in this particular situation was not the answer. It was beneath the succubus to perform such an act, yet at the same time her anger only flared brighter as she became surer than ever that such a transgression deserved punishment.

Making the most of the fact that the girl had her eyes closed, Vratsia ‘shadow walked’. She vanished from the spot in which she was standing, and then silently a small billowing trail of smoke crossed the room to the other side of the summoning circle. Coalescing again, now behind Gwyn, the succubus drew back her tail and flicked it like a whip, not making contact with the girl, but making a loud cracking noise just like a real whip. At the same time she roared “Well you failed! Pathetic Mortal!

It was a simple and not very subtle trick, hoping that the fact that her voice was suddenly coming from behind the frightened girl would make her step forwards and out of the circle she was standing in out of pure shock.
RE: An Improper Summoning (translucentfeathers x demonic desires)

Gwyn was lost in her own thoughts, lost in the darkness behind her closed eyes and tried to ignore desperately the uncertainty and fear washing over her. Once she had managed to draw a few stabilizing breaths, her eyes opened slowly, the succubus was no longer in front of her.

The realization of the creatures absence never had a chance to strike fear through her as it should have, the sound of what could only be compared to that of a whip cracking in the air behind her had her flinching. The succubus' voice rang out, the roar near deafening and it had Gwyn stumbling away from the source, startled. Her foot stepped out of the summoning circle, just enough to break its power and Gwyn glanced back in a panic. The naked form of the tall dark beautiful creature stood menacingly on the other side of the chalk markings and Gwyn stared at her, mouth parting slightly as she shook her head against the image the terrifying creature made.

Realizing her mistake the young woman threw the book blindly at the creature behind her in hopes of at least mildly distracting the other creature as she broke out in a run for the stairs. She was desperate to try and escape but even if she made it what then? The upper levels of the house would offer her no more protection than a thin sheet of glass would offer against a stone.

The certainty of failure did nothing to deter her attempts at escape and she rushed, slipping past the small space she had cleared to work to dodge through some boxes and old furniture that had been abandoned within her parents basement for over a decade now.
RE: An Improper Summoning (translucentfeathers x demonic desires)

Vratsia saw the perfect moment with complete clarity, the moment when the blundering human’s foot came down on her painstakingly drawn lines, smudging them and completely breaking the spell. She could have struck out right then, killed the pathetic creature and been done with the whole affair. Instead she savored that look of panic and dawning understanding as it broke onto the human’s face, but that was cut short by the book that was hurled her way.

The tail that had already proved so useful came into play again, as the succubus flicked it in front of herself and used the tip the slice the book out of the air, the pages spilling to the ground both in chunks and fluttering sheets. It wasn’t the disctraction that the girl had been hoping for, but all the same there was no immediate chase.

Giving chase like some cat going after a runaway mouse was beneath the succubus, but she had a few tricks up her sleeve that removed the need. The fact that she had been summoned by Gwyn meant that the two of them shared a link, and the demon tapped into that now. “You shouldn’t run, prey” she called out, using that link to cause a sudden hot sensation to flood the human’s body. “I don’t need to even be near you to set you on fire using my mind, so come and be face to face with that which you summoned because, if you keep running, I’ll turn you into charcoal before you reach a hundred feet from me”.
RE: An Improper Summoning (translucentfeathers x demonic desires)

The sudden heat scorching through her and those taunting words left her paralyzed with fear as she abruptly halted in her escape. The creature would kill her either way, wouldn't she? Gwyn shut her eyes as she battled internally with the choices laying out before her. In the end, there really was no choice. She straightened and let out a slow breath before turning to face the succubus.

There was fear there, and anxiety coursed through her as she wondered just what sort of death this being would inflict upon her, but she wouldn't run. Her inital panic was starting to give way as she recognized the mistake she had made and the facr this creature was going to demand retribution for it.

With the same determination she drew upon to get out of hed every morning and face every other danger that life seemed to enjoy inflicting upon her she returned to the small space that had been cleared. Gwyn kept her shoulders back this time, and refused to simply cower or fall to her knees and beg. Perhaps death would be better than what she dealt with, it had never really been an appealing option. To die because she had mispronounced words and failed to set up a summoning properly would be a rather pathetic way to go, she wouldn't allow herself to run anymore or try and cower away from this.

Gwyn would own up to her mistakes though and despite the tempting and beautiful sight the creature in front of her made she met the creatures eyes, lips drawn together tightly hands at her sides. "Just kill me then, and get it over with," she muttered, eyes never leaving the other being's.
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