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The Princess's Keeper - Closed{Sophie Jones X Elvenoff}

Nadia lowered her head when Galron released a mighty snore. She smiled with relief knowing that she didn’t kill the knight and all was back to her just showing that she was on their side. She felt if she would get Persephone to trust and believe in her, then things would be easier to persuade this knight that she was truly here to help. She wondered, imagined what it would feel like to be this knight having the heart of Persephone in his hands. She shook the thought when Persephone spoke to her.

“Yeah, I can reuse them.” She smiled at the passing Princess. She giggled when she replayed the way Persephone acted when she found out that her knight was sleeping. She store she was about to throw that mug of water at him the way she looked at it and then to him. But then elected not to do it. That would have been a sight to see him coming up out of that bed all wet and cold. She giggled again before following Persephone back to the main room.

She didn’t want to say anything but she heard the princesses stomach rumble as she passed. “Bab… M’lady, I have some hard tact jerky and bread in my knapsack. She pointed to the bag that the knight tossed to the side when they came in. “Its not the best caliber but it is spied with a good pepper and the bread is honey baked.” She walked over and grabbed the bag. Opening it and pulling out a big leaf wrapped bread and a small leaf containing several large strips of jerky. She turned and offered them to Persephone. “Please eat.” She took a pinch of the bread and the jerky and chewed them to show that they were safe. “Please, They are only a few hours old.” she added…

She bit her lip while watching Persephone. She was even more appealing up close than she was from afar. Her hair her eyes, even her smell was mesmerizing to Nadia’s eyes. She broke the gaze and looked down at the floor. Giving Persephone some privacy to eat without the gawking eyes of this admirer.

“I can use a bow, but I’m no where near having the ability that an archer is required to have in the royal army.” she answered the first part happily, however the second one she paused on. Deciding to open up.. “I was taught by the local thieves guild M’lady.” her face showing the shame of admitting this to one of such a high caliber.
Persephone looked over to Nadia when she started to offer her the food in her knapsack. She did not want to take away Nadia's food but her stomach gave another loud growl in protest, telling her not to think with her heart and think with her stomach. She watched as Nadia grabbed the bag from where it was and pulled out the fluffy bread and delicious looking jerky. "Thank you Nadia. It looks delicious." Persephone said, taking what was offered to her. She took a piece of bread and spilt it open, placing the jerky between the slices to make a sort of sandwich. She took a eager bite from her creation and tried to hold in her joyful sigh, she didn't want to sound like a pig.

Persephone glanced over to her only to catch her quickly looking away. Persephone raised an eyebrow but decided not to question it. Its not like she minded. She was just looking at her. "That may be so but still, you know how to use a bow and arrow. That alone is amazing." Persephone said with a bright smile. "I always wanted to try shooting a bow and arro but my parents wouldn't allow me to do such a thing." She said, her smoke turning to a slight frown. She wasn't really allowed to do anything back at the castle.

Persephone didn't know how to respond when Nadia admitted to learning from a group of thieves. She knew that Nadia felt a little uncomfortable with telling her that information as well. "Well I don't know your whole life story so I have no right to judge you in your decisions." She said, wanting to make sure Nadia didn't feel lesser of herself. That was the last thing she wanted.

Persephone smiled and nudged Nadia lightly. "Thank you again for the food Nadia. Galron was supposed to go searching for food but then he bumped into you." She said with a small laugh. "But now he is snoring like an ogre in the other room. I swear he can sleep in any situation." She giggled. "So tell me more about yourself Nadia. Do you have any family?" Persephone took another hits from her sand which and faced Nadia to listen closely.
Nadia smiled when Persephone took the bread, jerky and made one big sandwich, but that smile didn’t compare to the one that came when she seen the joyful look cross over Persephone’s face as she tasted the food. It actually made her feel good as if she has finally made a difference in someone’s life that was toward the deeds of good, instead of the bad. All her life she has wanted to tribute something to the royal family and now that dream has come true. She smiled again to the thought.

She tilted her head slightly when Persephone praised her for just knowing how to use the weapon, Her brow arched in thought while her face lit up as if she just thought of something spectacular. “M’Lady, it’s not a place for a Princess to wield a weapon of war. Your image to the people is to be one of freedom, unity, peace. We all looked at you for these strengths, were as your father was the figure that represented strength, protection and well War. We did not need to see the symbol of our hopes for a future welding a weapon of war.” She instantly looked away as she realized that she was being disrespectful. “I’m sorry Mi’day, You need not to be told your role as a Princess. I was out of line. I ask for forgiveness.”

Her mood lightened up when Persephone vowed that she could not judge her for her decisions that she has made in her life without knowing all that she had been though. Nadia, smiled for that was like being handed a clean slate to which she could now show her innocent and loyal ways to the royal family. “Thank you.” her face was bright while her eyes sparkled.

The light nudge made Nadia bite her lower lip as if Persephone was accepting her as a friend. She beamed and chuckled when Galron was compared to an ogre, but what grabbed her heart was how beautiful Persephone was smiling compared to the heavy burdened look that she has had most of the morning.

A smile with a downward look was the result of Persephone asking Nadia to tell about herself. She really felt Persephone was sincere in wanting to know, however, her life wasn’t that of roses it was filled with shameful acts and embarrassing ways of life. “I don’t think a Peasant’s life measures up to the activity of a Princess.” She swallowed hard, before sighing, “I’m the off spring of a drunken warrior and a bar wench whom casts me out into an alley for the weather to claim me.” She spoke low. “I was found by my mother, a seventeen year old prostitute whom showed me the ways of thievery, sexual gesturing to get chosen for a nights pay.” A tear forms in her eyes as the shame claims her, “I … I even learned how to threaten small children to receive coin from the parents to leave their child alone…. That’s me, The slut of Winegard alley. That’s me! Nobody special.” She stood up and walked toward the door. “I will find a place out in the woods to camp. I will be close enough to watch the house.” She whispered ….
When Nadia suddenly stood up Persephone followed suit and stood to her feet as well, setting the half eaten sandwich aside for later.. "Nonsense. You will be staying here in the cottage for the night." Persephone said before taking a step towards Nadia and pulling her insito a gentle hug. Her frail pale arms wrapped around Nadia side as she squeezed her lightly. "Nadia please do not a shed a tear." Her voice was filled with surrow. She regretted asking such personal questions for she did not know Nadia's past was so dark. "You were doing what you had to do in order to survive." Persephone coaxed softly, lightly rubbing Nadia's back. "I'm sorry for bringing up such a she sitive topic." She bowed her head some as she pulled away. "You should not feel ashamed of yourself Nadia." Persephone pulled away and gave her a saddened smile.

"Everyone speaks so highly of my parents. They are supposed to represent bravery and compassion but those traits are far from their reach." Persephone sighed. "My father is far from brave. He was so willing to give his own daughter away to barbarians in exchange for peace and good trade. He has avoided me most of my life, leaving me in the care of Galron because he feared to be near me." Persephone said sadly, her fingers coming up to lightly trace the bright red ruby inside the talisman around her neck. "And my mother? She is no different. Most things I have been taught were told to me by the housemaids around the castle or Galron. My mother did not have time to be bothered with a demon child like me. She'd rather fancy herself with the knights on duty while my father has his fun with some kitchen maids. It is hard to tell if we were ever a family at all." She said feeling a wave of shame herself. "And me? I'm just a cursed princess who knows not how to do a single thing herself. How am I suppose to represent freedom when I could barely leave the safety of the castles walls? I've ran away from my own duties and my people because I am too afraid. I am nothing to look up to!" Tears began to swell in her eyes as the shame drowned her. She was no different from her parents. She was a coward as well.
Nadia didn't want a sympathetic response but when Persephone gently pulled her into a hug she stepped into her. Her body trembled for a dream just came true. She closed her eyes as the fragrance of Persephone's hair engulfed her senses and brought a smile to her face. She pushed her hands on around the waist of Persephone and clasped them together in the small of her back.

While the princesses' words of comfort were smoothing the emotional pain, the light rubbing she was doing to Nadia's back was stirring the emotional love that she held for the princess. Nadia wanted to confess this love to her but feared that it would disgust her to the point where she would push their beginning friendship away.

Nadia almost whimpered when she pulled away from her embracing arms and apologized for asking such personal questions, but those were the ones that would bring them closer to each other which Nadia would not mind, but instead she looked down with a slight disappointed look upon her face. She looked back up when Persephone expressed that she should not feel ashamed for she only did what she had to do to survive.

But when Persephone began to speak about her family Nadia’s jaw gapped slightly open in disbelief. She had always thought that the royal family was so happy for they had everything, and now she is getting the truth of what really happens behind those walls and doors. She was lost for words till she seen the tears in the princesses’ eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m shocked to hear all of this.” She stepped forward and put her hands on Persephone’s waist and lightly pulled her into a gentle hug.

She pulled back a little when Persephone belittled herself, “Hold it right there!” her tone changed to sternness. “You don’t know how to do anything.. You didn’t have a choice, You were sheltered, but so what you can change that now! Abandoned you people, You are so wrong! The people think you have been taking by the Barbarians, The smiths of the city has made new armor and weapons and has given the army these items, So now your royal army is being fitted with chainmail instead of the poor leather armor. The pig farmers have given enough meat to feed the army for weeks, the farmers donated enough flour to feed the army ten times over with bread and muffins. The merchants have given the royal coin collector fifty percent more on their taxes to aid the army in finding you. The people love you! You are the hope for our future, for our freedom from war. Like I told you, all your father shows to the people is his power, his ability to protect but they don’t see how that protection is paid for, Do you really think the people want you to be sold for our freedom, No! they would revolt against your father. I know this because I am from the streets where all this is said and done! We all love you! … She steps forward, tilts her head slightly to the left and leans in pressing her lips to Persephone’s lips, kissing her lovingly… Instantly pulling back after the realization settles in… “Forgive me!” she back away..
Persephone smiled softly as Nadia quickly began to defend her behalf. She giggled lightly and nodded at her words. She couldn't find herself agreeing though. True, she was sheltered without a choice but still. She at least could have learned the simple things like taking off her own damn corset or making a simple cup of tea. Things like that. Instead she was only taught things like etiquette, music, and little bits of how the world works. She was destined to only be a wife, nothing more. She wasn't supposed to be taught much. Only how to look pretty and how to act while in front of other people. To hear of how the people were reacting to her disappearance sent glee and worry to Persephone's face. She was happy to know that the people cared so much for her to go to those lengths but that also meant that there were even more people searching for her when she did not want to be found. They all probably thought Galron was the barbarian that took her just like Nadia. She wouldn't be surprised if her parents had set that up. It would be easier for them to get rid of Galron. "I am very happy to hear that Nadia but it also saddens me. They are working so hard to find me and paying so much but yet I am trying the best of my abilities not to be found." She said sadly, her heart panging with guilt

She smiled as Nadia stepped closer and wipes away a tear strolling down her scratched cheek. "I do not wish for them to revolt. Who knows how that could end." Persephone sighed. "Nadia thank you. Your words were very kin-" Persephone cut her sentence short as Nadia tilted her head to the side and pressed her lips sweetly against hers. W-What was this!? Perseohone's face heated up with a bright blush as Nadia instantly pulled away, her hands coming to her lips as if she didn't believe that had just happened. Nadia kissed her! That was her first kiss! She always thought Galron would be the one to take it, or at least that was what she hoped. She's always had a small crush on him. Since she was a child.Persephone stroked her bottom lips with her thumb softly. So that was what a kiss felt like? It wasn't...bad. "I-Its fine.." Persephone stuttered as she took a step back as well. "You just startled me is all." Persephone assured with a small nervous laugh. She couldn't exactly be mad with Nadia. The subject they were on was very emotional. She must have been overpowered by such emotion to the point where she had taken unexpected actions. It was an accident. At least that was what Persephone thought. "No need for forgiveness." Persephone assured with a smile. "I'd say its about time we get some rest. Wouldn't you agree?" Persephone asked gesturing tot he window where it was already getting dark. "You will sleep in the extra room with me."
Nadia feared the worse from the Princess for kissing her. She awaited for the dreaded words to be uttered to get out of the house and be on her way, but those words never came across Persephone’s lips but what did come over them relieved Nadia for they were words that smoothed the ripple the kiss did by saying all was okay and it was just a startling move that caught her off guard. She noticed the step back that Persephone did along with the nervous laugh. Nadia cursed herself for being so stupid, but the closeness that they were sharing just made her desire Persephone so much that she had to do something and the kiss was the first thing that popped into her mind.

Nadia backed up even more when Persephone informed her that it was time for rest and that she would be staying in the same bedroom with her. Nadia smiled but rose her hands up. “I can sleep here on the floor.” She was too afraid of what she would do being that close to the princess, not to mention that she slept in the nude, that might really upset Persephone, so she raised her hands up in a that’s okay fashion. “I will sleep out here on the floor.” Nadia voiced out, grabbing her backpack and making it into a pillow. “I don’t want to intruded upon you. You have done so much already.

Nadia bit her lower lip as the desire of wanting to go with her flushed through her body. She bit her lower lip showing that she was very nervous about something. "Shouldn’t one of us stay close to Galron to make sure he is okay? She was trying to come up with reasons not to go into that room with her. She smiled weakly and raise a brow… “Would you like me to turn your bed back, and brush your hair before you go to sleep.” Nadia asked as a little nervously.
Persephone frowned, she didn't want Nadia sleeping on the floor. She was their companion now, not some dog. She deserved a bed. "I don't want you sleeping on the floor Nadia. You're my friend. A friend cant have another sleeping on the floor." Persephone sighed. "You wouldn't be intruding." She assured but she didn't want to force Nadia into sleeping with her. If it made her uncomfortable or worried her then she wouldn't push on the matter. However when Nadia mentioned Galron she pursed her lips. She had a point but she didin't want Nadia to be the one to watch him. Galron still didn't know that the two had come to terms and that she was not a threat any longer. "You are right. I'll be the one to watch Galron. He might attack you if he so much as lays an eye on you. I'd have to explain everything to him when he awakes." She said. "You can take the bedroom and I'll stay in Galrons bedroom." She said, shaking her head when she offered to brush her head. As tempting as it sound she didnt want her to pamper her like back at the castle. "I am fine, thank for the offer however." She said, politely declining her offer. "Let me show you the room." Persephone said as she began to walk towards the back, expecting Nadia to follow.
Nadia was surprised by her mixed emotion now that she managed to push Persephone away from them sleeping together. She lowered her head as a bit of loneness hit her. She could only shake her head for there was only one other that could manipulate her into this foolhardiness demeanor. She wanted to reach out and take her arm spin her around and kiss her again in hopes that she would offer having them sleep together again, but no she would only blotch that up as well. She sighed but followed Persephone down the hallway. Her gaze was looking at Persephone sway about her, she was so beautiful and had just the right sway of walking that would put a step in any man’s or woman’s mode of walking.

She couldn’t resist the wave of longing that was sweeping through her as she reached out and took some of Persephone’s hair into her fingers and brought it up to her nose and took a deep inhale. Once again the aroma of her hair made her mouth water. She licked over her lips and bit her lower lip. It was just to much being this close to her. She never thought that this love that she had would come out so strong. She swallowed hard and released Persephone’s hair. She didn’t care if Persephone felt what she did or not. If she did notice and turned, she would kiss her again, if not no harm done and she would just go to the room where she is to sleep.
Persephone felt a few strands of her hair being pulled from her shoulders. She turned around to find Nadia biting down on her bottom lip as if she was holding something back. Did she want to say something? "Everything alright?" Persephone asked worriedly as they entered the spare bedroom. Her dress and jewelry still lied there on the floor and bed from when she had fist arrived to the cottage and changed. "Sorry about that." Persephone said as she picked up the dress and held it up. "I should probably burn this.." She sighed. It was such a beautiful dress. It was spun from silk and had a light golden tint. It flowed out wonderfully and was trimmed with red fabric. It was one of her favorite dresses but she would have to part with it. It would too obvious if she was caught wearing it. "Better yet we could probably sell it. Along with my earrings." She suggested, tossing the dress onto a stool. They could get money for it and probably an ample amount. Maybe then she could get her own clothes and not be stuck with Galron's loose fitting garments.

"Now I do hate to ask this of you but.." Persephone lifted the back of the over-sized shirt, revealing the white corset underneath and all it's ribbons still tied together. "Can you please help me remove this? It would be awfully uncomfortable trying to sleep in this." She said lifting the shirt just under her breast.
Nadia was trembling with the emotional build up that when Persephone turned and asked if everything was all right she nearly broke down and confessed all to her, but Nadia realized that Persephone had a way of not zeroing on people, she just let Nadia know that she noticed the body language and it seemed to be very tensed about something, then just moved on like nothing was wrong. Nadia took a deep breath and regained her composer.

“Nay, You will not do either of those.” Nadia flared up! “You will not need coin so just box them up and when the day comes that you claim this land, put them on and walk with the pride that you deserve to walk with.” Nadia walking toward her with a very stern face. “I will not look upon you as some commoner! Never! You are my hope for a better life and there is no way in hell that I’m going to let you belittle yourself. Your better than most commoners and their ways of backstabbing to get ahead.. “ Nadia’ eyes tears up

She was relieved when Persephone asked to help her with the corset. “Sure..” She sniffled as she began to remove the ties. When the last one gave, and the corset fell away, the heat of seeing Persephone flesh was just to much. She stepped into the back of Persephone. Lowered her head down to her neck and began to nibble upon Persephone’s nape; at the same time her hand slide around Persephone’s waist and up, lightly running her fingernails across the girls flesh. slowly she pushed her hands up and over the mounds of Persephone's breasts and palmed them she allowed the tip of her thumbs to rake over the nipples. She didn’t care anymore, she wanted Persephone to know that she loved her.. And that was what the problem was till now.. She continued to bite and lick the flesh of princesses nape…
Persephone hadn't expected Nadia to get so worked up over her selling her dress and earrings. She didn't understand why she would get so angry over it. "Nadia..," Persephone began. "Like you said just an hour ago no matter what I say or do I am still a princess, it's in my blood. The clothes do not make me a princess." Though it does add to the image. "We will need money soon. I'm sure the person who will be teaching me to control my abilities for free. We will eventually have to leave this place as well. Food will soon become an issue too. If I sell those things then I would be helping my friends. Its just a dress." She said. "I am better then none so pleases do not say those kind of things." She sighed. She hadn't wished to make Nadia so emotional so for the sake of her emotions she decided to leave the subject at that.

When the corset finally fell away Persephone sighed with relief. "Thank you. Those things can be quite uncomfortable. Especially when you're galloping away from a castle on a war horse." She said, referencing to the most uncomfortable ride she had ever experienced this morning. Persephone froze how ever when Nadia pressed herself against her back. Was she giving her another hug? Persephone jolted when she felt lips on her neck and hands traveling up her pale skin. Goosebumps began to form on her skin as a shiver ran up her spine. "N-Nadia!" She whimpered as her hands cupped her soft breast and ran over her nipples. She held back a groan and tried to move her neck away from her lips. "W-What are you doing?" Persephone asked shocked and embarrassed, her cheeks painted a bright pink.
Nadia’s hands continued caress the soft mounds of Persephone’s breasts with a lovers gentle touch. Her soft palm ever so gently began to caress the orb from the base of the curve up the side and closing over the nipple with a light tug only to glide back down the slope to redo the sensual caressing of Persephone’s breasts. Nadia breathing was shallow and rapid while the love of this woman swept through her chest and exploded all over her body. She moaned into the kissing of Persephone nape.

She held Persephone to her with a hold not much stronger that a good hug. She knew Persephone would try to break free so she wanted just enough strength to show the emotion that Nadia was trying to convey. She also was hoping that after the first shock of being touched this way Persephone would yield to the waves of electricity that would be flowing through her right now.

She felt Persephone move her neck away from Nadia’s lips but she didn’t pull her body away. Nadia continued to fondle the soft orbs of Persephone’s breasts, pulling and tweaking the hardened nipples. She followed the neck movement of the princess and reestablished the kissing and licking of the soft flesh of the princesses nape. “I love you so much!” she whispered between the soft sucking of Persephones’ flesh into her mouth…
Persephone bit down on her bottom lip as Nadia continued to caress her soft, fragile body. Running her fingers over her breast as if they were the most precocious thing she has ever come into contact with. Persephone didn't know how to explain these feeling she was feeling. The touches, they most certainly felt amazing but then again she was very confused. This felt very strange. Wasn't this kind of touching supposed to be saved for marriage? That's what the house maids and her etiquette teacher always said. These type of touche and kisses should only be shared with your spouse. That kind of thinking didn't seem to last between her parents however. With each light pull Nadia gave to her nipples Persephone found herself moaning softly even though she tried her best to hold the embarrassing noise inside. Persephone wanted this to stop but couldn't find herself pulling away from Nadia any longer. It felt good. She knew she shouldn't be doing this but it just felt so good. The sudden confession shocked Persephone but she couldn't find herself saying anything back. She didn't exactly love Nadia. She had just met the woman and her first impression of her was that she was trying to take her away from Galron however she could say that she at least like the girl, as a friend or companion of some sort. Persephone didn't want to play Nadia along and let this continue but she wanted it to. She wanted to feel more of her touches and kisses wherever she could. The ruby hanging from Persephone's neck glowed dimly. Instead of pulling away Persephone leaned into Nadia's touch, her moans becoming a bit more sure and more audible as her hands moved up to cup Nadia's hands and they traced over her breast.
The feel of Persephone body leaning back into Nadia's arms brought a wetness to Nadia, a desire that she has had ever since she knew what lust and desire meant. She slowly pulled her left hand away from Persephone's breast up to her chin, taking a lightly hold upon it. She slowly directed Persephone's head to the left while Nadia kissed and nibbled down the princess' jawbone to meet her lips, kissing her lightly several times before pressing harder against hers.
She then lightly pulls back and bites Persephone's lower lip before She looks up into the eyes of her at the moment lover. "I want you!" She moans before moving down and continued to kiss and chew the soft flesh.

She slowly moved her left hand back down the slope of Persephone's breast, over the nipple her fingernails lightly raked before moving on down from the ample orb. Her hand now sliding over the smooth taunt abs. She moans deeply into Persephone's nape just moments before she pushes her fingertips past the navel into the warm v of Persephone's inner thigh. Nadia's middle finger sliding over the moistened nub with a little pressure and then a flick.

"Persephone!" Came Galron's voice as he enters into the room holding a dagger at the ready! "Release..her!" He stops, his face holding a confused look when he begins to see what is really going on. He swallows hard, "Forgive me M'lady, I thought you were in trouble." He turns and walks out the door closing it behind him.

Nadia lays her head down on Persephone's shoulder, "I'm so sorry. I mess everything up!" She rises her head up and begins to help Persephone get dressed. Nadia falls silent and moves to the bed lowers her head and stares at the floor.
Persephone closed her eyes when Nadia had grasped her chin, giving her several soft kisses before kissing her with more passion and meaning. She kissed her back and whimpered as she took her bottom lip between her teeth. She groaned at Nadia's declaration and found herself agreeing. She wanted her too. She wanted her to keep touching and kissing her like this, that's what she for sure wanted. When Nadia's hand began to travel down Persephone could feel her heart beating against her chest, the closer she got to her sacred garden the more excited Persephone got. No one has ever touched her down there and her Nadia was easing her way to her pleasure spot. Persephone spread her legs slightly as Nadia's hand finally slipped into the pants and against her heated lips. She moaned loudly when Nadia's fingers had flicked over her sensitive bundle pf nerves but then something uncalled for happened.

Persephone gasped when someone had suddenly barged in on them. Galron!? Persephone froze in place with her face pure ink as he starred at the two then suddenly walked away. Persephone still stood there as Nadia laid her head apologetically on her shoulder and helped her get dressed. She could not believe that just happened. He had walked in on her, on them! Out of all the times the big oaf could have woken up it was at the most horrible moment. "I-I think it is time to call it a night." Persephone stammered as she headed to the door. She didn't want to face any of them right now. Not when she was this confused and stunned. "Please sleep well, I will see you in the morning." Persephone walked out of the room and closed the door. She went into the living room and sat down on a chair. She'd sleep here for the night. She didn't have the guts to sleep with either of them. Not after that whole thing.
Galron wasn’t shocked what he had seen, he was just embarrassed by walking in on them especially since the last time he seen that female Persephone was tying her to a chair and then when he wakes up she was in the bedroom making love with her. He was so confused on how that could have happened, but Persephone was a people person and she was the ability to get people to open up to her and show her their true selves. She must have seen something very special in that girl and if that was the case now Galron has two souls to protect with his life. He wanted to go find her and apologize to her, but figured he would leave them alone and just talk to her in the morning.

He undressed and slide back into his bed, his thoughts were of her and how much trouble they were really in. He had to act as if this was going to be easy, but it was far from that. He knew the hunters would be in the woods when the sun first cracked the horizon. That would give them all day to search and if they were really good they would find the path just like the girl did. He sighed heavily as he was actually worried about what the morning brings.


Nadia felt like she just destroyed Persephone’s world. She embarrassed the Princess something she never would want, why did she do what she did,, She knew it was possible that the knight would wake up, but yet she pushed the risk and it pushed back, but it wasn’t her whom was hurt and confused it was Persephone. She wondered why does she destroy all the lives she makes contact with. She loved Persephone and just wanted to be with her, to show her that there was one person in this world that loved her so much that she would kill for her. Like Galron would do for her too… So there is two that loves her so much.

She couldn’t destroy Persephone’ s life anymore than what she has done. She packed up her gear, grabbed her bow and climbed out the window. “I love you. Take care of yourself.” She whispered before heading off into the dark forest. Crying as she got further way from the small house. She only got about a mile away when she fell into a ground trap. Several figures moved up and looked down at her. Each one smiling for it was a female…


Galron rose just before the sun peeked over the horizon. He wondered how mad Persephone was at him. He got dressed and walked to the bedroom door and Knocked when he didn’t get a response he knocked again, “Persephone, Please I’m sorry for last night.” He whispered through the door. Still nothing came as a response. He knew better to barge in so , he decided to make breakfast. He walked into the Kitchen and seen Persephone sleeping in a chair, her head was on the table.

He didn’t want to wake her so he went outside to do some chores till they both woke up.

Persephone woke up a few minutes after Galron had walked outside. She lifted her head from the table and knitted her eyebrows at the puddle of drool she had left. That was unattractive. She wiped at her mouth and looked around, finding herself at the kitchen table. Had she slept here?" She said up and winced at her back. It ached from the uncomfortable position she was in. Why was she in here? Memories of the other night started to flood back into her mind and she blushed slightly. Oh yeah. Galron had walked in on her and Nadia. Her blush deepened and she whined. She was so embarrassed! Had he seen her topless? Did he think she was a slut now? Persephone let out another whimper and stood up. As much as she wanted to hide from both Nadia and Galron she knew eventually she would have to face them both. They were her traveling companions. Persephone yawned a bit and walked towards the bedroom where Galron had slept. He wasn't there. She then ventured to the bedroom Nadia had slept in and knocked lightly. "Nadia?"She called softly. She wanted to apologize to her about yesterday. She shouldn't have ran out like that.

When there was no answer Persephone assumed she was still asleep but that didn't stop[ her from opening the door. Nadia wasn't in the bed. Where were they? She hoped Galron didn't kick or out but maybe he didn't see Nadia as a foe anymore. He did leave her with her when he had caught them. Persephone walked back to the kitchen and looked out a window to see Galron outside. Well here goes. She steps out, wincing at the bright sun in her eyes. "Good morning.." She said with a small smile. "How are your wounds?" She asked while she looked around a bit, wondering if Nadia was around as well. Her stuff was gone when she had noticed while looking in the bedroom. Maybe she went hunting?
Galron turned and smiled at her. He wasn’t going to say anything about what he saw when he walked in on them for two reason. One was it wasn’t his place to say anything about how she lives her life nor with whom she lives that life with. He just cared about her being happy and if she was happy with that then he was happy with that. Which brings him to the second reason it put a warmth in his gut seeing them together and that was a problem that he had to deal with without her knowing about it. He wasn’t shocked about it at all many times he had to retrieve the king between two women, but that was a little different than watching Persephone being fondled by another woman.

He shook the thought out of his mind for she was approaching him and he didn’t need to have a moment of excitement with her being so close. “Good Morning Persephone.” he was almost going to give her the royal title but figured she wanted to get away from that. “My wounds are better, just a little sore.” His hand touching his shoulder. “I will just have to work out the stiffness.” He smiled at her but then felt like he had to apologize her for what he did. He looked down at the ground shaking his head. The images of them came crashing through now that he was looking at her and catching himself looking down at her breasts for he got a good look at them. As he fear he could feel his cock swell and rise to the excitement that his mind was fueling the moment with the images of last night. He knew she could see his arousal and the way he was looking at her. Like the wolf looks a the lamb…

He took a deep breath. “When your friend wakes up, We need to talk about were to get the help you need with that ability of yours. I already know she isn’t here to kill you or harm you in anyway, so her help in protecting you will make things go easier around here. But I still want to know what drove her here if it wasn’t fame or gold. “So would you wake her and I will make Breakfast for all of us.”
Persephone felt a huge weight being lifted off of her shoulder when he had assured her that her wounds were fine. She was scared to death yesterday. All he had done was stuffed the wounds with parts of the bed, she felt as if that wasn't exactly safe. He could've gotten an infection with such sloppy work and to top it all off he went straight to sleep, just like that. He could have never woken up. Persephone took a deep sigh and smiled. Now wasn't the time to think about such a depressing thing. He was fine and well and that's all that matter right now, along with the fact that Nadia had disappeared this morning. She didn't seem to be outside with Galron. "They're sore and stiff because you went straight to sleep after stuffing them." She teased with a light laugh, that laugh soon falling silent when she caught Galrons stare. He was starring at her like she was the only piece of meat left at the market. It was sort of like the same look Nadia had given her the other night. What with with everyone and these embarrassing stares! Under his eyes she felt naked and resisted the urge to fold her hands over her chest. Persephone's gaze lowered at Galrons questionable body language and she had to hold back her blushing cheeks once she found the movements going on down below. "Oh my.." She found herself mumbling as she looked away for a second. Was there something in the air? There was so much sexual tension in this cottage she swore it was hexed. Persephone never though Galron could get a kick out of her. She always thought that in his eyes she was just a princess that he watches over, nothing more, nothing less. At the mention of Nadia Persephone calmed her cheeks and faced him. "Well that is the problem. She is not in her room. I thought she was possibly out here with you but it seems the both of us do not know.." Persephone said, a worry look starting to take form on her soft features. "Her bags were gone as well when I checked. Do you thinks she went hunting? We have to go find her." Persephone insisted. She didn't want to leave Nadia behind, she was a comrade now, her friend.
Galron tried everything to kill the erection but the image of Persephone was more then any man could handle. She was breathtaking beautiful and seeing her naked with …NO.. His mind was trying to do a replay of last night and he couldn’t handle that. But what he did noticed was She seen him looking at her with a hunger, and yet she didn’t turn, she didn’t say anything, and she didn’t cover up. He also seen her look down at his member and quickly looked away. He even thought she was mumbling something when she turned but he couldn’t make it out. He watched her emotions changed when Nadia was spoken and she informed him that all of her stuff was gone. This worried him as well for she could have played the sympathetic cries and had Persephone fooled of her intentions. He had to go out and find her, he couldn’t afford any of the Kings men to find them here. He was in no shape to fight off a bunch of knights that she would lead back to them here. He wanted to question Persephone but knew she trusted Nadia so he would as well. “I will go and find her. I want you to stay in the house and any sigh of trouble get your gear to the wine cellar. He looked at her for the longest moment then he just couldn’t do it anymore. He walked up to her and pulled her to him, he lowered his face down to hers and kissed her deeply. His hands moved around her back and pulled her up to him he wanted to feel those breasts against his chest. He slowly pushed his tongue out over his lips and lightly licked over hers hoping she would open up to him.

He swooped down and picked her up and carried her into the cottage back into his bedroom. He laid her down upon the bed and climbed up over her looking down into her face.. That hunger was back in his face as he lowered himself down to her and kissed her again. He slowly probed her lips hoping that she would let him in. His breathing was rapid as his kissing turned into a passionate frenzy…”I want you..” He whimpered as he began to kiss down her cleavage..
Persephone frowned when he told her that she had to stay here. "Isn't it more dangerous if I stay here alone?" She complained. She didn't want to stay here by herself, she was tired of being left behind, she wanted to do things too beside just sitting there looking pretty. But there was a chance that Nadia might return to the cottage. But she didn't want Galron to go out by himself even though he was fully capable to handle himself. This was just unfair. "Fine." She said reluctantly, trying to hold back the childish pout from forming on her lips. She didn't understand why Nadia would leave. Was it because of last night with Galron walking in on them? She seemed a little embarrassed too. Before Persephone could ponder anymore on Nadia's whereabouts Galron was approaching her. She thought he was going to speak but instead he pressed her against him and kissed her deeply.

What was with everyone! First Nadia and now Galron! Did that mean that he liked her too? Persephone blushed deeply as his coarse tongue poked out and ran across her soft lips. He never really showed any signs that he was attracted to her before. This was sudden. Persephone gasped when he had suddenly picked her up and began to lead her back inside the cottage. "G-Galron?" She stammered with embarrassment as they stepped into his room. She was about to sit up when he laid her down but he had already climbed on top of her. The hunger and lust in his eyes made something stir down below and left Persephone blushing even more. His mouth was back on her's and his tongue was again poking between her lips. She parted her mouth to let his large tongue roam inside, unable to help herself. There she went again, unable to resist the taunting pleasure she was so curious about. She panted softly when he pulled away from the intense kiss, groaning as he began to kiss down her body and down her cleavage. Her hands came up and ran through his black hair encouragingly but when he spoke she stopped for a moment. it reminded her of Nadia. They were getting side tracked! "Galron!" Persephone whimpered as she pushed on his shoulder. "W-We can't do this now. You need to go find Nadia.." She insisted.
Galron’s mind was swirling when Persephone opened up her lips and allowed him to slid into her mouth. He savored the way she tasted. This small act of allowing him to enter her mouth was a green light for him to continue. He kissed her longer for he loved the way her soft lips felt against his, the way their tongues intertwined together put a fire in his loins. He moaned into her mouth before he wanted to explore more of her. He was kissing down her nape and chest when all of a sudden she started to push him off of her, he thought he did something wrong or misunderstood her body language and was about to ask why the change in emotions when the name Nadia came up and she was worried about her.

He instantly stood up and agreed with her. “I’m sorry I was taken up with a desire that I have had for you so many moons now, but that we can talk about that later. He helped her up, Get some food and water packed in our traveling bags, I will get my weapons and some wilderness items that we will need. Make sure you pack a lot of Iron rations they will last longer.” He was quick footed and sharp on the things that were needed. Within a few long minutes he was there at the kitchen ready to go. “Are you ready?” he opened the door for her and they were off.

It wasn’t but a few hours when Galron and Persephone ran into a royal guard force. As they were hiding in the heavy foliage they heard the conversation that was going with the leader of the group. They were talking about a female that was stopped at the outer guard position and that she was carrying enough plant poison that she could have made them all sick for days. The girl was talking about Galron being upset with us holding her and he would come for her, but the girl escaped when the men were bring her back to camp from a black bear attack. They picked her trail up heading northwest toward the outer forest.

The captain was upset for Galron was leading them into the hobgoblins that have moved into the area on that side of the forest. So it was best if they went back south and came around that way. With a recall of his troops they packed up and headed south east.

Galron looked at Persephone with a look of worry. “If she is over there with the hobgoblins, I’m afraid she is …” He didn’t want to say the rest of it. “I think she would have turned south to come back this way to make sure they fell for the deploy and sent the troops the southeast the other way of the cottage. He looked at her.. “we need to head west and hope that we cross her path.. If she is captured Persephone she is in deep trouble.” He helped her up.. Lets go fine her.. Galron fell silent and a worried face was expressed..
Persephone nodded with a deep blush and accepted his help off of the bed. It was best if they discussed it later, other wise they'd get sidetracked again. Right now they had to focus on finding Nadia and Nadia only. She nodded when he told her to pack some things, happy that she would be going with them. "A-Alright." Persephone walked put of the room and packed somethings including the dagger he gave her and her dress. She was going to sell it. Galrons clothes were much too baggy on her, it'd be nice to have her own attire. She met Galron in the kitchen and smiled when he asked if she was ready. "Yes." She agreed before they left the cottage and began to travel.

This is torture. Persephone thought to herself as she followed behind Galron. She has never walked this long in her life and she was wearing the most uncomfortable shoes ever. She hadn't changed out of her heals because she didn't want to walk around barefooted, she could step on a lizard or worse. The thought made Persephone cringe. Suddenly they had ran into some royal guards. Persephone quickly followed behind Galron and hid under a large bush. They listened in on their conversation and by what she could tell they were talking about Nadia, she was carrying a lot of poison with her. She had fallen in a bear trap? Persephone frowned. She hoped she wasn't hurt.

Persephone stayed silent as they began to leave the site. She didn't speak until Galron had spoke. "Please do not say that. She is alive." Persephone said looking away from Galron, not wanting to look into his worried eyes. They were making her worried too. She took his hand when he helped her up and sighed. "She wont get into danger. We will find her before then." Persephone assured softly, trying to beleive it herself. She will be fine. Persephone sighed deeply and pulled at a strand of her hair. "We need to find some coal. I fear my hair will be too noticeably if I am seen." She said inspecting her her silvery white hair. It was a rare thing to see such kind of hair. She'd stick out like a sore thumb.
Galron pulled his dagger out and look at her hair. “ It will be easier if it was short.” He arched his brow as “You had a choice, you could have stayed back at the cottage.” He was trying so hard not to smile but lost that battle as his lips formed a big smile. “You or Me?” he asked, they had to get it done before moving deeper into the west. “Hobgoblins and goblins have excellent night vision and they will see this long hair to easy.” He only resorted to this over the coal for he had no idea where out here some could be found and they needed that hair dealt with before moving into the new goblin territory.

“I will scout ahead, there is a small mirror in my traveling bag.” Galron advised “Stay here.” He moved into the bush. He stopped and looked back toward her. He was worried about Nadia, which made him worried about Persephone how would she take it if Nadia was dead?” he didn’t want to know that answer. He had to find her fast but out here that’s not as easily done as it is said. The only good thing is that Hobgoblins make big bonfires in their camps so one can see them at night, however, they are experts at moving stealthily in the darkness making them excellent assassins.

It was about an hour before Galron got back and his mood was soured. He didn’t say much as he walked over to the traveling bad and pulled out a bottle and took a swig of it. He looked over at her and just shook his head. We need to get moving, we will have to pick up pace so you need to keep up.” he stopped and looked at her.. “If you want to go back to the cottage it’s straight that way. She might be there wondering where we are and come back looking for us.. And we will be doing this all week. So why don’t you go back. It is save for now the Kings men will take weeks to get around the far side of the forest. I just can move faster and worry less if you wasn’t with me. Trust me like you always have Persephone, I will find her or die trying. I see her as if she was royalty because for the feelings you have for her, So let me do my job M’lady.”

He just didn’t want her to see Nadia on a cooking pole roasting over a flame if they have her that is where she will be. They don’t take prisoners they eat them. “Please go back and wait just incase she goes to the cottage. “ He pointed to the high treetop “You see that tree in the distance there That is our tree in the back yard.. Keep going straight for it and you will end up in the backyard..” He looked for a nod of her understanding.
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