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Searching for a RP Parter

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Oct 31, 2015
Hi lovelies. I'm brand new to this site and figured this might be the best way to find my forever rp partner :D (or at least my for the next long while partner).
Currently my rp life is a bit dull. I can't seem to find anyone new that I can click with. Don't get me wrong, I have a couple favorite people on another site that I love (but they are super busy as of late) so it is possible for me to find someone. I just know it. :(

I'll start off with the basics and if I need to elaborate, just ask.

I am looking for a female partner behind the screen. Sorry guys, I'm used to rp'ing with girls and not really looking to expand in that area.

:) I can be very detailed or I can post one liners. I give what I get. It's so frustrating to put a lot of thought into a character or situation and get one sentence in return.

:heart: I am definitely more comfortable playing the female role. That does not, however, mean that I won't play a male, I just highly prefer not to. So that better be a dang good storyline for me to attempt to bust out a male persona.

I don't sleep much at night. So that means I'll be able to respond multiple times if you do. Yay.
-To expand on responding, I usually have a pretty quick response time as long as I'm online.
-If something comes up to where I won't be able to be on for a while, I will let you know.

:huh: Those plot bunnies tend to evade me. I'm used to free range role plays where the general idea/direction/setting is decided and things go from there.
However, if you have a plot that we agree upon, I can work it. I'm just much better at making things happen inside the RP than I am at coming up with the frame work of it.

I very much enjoy having a little romance thrown in to the rp's I'm in. That being said though, unless the characters have history already, I prefer to build up the relationship and romance. (My chars are 98% not likely to instantly fall in love. You gotta work for that ;).)
-I love relationship drama. YC is upset and angry bc MC cheated on them to save their life but they don't know that? Bring it on.

I'm not a grammar nazi, but I'm not all about spending 10 minutes trying to decipher what the hell was said.
-Use real words. This not Dis. They not Dey. You not U.
That crap drives me nuts.

Genres. I love supernatural and paranormal. I can usually get into fantasy and I like some slice of life scenarios. Lately I've been into suspense; something a little psychotic and thrilling. Maybe even horror. (All mixed with a bit of romance, of course.)

There's probably more, but who wants to read all of that in one sitting? If you think you are the peanut butter to my rp jelly, then please by all means get in touch with me. :blush:[/font]
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