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Fate Entangled Us ~Kuzisan and Fuuchan~

Karena nodded. "All right."" she muttered. She didn't know about Henry, but at least he was letting them stay with him and really he didn't have to. Her face softened for the first time she had come. "Thank you." she muttered not used to saying the words that much because she had never felt grateful because her parents did not care enough.
OOC Wow it did not even post! :(

Karena nodded. "Thank you." they were words she had never really said unless someone deserved it and since her parents didn't care she had never said them. Her features softened for a second.
OOC: I think it double posted Kuzi-san, but that is okay! I am gonna start Sayoko's family encounter now.

Levi had his big sloed eyes watching Karena, he had wanted to thank the man and was relieved someone went before him, he clasped his hands together fingers knotting into each other, "Yes thank you so much." His voice rang in gratitude. Henry just nodded modest and touched even if it should be expected not many kids had manners anymore,

"It's the least I can do, just remember very well the rule." His kind tone slightly warning again. It had been nine long hours almost ten now and a light knock was sounded on the door. Henry was up and answering wanting to protect these kids from everything, they were seen as villains and the verdict still stood. Sayo's eyes had trained on the door as if he could sense who was behind the door and the way he pushed back his chair and got to his feet, it seemed he felt no real threat. But the look in those gold orbs was conflicting.

A gangle of voices was heard though the half open door many young and wanting. Henry stepped aside just as Levi moved from his seat over to the empty seat of the love sofa next to Karena just feeling he needed too. A tall male around 6 foot 3 stepped in and the door was shut by his hand on the rest of the voices. Henry moved away as well and the tiger neko stood staring at his younger brother. It was easy to tell that Sayoko was related to him.

"Kyo-onii..." A thin unsure smile touched Sayoko's lips, yet it was not returned just silence. Before he did speak voice quiet yet seemed almost dead in speech.

"We must go. Sayoko. The littles ones are tired. I won't be bringing them back tomorrow. It's all to much on them. A negative impact. So it is best you say your goodbyes." The last word implied that Kyo was among the ones who thought his brother guilty. Sayoko seemed to take it in not looking to his brother or anyone in the room. Then his head snapped up with purpose and he strides to his brother with that same purpose,

"I understand. But. Kyo." Hands gripped the mans biceps in a pleading way, "I am innocent. This time, I am!" Eye contact was never broken. Kyo's stone mask faltered slightly,

"I tried my best, to keep, all of you from ending up like them." This last word was almost spit out. Sayoko nodded and moved his grip into a light hug to his brother's rigid frame,

"I know.....this time, I'm innocent." Kyo did not hug back but did not push his brother away either. Oh how he wanted to believe, how he tired to believe his misfit brother and how he hated, despised his parents.

"Shall I bring you anything?" His voice was husky emotion brimming cracking under the surface. Sayoko pulled away and grinned explaining of Henry's generosity which Kyo turned and bowed to him for which made the modest Henry blush stammering it was okay. "I will let Hoshi and the littles say goodbye." He turned to leave, straightening his face.

"Oh and my hat, bring that...please, onii-san. It's lucky." Kyo did not turn around but gave a nod that he heard the walked out ready to let the other siblings in.

They would need all the luck they could possibly get.

OOC: I hope that is enough for you to respond to Kuzi-san! ^^.
OOC yeah I saw that it had double posted.

Karena looked to the door too. She wondered if this was how it was going to be when dealing with their family. She saw Sayoko's eyes go to the door like he knew who was there and she groaned inwardly.

Hoshi stood waiting with everyone else. He wondered what Kyo was saying. He thought about Sayoko and whether he had committed the crime. It didn't seem like him. They were twins so he thought he knew his twin, but maybe.... No wait this was Sayoko here! But even if he believed that doesn't mean the judge or the jury will. He looked down at the young ones. Dealing with this was hard for them he knew and now he just wanted to see his brother.

OOC Sorry if it's not what you would see Hoshi as :)
Kyo came out of the door and his face straightened he looked down at all his younger siblings, his responsibility thanks to his parents mistakes. But he did not find them a burden no, he loved them dearly, “It is time to go in to see Sayoko, now remember your manners.” Haru nodded being nine she understood that others were in the room as well. She looked to her younger sisters both of them twins as well. Mui and Rui had their hair up in pretty bows and looked between excited, cranky and confused they were only seven and did not understand what was happening. Haru was unsure she understood all the way. She just knew her big brother Sayo was in huge, huge trouble. It made tears spring in her eyes and she hugged her littlest brother Sora close to her. The littlest brother only two was fast asleep in her hold.

Kyo let the girls with Sora go in first and regraded Hoshi with pity. To be separated from a twin, he could only imagine how hard that was. Two small tiger soft brown haired girls ran squealing eagerly to Sayoko who grinned, dropped to his knees, and took the twins into his arms. The two little girls wriggled happily in his arms,

“Sayo-kun! Sayo-kun! We love you and goodnight!” They chimed together pressing kisses to each side of his cheek at the same time before scampering back out. Sayoko chuckled slightly bitterly, they were too young to understand their goodnight may stretch for so, so many nights without him. His gold eyes turned to Haru approaching and he took the sleeping toddler in his arms and gave him a nuzzle and the little toddler did purr and snuggle against him even in his sleep.

“Goodbye, my sweet Sora.” Haru’s ears perked up and she looked troubled,

“Goodbye? But….Sayo-san you are innocent….you would never do something so wicked.” Her golden orbs looked so fragile that Sayoko laughed and reached out drawing her near,

“Of course not, I----- … I must have misspoke. It has been a long day.” Haru throw her arms around his neck hanging tightly for a moment,

“Okay….okay Sayo-kun but please don’t leave us! We need you and Hoshi-kun needs you and please come home!” Tears wet her cheeks as she planted a soft kiss on Sayoko’s face before taking back Sora gently and hurrying from the room. Sayoko had gritted his teeth against the emotions rising in him baying them away.

Sayoko got off his knees to look to his twin. His other half. The one that knew him so well. While Sayoko was basically self-destructive chaos. Hoshi was a peaceful soul that strived to keep things glued together. They were both sensitive, but Sayoko caged his way, but Hoshi wore it on his sleeve. They balanced each other’s negative qualities and enhanced their positive qualities. They were two sides of the same coin yet joined together at the hip. They could have conversations alone just by looking into each other’s eyes.

Sayoko looked into those mirrored colored eyes now. And saw doubt. He felt sick. His legs trembled. His hands shook as he balled them into fist then let them unclench.

He walked forward until his forehead was lightly pressed against his twin’s. It was the only body part touching. Gold looked into gold, one pair of gold had tears welling in them lightly,

“Please, Shi, please. Of all the people, please take the doubt from your eyes. Look into mine and know the truth.”

His hands now grip his twin lightly it was as if the contact of their skin was singing, pleaing with Hoshi to be the one that had the upmost confidence in him. Sayoko knew he did idiotic things and Hoshi never hesitated to scold him about that always trying to coax him in a more calm down way but Sayoko lived for the unpredictable yet he would hold his twin tightly in the night and whisper his fears, his insecurities. And Hoshi would hold him even tighter in comfort chasing his fears away with soothing words. But could words be soothing enough now?

Levi watched it all his eyes creasing in sadness for the tiger convicted along with him and Karena. All he saw was laugher and jokes from the boy since they got thrown in jail, but seeing him like this. That meant there was another side to Sayoko. Levi peered at Karena wondering what she was feeling about all this. Henry was quietly busying himself with work but his expression was excessively empathetic.

OOC: Did I explain Hoshi’s personality well enough, Kuziya-san?  It is good to see you again! Tackle hug You have been missed! Also Sayoko and Hoshi names together means Evening Star. Sayo plays his harmonica sometimes and Hoshi will sing to the tune. But Hoshi only does this with his family not in public though sometimes he sings to himself without realizing.
Hoshi couldn't help it he wrapped his arms around his twin. "Sayo I do believe you are ennocent." now tears came and matched his twins. He pressed harder. "You would never do anything this bad I know you Sayo!" he sobbed harder his arms pulling him close. He didn't want to leave his twin ever.

Karena sighed she looked away. She couldn't watch this anymore. How life could be so cruel was beyond her. Yet here it was ripping both twins apart. She glared at the wall. "Life sucks!" she hissed.

OOC * hugs you tightly* you described him perfectly. Oh boy we're getting emotional now. *wipes tears from eyes*
Sayo did not deny his twin as he held him closely tightly, they were always so close just like when they were in their mothers womb. Sayoko baded his welled tears away, he let Hoshi cry for the both of them. "I knew you would, I knew it." His voice still caught and trembled even if he did not cry. The embrace continued between the two.

Levi looked to Karena as she hissed her outrage. he could only give a rather numb slow nod but in those Maple eyes he did agree it was there. He ached to think of his parents, his teachers, his could, how would he fair with them? Not well, he knew.

Sayo pulled back lightly to cuff his hand to his twins face, "Hoshi-kun, continue to take care of our little ones and help Kyo like you do." he was the big brother that helped the most expect Kyo. Sayoko did help but he usually ended up winding his siblings up then calming them down, "You must promise me! You must swear on my life you will do as you do now even if I go." His eyes demanded it, plead it, begged it, needed the promise, "They will need you more then ever." His chin then rested on his twins shoulder, arms rewrapped along his back, "Sing to them....and don't let them forget me....Sora-kun is so little show him pictures explain you had a double once." Came the whispers in Hoshi's eardrum.

OOC: *Snuggles back* I am happy I got it well enough! *Gives you so tissue and uses some* I am so mean lol twins being taken apart. Little ones losing a brother!
Hoshi nodded. "I-I won't let them forget Sayo promise!" he never wanted to let go just to hold his twin close and never let him go. After a bit he pulled back "I will sing and read to them I promise. They won't forget and neither will I."

Karena's eyes dropped to the floor now and she didn't look up not wanting to disturb there moments. She wondered if her nannie would come then shuddered no please you shouldn't see me like this. Came her savage thought.

OOC *wipes eyes again* It's going o get worse from here, but we just need to hang on.
Sayo nodded weakly and with great reluctance and self-force let go of Hoshi and backed up away from him. He turned the boy around by the shoulders giving him a gentle shove forward, "Go on Hoshi.....go on and go home." His breath failed after that.

OOC: I am going to take Hoshi for this scene for a moment.

Hoshi breath choked as he barely nodded tears still shinning in his eyes, "They will see reason! Will see truth! For you! For all of you!" his eyes blazed with a rare intensity as they went to Levi then Karena, "I know you don't know me but I've seen you at school Levi-san, you are wonderful at art, the background you painted for the western play was astounding." Levi looked shocked with stunned eyes. He was not very well known at all so he was surprised to even be recoginzed for that. Hoshi then turned eye on Karena, "I've seen all the programs you've come out with in that special tech school you gone to the awards you've won for making everyday life more easier and accessible." He smiled even if his lips trembled, "They will see the truth they must." With one final look, he rushed out the door to his family leaving one member behind.

Sayoko stared at the spot were his twin stood. With an agonized growl Sayoko punched the nearest wall. One time, two times, three times then four, a five. Henry grabbed the reared back arm restraining it. Sayoko failed trying to get his arm free,

"Lemme go!"

"Sayoko I won't have you breaking your hand!"

"Just one more time! There are six of them, let go! Just once more!!!"

Henry blinked, six? He did a quick count. Oh. One for each of his siblings. With a heavy sigh, Henry nodded but did not let the arm go. "Okay, but with you other arm not this one anymore." With fustrating noises, Sayoko slammed his other fist into the wall then yanked away from Henry and isolated himself away from everyone.

OOC: I hope you don't mind the quick borrow, but I did not know to explain it to you for you to write it. As for the jusdge and final sentence for the three, I was hoping you would come up with it. And yes, no death for them.
Karena blinked all she could do was stare at Hoshi. How had she known about her programming? She looked down and heard slamming. She winced every time the fist hit the wall. Finally she sighed.

OOC It's cool I probably wouldn't have written it well. Sentance fuu-chan? I'm confused sorry.
Levi was no different flinching each time bone and flesh met hard wall. Silence glossed over more gloomier then before. Only a half hour passed before the baylift told Henry they were ajurned for the night. Henry asked if they had to be back tomorrow to wait around? The man said they would have to be. Henry sighed motioning the three up, "Well, we can have a decent sleep and a hearty breakfast." Henry was trying, he really was, "Lets go to my car, stick close and remember you have rights, you don't have to speak to anyone." He warned not knowing if parents or news reporters would be outside or in the courthouse.

OOC: Yes, the judges final sentence of finding them guilty. How many years? Life? Any chance of bail?

OOC: Can you decide if parents or news reporters will be waiting? Then we can each play them.

Last 00C: Did you see my pm? Kuziya-san? Having trouble with my email account so i had to do a pm.

Also welcome back! *gives a smothering hug*
OOC Maybe Karena's mom and nannie can be there and anything else you want

Karena stood and walked out of the room. She thought that hopefully her mother wouldn't speak to her and just ignore her. She hoped, but it wasn't meant o be.

As she stepped out into the air she saw the woman and her dear nannie standing there. She glanced around wanting to run, but she stepped over to them.
Ellen's tail was flicking, people were trying to interview her about her daughter. She wouldn't respond refused to say anything negative but also positive. Her rigid stance and death glare warded off all the reporters as her daughter came closer but the leeches of the media swarmed the two boys and that lawyer, but she only saw that out of the corners of her eyes. As her focus was on her daughter. Even if she was inches shorter her complex always made her seem to tower, she just stared and stared hard, lips would not move as her eyes held all her anger, disgust with the situation and even her daughter.

The family name was soiled, a different country was the only way to ever escape the disgrace, embarrassment, the shame. Then the woman felt saddness even a dose of pain. Her Karena was so bright, she already did so much inventing programs and apps to help make things more acessible for everyone. She did it for her uncle who could never walk and cousin who was losing her sight. Oh, her dsughter did not socalize well but through her genuis she showed her compassion.

And her daughter often screamed her morher knew nothing about her, oh she knew she was just socially inept as her daughter even more so. Her eyes filled again with hot anger, how dare she be so foolish? Reckless? And rob the world of her intelligence? Her arm rose up, hand angled to delivered a slap......

OOC: How was this? Did I get the mom right? I left it open for Karena to do something or her Nanny too.
OOC let's maybe have it happen

Karena felt the slap and she jerked back hissing. "Oh great here we go blaming me for everything huh?" she hissed angry. Her eyes flickered to her Nanie and she s-tepped over hugging her. "I love you."

Matty the nanie stroked Karena's face. "I know Kar you didn't do this. You would never do something so wicked like that." Karena nodded then glared at her mother. "See Matty believes me, but your so wrapped up in the ""Precious family name" that you don't care about me!" she had started to yell her voice filling with emotion as she forced herself not to cry.

OOC Yeah perfect!
Ellen look at the two embrace, say those three words to each other, her eyes were cold, face unreadable, she stepped foward but hands down to her sides this time, "You imply I am selfish yet YOU only think of yourself! What can happen to you, not your father who cant sleep or eat or Any of the family suffering!" She hissed through grinding teeth. With jealousy, she turned spiteful words slamming to Matty, "Since I am sure we will no longer have a daughter at home. You services are no longer needed you have twenty-four hours to get your things in order." Ellen cared not if Matty had nowhere else to stay or go. She was as usual, wrapped up in herself. "Goodbye." The lady from Spain turned and marched off just as Henry approach,

"Karena, I am so sorry-" Henry turned to Matty letting her know of his plans and asking if possible to bring clothing and whatever else Karena wanted from home.

Levi looked mortified and sick with sympathy for the cougar. Sayoko was glaring as Ellen got further away the golden tiger suddenly busted out,

"Bitch! You should never DO that!" No matter how infuriatied he made Kyo or even his jail-bird parents, he had never been struck in that manner. It was wrong!
Karena glared. "Oh soo sorry." she said glaring. "I thought you did that enough." after the news her eyes welled up. "No!" she yelled rushing to Matty her eyes overflowing tears streaming down her cheeks. "Self rigous bitch!" she screamed.

Matty stood horrified. She had nowhere to go and she now couldn't have found anything not in enough time. She wrapped her arms around the girl she loved so much and felt her own tears come. Everything Karena had said about her mother was true. She looked down and nodded. "I-I will." she managed to choke out.

Replacing her sadness came anger. Thoughts blasted through her mind about hacking into her mother's computer and spreading a virus so thoroughly that she couldn't use it again. If she was accused of hacking why not do it for real?

OOC uh-oh Karena is going crazy.
Henry looked at the poor woman who just got unmerclessly sacked. He would just not let that happen, were could she go for the night? Placing a hand on Sayoko's shoulder, he steered the still funing tiger boy towards his car and Levi too. Before getting out a notepad and writing quickly but neatly,

"Ms.?" He addressed the nanny not knowing her last or first name. "Once you gather your things and what Karena wishes, bring them to this address, I have room for someone so important to one of my clients and for someone in need." He gave the nanny and Karena a warm smile but it was tired,

"Come, Karena, you will see your nanny soon."

OOC: Henry is a good man huh?
OOC yeah he's awesome! To allow someone he only knows that is Karena's nannie and dearest friend into his house.

Karena was reluctant to leave, but Matty kissed her on the cheek. "Go love I will be right behind you after you when I have packed the things you need and desire and mine as well." she pushed her gently forward. :"Go on. Oh And Karena I love you be safe." After those words she turned and headed to her own beat up car.

Karena watched her go before walking over and getting into the car wiping her eyes and closing the door. "Thank-thank you Henry." she whispered.
Henry knew he did the right thing as he witnessed the tender exchange between the two females. It seemed that Sayoko had claimed shot gun and Levi sat looking lost and a bit uncomfortable in the backseat, he watched Karena join him then look curiously at Henry when the neko-cougar thanked him.

Henry smiled at the girl, "No thanks needed, honest."

"For what?" Came Sayo's question.

"Karena's nanny will be staying with us as well." The man informed. Sayoko raised an eyebrow then gave a lewd smirk,

"Ohhh, I see! You will be getting your thanks another way, eh?" Henry glanced at the boy as he drove really hoping Sayoko was not implying he wanted sex from the nanny. Levi looked confused to naive to understand.

OOC: Sayoko is a naughty thing sometimes~ but its not ALL his fault.
Karena glared. "Excuse me!" she hissed leaning forward her nails digging into the back of the seat. "No one will touch my nannie. I know you weren't thinking of it Henri, but Sayoko was." she was angry again with good reason. "Got it!" she almostrt growled.

Matty went home and headed toward her room and Karena's. She gathered her things carefully folding the clothes and placing them in a suitcase. When everything Karena had wanted was packed she went to her room and now with tears began to pack. It wasn't because she would miss Karen's mother or the house, but the memories. Of chasing Karena ran through the house and Matty followed both of them laughing. Of helping the girl when she grew older. Of covering for Karena when she decided that she would sneak out. More tears fell down her cheeks as she zipped up the case. Then she picked both cases and unwillingly called "Goodbye!" that one word held all the emotions. She knew the woman was Jealous. She knew because Karena loved her and not her own mother, though Matty had tried to get the stuborn girl to at least speak to her more than was absolutely neccessary.

OOC sigh all the memories also Sayoko should be careful with his words :)
OOC: Aww poor Matty! And yes he sure should his mouth gets him in trouble. he talks the talk a lot and Hoshi ususally has to sooth out those messes!

Before Matty made it completely out the door, a man looking spaced stood in the foyer still cladded in his business suit. His ears twitched and head turn as Matty came down the steps.His eyes were clouded and distant but somehow he noticed her or more so the suitcases,

"Let me help...." His voice slow as if his brain was untangling each word. Moving, he gripped the cases from the nanny walking out to her car. He was always a gentleman but that did not make a father. He tried though more then his wife since she stopped from jealousy long ago. He placed them in the trunk, then shut it with little force but it stayed shut. He stared at the hood,

"I'm see you go." Without another word, he shuffled away almost like an old man even if he was still quite youthful.

Sayoko turned around as much as his seat belt would let him to throw his hands up in a gesture of innocence, "Hey, hey, chilllax lightening eyes.....I get it geez." The tiger turned back in his seat to see a nice house Henry was pulling into. It looked pretty taken care of yet modest for a laywer. The inside was the same. Henry set down his things after showing them in,

"I have three bedrooms. Well two as one is an office but I am sure we will manage." He gave his smile then went to make himself coffee telling the three to make themselves at home. Sayo flopped himself on the couch kicking off his shoes. Levi looked unsure then sat on the very edge of the seat moving his head to look around a bit.

OOC: Do you think I did her dad okay?
OOc yeah :)

Matty sighed. She wouldn't miss the dad that wasn't ever around or more didn't care. She doubted that he was sad, but she jumped into the car and sped off.
"You better!" she growled yanking her fingers from the seat. When she came in she looked around then took a chair her eyes taking in the living room. She wanted to sleep with her nannie to cuddle with her and pretend that everything was all right, but no nothing was or will be ever again.
OOC: *Squeals and tackle hugs* you have been missssssed!

Henry came back into the living room and looked out for matty's car offering the three drinks which Levi declined but Sayoko accepted. "You and your Nanny can have the spare bedroom," He adressed Karena kindly, "There are fresh sheets on there. Boys, you can have the sleeper sofa....If that is alright to share....if not I can try to think of something else. its pretty big." Sayo made a pff noise,

"It is fine by me, slept in the same bed with Hoshi my whole life." Levi looked a little unsure. His life sytle was different. His doggy tail had curled to his waist and his ears were half down flinching gently. Henry opened his mouth to tell him if he wsas uncomfortable, but the tiger-neko inturrupt looking at Levi as if he was making a big deal out of nothing,

"Grow up, pup! geez I am not going to bite." Levi's ears fully drooped at that criticism. trying to not cry, he nodded. Mumbling it would be fine.

Henry, not pleased, opened his mouth to scold but heard a car and went to open the door to look out to see If it was Matty's car.

OOC: I hope its okay if its Matty car he hears during my post? I'm so sorry if not! Not trying to godmod
OOC lol I missed you too! Gives huge hug in return.

Karena looked between both boys. She considered Sayoko mean for saying those words, but didn't say anything about it. She too heard the car and jumped out standing with henry as she saw Matty get out. She ran from the door. "I'll help." she said stopping beside the woman.

Matty smiled and nodded popping the trunk. "Thanks love." she said smiling. She looked at Henry "do you mind helping me too?"

OOC no you didn't godmod don't worry.
Henry was already coming down the steps to help when the nanny asked, "Yes of course." He grabbed two things then started back talking still, "We can put these in the guest room I will show you," Henry was now thinking how was he to open the door when everyone had hands and arms full of things? He should have thought of hat before but no need to worry since the door was being held open by Levi.

"Ah. Thank you Levi." Henry gave the by an approving appreciating smile. The curly Afro headed boy gave Matty a shy and respectful smile when she passed,

"N-nice to meet you ma'am." His parents raised him up to be very respectable young man. Sayoko on the other hand just gave Matty an up and down look before smirking to himself and casting his golden pools back to the ceiling. He was internally yearning for his twin, Hoshi, bring him up a few minutes ago had made him ache, but he would never reveal that on the outside so he covered it up with humor even if the humor was only for himself.
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