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Extremely Lit (also humble) Female On The Prowl [F/F or F/M]

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Feb 8, 2015
Alright, I’ve done a few of these request threads by now so I feel like my entire introduction and rules sections are old hat, but just in case you’re unfamiliar, please click the Spoiler link below. If you’ve played with me before, or have been hovering around my requests, reading them and thinking:

“You know… she seems like a pretty good gal, decent writer and has the capability of playing an independent, free-thinking lady-character, but I just don’t know if she has the time…”

- MESSAGE ME! For the love of all that is holy, please message me and lets develop something magical together.

My name is Mercury, and I am a 27 year old female living in the pacific northwest. My age, gender and time-zone doesn’t bother me, and I would hope it doesn’t bother you. Your own demographics certainly won’t bother me. I have been participating in online writing since I was twelve; evolving from DBZ fan fic two-liners in free chat rooms (the gateway drug of RP), to random cluster-fucks of storytelling and character submission in Chathouse and Chatalot before finally finding the perfect fit of focused, one-on-one storytelling through emails and message boards. I have come a long way from two-liners, and now write anywhere between 4 paragraphs to 4 pages depending on the style of my partner.

That being said, over time I have discovered exactly what it takes from a partner to keep my interest:

|Absolutelies & Absolutely Nots|
1. A thorough understanding of English spelling and grammar is absolutely necessary, although I don’t ask for perfect punctuation (I definitely don’t follow strict punctuation rules) but a basic understanding is nice. There are few things that throw me out of “the zone” more than a gross misspelling, or misuse of you’re, your, there, their, and they’re. I understand that typos happen, they live in my keyboard, too, those bastards, but proper maintenance and diligence helps keep the little monsters at bay.

2. Please be a descriptive and/or expressive writer. Tell me what your character is seeing, feeling, thinking… What do they look like? What are the social cues your character is consciously or subconsciously delivering? What are they wearing? Holding? What are they noticing about my character? The other characters around?

3. Have flaws. A character is a character when they are a well-rounded, with perks and faults and everything in-between. No one wants someone that is perfect all the time - at least not for long. I want to play opposite someone who has layers to their character. The deeper our character’s relationships get, the more our characters are revealed. Characters need something that drives them toward whatever end in our story. What is motivating your character? Is it my character, or is MC just a tool for YC to get what they want?

4. Be patient. My real life takes complete precedence over all else. What I do for work requires long hours and is very stressful, and emotionally and mentally exhausting, and I have a partner in my life that I love to spend my time with. I will always try to get back to you within the week, unless I warn you of a particularly straining schedule ahead of time. I ask you to extend me the same respect. I’m not a helicopter partner and I will not be poking and prodding you every other day to see what’s going on. That being said, if it takes you longer than a week and I haven’t heard from you, I’m going to check in and see what is going on.

5. I love a great sex scene like anyone else, and have my own kinks I like to explore, but I don’t like pointless sex. There needs to be a reason our characters are fucking each other - whether that’s because one of them paid for it, they’ve fallen in-love, or they’re on a drunken one night stand that might turn into something more. The possibilities are endless, but not mindless. I do have an open-mind when it comes to kink and fetish, but there are some things (group sex comes to mind) that need to have a reason behind it happening. My character wouldn’t just waltz into a bar, take off her clothes and let any wo/man have her.

6. I absolutely will NOT RP any of the following: incest, snuff, anything bathroom related, extreme non-con (some rape scenes may be used as ways to build plots - and honestly I do love the added drama in a dark story - but if you’re looking for consistent non-con type stuff, go somewhere else).

7. I prefer to use pictures for my characters but I do not require them, and appreciate a really good character description in lieu of a picture, but I absolutely cannot stand drawn or anime-based character references. I can’t put my finger on it, as I grew up watching many animes (DBZ fan fic, remember?) but something about it just turns me off now. I can’t get past it and I lose my drive to play.

8. I only write over email.

Still here? Excellent. Now let’s see if my story idea catches your interest.

| Craving |

Modern day tragic romance. Our characters are meant for each other, but circumstance after circumstance keeps them apart. Either the relationship itself is toxic, or the timing is always wrong, or something. SOMETHING that keeps them apart. I want them to struggle knowing that they are both the worst, and the best thing for each other.

Think Hancock where they're soulmates, but being together means they're human and weak - but more as just an emotional guideline. I don't actually want to play a Hancock-themed fandom. It's just the best analogy/example I could think of.

| The Plots |

1. I would love it if one character "returns" to the other after the other character has moved on. They are married or engaged, happy and living their lives moving forward when this blast from the past returns and just messes everything up.

Even better, I would love to have a child involved. A product of their past relationship that MC never told YC about. YC returns to this small town, seeks out MC and is surprised to find her moved on, happy in a home with another man/woman and then there's this ten year old that just looks a little too much like YC to be ignored.

YC being back in town is ruining MC's happy relationship and resurfacing a lot of unresolved drama from before.

2. Another idea I had was a much less likely run in. Our characters went their separate ways long ago. Issues they couldn't resolve finally tearing them apart despite being soulmates. Perhaps one had an addiction to drugs or gambling, or was an alcoholic, or something. Maybe one cheated, or was taken advantage of and the other character left before getting the full story. Either way - something awful split the two of them up that they're both still holding a grudge over.

It's been years, they've both moved on. MC has moved up in her company, is making waves, when the company is sold, or they bring in a new CEO (YC). Now MC is working for yours, and all the old trash from their past starts to resurface - forcing them to face it and their feelings for one another.

| Post Script |

Okay, those are just loose ideas for the sort of themes I'm craving. If you have your own plot that you think I'd be interested in after reading the above, please PM me!

I'm open to any ideas, requests or questions.

RE: Extremely Lit (also humble) Female On The Prowl

RE: Extremely Lit (also humble) Female On The Prowl

I hath returned for one epic, satisfying RP!
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